• Published 4th Aug 2012
  • 4,760 Views, 68 Comments

Tiaras, Spoons, and Feathers - Wanderer D

Tragedy can change a pony's life for better or worse.

  • ...

Chapter 2

“I feel a bit ashamed of myself for not noticing earlier.

“Diamond Tiara had been living at the orphanage for almost five months when it finally clicked.

“The casual hugs. The smiles. From both of them.

“How each would react when they noticed the other was watching.

“Honestly, I think it is because I never expected something like that to happen. I mean, this was Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara we were talking about here.

“That something so completely out of character would suddenly rear its head. Well, I guess it goes for all three of us.

“One thing I can say, I did learn that day... I pack a mean kick.”

* * *

The school bell’s chime announced the start of the recess, and soon all colts and fillies had filed out of the classroom into the yard.

As usual, the Crusaders went out together, but Scootaloo paused to give Diamond Tiara a friendly hug before running out to join the other two fillies.

Silver Spoon shook her head in amusement as Diamond Tiara gave her a small smile.

“Wow, Tiara, I would have never expected you to become friends with Scootaloo of all ponies,” she said, walking out of the classroom and towards their favorite shade under the trees. “I’m glad we’re not bullying them anymore, but–” She stopped when Diamond Tiara suddenly halted.

“Were we bad?” Diamond Tiara asked in a shaky voice.

Silver Spoon blinked. “Tiara, I–”

“Were we so bad that–” She hiccuped as her eyes teared up.

Eyes wide with concern, Silver Spoon quickly looked around, before leading Diamond Tiara to a secluded spot. “Tiara, what’s wrong?”

“Did... did you have fun, when we bullied them?” Diamond Tiara whispered, not looking at her.

Silver Spoon licked her lips nervously, knowing that she had to be honest, but dreading it all the same. “I- yes, Tiara, I think we were really mean at times.”

Diamond Tiara looked at her with dull eyes. It was then that it dawned on Silver Spoon that her friend looked like hell.

“When we were mean, did we ever cross the line?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“N-no, I mean...” Silver Spoon trailed off for a second. “"I mean, we were mean... maybe even cruel... and we really hurt their feelings sometimes, but–”

“Do we deserved to be punished?” Diamond Tiara asked, looking at her friend. Her face was tight with bottled up emotion and her eyes shimmered as she fought with the tears. “Were we so bad that we need to be reminded of how bad we were?”

Silver Spoon gulped, looking in fright at Diamond Tiara. “I- I guess we could have been punished by Miss Chee–”

“Not by her,” Diamond Tiara interrupted. “Not by a teacher... that we should pay... she...”

Silver Spoon placed a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “Tiara, what’s wrong, please tell me.”

“I always knew you didn’t want to bully them... that’s why- I...” Diamond Tiara’s eyes became wide when she looked past Silver Spoon’s shoulder.

“Awww, somepony’s already using this place!” Sweetie Belle sighed, looking at Scootaloo and Applebloom. “I guess we’ll plan more at headquarters then.”

“N-no!” Diamond Tiara smiled, a completely shaky and fake smile. “It’s fine! You three can have it, we’re done talking here anyways, right, Silver Spoon?”

“I... guess...” Silver Spoon said, looking at her friend doubtfully.

“But... you seemed like you were having a serious conversation!” Sweetie said, shaking her head. “We’ll find someplace else–”

“No, no, it’s fine!” Diamond Tiara said, her smile becoming a bit more desperate. “Please, we’re done. Really.”

“If y’all are sure...” Apple Bloom said after a second.

“Come on, girls,” Scootaloo spoke up, and Silver Spoon felt Diamond Tiara tense up. “If Tiara says she’s done, then she’s done. I bet they were just about to get out of here.”

“Come on, Silver Spoon!” Diamond Tiara urged as they passed next to the crusaders. “We don’t want to be in the way, right?”

“Right...” Silver Spoon repeated, watching closely as Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara exchanged glances.

Once the pair was out of the little secluded area, Silver Spoon turned around to look at Diamond Tiara, but her friend hurried away.

“Tiara, wait!” Silver Spoon called, but the filly had already left school grounds.

Tiara... Silver Spoon bit her lower lip and looked back at the three fillies chatting amiably. Could it be?

When the bell rang again and everypony save Diamond Tiara was hurrying back to class, Silver Spoon stopped Scootaloo.

“What do you want, Silver Spoon?” Scootaloo asked, sharing a confused look with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

“I need to talk to you after class,” Silver Spoon said coldly. “Alone.”

“Ah’m not sure that’s a good idea...” Apple Bloom started to say, but she was stopped by a Scootaloo’s raised hoof.

“No, it’s fine,” Scootaloo said, looking straight at Silver Spoon. “After class,” she agreed.

* * *

The school grounds were empty by now. Miss Cheerilee had left and all the colts and fillies had gone back home.

Except for two.

“So,” Scootaloo glared at Silver Spoon. “What do you want?”

“I want to know what you’ve been doing to Diamond Tiara!” Silver Spoon growled.

A smirk appeared on the pegasus’ face. “Oh? Did she say I was doing something to her?”

Silver Spoon took a deep breath. “No, she didn’t, but it’s not hard to put together. Don’t you think she’s suffered enough? You have to add your petty vengeance to it?”

Scootaloo glared at her. “That brat walked into the orphanage as if she owned the place! She insulted little colts and fillies for even trying to be nice to her! She never helps! She plays Wicker Basket and pretends that she’s all nice!”

“She’s hurt from what happened to her dad!”

Scootaloo snorted. “That’s horseapples and you know it! You two have been nothing but bullies since we started school!”

“What did you do to Diamond Tiara?” Silver Spoon repeated herself, unable to really argue with Scootaloo’s statement.

The other filly gave her a steady look. “I reminded her of her place.”

With a wordless snarl, Silver Spoon jumped on top of Scootaloo, hooves coming down hard.

Scootaloo jumped to the side, but Silver Spoon had twisted in place and slammed both her hind hooves into Scootaloo’s withers.

The pegasus rolled in the floor and then jumped on top of Silver Spoon, pinning her down and planting a hoof on her face with enough force to knock her glasses off.

Silver Spoon kicked up and threw Scootaloo to the floor next to her. Then rolled on top and brought down her hoof hard on Scootaloo’s face, splitting her lip. “If you hate bullying so much why are you doing it?!”

Scootaloo spat to the side and tried to push Silver Spoon off. “It’s not bullying! I’m putting her in place for being mean to everypony!”

“You enjoy it!” Silver Spoon accused Scootaloo. “I saw you! You enjoyed having her be scared of you!”

Scootaloo’s eyes went wide. “B-but you two enjoy torturing us!”

“I don’t!” Silver Spoon shouted, eyes tearing up. “I don’t! I don’t want to bully you! I don’t want you to bully her!” She started crying. “I like you! But she’s my friend!”

Bellow her Scootaloo stared at Silver Spoon as if seeing her for the first time. Slowly she reached up with her hoof and gently moved Silver Spoon’s mane, which had come loose during the fight, to the side. She could feel her heart beating hard inside her chest.

She didn’t know exactly why she did what she did. It certainly seemed to come out of nowhere. But when she pulled down Silver Spoon and kissed her, neither of them wanted to part their lips from the other.

* * *

“I’m not sure exactly what happened that night after Scootaloo went back to the orphanage. I didn’t see either her or Diamond Tiara until the next morning and they were both exhausted.

