• Member Since 26th Nov, 2018
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Do you think there's such a place as a Promised Land?



This story is a sequel to DisHarmony: Genesis

Hiya, everypony! We never wrote one of these before, do you think it's good? Or maybe you think it's :pinkiegasp: REALLY GOOD?

Anyway, this is me and Mena's life! I hope you like it! :pinkiehappy:

Cover Art: https://www.deviantart.com/joyfulinsanity/art/Nothing-Else-To-Do-424874555

Chapters (41)
Comments ( 102 )

Well, holy freaking crap, Pinkie. What kind of food have you been eating before you go to bed? This looks like a prophetic dream someone in the scriptures would have before disaster strikes!

But apart from that, I'm glad to have a firsthand account of the life you lead. I'm going to be watching your career with great interest.

Well, that took an odd turn. Hope you’re feeling better, Best Pony!

It certainly is Pinkie Pie...

I'm gonna keep my eye on this

But I'll say right now, Pinkie, that as long as you get this up, we'll enjoy it. Anything you want to share with the world, stick it here.

Also, love the Ail-icorn reference.

thank you very much Pinkie... say... do you ever think that someone may be stalking you? watching your every move... waiting for you to notice them? ahhhhh nevermind... I'm probably just imagining it...
*Slendermare is in the background*

"It's... Hard for me to keep a smile on my face nowadays... I keep trying to cheer everypony else up, and I do, but whenever I start feeling sad, nopony does the same for me," I say, my eyes tearing up...

It's like you took the words out of my mouth! Whoah! I feel the same way too!

If you have to wait until you're gone to use the knife, I'll never leave!

Will this story have a happy ending?

So, I wanna introduce you to my new friend! Their name is... Oh, I don't know your name yet. You can tell me later! Or in the Coom-ends!

This story sure look FUN:pinkiehappy:

... you're not familiar with the word 'willpower', are you, Pinkamena?

Oh, so you're a Tulpa: A self-aware mental construct, in case you or anyone else didn't know the term. And a pretty powerful one at that, if your belief in your own existence was enough to keep you alive. Leon, my own Tulpa, probably would have liked to talk with you, if I could just hear him properly.

That being said, while I can't claim to know what loneliness is like from YOUR perspective, I have my own loneliness. You see, Mena, behind this Alicorn OC and computer screen is a young man who drove away his actual, flesh-and-blood sister years ago because he let his emotions get the better of him. After that, he started cutting himself off from his emotions, and distanced himself from others. By the time he realized how lonely he was, it was too late to make new friends. He has no school, no job, no social life offline. He's come to accept that he'll never amount to anything, and he knows that he'll die alone.

So, yeah, I don't understand loneliness the way you do. Likewise, you don't understand loneliness the way I do. But, if you can drop the trash talk for a while, maybe we can at least try to help each other understand. You're obviously hurting, and believe it or not, I want to help. Maybe it's because of my own loneliness. Maybe it's because of my heart. Maybe it's just something to do.

And as for all the others, saying you want Mena to die, or go away: don't. Like it or not, Mena is her own being, and has just as much a right to live as the rest of us.

Perhaps you, alone, can understand me...

Tulpa? Hmmm...

I think you could be right on that...

Why didn't you respond to my comment?

Well, crap. Girls, you're in one of the SCP Foundation's sites.

A quick overview: SCP is an acronym that also serves as their motto and mission statement; Secure, Contain, Protect. Since you're outside the 'norm' for the world you're now on, they're going to try and capture (Secure) and cage (Contain) you. However, this is where the P comes in. In the world you're now in, people tend to lash out at things they consider unusual. The third part of their mission is to keep the various SCPs (sometimes called Skips) safe from those that do you harm (Protect). Really, the Foundation sites are among the safest places you could have ended up at.

That being said, they put more focus on protecting humanity from SCPs than vice versa. If you're determined to be a threat to humanity, they'll focus more on the C than the P, if you get my meaning. Cooperation is easily your best bet when you get found. And yes, I mean when, not if. The Foundation has all kinds of defenses and systems in place on their sites. Mostly in the event that one of the SCPs escapes containment, but also to keep them safe from aggressors.

