• Published 1st Feb 2019
  • 9,951 Views, 175 Comments

The King Without a Crown - Greyson

He is a general without an army. He is a ruler without a castle. He is a leader without a people. He is a king without a crown.

  • ...

Of Manticores and Men

Chapter 2 - Returning To The Light

Nowadays, there remains little in the way of knowledge regarding the ancient Kingdom of Eden. All that is known about it comes from the oldest of texts; decaying books adorning the many of equally decaying libraries. Still, there do exist a few untouched texts of old which hold the knowledge of the ancient times - long before the reign of the sisters of Day and Night. These surviving texts exist within only the most well kept of libraries, guarded by those with a passion for knowing.

Out of all of these texts the one located deep within the illustrious halls of the royal castle of Canterlot, capital of Equestria, is of the most importance to our story.

Within the castles library, amongst the many hundreds and hundreds of books, scrolls and tomes, exists a book. The book, so old and ancient that its cover has long since degraded into dust, leaving the title up to anyone's guess, holds pages after pages of information on an old and prestigious civilisation. For years scholars have attempted to bargain, bribe and, on one occasion, even threaten the rulers of the nation for access to this mysterious tome.

Each attempt had failed, the same answer being given every single time by the benevolent Princesses. "What exists within those pages has faded into nought but dust and echoes. Their legacy, as good as it is in our minds, will be kept untarnished by those who do not understand them." Eventually the pleas stopped, the scholars gave up their attempts and, little by little, forgot and moved on from what they once tried to learn all about.

But they didn't. Not the Princesses. For as long as they lived, they would remember them.

It's what he would have wanted.

They sat in the cave for at least an hour, trading questions and answers and so forth, learning about each other as their time together passed. For Sweetie Belle, she had found - according to him- a being belonging to a race known as 'Aeterna'. In Equestrian, he said that it roughly translated to 'Human'. An ancient and proud people, they had a kingdom which sprawled across many lands, encompassing vast tracts of the earth under their banner. They had a kingdom which promoted trade and cooperation between many of its neighbours, bringing about prosperity to all for many centuries. They had a kingdom which fielded an army so great and mighty that, upon sight of their marching legions, many prospecting warlords threw down their arms in surrender.

They had a kingdom which Sweetie Belle, despite her young age, had never once heard any mention towards.

As for Cyrus, he too learnt a great many things from this young equine. For a start, he now knew where he was. Equestria. An old and ancient ally of Eden, they had been one of the few to openly throw themselves behind him and his people when the Great Enemy bared its filthy mongrel hide at his gates. From the filly, he'd learnt that the Equestrians had become the dominant force in the lands, promoting equality and cooperation between all races. This was a concept he knew all to well, as it was the one presented by their rulers upon their first meeting.

Their rulers, of course, still being the ones that he had met those many years ago. The Princesses themselves: Celestia and Luna, guardians of the Day and the Night respectively. When Sweetie Belle told him of their continued existence, she knew not of how joyful he was at the moment, knowing that two of his oldest and closest friends yet lived.

"-ow I saved the day!" Sweetie Belle finished with flourish. Cyrus couldn't help but smile at the sight of this filly, who not too long ago had been in such a frightful and terrified state, was now regaling him with the exploits of her childhood - mainly the one tale of how she had apparently prevented her siblings business from being set aflame.

Which, despite her claims, she had most definitely caused. By accident, of course.

"Most impressive, young Sweetie Belle. I had no idea I was in the presence of a hero as great as yourself," Cheeks aflame from the compliment of this ancient being, Sweetie Belle giggled, pawing at the ground, "the tales of your heroism shall be heard far and wide."

"Oh it was nothing, really. All I did was run outside and scream for help."

"Nevertheless, your quick thinking prevented a possible tragedy. Be proud of yourself, little one." Beaming, she nodded, a wide smile on her muzzle. Taking his gaze away from the child for a moment, Cyrus pondered the things that he had been told. 'The Princesses live. Equestria has prospered. Surely, then, the Great Enemy has indeed been vanquished... But... at what cost, exactly? What of my people? Did any make it out of the city?'

