• Published 14th Jan 2019
  • 12,716 Views, 263 Comments

Mother of Midnight - Justice3442

Twilight Sparkle has cast loose the magic of Equestria and has been corrupted into a being that craves knowledge, no matter the cost. So, it’s up to Sunset Shimmer to save the day, right? Yeah, about that…

  • ...

Chapter 3: Magic Dinning

Anxiety ridden, Twilight Velvet watched as her daughter and their family’s dinner guest squared up against each other in their living room. In this case, ‘squared up’ meant charging their hands with magical energies that they planned to fire while standing a few feet away from each other.

What had begun as an exciting day of everyone getting to watch her daughter Twilight Sparkle participate in the friendship game had developed into a magically supercharged duel between the now Midnight Sparkle and one of the rival kids Sunset Shimmer.

Twilight Velvet, being the attentive mother that she was, had defused that situation, or at least she thought she had. Now things had kicked up again because apparently cell phones weren’t built to survive magical transformations! Twilight Velvet herself, her husband, and their, as of this evening, talking dog were in danger! Her house might get destroyed and her daughter magically blasted all because a phone had been lost!

She sighed internally. Teenagers…

Twilight Velvet considered yelling at her daughter to stop, since that had worked before, but now it was The transformed Sunset Shimmer instigating, so interfering might be tantamount to asking her daughter to be blasted a few times and just so maybe things calm down afterwards. Not a very appealing option. Still, something had to be done. The temperature was rising, and she didn’t want to lose her family, house, the contents of it, just because someone’s phone was currently MIA…

Unable to come up with a plan to save life and the living room herself, Twilight Velvet called for her husband. “Dear… A little help?” Come on, Night Light… I could REALLY use some parental support right now. Twilight Velvet looked about and realized her husband was notably not present. “DEAR!” she said more forcefully.

Daydream Shimmer chuckled with a smile unbefitting of someone with an angelic look to them, a smirk seemingly having burned its way onto her face. “What’s he going to do? Dad pun us until we st—”

A blast of freezing atmosphere suddenly shot into the living room and Twilight Velvet flinched at the unexpected noise coming from her left. She looked, and there her husband was, heroically caring a fire extinguisher and shooting both girls center mass with its pressurized contents. Twilight Velvet made a mental note to reward her husband behind closed doors for his bravery.

The girls shifted tactics from getting ready to blast each other to coughing and waving the gas away from their faces.

Night Light glared at them both. “You girls can light up after dinner, also, no smoking inside the house!”

Twilight Velvet cringed and wondered if her husband had taken so much time simply because he was trying to craft the perfect one-liner to say before dousing the girls. Oh well, he still saved the house. Twilight Velvet thought with a smile.

“Also,” Night Light held up a flat, rectangular item, “Sunset, your phone was in the car.”

“You could have led with that!” Twilight Velvet exclaimed.

Night Light expression turned nervous for a moment. “Also, dinner’s ready,” he added.

For a moment, no one said or did anything. Midnight Sparkle and Daydream Shimmer had switched from glaring at each other with murderous intent to both giving Night Light sour looks, Daydream’s expression softening once she got her phone. Midnight adapted a worn expression, her emotions blown out.

A glowing smile once again spread across Daydream’s face before she broke into a fit of laughter. Laughter that seemingly rolled out of her and into the living room encouraging Twilight Velvet and Night Light to join.

Midnight, for her part, held on to her grumpy countenance and marched past her parents.

Everyone else still followed with her mother and father taking up their usual spots next to each other leaving an empty chair for Daydream to sit right next to her.

Just… fantastic… she thought with a small smile.


“Do you cook at all, Sunset?” Twilight Velvet asked sweetly.

Daydream thought for a moment. “Does thinking really hard about baking the raw cookie dough you get from stores instead of slowly eating it over the course of a few days count?”

Twilight Velvet rose a hand in front of her mouth and suppressed a laugh. “Not as much, no.”

Night Light poured himself a glass of red wine prompting Daydream to fully take in her dinnerware set. She glanced at an empty goblet-shaped wine glass at her setting and sighed. Apparently, whoever set the table was a fan of aesthetics at dinner and mocking teenagers.