“I was grounded for fighting in school and my mom was both proud and disappointed in me for doing so. And yet, she couldn’t wipe the grin off her face when I told her what had happened mid-scuffle.

“I was in shock myself, both for what Scootaloo unexpectedly did and for how I reacted to it. I never thought about how Diamond Tiara herself would react when she discovered what had happened and how it had ended up...

“But regardless, whatever those two did, the whole world changed for us that night.”

* * *

Diamond Tiara sniffled as she lay in her bed at the orphanage. She turned to look at the window, and the bed creaked under her weight. She could almost imagine it giving way and finally breaking.

It was still light outside, although she could see tinges of orange on the horizon. She froze when she heard hoof-steps outside her door. She quickly lay down, peeking through half-closed eyes at the door.

The door to her room opened and she watched in dread as Scootaloo walked in, pausing to close the door behind her.

She did not look happy.

Diamond Tiara cringed.

“Tiara,” Scootaloo spoke up after a long silence. “Are you awake?”

Diamond Tiara remained frozen in place. Not daring to breathe or answer. What would be worse? Pretending to sleep and getting caught? Or simply answering?

“I know you’re not asleep,” Scootaloo said. “You’re holding your breath.”

Slowly, Diamond Tiara raised her head and looked fearfully at Scootaloo, whom hadn’t moved from the doorway. She seemed to be struggling with something.

Diamond Tiara blinked. It seemed like Scootaloo had gotten into a fight; she had a split lip and her right eye was swollen. Her coat was dirty and her mane looked like it was missing more than a few hairs.

Scootaloo finally sighed and jumped onto her own bed, lying on her back, wings extended, as she stared absently at the ceiling. “You know I hated you ever since you started bullying us.”

Diamond Tiara didn’t reply. She had heard that before. Scootaloo had gone out of her way to make sure she would remember it.

Scootaloo closed her eyes and turned on her side, facing away from Diamond Tiara. “When I hit you... I think of every time you called me a- a blank flank.” Scootaloo’s voice was venomous. “Every time you say that... it- I just... it reminds me of how much I fail!” she snarled. “Do you have any idea how many times we’ve almost gotten killed because of how desperate we are about the Cutie Marks?” Her tone of voice then turned accusatory. “And then you turn up to make fun of us and rub it in? Have you seen–” she cut herself off and instead hit the wall, leaving a small indentation in it, the drywall crumbling under her hoof. “Dammit.”

“Are you going to hit me for each time?”

Scootaloo was silent for a moment. “No.”

Diamond Tiara’s head snapped up, eyes wide as she stared at the pegasus’s back. “What?”

Scootaloo’s voice was softer. “No... I- I don’t want to be that... I don’t want to hit you and like how afraid you are of me.” Her body started shaking. “I am not a monster... I don’t want to be a bully and cause pain to other ponies... I- I’m not you! I don’t like it! I don’t want you to be the stupid victim! I don’t want to smile when you cry!”

There was a moment of silence.

“I never hit you,” Diamond Tiara whispered.

Scootaloo was silent.

“I never laid a hoof on you!” Diamond Tiara raised her voice. “I never hit you! Why did you hit me?”

Scootaloo turned around and faced her, revealing a face covered in tears. “What do you know?! Do you think it doesn’t hurt when you made fun of us? Do you think we were happy all the time?”

Diamond Tiara looked away. “No. But it’s no excuse to hit me for it.”

Scootaloo huffed, then sighed. “I wish I could tell you it was.”

Diamond Tiara shook her head. “Why are you telling me this?! Why do you suddenly feel this way?”

“I–” Scootaloo seemed to hesitate. “I can’t carry on like this, Tiara,” she said. “I hate myself and... and I can’t. I don’t want to hate myself. I don’t want to wake up with a stupid bully cutie mark. I don’t want revenge. I just...”

Diamond Tiara looked down at the floor. “You what?”

“I just wish you were still the stupid, happy brat you always were. I wish nothing bad had happened to you so I could pretend you don’t feel a thing and so I could just hate you and dream of breaking your legs and be happy and glad to know that I would never have the guts to do it.”

Diamond Tiara looked at the pegasus, completely baffled.

“When you arrived, you were your bratty, stupid and annoying self,” Scootaloo elaborated. “You treated everypony like they were beneath you. You didn’t help when we needed it. You didn’t clean up, or help cook. You just ordered us around and said nasty things. It made it really easy to hate you and- and even hit you...” Scootaloo trailed off before taking a deep breath as her eyes met Diamond Tiara’s. “But then... you stopped caring when I did. You... just became a pony-shaped punching bag... and today I- I realized that I was the one doing that to you and I-” She looked away. “I’m sorry.”

Diamond Tiara stared at the pegasus, a million thoughts going through her mind. Most of them angry and unpleasant. But slowly, as her eyes strayed from Scootaloo to the cracked walls and old furniture her anger faded. She sank down into her bed, she turned her back to the pegasus. Slowly, tears welled up in her eyes and she started sobbing. She didn’t hold back as her body shook with each powerful emotional tug.

When she heard an echoing sob from Scootaloo’s side of the room, she couldn’t hold it in anymore and started crying in earnest.

Both fillies cried long into the night, keeping each other company by virtue of their shared quarters, but feeling completely alone.

* * *

“It took about a month for the two to get comfortable enough to be around each other... but it wasn’t simply that they made peace.

“Diamond Tiara had talked to me from time to time about how horrible the orphanage was. How dirty it was, how the walls were so full of holes it almost looked like it was being wrecked intentionally... at first, I thought she was just complaining because she was just being herself.

“But while I was out with Scootaloo, she complained about the same things. I hated to think of them being stuck in such a place.

“I was also surprised by two things that happened that month.

“For the first time, I really started to see Diamond Tiara in a different light and it gave me hope that, in the future, I would discover that she was as forgiving and understanding as I hoped she could be.

“What she did took us all by surprise, and, I think, it was the defining factor which changed Scootaloo’s perception of her for the best. The fact that she did it without telling anypony speaks volumes about how much she changed.

“I had hoped, I’d really hoped that it was a sign of better things to come.”

* * *

Wicker Basket blinked. Then she shook her head and blinked again. “I beg your pardon?”

Fine Print smiled. “I said, you need to start packing everypony’s things. You’re moving.”

“But...” Wicker Basket looked around, lost. “Why? Did something happen with the permits?”

“Nothing of the sort,” Fine Print chuckled. “Just get everypony ready, will you?”

“I...” Wicker Basket trailed off. “I don’t think I can bring everything I have with me! There’s so much paperwork and–”

“Nothing of the sort,” Fine Print chuckled. “Just get everypony ready, will you?”

“But, it’s so last minute and I–”

“Tiara!” a voice behind them interrupted them, making the pair of mares turn around to see just about all the colts and fillies marching out with bags packed. “We’re ready!” Scootaloo called into the orphanage.

“Coming, coming!” Diamond Tiara called back as she dragged her bag out. “Why did I pack so much when I came here?”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes and trotted up to help her.

Once all the bags were out, one of the younger colts turned to look up at Wicker Basket. “Miss Case? Where are we going?”

“I–” Wicker Basket shook her head. “I- I have no idea what’s going on!”

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow and turned to look at Diamond Tiara, who smiled devilishly. “Well, Tiara, what’s up?”

