• Member Since 27th Nov, 2017
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


Licensed Real Estate Agent & Notary Public. I also really love magical girls.



After delivering some apples to a far away customer, Applejack gets lost on the way home. Stuck dealing with a bunch of troublesome situations and ponies she'd really rather not have to bother with, she just wishes she could find her way home and more than anything to just be able to eat an apple again.

Chapters (76)
Comments ( 330 )

Sounds like she could use a map.
I liked the story, though it's a bit top heavy. And generally you have big, thick paragraphs all the way through. I'd recommend trying to break them when possible. Other than that, though, it's an intriguing set up and I enjoyed the first chapter.

Thank you for your comment, my first one! These first couple chapters are kind of like that because it's just Applejack walking alone to set the scene/atmosphere of the story and she's mainly just thinking or talking to herself, so it stays a little description heavy here without a lot of breaks. As there actually starts to be real dialogue and things happening in the story that will change the make-up of the chapters.

Congrats on your story getting approved. You can still bring it up in conversation.

Having enough of the bleakness behind her she finally decided to get a good look of what lied (lay) ahead. Hoping she’d see a town in the distance or some Equestrian Landmark she recognized. Hay, for all she knew she was just in the Macintosh Hills and she’d just look out there and see Appleloosa. Course Big Mac would probably give her an even harder time if that were the case. But no matter to that, she’d just run down there, meet up with Braeburn and have a nice hoedown with the townsponies. And all the apples she could eat, it’d been a while since she had had one.

If they'd never heard of Ponyville, I'd ask "which way to Canterlot?" :applejackconfused:
It's the capitol, they MUST have heard of that

That's assuming she's still in Equestria. These ponies don't even know what apples are, who knows where she is? She could be going around in circles in the Badlands, or in the Undiscovered West, or accidentally walked through a dimensional portal.

How do you accidently go through a dimensional portal? I suspect Discord.
Still, if that's what happened then she is screwed, blued, & tattooed. (To quote an old saying that never made sense to me)

Always looking for a good Applejack story - think I'll take a read.


The pegasi should have rounded up a few rain clouds to put out the torches. :rainbowdetermined2:

Applejack was the pony of the hour and had to refuse more than a few gifts. She did have quite a fun time dancing and when she saw that one of the townponies had a fiddle ….(and)…. she sawed that thing good. Guards talked up how she single-handedly defeated Sandstone to the children of the town, while a few took the opportunity to brag about their own heroism to any pretty mares they could. Spring and Thunderbolt were passed out drunk on corn whiskey before the clock even hit noon.

Even grumpy looking Hard Head was out celebrating. To Applejack’s surprise he was doing face-paintings for all the young fillies and colts. His artwork ….(was)….surprisingly good and hoof movements nimble and precise.

Finishing up a dance with Cornstalk, after he repeatedly stepped on her hooves, Applejack laid (lay) down in the grass in the park and just looked out at everypony enjoying themselves. It felt good. If there were any apples around she’d cook up some turnovers or her apple brown betty’s. Instead she just yawned and laid (lay) back, tipping her hat over her face for some shade.

Is it me or have you been watching One Punch Man anime :rainbowlaugh:

Well I have seen OPM but no :raritywink:. It is funny you mention something like that though cause there's something coming up very soon in the story that is kind of unintentionally inspired by a certain anime. I'll be going into more detail on that later.

In general I love magical girls more than anything though.

Sweating up almost enough to fill her canteen, Applejack decided to sit down for a second. Sand was getting in her tail but it was nothing a good shake or two wouldn’t get out. And thank Celestia she had her hat, the shade and cover for her head made all the difference. Chomping down the rest of her carrot Applejack checked out a large cactus to her right, pink flower blooming on the top of it. She was pretty sure cacti had some juice or water in them but she didn’t have a knife or anything to get it out.

& in other places that you can't mention & still keep an "E" rating. :applecry:

“And we,” Quartz spread his hoof out wide, gesturing to the other three as they walked up to stand beside him. “Are the last disciples of the Hoof of the Earth fighting art.”


Sounds like Pinkie's relatives.

“Oh! I almost forgot!” She exclaimed and walked up to one of the guards, who was a little bit perplexed at her actions. “Pardon me for asking but I know you were big on farming in Valley Town right? And your captain, Thistle, said that you (your) fruit orchards were right down this road, right?”

Am I correct in assuming that this story will be really, really long?

No no, this is hardly a story like that :twilightsmile:. 76 chapters and somewhere between 150-200k words. I'm still writing the last dozen or so chapters so I'm not completely sure on the word count. While I was writing it I realized I easily could've made it a super long story like some of the big adventure fics on this site, but I wanted to make something more relaxed and easier to get into. This isn't a huge epic adventure with a huge overarching story. I wanted it to be easy entertainment, hence the more comedic tone as well and the somewhat anti-climactic nature of these fights.

“Oh yes, Pepper’s a great catch. My soon to be daughter-in-law. And with that our town’s (no apostrophe) will truly become one, just like they should have been from the beginning.” He winked at Applejack.

It's plural not possessive, he's not just talking about our town as in Valley Town but both towns.

Exactly. The story was published with the apostrophe. My post was made in the hope that the typo will be corrected, because I find that sort of thing annoying

Hah, guess I missed that in my proofreading this morning. :facehoof:

Quartz and the others had been mostly quiet the past couple days. They were never the most talkative bunch to begin with but they hadn’t even really given her more tips on Hoof of the Earth or anything either. Obsidian even seemed a bit sad, maybe they thought Applejack would just ditch them when she got back home. Well… she certainly didn’t plan to devote years or (of) her life to Hoof of the Earth or anything but they were her friends now at least and they’d always be welcome at Sweet Apple Acres. They always said they were the “last” disciples too and it didn’t seem like they really had a home of their own. The thought made Applejack frown. She supposed she could throw them a party or let them stay at the farm as long as they wanted. Maybe she should go find Pinkie instead when they got to Ponyville.