“Would you like some wine, Sunset?” Night Light asked.

Daydream’s fingers instantly wrapped around the stem of her glass. “Yes, please!” she said as she held the bowl-shaped glass out.

“Honey! She’s in high school!” Twilight Velvet scolded.

His face barely moving a muscle, Night Light responded, “Sorry, I’ll go get my funnel for the next glass.”

Daydream snort-laughed but managed to keep her glass steady enough for Night Light to pour her a generous serving of wine. “That seems… extreme.”

Twilight Velvet nodded in agreement while Midnight leaned forward slightly to serve herself some food, though she was finding her improved reach was quite useful. She quickly scooped herself out some beef, carrot, and potato stew and snagged a roll while barely having to move more than her arm.

Likewise, soon everyone had dished up their own serving and were quietly eating in between small talk mostly made by Night Light.

“So, Sunset Shimmer… What is it you… do…?” Night Light asked.

Daydream felt an eyebrow instinctively lift upwards as if it was trying to ascend to the heavens. “I’m a magical pony from another dimension who is currently imbued with magic from the combined elements of harmony as they’ve chosen to manifest on my best friends, also, a high school student.”

Night Light nodded. “I’ve recently got into amateur photography!”

—"You clearly asked me that question just so you could talk about your hobby, but okay—"

“Got a DSLR camera at a great price on Black Friday! And I only had to punch two people and wrestle it away from an old lady to get it!”

Midnight smacked a palm against her face.

Twilight Velvet took a large gulp of her own wine. “Dear, I don’t think Sunset needs to know about the violent aspects of how you acquired your goods.”

Daydream glanced at the other two women at the table, then looked at Night Light and simply nodded. “Word. I remember getting quite the deal on my PS4. I had to suplex some dude with crutches to get it.”

Midnight looked at Daydream in shock. “You suplexed an injured person?”

“He wasn’t injured until I supplexed him,” Daylight countered. “I think he had cerebral palsy.”

Midnight’s mouth hung open while her parents continued to politely eat their food and Spike shoved as much of his face into his food dish as possible and an effort to maximize kibble ingested per bite.

Daydream, suddenly realizing she was being too nonchalant, shrugged as her expression turned worried. “If it makes you feel better, those crutches seemed like more of a weapon than a hindrance at the time.”

“You attacked a crippled person!” Midnight shouted. “How the Hell”—

Twilight Velvet narrowed her eyes. “Language, young la—”


“Fine!” Twilight Velvet growled out. “But keep your voice down.”

Midnight took a deep breath and turned back to Daydream. She motioned to all the literal angelic perfection Daydream was. “How the literal Hell did you end up in that form if you’re willing to lay the smack down on the differently-abled?!”

Night Light piped up, “Hey, all is fair in love and war, and not only is Black Friday retail war, who doesn’t love a good deal?”

Midnight groaned and buried her face into her hands. “I’m so fed up with this…”

“Hi, ‘Fed up with this,’” Night Light said in a paternal tone, “I’m—”

“I’m preemptively rolling my eyes as hard as I can against you,” Midnight informed.

“Same!” Spike called out as patrolled the outskirts of the table for fallen morsels and scraps.

“Look!” Daydream began. “Black Friday practically operates off the Purge rules. The guy’s dad snuck up on me and tried to crush my leg with his foot and said he’d turn his considerable influence as a ‘completely legit carwash owner’ to make sure ‘there was no body to find’. In hindsight, he seemed pretty serious, and I felt bad for attacking his son so we joined forces and laid the smackdown on some old lady to get what we wanted.”

Midnight took a deep breath and let it out. “Let me get this straight… feeling bad about attacking someone with cerebral palsy and perhaps fearing a mob attack from a carwash owner…”

Daydream nodded, “Perhaps,” she parroted.

“… you then formed some sort of savage savings alliance with this man…”

“And his son!” Daydream qualified.

Midnight’s frown deepened. “… you three formed an alliance and trounced an old lady to get a game station…”

“Well, it wasn’t JUST the game station or the old lady! The three of us all had lists and there was other competition.” Daydream flipped a palm upwards and shrugged. “The important thing is everyone who was me got what they wanted! OH! Also, I got laid.”