“Excuse me!” another voice interrupted. The group turned to look at the three stallions pulling empty carts behind them. “We’re here for the bags and the foals?”

“Hmm,” Fine Print shook her head and sighed. “I guess you don’t get to pack your bags, Wicker Basket. Come on, hop onto the front of one of those while I help these gentlecolts with the bags.” She proceeded to push the faintly protesting caretaker up to the cart, where she was helped up into the front seat.

“Hey, Scootaloo, did you forget your locket?” Diamond Tiara asked as they watched the stallions and Fine Print pick up or levitate the bags.

“Never!” Scootaloo replied, digging beneath her wing before pulling out a silver locket in the shape of a feather. “I just didn’t have time to put it on!”

“Silly,” Diamond Tiara chided. “You have to wear it! Does Apple Bloom ever take off that clasp Silver Spoon made for her ribbon?”

“Um, no but–”

“Or does Sweetie Belle not use that amazing silver mane-piece that Silver Spoon designed and made especially for her?”

“Well, she loves it, so she puts it on every day and–”

“And do I ever take off the tiara she gave me?”

Scootaloo sighed. “No, you don’t...”

“That is because, when Silver Spoon makes something for you as a present, it is very special,” Diamond Tiara said. “So, don’t take it off.”

Scootaloo blushed and clasped the locket around her neck. “I just don’t want it to get lost... it- it really means a lot to me.”

Diamond Tiara raised an eyebrow. “Well, if you never take it off it’s less likely to get lost, isn’t it?”

Scootaloo smiled. “I guess...”

“And someday you’ll let me see what you put inside it, right?” Diamond Tiara teased.

Scootaloo’s smile grew a little. “Maybe, but I think we should jump on the carts before they leave us behind.”

The pair of giggling fillies jumped onto one of the carts as a smiling Fine Print joined Wicker Basket.

“Well, Basket, you were right,” she said to the other mare. “I never thought those two would get along so well with how they reacted the first night.”

“Oh, yes,” Wicker Basket nodded. “They do a lot of things together now,” she said. “I think I once heard Diamond Tiara admit that she would have loved to have had a sister like Scootaloo.”

Fine Print raised an eyebrow. “She did, did she?”

Wicker Basket nodded. “It would almost be a tragedy to separate them... I don’t know what those two fillies went through exactly, but it was a hard thing... I doubt they’ll ever tell anypony exactly how they managed to bury their differences and start clean.”

Fine Print chuckled. “If I have learned something about Diamond Tiara, it’s that nothing is as it seems.”

Wicker Basket raised an eyebrow. “Apparently so.”

The pair remained quiet as the carts passed through the downtown, drawing the attention of several ponies who stopped what they were doing to look at the caravan curiously. They left the town behind soon enough and had just crested a small hill when Wicker Basket gasped.

“Welcome to your new home,” Fine Print whispered to the awestruck mare.

Wicker Basket stared at the building in front of them. It was huge and contained a patio and a backyard with a nice, wooden fence. There was more than enough room for every foal in her care. The sign outside was already finished, proudly proclaiming it “Ponyville’s Orphanage: donated by Filthy Rich to the community of Equestria.”

“But... how?!” She asked, turning to look at Fine Print. “After the accident- the whole project was cancelled!”

Fine Print simply shook her head. “Postponed,” she corrected, turning her head to look at Diamond Tiara, who was laughing at Scootaloo’s flabbergasted expression. “Diamond Tiara asked me to divert a large sum of her money into finishing it.” She permitted her smile to grow. “I have never been so happy and proud and... Mr. Rich would have been extremely proud of her as well.”

“I-” Wicker Basket’s cheeks were wet with tears. “How can I ever repay her?”

“I don’t think she expects anything for it,” Fine Print said, her smile becoming soft. “But, I have an idea... and I hope she’ll like it.”

* * *

“I was looking forward to going to school every day now. There was no more bullying, no more resentment and no more anger. No more calling names, no more making fun of each other... I could be with those I loved and call them friends, sisters or beloved.

“It was bliss. And even then, at my happiest, I never compared to how Tiara and Scootaloo felt that day.

“I think, now that I look back on it, that our smiles were at their brightest and our hearts felt truly light... Sweetie Belle burst into tears of happiness when she found out and Apple Bloom could not wipe the grin off her face for the rest of the week.

“And me? I really felt happy for all of us. If I had only known.’”

* * *

“Wait, what?” Scootaloo asked, staring at Wicker Basket as if she had grown a second head. “You can’t be serious.”

“Scoots!” Diamond Tiara chided, glaring at the pegasus. “Be more respectful! I don’t think she would lie to us about this!”

“But- but Tiara,” Scootaloo stammered, looking at her friend. “Foals our age don't get adopted! It just doesn't happen!”

Wicker Basket smiled. “Well then, how about you two talk to her and then make up your mind?”

“Sure,” Scootaloo spoke up just as Diamond Tiara was about to gracefully accept. “I want to meet this imaginary friend of yours.”

The fillies heard the door to Wicker Basket’s office open and a familiar voice reached their ears. “Oh, I assure you, Scootaloo I am very real.”

Diamond Tiara gasped as she turned around so fast she almost fell out of her seat. “Fine Print!”

The lawyer nodded, still smiling. “That’s me!”

“But... you want to adopt both of us?!” Scootaloo asked incredulously. “Why?”

Fine Print walked into the office, stepping between both fillies and smiling at each. “Why not? I’ve known Diamond Tiara since she was born, and I’ve seen her grow to love you as a sister... I never married, but I’ve always wanted a family... and why settle for a single filly when I can have two daughters?”

Scootaloo’s eyes began watering. “I- I never thought...” she quickly rubbed her eyes with the back of her hoof. “I- I’m sorry, I got something in m-my eyes...” she sniffed. “Stupid dust...”

“But... Fine Print... why now?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“I- I’ve seen you grow before my eyes... both of you. When I first met Scootaloo, you both were acting like spoiled brats... and as the months went by I felt like things were going straight to Tartarus. But one day, things changed. You two put aside your problems and struggle past old grievances to become what you are today... I felt very happy and very proud. And that’s when I realized that since Mr. Ri–” She stopped and sighed. “Since your father passed away, I really had nopony to share my life with...” Fine Print closed her eyes. “And he once told me I had much to offer and that one day I would be a great mother. I can’t think of a better way to do so than by taking care of his daughter and her sister.”

Diamond Tiara sniffed and hugged Scootaloo. She closed her eyes. “Daddy and you... you were–” She took a deep breath. “You loved him, didn’t you?”

Fine Print looked down. “Yes...”

“Did he love you?”

“I- I think so,” the lawyer stammered. “But we both knew it wasn’t something we could pursue, so we kept things professional.”

“What about my mom?” Diamond Tiara asked quietly.

Fine Print sighed. “I think your father loved her much more than she ever loved him,” she replied, watching as Scootaloo disentangled herself from Tiara’s embrace and rubbed her eyes while looking at her. “She’s not a bad pony when you get down to it, Tiara, but she never appreciated what she had or just how much she was hurting him.”

Diamond Tiara was quiet for a little bit. “I...” she trailed off, looking towards Scootaloo, then at the room around them before looking up at Fine Print. “I think I want to go home... Mom.”

* * *

“Fine Print is a good mother. Neither Diamond Tiara nor Scootaloo ever had anything bad to say about her. Diamond Tiara was the first one to point out to Scoots that she would finally be able to attend flight school, since it was too expensive for the orphanage to afford the month-long camp that non-Cloudsdale citizens needed.