They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. Staring up at Cyrus, he seemed withdrawn, thinking of something. Sweetie found herself looking into his greyish eyes. Some say that children, despite their young age and inexperience with the many intricacies and complications of the world, can tell just how a person feels. A child will laugh when you are happy, and will cry when you are sad. Children are strange in that regard, of how they can be so knowing and yet so unknowing as well.

When she looked into his eyes, she saw something. It was kind of like when she saw in Scootaloo when she was told that she couldn't fly. She cried a lot that day. But what she saw in Cyrus was something different. Something... worse. Maybe he had lost something? Something valuable, perhaps? He looked like he could use a hug. That made Rarity happy when she was upset, right?

Before she could ask him what had him so withdrawn, he blinked, and looked at her again, his eyes no longer showing the same sadness. But she could tell it was still in there somewhere.

"Are you all right, Mr Cyrus?" Sweetie asked, concerned for her new friend. Nodding, Cyrus smiled sweetly at the filly, putting her at ease for now.

"I am well, my dear filly. I still have many questions, but I fear that you are not in a position to answer them." Hearing this, Sweetie thought for a moment, before a sudden realisation struck her. She knew someone who, according to her sister, both knew everything and could answer anything. Jumping to her hooves, she gestured towards the corner of the chamber, towards where she had entered from.

"Mr Cyrus, I know somepony who can help you! My sister says that she's really smart!" Intrigued, Cyrus raised an eyebrow, leaning forward slightly.

"Truly? What is their name, child?" He asked, curious as to the name of the one who could potentially provide him with the knowledge he seeks.

"Twilight Sparkle! She's a student of the Princess! I bet she'll know what to tell you!" Was her answer, her voice echoing as she sprinted out of the chamber. Cyrus closed his eyes for a moment, pondering all that he had learnt, before rising to his feet, following after the now energised filly.

It didn't take them long to exit the cave. Despite what one may think of a cave which housed a being such as Cyrus, the cave itself was not that impressive. It was a simple corridor of rock, with a few twists and turns before ending in the large earthly chamber in which Cyrus had slumbered within. The entrance - In Cyrus's case, the exit - did not take long to find.

He had not seen daylight for a while and, upon exiting the cave, had to shield his eyes from the blindingly bright beams of light from the sun. It felt good though, feeling its warmth on his skin once more, and he smiled contentedly, appreciating the feeling.

"How long have you been in there, Mr Cyrus?" The voice of his companion asked from beside him, who only now realised just how tall he was; her head just about reaching his kneecap, her small horn a few inches above that.

Now that they were out of the cave, Sweetie Belle could now fully take in the appearance of her companion. He was tall, of course, much taller than and her sister. Heck, maybe even taller than Big Mac, and he was the biggest pony around. His attire as well caught her attention; colours of purple, gold and crimson adorned upon clothing of fine silk, with intricate yet beautiful patterns and designs giving him a majestically regal appearance. Truly, he seemed like something straight out of an adventure book - like a powerful knight. Shaking his head, he sighed.

"A long, long time I believe. I know not the years, but I know them to be numerous." Was his cryptic answer, not meeting her stare of the filly. Shrugging, she looked away, now staring at the treeline ahead. It was only then that she remembered just how it was that she'd even found her way here. She and her friends were bored and, deciding to visit the outskirts of the Everfree, she somehow lost her way before finding herself within the forest itself. Within minutes she was beset by a rather famished Manticore. It was a miracle that she'd managed to make it a few feet from the carnivore, never mind the distance she'd actually managed in her desperate escape.

Perhaps it was due to all those times she'd ran away to escape her sisters vengeful wrath for damaged dresses and tarnished tunics.

That didn't change the fact that it was still out there somewhere, possibly even in the bushes ahead. Hearing a small whimper originating from his side, Cyrus turned to his small companion, his eyes showing concern for her. Kneeling down, he met her eyes with his own.

