• Published 8th Nov 2018
  • 2,608 Views, 18 Comments

The Crystal Prince - Star Moon

Prince Topaz has been missing over 1,000 years. Princess Luna, his fiancée, has never stopped looking for him. But one night, a bat pony in the night guard regains his memory as the missing Prince Topaz.

  • ...

Strongest Alicorn

Prince Topaz nuzzled Princess Luna's cheek. "I will be more focused this time, Lulu," he whispered reassuringly.

"Before you fly off to the Crystal Empire, there are a few ponies I would like for you to meet. They hold the power of the Elements of Harmony. They will also be able to show you the way to the Empire. After all, a lot has changed here in Equestria since you ruled over the Empire," Celestia interrupted the affectionate reunion.

"I will gladly introduce you to them, Topaz," Luna offered, returning his affectionate gesture.

"Hmmm...... alright. As long as you promise me that you won't try to fight Sombra," the crystal alicorn hesitantly agreed.

"I promise. I am well aware that you are the only one who can -"

"Why, hello there. I haven't seen you in 2,000 years, Crystal Prince," a sly voice interrupted Luna.

The three alicorns looked over to Luna's bed, where the voice came from. "Discord!" Topaz growled. "I thought you were turned to stone!"

"Oh, I was. But now..." Discord suddenly disappeared, soon reappearing in a different location. He wrapped his body around the male alicorn until he was face-to-face with the prince. "I have been reformed," he finished his earlier sentence in a mock posh voice.

"Get... OFF OF ME!" Topaz screeched, unfurling his large, white wings with such force that he sent Discord flying into the wall above the door. "After what you did to Onyx, I would rather kill you than let you back into the Empire!" he remained in the air as he seethed at his enemy. His horn began to glow a light blue as he shot a spell at the draconequus.

Discord yelped in fright, having forgotten what Topaz was capable of when angered. The spell hit him, sending his legs into different directions as they tried to flee the wrath of the crystal alicorn.

"Topaz! Please! You could destroy all of Canterlot with that spell!" Luna hollered, trying to get the stallion to calm down.

The two guards stood by the door, frozen in place with their jaws hanging in awe at the power of this strange alicorn. They had never seen or even heard of a male alicorn before, but now they know why: He is even more powerful than Princess Luna and Princess Celestia combined.

"I give! I give!" Discord pleaded. "Please, stop!"

Realizing that Topaz was too angry to hear anypony's voice, Luna cast a spell on the stallion, sending him to sleep.

Topaz hit the floor with the sound of crystals shattering, put asleep by Luna's spell.


Discord merely nodded before disappearing with a snap of his claws.

Luna relaxed and sat beside Topaz, an apologetic look on her face. She nuzzled his chin and murmured, "Sorry, My Love."

"You did the right thing, my sister. If you had not stopped him, discord would surely be dead by now," Celestia spoke gently, wrapping her wing over Luna's back. "I must admit, I had never seen him angry before."

"He can be very scary when he becomes angry....... Once, he even destroyed the entire Griffin army. Their captain got mad and tore my wing. That angered him and... the next thing I know, the Griffin captain was dead. That nearly started a war, but he killed off the other Griffins when they began to attack his guards....... I guess he's just..." Luna smiled sadly, recalling the first time she ever saw her coltfriend get angry.

"Protective?" Celestia suggested.

"Yes..." Luna sighed. She gazed down at Topaz with a sad smile. "Very."

Princess Celestia removed her wing from around her sister. "I best check up on Shining Armour and Cadence," she said before leaving the room, the two guards trotting after her.

Prince Topaz stood at the top a lush green hill. He was looking for a certain pony amongst the many pelts of the Canterlot ponies. A breeze blew from the west, ruffling his feathers and messing up his neatly combed mane. He was wearing traditional royal attire, adorned with crystal horseshoes, which sparkled in the light of the setting sun. He wasn't, however, wearing his crown.

He stood next to a cloud that rested just above the grass. On the cloud was his crystal crown and a small box.

Topaz shuffled his front hooves nervously, struggling to swallow the lump that had formed in his throat. He glanced over at the box several times, finally deciding it was best to hide it. He used his magic to hide the box deeper in the cloud, making sure that it didn't look suspicious.

"Topaz?" a sweet voice startled the already nervous prince.

"Luna!" he gasped, spinning around to face her.

"Why is your mane a mess?" Luna asked, giggling at his jumpiness.

"Oh, the wind messed it up," he replied, lifting his crown with his magic and using to fix his mane. "So...."

Luna giggled, amused by how the stallion was at a lost for words. "Its almost time for me to raise the moon," she bit her lower lip and an awkward silence settled around them.

"I thought we could stargaze...." Topaz muttered, his white cheeks turning bright red.

"That would be lovely," Luna sighed. She did her best to ignore the crystal stallion's nervousness, even though she was curious.

The two alicorns jumped onto the cloud and settled side-by-side, their flanks touching.

Luna's horn began to glow as she magically raised the moon.

The glow from Luna's horn faded away as the two alicorns gazed up at the night sky.

After about two hours of sitting in silence, Topaz grew restless. His nerves built up as the moon climbed hight in the sky. "I can't take it any longer," he yelped.

"Can't take what?" Luna asked, confused by his sudden outburst.

Topaz used his magic to retrieve the box he hid earlier. He stepped off the cloud and bowed lowly. He raised the box so that it was just in front of Luna. He took a shuddering breath before looking up at her. "Princess Luna Eclipse, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" he asked. His voice was steady, but he struggled to breath as he awaited her answer.