As I said earlier, "AJ, I'd start asking for Canterlot" :applejackconfused:

In the words of JRR Tolkien "The tale grew in the telling " :ajsleepy:

I think it's clear what the overall vibe of this story is. . .

That's pretty funny. I didn't know that video existed but it fits fairly well.

I feel like if there was anything I'm taking influence from it's stuff like The Wizard of Oz/Return to Oz, The Phantom Tollbooth, Kino's Journey and Alice in Wonderland.

I was supposed to comment much later when I've caught up to the latest chapter, but I can't get myself up to speed with your quick updates, so I'll do it here. (Looks like I'm suffering on the receiving end of constant updates this time! :rainbowlaugh:)

Your story's taken on a rather Austraeoh-esque feeling to it (though take that with a grain of salt since I haven't read any of that fic at all). The terse short description, the rather generic (in a good way) long description, and how it feels like the reader enters the story in medias res—how did Applejack get to that cliff, anyway?

The short opening chapters did great in hooking me in because you managed to strike the balance of mystery and hope. You keep luring the reader in with Applejack hoping to find something different from the wasteland around her, and then once she finds a sign, to find civilization. In a way, it makes the reader ready for whatever weird stuff might happen later on by serving a dish of almost nothing—at that point, the reader becomes more willing to accept anything for some nice conflict, action, dialogue, what have you.

Then, we get to the Cross Way arc, which, in and of itself, would've made for a great short story already, what with showing Applejack as the helpful visitor trying to help save the town from raider rabble. But, you're doing well to take hints that something is off in the greater scheme of things, especially with how apparently no one's heard of Ponyville or even apples. Perhaps that earthquake had something to do with it, but I've only gotten this far and skimmed to the end of the next chapter, so I don't know.

You portray Applejack very well, and not just with her external dialogue and being the pony to lean on. Her internal dialogue, too, is spot on, with her joking about Rarity and dirt, among other things, and thinking of Twilight conjuring up a survivalist list, too. Made for some interesting images that can be easily associated with this fic.

The original characters are pretty good, too, but if I have to single one out, it'd be Sturdy Wheel. The fact that he can't always keep things running and organized despite his cutie mark is one to point out, and seeing him struggle with it as the populace expresses their disdain until Applejack stepped up...that was chilling. He also goes through some much-needed character development, learning to take a stand and not giving up on it, or at least reinforcing that idea—were it not for Applejack, he could've succumbed to letting Sandstone in and ravage the town.

Overall: You've done a pretty good job here! I'll do my best to at least catch up before it ends. :twilightsmile:

Wow, thanks for the big comment. It makes me happy to see that you're reading and enjoying my story since you've written some favorites of mine. The quick updates are pretty much due to my own impatience, I want to get the chapters out and see how people enjoy the story, and since this is my first MLP fanfic and the first thing I've written in a long while I wanted to be sure I finished it. So I wrote more than half of it before I even started publishing to give me a big buffer zone so I could pretty much write at my own leisure and not feel like I had a schedule to keep or any pressure to get chapters out.

I also have not read Austraeoh and I know next to nothing about it aside from the general outline.

One word of warning I have is that the comedy tag is on this story for a reason, it's not meant to be taken totally seriously even with some serious parts and story arcs, so I don't want to lead you on about any big mysteries or an overarching story. There are certain recurring themes and ideas in the story but it's still more like just a "Things happen" kind of deal. I've always felt that this story is more of a parody of big adventures than anything, like in this chapter for example how the villain is dealt with. Sturdy Wheel comes up with this big plan and a huge fight is about to break out but then Applejack just instantly takes care of things and turns the whole situation on its head. :twilightsheepish:

Applejack had made it up the side of the mountain and dragged herself onto the flat summit. The orange rock of the mountain nearly matched her coat color, as she lied (lay) prone on it she wondered if anything could even see her if they were looking down from above.

lay is past tense of lie. lied = "told an untruth"
It's one of the more confusing parts of the mess that is the English language

I went back and forth with that part. Thanks.

You kind of have to wonder "How did she get so far from home so fast?" :ajbemused:
So, I'm going with "Discord did it"

Ever see a 1960s show called The Prisoner?

Haven't seen it but I know it. The Simpsons parody that capture ball a few times too.

Or just eat your way through the hedges and walk in a straight line.

Was this a Digimon reference? (It's been going on 20 years since I watched it)

If it is I didn't know it.

The one that they really need is Scootaloo or at least Apple Bloom :applejackconfused:

will there be a squeal to this?

It was nice that she had a bag and a full stomach again, especially since she’d been walking for a while now. She was hoping now that she could find a stream or something to wash her hat and mane in, the frayed ends of her hair were getting to be a bit much. She didn’t mind....(not)…. keeping tidy as much as some ponies like Rarity but she enjoyed her weekly spa visits a lot too. Just a quick dunk in the water would go wonders to putting her mane and tail into a more manageable state.

:yay: Oh wait, you meant a sequel.

Yeah. A sequel to the story. Will there be one?

I guess that sentence might be a little unwieldy but I'm trying to say that even though Applejack doesn't put much effort into it she still likes looking and feeling nice. By "mind" I mean like, "doing" or "thinking about" rather than being bothered by.

I don't have any plans for a direct sequel but I have some more story ideas that are in the same vein and world I guess as this one. A Rarity story, a Starlight story, a Trixie story, an Amethyst Star story and a Rainbow Dash story.

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