"There's something out there." He said, more of a statement than a question. Nodding, she swallowed nervously, her eyes moving back towards the trees in case the beast were to suddenly appear. Feeling a comforting hand being placed upon her head, she looked back at Cyrus, who held a face of steely determination.

"To your kind, I am old, ancient even. But so are my powers as well. They kept the Kingdom of Eden safe from all threats, both internal and external. This forest and its denizens will pose no threat to either of us. As long as I am by your side, no harm will befall you. You have my word, Ms. Belle." The ferocity in his words and the protective look in his eyes had erased her fear almost instantly, replaced with a warm sense of safety. Leaning into the warmth of his palm, she smiled, nodding her thanks to her human guardian.

The moment was suddenly ruined by the appearance of that which the moment was centred against. Crashing through the bushes, growling at the sight of its meal, stood a rather large Manticore. Standing upright again, Cyrus calmly turned to face the threat, his eyes staring deeply into those of the beast before him. To its credit, the manticore was unfazed, seeing only a mere meal before it.

Sweetie Belle hid behind the leg of her companion, her small frame shaking in pure terror at the beast which had chased her here in the first place. Had it been waiting for her to leave the safety of the cave? How else could it have found her and Cyrus so quickly?

"Stay behind me, Sweetie Belle." Cyrus spoke, his voice eerily calm and collected, before taking a step forward towards the snarling predator. Perceiving this as a threat, the Manticore growled angrily, pawing at the ground, preparing to charge towards its prey. Cyrus was unfazed. This was a creature which had the body of a lion, the wings of a dragon and the tail of a scorpion. It had the strength of ten men, claws as sharp as shattered glass and the determination of an apex predator.

Against Cyrus, it stood little chance.

Sweetie Belle, from her position behind a nearby rock, watched the scene unfold. The Manticore released a ferocious roar, most likely echoing throughout the entirety of the Everfree. Then, with speed unexpected of a creature of its size, it charged at Cyrus. Sparing a glance at her friend, she was surprised to find not a single trace of fear or worry on his features. Instead, he seemed almost... unimpressed. She had little time to ponder the reasoning for this, though, as the Manticore neared its prey.

Then it screeched to a halt. A few mere inches away from Cyrus, they both stared at one another, neither making any single movement. What felt like hours yet were only mere seconds passed, before finally something happened. She saw it in the eyes of the Manticore. She saw the exact same thing that it saw in her when it chased her.

Fear. Pure, unadulterated fear. The Manticore, its hungering eyes enraptured by those of the creature before it, let out a nearly inaudible whimper. Then Cyrus nodded.

The Manticore took a step back. Then again, and again, and again, until it finally turned around and walked away, leaving both Sweetie Belle and Cyrus alone outside the cave once more. Cyrus's eyes never left the Manticore, nor the bushes in which it had retreated though. Not until Sweetie Belle called his name out from behind him. Turning around, he was met with Sweetie Belle's awestruck muzzle. It was similar to how a child would appear upon seeing magic for the first time.

"That... that was amazing! How did you do that!?" Sweetie Belle cried, thoroughly mesmerised by what she had just seen before her. A Manticore, a beast of almost unchallenged dominance within the Everfree Forest, scared into submission by a mere hardened stare. Cyrus smiled.

"As I told you, my friend. My powers are old, yet powerful. The Manticore has learnt its place and, whilst you are with me, shan't think to harm you again." He replied, kneeling down to eye level. Upon doing so he was suddenly met with the filly throwing its forelegs around his neck. It took him a second to understand what it was that she was doing: hugging him. Smiling, he returned it as best he could.

This touching moment lasted longer than the previous one, as there were no hungry predators around - or brave enough - to interrupt it.

"Now come, lead me to your village of... what was its name, again?"

"Ponyville." She answered.

"Ponyville, yes. We shall forge onward to this town of Ponyville to find the answers of which I seek. Lead onward then, my young squire."

It took them some time to find their way out of the Everfree, considering its size and lack of sign directions. Still, with the threat of being attacked more or less non-existent now, they were able to find their way easier than they would have otherwise. By the time they'd found the exit, the sun had already begun to dip beneath the mountains, the light of day fading by the second.

