• Published 3rd Dec 2018
  • 13,260 Views, 547 Comments

Admin Abuse - blackhotmetal

What do you do if you are the Admin of a world of ponies? Use your power on a whim obviously, or don't I guess.

  • ...

Chapter 8

Author's Note:


"What in Equestria was that!?" Applejack cried in alarm.

"Only one way to find out," Rainbow Dash remarked, and sped off towards the fading cloud of dust.

"Rainbow-" Rarity called after her. She trailed off realizing the futility as the receding rainbow streak disappeared over the next hill. "Oh, there she goes again," She sighed, shaking her head.

"Might as well pick up the pace ourselves to make sure she doesn't get into any trouble," Applejack suggested. The other four girls nodded and they broke into a brisk canter.

Sweet Apple Acres

Dante knew that anyone within a mile would have seen, heard, or felt that impact. Holy FREAKING moly, now that thing packs a punch. He stood stunned for a moment at the magnitude of such a low enchantments maximum potential.
I honestly don't even want to know what the other one can do at full strength. It's probably like a portable weapon of mass destruction. He took in his situation and started to realize the consequences of his actions. I literally just repaid them for sealing and now I'm vandalizing? I am so gonna... what? Out of the corner of his eye he saw a glint in the distance near what he thought was the entrance to the property. He turned to face it and squinted to get a better look.
from what he could make out it was blue, maybe some orange. Is it getting bigger, or is it just my eyes?

Not a moment later he could tell that it was not getting bigger, but it was instead approaching, rapidly. He looked to the tree, and back to the approaching pony. Dante could tell what it was now but was dismayed to find that rather than slowing down, it seemed to be speeding up. Faster.Uh, you can slow down any time now. Faster. Any time. Even faster. Please?

Mere seconds was all it took and the pony, he recognized as Rainbow Dash from earlier, was upon him. Her rapid approach caused him to flinch, bringing both of his hands up in front of him. The color drained away from everything once again, and the world froze.

He cautiously put his hands down, only to find them empty. Directly in front of him just a few feet away was a pegasus with a determined look in her eye, mid flap. Dante spent a few minutes racking his brain for a remedy to his situation. I probably can't use slime blocks, the inertia from that kind of stop would probably send the poor things spinal column into her frontal lobes. Suddenly it clicked for him, he could teleport her high into the air to give her braking time, and potentially save his ribs from certain annihilation.

He looked down to his keyboard and started the command only to realize that he doesn't know what to put in the target field. For him it would be his name tag, but she didn't have a name tag that he could see. A thought crossed his mind and he entertained it because he honestly had no real idea on what to do. His finger tapped the F1 key and voila there was a name tag over the mare's head. <Rainbow Dash> Oh. It's literally just her name. He brought up a hand to his face. I can't believe I didn't even consider that. He chuckled to himself and entered the command: /teleport <Rainbow Dash> ~ ~50 ~ to move her 50 meters above her current position. The mare had not moved, but there were no error or warnings in the console. So it must take effect upon closing the console, huh? As an afterthought, he placed himself into creative mode and put his arms down to his sides. The world resumed and Rainbow Dash was nowhere to be seen. He noticed that his stick was back in his hand, and snapped his attention to the sky to see RD looking around frantically until she spotted him. She fell into a spiraling dive to land a few feet from Dante.

"What just happened?" she demanded. "I was right in front of you going really fast, and all the sudden I was in the sky completely still."

"Uh," Dante drew a blank on something to say.

"And what's that thing you've got there?" she asked, curiously pointing a hoof to the stick Dante was holding.

"Um, its a... stick," he stated. Rainbow Dash eyed him curiously.

"Did you make that giant dust cloud earlier?" she asked.

"Yep." He cautiously responded watching RD's face closely.

"Well, what was it anyways?" she asked looking around. The tree and the crater it had once been planted in caught her attention. Seeing the opportunity he quickly slipped the stick into his cloak returning it to his inventory. "What in Equestria were you doing!?" She asked turning to face him again.

"I was practicing, uh, baseball?" Dante quipped.

"Baseball, you did this with baseball?" She turned again to the crater and uprooted tree. "Applejack is so gonna kick your flank." She warned.

"Wait, I can fix it! There is no need for flank kicking,” he reasoned.

"Well you better make it real quick 'cause Applejack is gonna be here any second," she said crossing her forelegs for effect.

"Right." Dante jogged over to the hole. About 7 feet across, huh. What's that, a little more that 2 meters or so? Not bad. He mentally stroked his ego. It's not exactly a square hole so I'm not sure how useful a dirt block would be. He scratched his head trying to come up with a solution. Rainbow Dash had joined him by the hole, a respectful distance away. "I've got it," he yelled startling the mare nearby.

"You've got what?" she asked.

"I've got a plan," he said, raising his hands to mid torso to open the console. If I use the fill command then I won't have to worry about any block placing. He did just that typing: /fill ~-1 ~-1 ~-1 ~1 ~-1 ~1 Minecraft:dirt. When he put his arms back down he was impressed to see a patch of dark brown dirt exactly three by three meters replacing the grass and filling in the hole.