Twilight Velvet, who was already smiling politely with an ‘Oh, God. Please let it stop’ expression, cleared her throat. “Maybe this isn’t the best dinner conversation.”

Night Light shrugged, “I can stand to hear a little more…”

Midnight stood up and slammed her palms on the table causing all the plates and bowls of food to shake and rattle. “You fucked” —

Twilight Velvet sighed, “Why do we even have a swear jar…”

—“the carwash owner?!”

“What? No!” Daydream replied. “He was married! I fucked the dude with the crutches, his son. Kinda figured I owed him one and he was a surprisingly fun lay… pretty sure I popped his cherry! OH, get this. The next day end up with a mysterious bag of some light blue crystal looking stuff.” Sunset began gathering food on a fork. “Felt like part, ‘hey, thanks!’ part ‘I know where you live!’ but either way I think I scored some meth.” Daydream's expression turned slightly wistful. "That was definitely some crazy Black Friday Buzz I was riding."

Twilight Velvet could feel the veneer of her smile begin to crack but before she could chime in Midnight made an exaggerated collapse back into her chair. “And you were granted… a DIVINE transformation for your troubles,” Midnight said dryly.

Daydream devoured the food at the end of her fork and pointed at Midnight with it. “Weren’t you listening?! I felt bad and SLEPT with… one of the people I physically assaulted! I’d call that a ‘net good deed’! Just, you know… not one covered by any book espousing correct behavior! Plus, I’m pretty sure this form is to guide you through your trying time and make sure you don’t destroy a world or two… That’s a completely separate issue.”

“Hey!” Twilight Velvet said with a bit more force than her other protests.

Daydream turned to face the irritated mother. “Sorry, that was graphic, but your husband’s right about love, war, and black Friday.”

“Not that!” Twilight Velvet exclaimed. “Please don’t call what my daughter is going through an ‘issue’.”

Daydream’s forehead tightened and she took a good, hard look at Midnight who was several feet taller, partially made out of the infinite, uncaring void, near as Sunset could tell, and also sporting a very long, demonstrably dangerous horn from her forehead. “Right. Sorry Twilight, that was rude of me.”

Midnight grunted in displeasure. “It’s Midnight,” she corrected.

Daydream visible winced. “Again, sorry, Midnight. I’m not trying to be disrespectful.”

Midnight smirked. “Oh, that’s just how you normally are.”

“Midnight!” Twilight Velvet exclaimed in a shocked tone.

“Midnight,” Daydream began in a dry tone as she leaned back in her chair, “your mom is being amazingly patient with you. You might want to chill before your dad helps in that regard and we all get blasted again.”

Midnight took a few deep breaths and looked at Daydream. “Okay… I just…I don’t want this to end.”

Daydream’s expression tightened. “What part?”

“Uh… the magic?” Midnight’s expression suddenly became very, very Twilight Sparkle as her eyes began to tear up. “Ever. I’ve wanted this my entire life.”

A sad look crossed Daydream’s for a moment and then she smiled. “It doesn’t. You erm… just don’t…” Daydream looked her up and down. “It doesn’t need to be THIS messed up.”

Twilight Velvet and Night Light exchanged winces, Twilight Velvet was the first to speak up. “Dear, we love you but…” she looked at the condition of the house. “We probably can’t do this every day…”

Midnight took a moment to look over the dining room. Still foggy and cold from her father defusing the situation. Her parents were both smiling at her but… but something was off.

Twilight Velvet’s smile softened a bit. “Maybe you should take your friend up to your room, sweetie!”

Midnight flinched. “Uh… sure… I’ll just…” she looked over at Daydream Shimmer. “…do that…”

Daydream seemed to consider this for a second as an unsure expression danced across her face. “Can I get another glass of wine?”

Comments ( 39 )

It's some kind of, fractal madness. It just keeps going. This indeed precisely what I was waiting for.

Imma go re-read the rest of this.


Am I crazy, or was this one of MythrilMoth's?

Anyway, Crusaders (and Button) update sometime, please?