There was still enough light for the pair to see the town in the distance. Following the road, it took them a few minutes to finally reach a small bridge overarching across a stream, leading into the town itself. From where he stood, he could see the inhabitants milling about, finishing up their final chores and heading home to their families. To their families. A small smile formed on his face as he looked around, seeing the smiling and happy faces of the equines.

It reminded him of home.

"Come on," Sweetie Belle urged, pointing towards the town, "let's go and... find... oh no." Confused, Cyrus looked down to his side, seeing the look on her muzzle.

"What is wrong, young one?"

"I completely forgot. Twilight's not in Ponyville right now. She and my sister and their friends left for Canterlot this morning and I forgot to tell you and now they won't be back until tomorrow and-"

"Hush, child. Cease your worrying for you have nothing to worry about." Cyrus assured her, kneeling down again, giving her a reassuring smile. "They are in Canterlot, you say? Then that is where I shall go." Hearing this, Sweetie Belle blinked, before looking at him in confusion.

"How are you going to get in Canterlot in time for the wedding? It will have happened by now," 'A wedding?' Cyrus mused, intrigued by this. The last wedding he had attended had been between the king of the Dragons, Aurum's, to his lifelong mate whose name Cyrus could not wholly remember. It had been a long time ago, after all. "The last train to Canterlot will have left by now."

"Have no fear, young Sweetie Belle, for I have my own method of transportation."

"Are you going to fly?" The filly asked, expecting a set of wings to suddenly sprout from his back. Chuckling, he shook his head, leaving Sweetie Belle perplexed as just how it was that he proposed to get to Canterlot by neither train nor flight. He had no horn, so he couldn't exactly magically make himself appear there, could he?

Yes, yes he would.

Standing back up, he pictured the royal castle of Canterlot in his mind. More specifically, the front gates. The reason being that, if he pictured an area so vividly in his mind, he could use his magic to will himself there. An Aeternan teleportation spell. Much harder than the typical Equestrian method yet easily more effective. It would be costly, but he'd been dormant for so long that he most definitely had the magic capacity to do so, even if it would be harder than usual. Had he attempted such a thing during the final battle with the Great Enemy, with his energy all but depleted, chances are he would have died from the attempt.

Still, even now it was risky. Then again, all Aeternan magic held risk. However, he did not have the time nor patience to wait.

"My stay in Canterlot may be for a while, young Sweetie Belle, for I have many questions which need answering and much to learn of what has transpired during my apparent slumber. Fear not, however, for I shall return. Be well, child." Before she could say anything, Cyrus was suddenly enveloped in a beam of bright light, the beam reaching into the sky and piercing the thin veil of clouds above.

It also shattered the windows of a house that sat upon the clouds, but that was an unfortunate accident and nobody was hurt.

Sweetie Belle remained there for a few moments, motionless, utterly stunned by what she had witnessed. This being who she had met this day, who had regaled her with tales of an ancient civilisation, who had stared down a Manticore into a fearful retreat, had just vanished in a literal flash. All that remained was a slightly scorched patch of earth.

A cough from behind her brought her out of her stupor and, facing the source, was met with two familiar fillies.

"Sweetie Belle? Wha...what was... who was that!?" Scootaloo stammered, her eyes darting back and forth between the ground on which Cyrus had been stood upon to Sweetie herself. Apple Bloom, for her part, kept silent, trying to process just what it was that she had seen transpire.

Giggling, Sweetie Belle smiled sweetly, as if they'd asked a child's question. In their defense, they had.

"Oh, that was Cyrus Perennem." She then went on to explain what exactly had happened to her that day. How she was pursued into a cave and met a being so powerful it could stare a Manticore into submission. She would repeat the tale again and again. To her friends, to the inhabitants of Ponyville later on that day when they came running to the site of the light show and, finally, to her children and her children's children.

It would not be the only tale told of the Aeternan.

Author's Note:

>Be me
>Wake up for school
>Look outside
>Decide that writing pony fanfiction is better than a broken leg and education