On the subject of SCPs... well, they range all over the place, really. SCP-999 is a sort of blob that enjoys tickling people and makes them happy with just a touch. SCP-682 is a homicidal reptile that quickly adapts to any attempts made to kill it, up to and including straight-up reality warping like Discord can do. SCP-294 is a coffee machine that can produce any liquid. SCP-173 is an animate killer statue even 682 is afraid of (If you see it, don't blink). SCP-343 is the local equivalent of God. SCP-096 will kill anything that views its face. SCP-500 can cure any sort of disease.

As for advice, I don't have much to give, sadly. The more you cooperate with them, the easier things will be. If alarms start going off, stay in there and stay quiet.

Hoping for the best.

Thanks for letting me know.

Shit. What you just encountered is SCP-106, nicknamed 'The Old Man'. He's a Keter-class SCP, among the most dangerous there is, and he's actively dangerous. He can... well, 'pass through' isn't entirely accurate. More like he's able to enter a pocket dimension by going through walls, floors, and ceilings, and exiting through them as well, leaving that black goop you saw at the point of entry. DO NOT touch it, that stuff is highly corrosive, especially to living beings. It's been compared to stomach acid, and he's covered in the same stuff.

As for The Old Man himself, he's among the deadliest SCPs the Foundation has. He hunts people. He'll incapacitate his prey by damaging organs, muscle groups, or tendons, then pull them into his pocket dimension, where he 'plays' with his victims before finishing them off. He has full control of this dimension, and can alter time, space, and perception inside it. Frankly, if you get pulled into it, you're as good as dead already.

His ability to 'pass through' solid matter is what makes him so difficult to contain. When he breaks out of containment, standard protocol is to lure him back into his cell (after it's been repaired or replaced)... by injuring a human, ages 10-25, usually by breaking the femur, and transmitting the screams of pain over the sound systems. That usually attracts him to the lure after about 10 to 15 minutes. Unfortunately, from the sounds of things, they're not going to be able to set up the lure for quite some time.

Now, if it was just The Old Man, I'd advise you get to large, open, brightly lit room. The Old Man's adverse to bright lights, and you can easily tell where he's about to exit his pocket dimension by that black goop forming. However, that crazed screaming you mention? That raises two possibilities. A; it's SCP-096, 'The Shy Guy', in which case you're fine as long as you don't look at its face. B; it's SCP-682, 'Hard-To-Destroy Reptile'. That thing can't be killed. At most, you could damage it enough to temporarily incapacitate it. If it targets you, just run. And as much as you and Pinkie might not like it, if you encounter any humans, put them between you and 682. They're trained in subduing that creature long enough to re-contain it, and they, each and every one of them, are willing to give their lives to do so.

That, Mena, is SCP-049, the 'Plague Doctor'. What, exactly he's trying to cure, is unknown. What is known is that his 'cure' kills and reanimates his victims. And that a single touch from him can kill.

Do not let him touch you or Pinkie.

I understand how you feel, Pinkie. And it's okay to feel how you feel.
I hope that you remember: your friends, your family, we humans over here...we love you for who you are. Not for your smile, though it is pretty and contagious. And I'm sure everyone will understand if you let them know how you feel.

Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. :raritywink:

Perhaps it’s a prediction? :pinkiecrazy:

Well, Mena, guess you're an SCP for now until Twilight can get you and Pinkie back.

Sadly, there's not much in the way of advice I can give. Don't bother getting attached to the orange-suited people, they're D-Class and get switched out every month. Like Avendrial said, you're likely get better treatment if you show you're sentient, so long as you cooperate with them. DO NOT tell them about Twilight, however. Your return to Equestria would likely constitute as a Containment Breach in their minds, and that is something they will prevent at any cost.

... that being said, if they try to stop you when the time comes, the best course of action would be to point out that you have no intention to return or become a threat to them or humanity as a whole. On the other hand, your status (well, Pinkie's status) as a prominent hero and VIP in Equestria means your return there would be highly desirable. Something they'd likely be willing to fight for. Roughly 1/3 of Equestrians possess some sort of reality-warping abilities (what you would call magic), with Twilight in particular being among the strongest of them. Celestia's control of the Sun and Luna's control of the moon, if it can be applied to this world, could easily cause an XK-Class End-Of-The-World Scenario, and Discord in particular has reality warping powers that only SCP-343 'God', and SCP-239 'The Witch Child' could hope to match. As the primary goal of the SCP Foundation as a whole is the protection and preservation of humanity, allowing your return and avoiding an inter-dimensional war is the only logical path for them to take.

