• Published 2nd Nov 2018
  • 1,981 Views, 56 Comments

Trapped in a World of Light - Jumpitydude

An unknown entity has appeared and turned all life in the universe into spirits. Only one has escaped this mass exodus. Now, it's up to her to save everyone.

  • ...

Vs. Hat Kid 1

Silver landed by the first landmark. A giant metal tower that reaches miles into the sky. There are four arches at the bottom, and the design of the tower makes it easy to see through it. Silver was really wondering what it would look like from higher up. She reared back to take off.

As soon as she did, something wrapped around her neck, yanking her out of the sky.

Her eyes shot wide as she kicked off to the side, barely dodging the thing as it flew past her head. Silver's eyes followed its movements as it moved to where it came from. As it got as close to Silver as it could, she suddenly saw that the "weapon" was a yo-yo. Once she fully turned around, she saw who threw it.

A brown haired girl with a top hat. She was also wearing a cape that looked like it was tied with a zipper. Her eyes were glowing red, just like Yona in that vision Silver saw earlier. In her right hand was a yo-yo.

"Who is that child?" Mipha appeared at Silver's side. "She looks Hylian, but I'm not sure."

"She's not anything I've seen before. I'm guessing this is what you mean by spirits helping that thing?"

"Yes. They round up the spirits that are floating around and take them back to that thing. I don't know why, though."

"I may have an idea, but I have to take this thing down first." Silver's eyes glowed blue, then she charged forward, bounding out a zigzagging path.

The hat-wearing yo-yo-using assailant stared as Silver got closer and closer. Once Silver was a few yards away, she leaped into the air. The hat kid tossed the yo-yo in Silver's direction, wrapping it around Silver's hoof, then yanked it. Silver's eyes glowed again, and she spread her wings out. As soon as they were within reach of each other, Silver grabbed the kid's cape and brought her to the ground as well.

Mipha warped to Silver's side. "Are you alright?"

"I'll be fine."

The hat kid got to her feet and looked up. Just in time for Silver to kick her in the direction of the tower, causing a large string of blasts to erupt from the ground.

"Wait, when did-"

"She had those set up beforehand." Silver squinted to see through the dust. "I don't know how I know, I just do."

The hat kid stepped through the dust. She may have still been standing, but her cape and hat had signs of turning to dirt.

"You're at the end of your rope, aren't you."

The hat kid glared at Silver, then threw her yo-yo. Silver casually back-clawed it, sending it into a curve that led back into the kid's face. The kid's face cracked, then crumbled into dirt followed by the rest of her body and clothes.

Mipha gasped. "What happened?"

"She wasn't real." Silver started moving towards the remains of the child. "She was a fake, created by that monster."

"That's why she was serving that thing."

"That thing is called Galeem."

Silver and Mipha looked at each other. That wasn't either of them. They both looked behind them. Standing there, surrounded by the same light as Mipha, was a girl in a skintight suit and mask that made her look like a superhero. The suit was red with black spots. The only other thing of note about her was the thing wrapped around her waist.

"A yo-yo? So that thing was using your spirit."

The hero nodded. "My name is... Uh... I'm called Ladybug."

"Ladybug." Mipha stepped towards her fellow spirit. "If I may ask, how did you know its name?"

"Once I was captured, they forced me into a mass of other spirits. While I was trapped there, other thoughts were forced into my head, though I'm not sure why. Now that I'm free, I can sort those thoughts out."

"Do you know why it's doing all of this?"

Ladybug shook her head. "As far as I can tell, it's doing to create an ideal world for itself."

Silver rubbed her chin. "Is there a way to talk it out of this?"

"Not in this situation."

Mipha shook her head around. "You two thought we could talk to that thing?"

The three of them looked at Galeem.

The superhero that regularly fights opponents that are just people suffering from personal problems gave her response first. "Er, uh..."

The hippogriff attending a school about being friends with everything and everyone, regardless of differences, gave her response second. "Well, um..."

The warrior that was enlisted to operate a massive machine against a being of pure darkness and rage placed her face in her hands. "You've got to be kidding me."

The three females stayed in place awkwardly for a few seconds.

"Uh, Ladybug? Are you, uh, Hylian?"

"No, I'm from France."


Ladybug placed her hand on her face. "Right. Other worlds and stuff. I'm a human from a country called France. I frequently have to fight against other humans that are- well, details don't matter right now."

The gears in Silver's head started turning as she pointed at Ladybug. "So, you're a superhero-" She pointed at Mipha. "-you're a trained warrior-" And she pointed at herself. "-and I'm the only one able to fight right now."

"Right! That's important!" Ladybug held out her yo-yo. "I can give you some of my powers if I assist you. This means I can enhance your strength and agility. I don't know if you can or should use my Lucky Charm ability, but you can also use my yo-yo to attack and swing with."

"I don't think she needs mobility. If something happens to her wings, I can just heal them back to normal."

Ladybug looked at Silver and leaned to the side. "That's fair. And if you feel like the powers I give you are too awkward to use, then you just have to use them until you find someone with a power you're more comfortable with."

"Speaking of which, we should get going. We're not going to find any more spirits to release and help us if we just stand here."

The spirits nodded and went into Silver's body. Silver pulled out the yo-yo and threw it around for a bit. Once she got comfortable with using it a bit, she flew off.

The nearby figure in the hoodie watched her fly away. "So she's the one."