“Their little family unit became a blessing to us all. Until Diamond Tiara found out about me and... I just... I don’t think any of us were prepared for that, nor what followed.

“Time passed, and we all assumed things were okay. Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara really acted like sisters when all was said and done. I think it was something they both had needed all their lives and now that they had the chance to be part of a family and to have siblings, they took it.

“There’s too much to be said about what the next year brought. All the happiness, all the adventures... the Crusaders kept doing their thing; Tiara and I did ours... but when the adventuring and talking was done, we all got together and had our own brand of fun.

“When I look back on it, I can understand how Tiara felt. For more than a year we kept a secret from her... and, while she had her own, we should have told her the truth from the beginning.

“The way she found out wasn’t the best either.”

* * *

“I’m home!” Diamond Tiara called, closing the door behind her. “Mom? Scoots?”

When nopony replied, Diamond Tiara sighed and started walking towards her room. “Figures that they would all be out,” she muttered. “It’s crusading time, Silver Spoon is busy and today of all days my music class cancels. Just my luck.”

She trotted through the silent house until she heard giggling coming from Scootaloo’s room. She stopped and stared at the door as another set of giggles could be heard.

“That’s odd...” she whispered, suddenly feeling like she shouldn’t make any noise. Who could Scootaloo be with right now? Had she brought the other Crusaders home? Diamond Tiara shook her head. “Well, it’s Crusader time...” she sighed. “Better just let them–”

She cut herself off when she heard the other voice.

“Scoots- I- ah...” Silver Spoon whimpered from behind the door.

Diamond Tiara’s eyes went wide as she took a reluctant step toward her sister’s door. She could hear more giggling coming from inside. Slowly, she reached up and pushed the door open.

She gulped.

Lying on her back, hair undone and smiling as she stroked Scootaloo’s cheek, Silver Spoon giggled again. “Scoots... that was amazing.”

Grinning cockily in response, Scootaloo chuckled as she leaned in to give Silver Spoon a peck on the nose. “You say that as if I’ve never kissed you before.”

“What–” Diamond Tiara choked out, sending the pair jumping into different ends of the bed. “What’s going on here?!”

“Tiara!” both fillies echoed, staring at her.

“What are you doing here?!” Scootaloo asked, wings twitching in horror.

“Class was cancelled,” Diamond Tiara retorted angrily. “Now, answer my question!”

“I–” Scootaloo stammered.

“We- we’re dating...” Silver Spoon confessed after a moment of awkward silence. “We have been for a while,” she gulped. “We just never told anypony about it... well, I- I told my mom but...”

“You told your mom?!” Scootaloo gasped. “No wonder she was looking at me like that when I went to have dinner at your place!”

“Sorry!” Silver Spoon cringed. “I just- I trust her and–”

“Shut up!” Diamond Tiara shouted, stomping her fore hooves on the floor. “Why didn’t either of you tell me?” She teared up as she turned to look angrily at Silver Spoon. “You’re my best friend! My best friend! And you!” She turned to face Scootaloo, who was cringing so much that she looked smaller. “You’re my sister! We’ve been closer than anypony for the last year-and-a-half and you couldn’t tell me?! Just what am I to you?”

“You’re my best friend!” Silver Spoon protested.

“You’re my sister!” Scootaloo’s reply was almost a plea. “I’m sorry, Tiara. I was just- we didn’t want anypony to know for a while because we... we weren’t sure how they’d take it.” She looked down at the floor.

“I hate you,” Diamond Tiara whispered. She looked up at Scootaloo. “You took her away from me!” she cried.

“No!” Silver Spoon shouted, jumping up from the bed. “She didn’t! Tiara, I’m still your best friend!

“Don’t be stupid!” Diamond Tiara strolled up to Silver Spoon and planted a kiss on her that made her knees weak while Scootaloo’s eyes went wide and her wings flared up with an audible ‘pomf!’

Diamond Tiara stepped back slowly, eyes on Silver Spoon. “She took you away...” she said in a low voice. Her face was a mixture of loss and hurt. She took another step back before turning around and running out of the room.

Silver Spoon was speechless as she stared at the empty doorway. “I- I have to go, Scoots... I’ll- I’ll see you later, okay?” She swallowed and ran out of the house before Scootaloo could answer.

Gulping, Scootaloo simply nodded.

* * *

“What do you do when you realize you have hurt someone you love by being oblivious? Diamond Tiara’s kiss slid everything into place. How many times had I mistaken a look of longing for a look of mischief? How many times had we held each other’s hooves in silence and I’ve thought nothing of it but silent comfort?

“I had never expected Diamond Tiara to have an interest in me and now I fear that all those little presents I gave her might have meant so much more to her than I had ever thought. In essence, I had been torturing my best friend with my platonic love for her... and then, when she found out about me and Scootaloo... it was too much for her.”

* * *

Scootaloo pounded on Silver Spoon's door as hard as she could.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Silver Spoon called. She opened the door and sighed. "I'm sorry Scootaloo, I know it's not fair, but I really need a bit more time and–"

"It's not that!" Scootaloo said, her face betraying her worry. "Diamond Tiara didn't come back for dinner! She's not in her room either!” She looked panicked. “I had to tell mom what happened... she went out to look for her as well, I came here straight away!"

"What? But, where could she have gone?"

"She didn't come here?"

Silver Spoon leveled an unamused glance on Scootaloo. "Really, Scoots. Think about it."

"Okay, okay!" the other filly shook her head. "I'm just really worried for her!"

Silver Spoon thought for a moment. "Have you checked the hill overlooking the orphanage?" she asked. "She used to spend a lot of time there."

Scootaloo shook her head. "No, I haven't, come on, let's find Tiara and bring her home."

Silver Spoon took a deep breath and nodded.

The pair set off towards the orphanage, trotting next to each other in awkward silence.

It didn't last long.

"Silver Spoon?" Scootaloo asked. "What are we going to do about Tiara? I mean, I love her but..."

Silver Spoon sighed. "We should have told her from the beginning," she said. "But I think... I think she will understand."

"I uh..." Scootaloo grinned uneasily. "I- I could share, you know?"

Silver Spoon stopped and stared at Scootaloo. "What?!"

"H-hey, don't get me wrong, you're mine!" Scootaloo stammered. "I just... well, it was really hot seeing her kissing you."

"Scootaloo!" Silver Spoon chided, feeling her cheeks redden. "She's your sister!"

"Not by blood!"

"We're not having this discussion right now. Come on, let's find Diamond Tiara first and then you can joke around."

"But- I wasn't joking!" Scootaloo called as she trotted up behind Silver Spoon, who simply shook her head.

"That's what worries me," she grumbled.

They both quieted down as they approached the hill that overlooked the new orphanage. But it was empty.

"Dammit!" Scootaloo groaned, slumping down on the grass. "I don't even know where else she could be!"

Silver Spoon was quiet. "Well... she knew that I know about this place... so she could have intentionally gone someplace else where she knows she wouldn't be bothered."

"But where would she go?" Scootaloo asked. "The Everfree is too dangerous and she wouldn't go to the crusader HQ if she wanted to be alone."

Silver Spoon nodded. "It would have to be a place she knows well, but where? And without anypony to bother her..." she trailed off, at a loss.