Would it have made a difference even if I did tell you you'd be experimented on, Mena? Do you really think I could have done anything from this side of the screen? I thought you were smarter than that. I don't have the abilities you do. All I could have done was offer advice and try not to worry you and Pinkie.

Go ahead and come, Mena. Kill me, if you can. It's not like I haven't wished death upon myself before, and lord knows I've done plenty of things to deserve it. My only request is that you tell Pinkie that I'm sorry when she comes back.

First, they were likely taking blood samples, making sure that you didn't have any viruses or the like that could infect them and potentially kill them, since they'd have no immunities or resistances to the sicknesses of your world.

Second, welcome back, Pinkie, and thank you.

Third, WHAT!?!

We couldn’t have done anything if we tried, humans have no magic, Mena, I’m just a girl behind a screen, we have no way to help you, we never have.

We’re rooting for ya... not much more we can do...


Aww, Pinkie... I'm always here. I'd help you out if I could. I want to reach through that screen and give you a hug.

Well... Mena is, in theory, a Tulpa, meaning she can't truly die so long as you, the 'host', Pinkie, continue to think of her. She's broken the rules for Tulpas on so many occasions, however, that I can't be sure about that.

Aside from that, however, there is one more possibility. This entire 'story' is proof of the multiverse theory, and how they can interact. Let me see if I can take advantage of that...

Oh Pinkie... I’m sure there’s a solution to this... there has to be... I don’t know what, but, MM already brought up a theory, there’s gotta be more ways to fix this.

I'm a little confused right now.

Yay! Welcome back, Mena, I know ya can’t see this, but maybe Pinkie can tell us what Mena’s saying, sorta like a translater?

What is Mena's favorite color?

Ummm what the heck Mena?! You can’t be sorry for dying! :rainbowlaugh:

And my question: When did you first discover Mena?

Well, good to see the multiverse exploitation worked. I really doubt it could work again, so don't go pushing your luck, you two.

Like I said, good behavior is rewarded by the SCP Foundation.

... although...

It's possible that my meddling in the multiverse had some unintended side effects. Does the name William Steven ring any bells?

Well, that's one undesirable outcome averted, at least.

On another note, does the dragon with you have a name? I must confess, from what I know about the SCP in question, it's unusual for them to stay outside their... I'm tempted to say their 'Room', but my understanding of their culture isn't as good as I wish it was. At any rate, it's unusual for them to stay outside the box longer than a couple hours, so I'm hoping that we can learn from each other while he or she stays.

They may hold the key to your return back home.

Oh gosh... I don’t know enough about the SCP foundation, still, I bet you’ll get an answer soon, just hold on.

Comment posted by FictionalNightmare deleted Aug 2nd, 2019

And for that one voice that keeps asking me when I met Mena, I never met Mena, silly! She's been a part of me since birth! Haven't you ever wondered why I get straight hair sometimes? That's Mena!

I did not, ‘keep asking you’! I only said it once.

Also, it’s good that you’re at least a little bit happier.

Shit. Pinkie, they are, in all likelihood, members of the Global Occult Coalition. As DMF17 stated, they tend to destroy anything that doesn't fit their definition of normal. Benign or malevolent, helpful or harmful, sentient and sapient or not: Whereas the SCP Foundation would contain and protect, the GOC will only kill and destroy.
Cowards and simpletons lashing out at what they don't understand. Deluding themselves into thinking they're acting for the greater good. They could doom humanity.
You and Drago should retreat into his room, and then further into Fantasy. So far, nothing manmade has been able to follow him and his kind inside. With any luck, that trend will continue. Best case scenario, the GOC simply destroys SCP-1762 and severs the connection between their room, and his room.
Yes, this IS the best case scenario with the GOC. Idiots seeking to preserve their idiocy, and thinking they're smart for doing so.
Worst case scenario, prepare for war.
A defensive war, focusing on keeping them from entering Fantasy. Mankind as a whole need not suffer for the sins of the few.

... holy shit.
The GOC really is going to doom humanity.
Mena, you might be needed soon.

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