"Woah, how did you do that!?" Rainbow Dash called to him, as she had retreated to the edge where the dirt and grass met.

"Magic?" Dante suggested. Now for the tree. I am in creative mode, so I should have the creative inventory, He thought. with his hand back in his cloak he thought of an oak sapling. Soft leaves brushed his fingertips. Feeling them he reached further, grabbed the sapling by the trunk, and pulled it free from his inventory. I have it, now what do I do with it? He observed the sapling for a moment. There were no roots, just a small trunk and a good amount of healthy looking branches full of vibrant green leaves. His tooltip appeared once again informing him that it indeed was an oak sapling. How does this work, He wondered. you know what forget it, Occam's Razor it is. He approached the center of the spot where the crater had been and firmly staked the tiny tree in the ground.

"Uh, you realize that that is totally not gonna fly, right?" Rainbow Dash helpfully pointed out. There was little more than pure confusion written on her face.

"I am aware," Dante responded shooting the pony a look. "I'm not done yet." He reached back into his inventory. Bone meal, I choose you! The bone meal he retrieved held together in a clump in his hand. He touched the sapling with it. Nothing. Of course it's not gonna be that easy. Lets try sprinkling it maybe? He turned his hand over like he was going to drop it on the tree, and the whole clump disappeared. In that same moment a thick 19 meter tall oak tree materialized in the sapling's place. It was nearly four times the size of the surrounding trees in height alone, and had peculiarly retained its cube based shape. YES GOD, this is exactly what I wanted, a giant oak. You know, to make it easier to stand out. He rubbed his eyes; he had a feeling that it was going to be a long day.

"That tree is huge," RD stated slack jawed.

"Thank you captain obvious," he replied. "Now let's take care of this fallen tree." He moved to the tree and wrapped his arms around it. "HNG-" Nope can't lift it, guess I'll do it the hard way. He then rolled up his sleeves and wound up. Please dont break my hand, please don't break my hand, please don't break my hand! When his fist hit the trunk he could feel the impact reverberate throughout the whole tree for a split second before a large section of it burst into a confetti of wood chips.

With that all cleared up he turned back around to see that there were more ponies approaching. They were far enough away that he couldn't see their name tags quite yet but he recognized the colors. Dante turned to face Rainbow Dash and scratched the back of his head, "Hey, uh... Sorry about accidentally, uh... rearranging your face the last time we met."

She forced a smile and replied, "No, its okay, I think that the whole situation was a total misunderstanding." The last thing on her mind was rejecting an apology from a creature that had just pulverized an entire tree in seconds. "There they are," She points out pulling her attention from the creature. "HEY APPLEJACK WE'RE OVER HERE," She hollered.

"Ah, my ears," He said wincing at her impressive volume. Forget pipes, this horse's got some freaking air raid sirens, he said shaking his head in an attempt to stop the ringing in his left ear. "I'm pretty sure that we're hard to miss. I'm about half as tall as these apple trees, and you have a rainbow on your head," He said gesturing to the both of them. "Not to mention that," He pointed a thumb over his shoulder.

The first pony to arrive was Applejack, followed by the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and Rarity bringing up the rear. "What in tarnation happened here Rainbow," Applejack asked, "and what happened to mah apple tree? Why's it like, forty feet taller than usual?"

At this Dante smiled tentatively, "Yeah, I'm really sorry about that." I might as well tell the truth. "I was practicing my home run swings and hit one of your trees," He said confidence making its way back into his voice. "I swung a little hard and felled one of you trees," He quickly added, "But I replaced it! I know that its not the same as your other trees, but its the best I could do on short notice..."

"There was just a HUGE hole here, and then it filled in all by itself," Rainbow Dash followed up. Applejack trotted over to the tree to examine it.

"What happened to all the grass?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Yeah, did it all explode too?" Scootaloo pressed further.

"No, no. The grass was destroyed when I filled in the hole," Dante pointed out to the confusion of the fillies, "and sorry again about the trouble. If you have any grass seed or anything I'd be willing to spread it to try and cover up this mess."

Applejack chimed in as she returned, "Its no trouble sugar cube, the grass'll grow back on its own. Ah'm not sure what to make of that strange looking oak tree, though ah do appreciate the gesture." Dante felt a weight lifted off of him at those words. Oh thank god I don't have to fight anyone, He thought relieved. An idea lit up in his head.

"It may not be just a sentiment," he said. "That tree may be an oak, but it may produce apples!" Applejack had a deeply confused look on her face.

"Really!?" Apple Bloom squealed.

"Well, I'm not really sure..." Dante trailed off.

"Does it make those shiny gold apples that you gave to Apple Bloom?" Scootaloo asked.

"Uh, no..." he responded.

"I'm gonna go up and see." Rainbow Dash declared.

"Hold on RD," Applejack called up to her stopping her in her tracks. "Princess Luna is gonna be here any minute now. We should make our way back to the castle."

Princess Luna, what kind of a name is that? Dante thought as he glanced around at all of the nearby pony's name tags. You know what, its not that bizarre considering the ones around me.