Scootaloo slowly raised her head. "Wait... I- I think I know where she could be!"

Silver Spoon raised an eyebrow. "Where?"

* * *

“Why Diamond Tiara did what she did will forever remain a mystery to me.

“I can understand being hurt. And I can understand feeling miserable. Or feeling lost when your dreams are broken in front of your eyes. Those, I can understand.

“But the actions we take after the hurt- those are the ones that shape us.

“For too long, a lack of actions defined me; little more than a 'crony' of Tiara's. It wasn't until I stood up for her, by myself and without anypony else to back me up, that I found the strength to change things.

“And they did.

“I got a fillyfriend. Tiara got a sister. They changed so much after that seemingly simple act that anypony who didn't know them for the last few years would have been hard pressed to believe that they were ever at each other's throats or that their fights dragged their good friends into horribly petty fights.

“But, apparently, Tiara wasn't done being selfish in the worst, and most hurtful way...”

* * *

The old orphanage looked foreboding under the moonlight, but both Silver Spoon and Scootaloo walked in without hesitation.

"Where would she be?" Silver Spoon asked.

"I- I think if she's here she'd probably be in our old room," Scootaloo said. "But, be careful, this place is in a very bad state."

Silver Spoon rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Let's just find Diamond Tiara and get out of here."

Scootaloo nodded and guided Silver Spoon to the back of the building and up the stairs.

"Do building really go derelict this quickly?" Silver Spoon whispered.

"It actually hasn't changed as much as you might think," Scootaloo whispered back. "Everything is just... dustier."

When they reached Scootaloo's old room, she tried opening the door, but it wouldn't budge. The pair paused, straining to listen past it.

Soon enough they were rewarded by the sounds of movement.

"Tiara?!" Scootaloo called.

There was a small moan from inside, but the voice was unmistakable.

"Tiara! Let us in!" Silver Spoon begged.

There was a bit of whimpering but no reply.

"Tiara..." Silver Spoon sighed, closing her eyes and pressing her head against the door. "I'm so sorry, Tiara. I didn't know... it's stupid. I think it was pretty obvious now that I think about it, but... please believe me! I didn't want to hurt you! You’ve been my best friend since I can remember! If I hadn't been afraid... we should have told you. I think you would have understood. Maybe we could have dealt with this whole thing in a different way. But please don't keep up out, Tiara. We love you. Come on, please come back home with us. Let's- let's spend the night at my place, just the three of us. Please? Let's talk."

She sighed when she didn't hear a reply but then...


It was faint and she would have missed it completely had Scootaloo not put her hoof on her foreleg. The pegasus had a terrified look in her face that made the blood in Silver Spoon's veins run cold.

"Please- Spoon, Scoot... help-" Tiara's voice was faint and both fillies barely shared a glance before they had turned around and kicked the door with all their might.

The first try didn't do much other than make the old frame creek. The second attempt splintered it. The third broke the door in half, allowing them to push and break apart large pieces of it until they could both fit inside.

Their breath caught in their throats at the sight in front of them.

Lying next to a small, lit gas lamp, Diamond Tiara whimpered. Her front hooves were covered in deep gashes and were still bleeding. They could see the jagged piece of glass she had used to cut herself jutting out of the pool of blood.

“Oh, Celestia...” Silver Spoon hurried over to Diamond Tiara’s side. “What have you done to yourself?”

“There’s no time!” Scootaloo started trying to get Diamond Tiara on top of her back. “Help me get Tiara on my back, I’ll carry her to the hospital!”

As quickly as she could, Silver Spoon carefully helped a mildly protesting Diamond Tiara onto Scootaloo’s back. She pushed hard, and suddenly slipped on the blood.

Twisting madly, she landed on her side. Her hoof kicked the gaslamp, breaking it and making it roll to the old bed, which burst into flames at an alarming rate.

“Let’s get out of here!” Scootaloo yelled, pulling her fillyfriend to her hooves while balancing Diamond Tiara on her back.

The fire was spreading quickly and most of the room was already covered in flames.

Silver Spoon and Scootaloo galloped out into the hallway and towards the stairs as fast as they could, but the flames were keeping up.

The old wood and paint and abandoned curtains, mattresses and furniture provided fuel to the fire.

The three fillies barely made it down the stairs before a large flaming ball of fire shot down from the upper floor.

“Whoever designed this place is an idiot!” Silver Spoon shouted as they ran towards the front. “Don’t they know what emergency exits are for?! This place is a rat trap!”

“Hey! I used to live here, y’know?!”

“Well, I’ve always thought you were brave!” Silver Spoon retorted. She could hear the whole place crackling around them and the smoke was getting very heavy indeed. She held her breath as she sped up and out the exit, breathing heavily in the cool night breeze. Panting, she turned around. “We made–”

Her eyes widened in horror at the absence of both, her fillyfriend and her best friend. Before her eyes part of the roof collapsed in front of the door. Still, she trotted up as close as she could to look inside.

Scootaloo was slowly standing up, trying not to put too much weight on her left hind leg. Diamond Tiara lay on the floor next to her, barely able to raise her head, but, from what Spoon could see, still breathing.

“Scoots!” she shouted, “Tiara! You’ve got to get up!”

Scootaloo cringed when she lowered her leg. She looked up and met Silver Spoon’s eyes with hers. “Silver! Go get help! There’s an exit through the kitchen, I’ll try to get us there! But we don’t have time to get Tiara all the way to the hospital!”

Silver Spoon looked around wildly, not knowing what to do.

“Go!” Scootaloo insisted as she bent down and grimacing managed to slide most of Diamond Tiara over onto her back. “Please, Silver! We can still save her!”

Gritting her teeth, Silver Spoon turned and galloped away.

* * *

“Turning my back on them, even if it was to get help, was the hardest thing I’ve done in my life. Even harder than standing my ground for the very first time in front of Scootaloo.

“I prayed to Celestia. I prayed to Luna. I even prayed to Discord that they would be okay.

“But my heart seemed to know better. Because every time my hooves touched the ground, it broke more.

“I knew that tragedy was inevitable, and yet I ran.”

* * *

Scootaloo half-carried, half-dragged Diamond Tiara with her towards the kitchen.

“Come on, Tiara,” she coughed, blinking hard in an attempt to clear her vision. “We can make it. I want to have time to scream at you all I want.”

A beam collapsed in flames next to her, making her jump and almost drop Tiara in surprise at the curtain of flying embers that erupted in front of her.

Breathing hard and trying to control her nerves, she quickly trotted over it towards the kitchen. “We’ll be fine there,” she said over her shoulder. “It’s made of brick... and we can climb out of a window there...”

She winced and drew a sharp breath when she unintentionally put weight on her hind leg again. It was probably broken given how much it hurt. But she wouldn’t let Tiara die. She wouldn’t abandon her sister.

Scootaloo managed to make her way past flaming bits of roof and burning furniture to the small kitchen they had both helped clean on countless occasions. One of the rooms to her right erupted in flames and smoke.

Scootaloo started choking. Despite the pain, she forced herself to trot forward until they went past the single swaying door and into the kitchen, which was thankfully cooler and devoid of smoke.

“We–” she cut off into a coughing fit until she had spat out something black. Her breath came out in wheezing, painful bursts. “We made it,” she managed to choke out. Her voice sounded horribly hoarse.

She carefully lay Diamond Tiara down on the floor next to her and forced herself towards the end of the kitchen, where the window was. Gripping the closed curtains, she yanked them down, revealing the window.