Well this is definitely a fun shift. Did not expect that.

Sunset being a black Friday maniac is so, so funny.

How many time before they make out?

Just "do it" already!!!

A blast of freezing atmosphere suddenly shot into the living room and Twilight Velvet flinched at the unexpected noise coming from her left. She looked, and there her husband was, heroically caring a fire extinguisher and shooting both girls center mass with its pressurized contents. Twilight Velvet made a mental note to reward her husband behind closed doors for his bravery.

`Well. That works.

Night Light glared at them both. “You girls can light up after dinner, also, no smoking inside the house!”


“Do you cook at all, Sunset?” Twilight Velvet asked sweetly.

Daydream thought for a moment. “Does thinking really hard about baking the raw cookie dough you get from stores instead of slowly eating it over the course of a few days count?”


Daydream felt an eyebrow instinctively lift upwards as if it was trying to ascend to the heavens. “I’m a magical pony from another dimension who is currently imbued with magic from the combined elements of harmony as they’ve chosen to manifest on my best friends, also, a high school student.”

Sentences like this are why I love MLP.

“He wasn’t injured until I supplexed him,” Daylight countered. “I think he had cerebral palsy.”

Oh my god.

“Hi, ‘Fed up with this,’” Night Light said in a paternal tone, “I’m—”

Not creative.

Twilight Velvet, who was already smiling politely with an ‘Oh, God. Please let it stop’ expression, cleared her throat. “Maybe this isn’t the best dinner conversation.”

I'm with her on this.

Daydream visible winced. “Again, sorry, Midnight. I’m not trying to be disrespectful.”

Midnight smirked. “Oh, that’s just how you normally are.”


According to this comment 9403357 you would be mistaken.

Sunset probably needs to explain the difference between Harmony and human divinity. It'd go a long way to explaining her trainsformation in regards to her attitude.

Ok, this is just my opinion, but felt like the things added in this chapter were a bit much. I mean, for a family that has a swear jar, they seemed pretty nonchalant about learning that their dinner guest and possible daughters-first-friend has beaten up a handicapped person over a game console, has sex with strangers they just met and treats it like they just went for some ice-cream, and is apparently excited to have gotten ahold of some meth (and also Night Light was serious about beating up an old lady rather than joking). You've basically turned Sunset into someone who you wouldn't want their daughter to hang out with for a black friday and breaking bad joke, both of which are kinda dated IMO (Do stores even do big black friday events anymore as most I've seen have moved to several days of sales and also online?). I know this is a comedy fic but it still pulled me out with what we learned. I think toning it back a bit would serve it well, though it would be a major rewrite since nearly half the chapter is dedicated to it. It's just that this story, while being ridiculous, has stayed within the realm of plausible ridiculous. As in yeah this is crazy but not so crazy that I couldn't see it actually happening in universe. Sure, you have strange things like a shadow bolt being so competitive that they shine their sewers, but those are one off jokes that don't really affect the story, this joke has a dramatic affect on how Sunset's character is viewed by the audience. Just my opinion though.

The Black Friday conversation is why some people were glad-ish that they couldn't have it this year. (Y'all aren't that stupid, right?)

I have to agree here that whole bit about the Black Friday Combat seemed a bit much, along with the drugs

Greed, the real founding father of America, established Black Friday as a tradition.

This... this is nice. Night Light and Sunset bonding over Black Friday.

Sunset... correction Daydream. Pretty much summed up why i will never go Black Friday shopping.
Its really is like the Purge... people fucking die on that day, and if your not prepared to fight for your life... you will most likely die over a fucking Barbie doll, or a tickle me Elmo.
Not the best way to go out of this world.

Actually, this seems about part for the course for one of Justice3442's fics.

I'm pretending I believe they made up the stuff about Black Friday for fun. Or at least greatly exaggerated. Disclaimer: I don't actually shop on Black Friday.


Time to add narcotics tag.

I'm pretty sure meth use (or reselling it) is a line even pre-fall formal Sunset wouldn't cross.

From what I've heard, the only exaggeration is the fact that they're admitting it. People are literally trampled to death by other people.

Nice to see this again!!!!!