She stared at it and fell back on her haunches, crying in pain as her broken bone shifted. Coughing, she forced herself to look through the tears and stared at the boarded-up window. She looked back at her leg, which was starting to swell, and then up to the trembling and wheezing form of Diamond Tiara.

“There’s no way...” she whispered as she looked down to the floor. Slowly the tears started falling past her cheeks and splashing the hard stone floor of the kitchen. “There’s no way...”

Scootaloo slowly made her way to Diamond Tiara, who was looking at her with half-lidded eyes and breathing shallowly.

“I’m sorry, Tiara...” Scootaloo wheezed as she lay down next to her sister. She started coughing again and looked at Diamond Tiara’s eyes. “I’m so sorry I- we didn’t tell you...”

Diamond Tiara simply stared at her.

“Tiara... before we became friends, I never thought that I would care so much for y–” Scootaloo started coughing violently, her whole body shaking with each throat-tearing cough. “I love her, Tiara,” she wheezed. “And I love you. You’re my sister! I- I never even imagined I would have a mother, much less a sister...” She chuckled and grimaced as the simple act made her throat sting horribly. “You- you know me. I’m supposed to be tough–” She choked back a cough. “A- and I- I never go for the cutesy stuff,” she rasped out.

Slowly Scootaloo removed her silver feather pendant from around her neck. With a lot of care, she opened the upper half and the lower half into different directions.

In the middle, was a picture of Fine Print. On the upper half, opening to the left was a picture of Diamond Tiara, and on the lower half, opening to the right was a picture of Silver Spoon. Scootaloo chuckled, wincing again and cursing herself for forgetting, but she looked up at Tiara’s eyes. “I had a really hard time trying to decide who to put here. I simply didn’t have enough space to include you, Silver, mom, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle...” She looked at the pictures fondly. “I know they’ll understand why I chose my family and my fillyfriend...”

She slowly turned it around and pushed it towards Diamond Tiara, so that she could see.

Diamond Tiara’s eyes did not look down at the pendant. They remained staring in Scootaloo’s direction, neither moving nor seeing.

Scootaloo gritted her teeth as her body shook with pain, sobs and coughs. She wrapped the pendant’s chain around her hoof and dragged herself over to Diamond Tiara, pressing her forehead against her sister’s.

“I’m sorry I never told you how much you mean to me.” she whispered. “I’m sorry I kept this secret from you... I love you, sis.”

She started coughing so hard she couldn’t find the strength or chance to draw in breath. Her vision dimmed as she heard the building collapsing around them. She searched with her hoof until it rested on something soft. Hoping it was Diamond Tiara, Scootaloo closed her eyes.

* * *

"There are many lessons we have to learn from this whole experience: about insecurity. About tolerance. About paying attention and realizing that just because it seems to be fine, it doesn’t mean it is. For those of us that remain, the lessons are bitter and raw. For those that are gone... I can only hope that they have somehow achieved the happiness they wanted and deserved. I will never understand the things that Diamond Tiara and Scootaloo suffered through, and maybe that made me blind to the pain of one and the desperate love of the other. When- when they found them... Scoots had a broken leg. She had dragged Diamond Tiara almost 400 feet from where we had been to the kitchen. She refused to let her sister go.

"When all is said and done, we can only hope we did learn the hard lessons. And that we will never repeat them again."

Silver Spoon stepped down from the podium and watched silently as the coffin was lowered right next to Filthy Rich's grave. She felt the tears leave her eyes and roll down her cheeks. Soon, she couldn't hold it in and broke into tears. She was enveloped in a hug as Fine Print and Silver Platter both held on to her. But it wasn't until she felt another hoof press against her own that she opened her eyes and looked down.

Scootaloo smiled shakily from her wheelchair. It was anypony's guess if she would ever be able to use her leg again.

But at least she was alive.

Silver Spoon would never let that inner pain in Scootaloo's eyes grow. She would take it away, just as Scootaloo would take hers. The pair looked at Diamond Tiara's grave and wondered: Why didn't we tell her?

It was a question that would haunt them all their lives.

The End

Comments ( 58 )

This was actually a good story. I wish you didn't kill Diamond Tiara though. Did I just really type that? You actually got me to care about the pony I hate the most. Congratz. I wish there was more story though. It was really good

One question was Tiara trying to kill herself or was she just cutting herself and it went too far?

Damn it.
Pony fics aren't suppost to make me think.
And yet this one does.

Holy fucking whit!! Man tears were shed! :fluttercry: that was awesome!!

One last thing and then I'm done posting on this fic. Would it be possible if, even though its kind of messed up, expand the story and show Diamond Tiara's fall in the orphanage? It kind of loses meaning when you just say Scootaloo did this but now they made up. It would add more depth and frankly I wanna see just how bad Scoots got.

Why are you making me want to cry.
Very good story SO SAD though.
Now I need to read something happy.

Wow that was tragic and sad as all hell. Congrats you got the emotions you wanted out of me. :pinkiesad2:

Wanderer D

1040812 Glad you liked it! :pinkiehappy: I'll go fix now.


The end was ruined a bit but eh can't kill off Scoots, nope. Sisters dieing together and leaving SS to carry on with the pain of losing both her best friend and her lover over a secret held for almost two years from one who held her own secret love for her best friend...

That ending, while well done, reminded me of a few movies. I personally think the ending was cheapened a bit by sparing a MC to comfort SS. Scoot had already inhaled too much smoke, they were boarded up and trapped. SS would have to travel quite fast, inform the firepartment (or pegasi w/e) and sure SS would tell them they'd be at the kitchen but she wouldnt know where that'd be and ponies would need a floor plan to find said kitchen less they had someone who knew beforehoof.

Would of been more powerful without the somewhat foreseeable ending :P

w/e great story in any case. One story has DT 'abandoning' SS to die and this one breaks her down enough to kill herself off. I know people hate DT but "COME ON!" people... at least the Diamond in the Rough was a proper SS perspective that left you thinking. It was up to interpretation. Still, overall I did, after a quarter way in anyways, I really enjoyed it. The ending felt cheapened imho.


This was truly amazing, Wanderer. Never before have I felt even the slightest twinge of compassion towards either Tiara or Spoon, but this makes me feel the feels as if they have never been felt before.

Jeez, I need to gather my thoughts. Truly incredible...

Norse. :raritywink:

Now off to read his story.

(I also thought it was really clever how you didn't use your normal scene break to preserve the illusion that this wasn't your story. Well done.)

Wanderer D

1030288 Here's hoping you still like it! :scootangel:

1030582 Thank you, reading comments like yours really made me want to break in and answer before the reveal. If you felt for a character you previously hated, then I did something right. :pinkiesmile: DT... I think she wanted to kill herself, but after she cut herself and heard her sister and friend come looking for her realized she didn't want to die. It was a bit too late though.

As for the bullying part... I might edit it. The story still needs I bit of work, I think.

1030668 But... that's a good thing, right?

1033353 yay!

1033810 Glad you liked it, Denim! :raritywink: I might attempt a happier DT & SP story sometime in the future.

1041359 It's kinda ironic, I figured it would be worse for both of them. They have to live with the guilt of what happened, and the knowledge that they came close to saving her but failed. In my original notes I had Silver Spoon mention that she had run straight for the closest pony available, that being Twilight Sparkle, who simply had ripped the back of the kitchen out and pulled out Scoots. Having magic, the hospital probably could clear her lungs well enough although maybe not fix permanent damage.