Very rarely. Fistfights and macings are more common.

You really are fascinated by Breaking Bad, aren't you?

Great to see an update. I love your Sunset Shimmer and her crazy actions. I wish we could see more sometimes.

Black friday isn't that bad. Sure some locations are bad cause people are assholes, but most locations are basically like a packed mall. You slowly make your way to the item you want and stand in line for it. There have been 11 fatalities at a black friday event from 2006-2018. Dogs kill 30 people a year in the US, so almost 3 times as many people die from dogs each year than from 12 years of black fridays.

And people say numbers can't lie... Remember, Black Friday is only 12 days in that period, so those 11 deaths make more sense to compare to the slightly less than one person on average that die in dog-related ways every 12 days according to your own figures.

Black Friday is the closest thing to an anti-holiday I’ve come across.


This story is a chaotic mess and i love it.

Yeah, gonna just need to throw Midnight and Daydream into a room and let em bang one out. If Sunset thought the Black Friday Freaky was a good time then wait till they get done with Midnight's Magical Boogaloo. That wing of the house might be collateral damage from the Big O but I'm sure it'll be worth it.

Never forgot how much I loved this story but man, it just gets better every time I read it. The insanity and randomness is too good.

Daydream glanced at the other two women at the table, then looked at Night Light and simply nodded. “Word. I remember getting quite the deal on my PS4. I had to suplex some dude with crutches to get it.”

Midnight looked at Daydream in shock. “You suplexed an injured person?”

“He wasn’t injured until I supplexed him,” Daylight countered.

Sunset: Plus, I’m pretty sure he was parked in a handicap spot. At least I made him an honest person.

Twilight Velvet’s smile softened a bit. “Maybe you should take your friend up to your room, sweetie!”

Midnight flinched. “Uh… sure… I’ll just…” she looked over at Daydream Shimmer. “…do that…”

Daydream seemed to consider this for a second as an unsure expression danced across her face. “Can I get another glass of wine?”

Yes, you probably want to be nice and buzzed if you are about to engage in some kind of celestial copulation that might just make reality your bitches.

Wait, did Twilight's mom just try to hook her up? I feel like that raises several questions. :twilightoops:

It sounds like the parents are so desperate to "normalize" their daughter that they're willing to accept any change in Twilight's status to get her to hook up with someone. Ideally, if any hint of normal-for-Equestria-Girls is going to manifest, Midnight and Daydream should sneak out of Twilight's house and fly somewhere very far away from parents to hash things out. And maybe get a restraining order against parents willing to offer their daughter to a magical pony-girl as a way to "normalize" her. :trixieshiftleft:

Edit: Ironically, this line of thought reminds me of an old RPG I was in. The material was fundamentally Teen Titans from the old tv show, mixed with some Marvel comics, all of it using Marvel Advanced Supers rules. It was a lot of fun.

One of the recurring villains was Blackfire. And a PC decided he was going to take a shine to her, and try to reform her. At one point, the others suggested the "date night" trope. To which the player came up with a defining quote I'll always remember with a giggle. "I defy the idea that the way to reform a girl with emotional issues is with a good dickin'." And then he proceeded to reform her over time with patience and determination. It was really impressive. And that line has stuck with me since.

I get the feeling Sunset might be repeating that line, or something like it, very soon now. :)

Pretty heartwarming all things considered. Glad to see you back.

So half the solution turns out is just telling Twilight "The magic doesn't go away" hopeful Sunset realizes that pretty soon.

Twilight no I'm sorry Midnight sounds like a bit of an edgy emo teenager here XD

I keep having to remember to get my mind in a specific state to read your stuff. Otherwise I get blindsided by Sunset doing... well, most of this chapter.

In any case, hopefully these two can talk things out and help Twilight gain access to magic in a healthier way. We'll see soon enough.


Night Light glared at them both. “You girls can light up after dinner, also, no smoking inside the house!”

That is a cool dad

"OH, get this. The next day end up with a mysterious bag of some light blue crystal looking stuff."

FUCK! HOW DID I NOT GET THAT THAT WAS A BREAKING BAD REFERENCE!? I laughed so hard when I realised it.

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