Ah well.

I thought it was a Norse fic, thus read into it more.

Wanderer D

1042559 I'm glad you liked it! :raritystarry: TBH I always thought that SP was an easier character to portray as a good filly, and it was true... DT needs a dose of hard reality to snap out of it... although hopefully something less harsh than what happened to her here!

Wanderer D

1045604 Are you saying my stories are shallow? :pinkiegasp:

Wait, what's that over there?

Runs away.

1045598 It would be cool to see what you can do with the story if you edit it. Now I need to read Norse's fic.

Wow, I never thought I'd ever feel bad for Diamond Tiara again after Fallout Equestria. :pinkiesad2:

That truly takes talent.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. It's a good day in hell when I get to read a fic with those two troublemakers. :yay:
It's very symbolic to have DT die in the ruins of an orphanage like her father. With the difference that FR died in the ruin of a dream for the future, while DT died in a burning nightmare of the past.
I noticed that you did not even mention Pearl Necklace at DT burial. Her character is the one in this story that really made me doubt it. She is so much of the evil stepmother, it's almost comical.

Wanderer D

1051286 Well, I wouldn't call her "evil", really. Not in the sense that you're thinking. I imagined her as a self-centered b*tch, to the point of being neglectful, but not outright villainous.

Let me phrase is like this: If a lawyer by the name of Shifty Deal has to trick you into doing the right thing, you have a real problem.:twilightoops:

Good god that was... I don't know! Heartwarming, heart-wrenching, superb, will-breaking, it was so many adjectives! Adjectives! Take mine! Take them all! What will you do with so many adjectives!?

cant read the comments.

give me a tissue please.:fluttercry:

Wow. After this story i cant think of Diamond Tiara the same way ever again.

My god.

You made me feel.

And that ending.

Good bye. I need to think...

Very well done! A magnificently touching story you've put together, here. There were a handful of small errors (the specific case I recall was a missing quotation mark), but otherwise everything fit smoothly into storytelling. Also, while the ending in general suited everything preceding it, it took me a bit of mental squirming to realize that your final line really was the theme you were winding through the story... Take from that what you will if/when you choose to tweak anything as to which you allude in an earlier comment. Favourited and +Thumbed for prosperity.

Afterthought: suggested background music of Brahms' Ein Deutsches Requiem (Op. 45). :fluttercry:


I'm honestly not sure what to think. I mostly liked the story, and the way Diamond Tiara was turned into a sympathetic character. I even could handle the tragic aspect of it, though I do believe killing yourself over your first unrequited love is taking things a tad too far. But still, somehow a pall hangs over all this that keeps me from really liking it. Thumbs-up, but no fave, I guess.

Also, two nitpicks: 1) Why is this tagged "Dark"? It's not remotely a gore story, and since it's not written from DT's point of view, we don't even get the insights into her downward spiral that would make this into a work of psychological horror. On the same note, where is the "Romance" tag? This is about a love triangle, for crying out loud, isn't that what that tag was made for? (It might mislead some people into thinking that the relationships are what this fic is mainly about, but the "Tragedy" and "Sad" tags should dispel that notion rather quickly.)

2) Why in the world would a broken leg permanently consign Scootaloo to a wheelchair? Leaving out for a moment that she could still fly, it doesn't sound like the type of injury that would leave permanent damage of this kind, especially in a world where healing magic is available.

And I thought the first chapter was deep...this nothing short of amazing. Very deep, very dark, and very intriguing. Well done.

...You have thrown into question my entire view of Diamond Tiara... because you made me like her. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Lyra_cry.png

God dammit D, why you so good at this?!

I'm going to need to recover from this one for about a month before I can write Diamond Tiara in my own.

I knew. I knew the sad ending was coming.

Man... :pinkiesad2:

You're a really good author, you know that?

You know, if you asked me which story I thought was truly written by you (of the two you swapped with NorsePony), I would definitely say Rough in the Diamond. Amazing, no? :pinkiecrazy: The 'something fishy' feeling was very apparent in some of the LOEG stories, and some writers' style easily recognizable (butterscotchsundae or Lucky Dreams for example), but the swap you made with NorsePony was incredibly... fitting. :twilightblush: I hadn't read NorsePony's work before the LOEG, but I'd read some of your works, and when I read Rough in the Diamond I totally thought it was yours. Heck, I still do. :rainbowlaugh:

Now, allow me to express my honest opinion on your fic. But I'm afraid it's not hearts and flowers, so by the sun on Celestia's RUMP, please don't ban me from the site for it. :fluttershbad:

A curious thing, really. A couple of days ago, I received a review of one of my crappy stories on ponychan board. The reviewer said that poor characterization was the main issue of my story. He was right, of course, but only reading your story made me realize just how much an otherwise deep, moving, incredibly written, and masterfully executed story can suffer from poor characterization.
After all, if we choose to go without OCs, we are forced to work with characters that are given--their looks, traits, and behavior in most situations is defined by the canon. And if the writer breaks it without giving a valid reason for it, they have to be ready for readers' disappointment. :pinkiesad2:

Let me dissect your story below.

You start with introducing Diamond Tiara and the beginning of hers and Silver Spoon's friendship. And WHAM!
Right from the beginning you step away from the cannon. Would Diamond Tiara really care for a tiara given to her by an acquaintance? I don't believe so, not the Diamond Tiara we know from the show. But let's overlook that, on the account that she starts acting more like a pampered princess wannabe from there.
That's a curious thing there. In Silver Spoon's flashbacks (those are Silver's right?) you describe Diamond Tiara as her canon self, but I can't see much of that behavior in your story. It seems like the Diamond Tiara you introduce to the reader and Diamond Tiara other fillies know are two different ponies. Like what you tell is not the same as what you show. I hope I'm being clear enough, because I can't quite put my fingers on it myself, as much as I'd like to. :facehoof:
Anyway, let's go further down the story. Diamond Tiara looses her father, whom she loved dearly, and gets rejected by her mother. Well, if those aren't circumstances under which a pony can completely change her character, I don't know what are. If only Tiara was more canon in the beginning, the change of her personality would be more than justified here, and the story would feel much more canon-compliant.

So yeah, with that you give the reader a chance to get over the strange Diamond Tiara, who lands in the orphanage. And then BAM!
Scootaloo acts like a total vengeful be-yotch, being a bully and stooping low enough as to actually hit and torment Diamond Tiara. Seriously? :rainbowhuh: Would canon Scoots really do it? She is a rambunctious tomboy, she is overconfident, and daring, and strong-willed, and even violent sometimes. And she has every reason to hate Tiara. But would she actually stoop low enough as to become the same kind of bully Tiara was to her?
Besides, Scootaloo still hangs with other Crusaders. But when nopony sees, she's letting it all out on Diamond Tiara. I mean really? Nopony, even her closest friends, would notice any change in her (or Tiara's) behavior? :rainbowhuh:

Let's turn a blind eye on this for a second, and BOOM!
Scoots gets into a fight with Silver Spoon and suddenly ROMACE! What the heck? dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/sillyfilly_Scootaloo.png Where did that come from? (Besides, I never considered you a shipper. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/lolface_Queen_Chrysalis.png )
But OK, love is blind and all, let's forget about it. By the way, I said nothing about Spoon in all of my rambling above. It's because her characterization is quite good (in my humble opinion). She seems like a devoted follower of Tiara, even if she wished they hadn't bullied the Crusaders sometimes. But, if she was so in love with Tiara and all, how come she hooked up with Scoots all of a sudden?
As a side note, it all happened a year and a half from the canon show, right? Are the fillies big and mature enough to engage in some implied petting and what not, and develop spontaneous wingboners dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Scootaloo_lolface.png when their friends share a passionate and hot kiss? :twilightblush: I'm not mentioning this to mindlessly criticize. Ponies may develop quicker than humans, after all. It's just that I found this strange. I just felt it was a little to early for them. The fillies were still grade schoolers in the canon show, right? Would a year and a half make such a difference?

But OK, let's quickly skim through Scoots and Tiara's adoption, the forbidden love, and the inevitable crisis. Suddenly BANG!
You do it to me again with the force of Fluttershy trashing the poor bear. :yay: Tiara attempting a suicide (and succeeding at it)? Seriously? I know she suffered a lot throughout your story, and had every reason to change rather dramatically (again, it would be incomparably better if she wasn't different so much from the very beginning), but would she just end (quit) her life so easily? I have a really hard time accepting that. She just seem... tougher than that. Both in canon and in your story.

Well, my ramble has to end eventually, and I think it's as good time as any. :twilightsmile: To summarize: the story is executed masterfully, the writing is extraordinaire (wouldn't expect anything less from you, really :twilightsmile:), the story is also very deep and moving. But it would feel MUCH better in general (it's my humble opinion, though) if it weren't about the characters we all know, and which feel very different in your story from what they're supposed to be. :ajsleepy:

So, if you actually read all of that and haven't banned me yet from the site for bashing your story to pieces like that expressing my honest opinion on your story, let me thank you for the whole LOEG gig. Not only have I met a lot of great writers, but I also learned so very much from reading their (and your) stories. The ability to compare so many different writing styles was an invaluable experience, both in reading and in learning to write. And for that, I sincerely thank you. :twilightsmile:

Wanderer D

1206423 This was actually very amusing to read :pinkiehappy: so don't worry, you're not banned :rainbowlaugh:

There are very good points there, I think the only one I will defend (the rest being well, pretty much true thanks to lack of proper pacing) is that Silver Spoon's memories of what happened are tainted by her POV, whereas the rest is what 'really' happened. :raritywink: They are conflicting a bit, but when you ask two people to tell you what happened, do you get the exact same story? :trollestia:

So the difference between Tiara's acting and how Spoon saw it all was intentional. I actually wondered if that was the case, but ultimately decided that I may be over-thinking it. :pinkiecrazy:

don't worry, you're not banned

Whew! :rainbowlaugh:


But, if [Silver Spoon] was so in love with Tiara and all, how come she hooked up with Scoots all of a sudden?

This line, so much!!
That, of course, is due to her selective amnesia :pinkiecrazy:. [/controversy]

Wanderer D

1247851 I don't remember the exact details right now, but I don't think I ever said that Silver Spoon was in love love with DT? She loved her as a friend as far as I'm concerned. :moustache:

:facehoof: Technically, you should be telling Karach that.
But, in The Rough in the Diamond she is!
That's the controversy, Rough is a prequel to this one.:unsuresweetie:

Wanderer D

1248117 Um... no it isn't... Rough in the Diamond was Norse's fic-trade with me for the LOEG event, but the stories are not related. :pinkiehappy: But yes, I should tell 1206617 as well... there :yay:

Anyway, the idea was to write a brawl between Silver Spoon and Scoots and both discovering that they are in fact attracted to each other... after Silver Spoon finally manages to get through Scoot's head that she's being a bully. Of course I didn't write it so... :pinkiesad2: I just left it to imagination. I know, I'm lazy.

Me and expressing myself on the net :facehoof:.

Um... no it isn't... Rough in the Diamond was Norse's fic-trade with me for the LOEG event, but the stories are not related.

Well, of course it isn't! If these fics were in the same continounity, it wouldn't be a controversy, would it?

Just thee wait, I'll PM thou soon. :twilightsmile:

1248117 1248184
Talking behind my back, are you? :pinkiecrazy:
I am not a politician and my statements shouldn't be taken out of context. :rainbowlaugh: The sentence before is: "She seems like a devoted follower of Tiara, even if she wished they hadn't bullied the Crusaders sometimes. But, if she was so in love [yadda yadda yadda]". :pinkiehappy: But yeah, I guess it could be misunderstood slightly. :rainbowlaugh:


I don't think I ever said that Silver Spoon was in love love with DT

You haven't told that, true, but you have shown it! At least that's how it seemed in the story. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Scootaloo_lolface.png The subtle differences between show-and-tell (or, in case of this story, between what you show and what you tell--I pestered you about it in my long-ass comment before :twilightblush:). It may be my over-reactive imagination, though. :trollestia:

Imma be a dick and say that Diamond Tiara rage quitted life. LET YOUR HATRED FEED MY INNER TROLL!!!!
JK, this story actually made me cry as much as My Little Dashie did.:fluttercry:dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Lyra_cry.png dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Vinyl_sad.png dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Spitfire_sad.png

You just stabbed me in the heart with this story.

Poor... everyone. Poor Diamond Tiara, for every reason ever. Poor Silver Spoon and Scootaloo, for living with the guilt. :fluttercry:

It's really, really good, though.

Damn. I really thought Scoots was done for at the end. This was darn tragic, I'll admit. This is why I love this fandom, really. I think there's literally a fic for everything, except maybe an epic devoted to Crackle, but I bet someone, somewhere is plugging away at one. This was really interesting, and I enjoyed it, despite the tragedy part, so thanks for a thought-provoking read :twilightsmile:

Wanderer D

1800037 Thanks for reading! :twilightsmile: Glad you liked it!

I must say this was quite the tragic story. So sad what happened to Filthy Rich & Diamond Tiara.

I do so hope Scootaloo & Silver Spoon recover from this tragic event in a sequel if you ever happen to make one.

On a slightly related note, I can just imagine my OC CHAOS DARKNESS watching from the shadows these tragic events & everyone's emotions & laughing at them due to the sadness & misery everyone is dealing with, while hinting at the fact he may have had a hand in making the events happen by manipulating things.

Why i just read this? Is the kind of thing that puts misery in a perfectly bright day.

Anyway, i can't find it in my heart to shot this down just because i disliked this ending. I suppose i'm just a softy that loves his happy endings...

So i did the only thing i could do: thumb up, and that's all, i don't wanna have anything else to do with this story. Now, i'm going to the corner to cry a little more...

Author Interviewer

That was pretty heavy. Weird pairing, but a decent take on stuff that would balk a lesser author. Plus, I like sympathetic takes on DT & SS.

I will write a longer review some other time but this story...bleh. :pinkiesick: The characters are cardboard cutouts. We don't really get to see development but more transitions. The quality is fine but the tacked on filly-fooling to justify the ending is forcing the plot rather then letting it flow.

Wanderer D

2932987 But they're really nice, 3-D cardboard cut-outs! I even used glitter on them!

2956451 No you turn what amounts to elementary schoolers into lesbians, try to pile as much tragedy on as you can get away with to make the characters "deep", then have a completely over the top ending to push "teh drama". Its like you read Fanfic is a crapsack and tried to invoke every trollfic trope possible.

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