• Published 2nd Jul 2020
  • 9,271 Views, 941 Comments

Severed Ties - Carol Heart

Stranded in Equestria after Anon-A-Miss, Sunset is done with friendship. Unfortunately, the human Twilight's new device pulls not just energy from the portal, but a unicorn as well. Now the two must work together to get Sunset home.

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Chapter 9

Twilight Sparkle, genius scientist that she was, was still no stranger to lab accidents. Her early days of trying to improve all of the household appliances had resulted in a minor explosion that left her traumatized and terrified of quesadillas to this day. That, however, was nothing compared to what was before her now as the pendant she had created to collect the mysterious energy looked ready to explode. She watched in horror as a bolt of magenta electricity streaked through the air heading straight for the form of the mystery woman that had been coming to her rescue earlier.

Before the downed girl could manage to get an intelligible sound out of her mouth, the bolt of energy headed straight through the aurora-haired woman. The woman did not react, and Twilight wasn’t sure if that was from shock or just a lack of opportunity as the next second a circular vortex opened right behind the woman and she winked out of existence, finally eliciting a strangled scream from the glasses-wearing teen.

Spike was a smarter dog than his family often realized. Hearing his mistress’s cry and seeing her reach out for the portal, he knew she wanted the person who had rescued them both to come back, and being the good boy that he was, Spike was going to do what he did best; Fetch. With some difficulty due to his sore ribs, the little pup scampered down the hall toward the portal and after a few steps managed a quick leap into the hole.

Twilight watched in horror as Spike, her only friend, disappeared through the hole. As tears began to form at the loss of her friend, she was shocked as yet another portal appeared, and the purple pup fell out of it, only to be swallowed up once again as a third portal appeared. Twilight’s mind was frozen. What she was seeing was not possible and having her pup apparently falling through space-time, had shorted her brain.

As another portal opened, adding to the ever-growing swirl of energy now in the hall of Crystal Prep, Spike once again appeared, but as he fell once again toward another portal he passed through a stream of pale yellow colored energy the devices was now starting to emit, causing a yelp from the little dog.

His cry, spurred Twilight into action as she struggled to get to her feet. She rushed for the mass of vortexes, not entirely sure what she was going to do when she saw that Spike had stopped his descent toward the new portal. He was hovering in midair, enveloped in a pale red aura.

“Your device,” Twilight heard a female voice shout over the din of the energy portals, “You have to shut it. Hurry!” The genius teen wasn’t sure who the voice belonged to. It seemed too young to belong to the woman she had seen before, though part of her hoped it was the tall woman as it would mean she had survived the energy beam, and not been atomized by Twilight’s research project.

"Where are you? Are you okay? I saw the energy hit you-" Twilight began to call into the portal.

"The woman is fine, that was an illusion. Now close your device or you'll be the one pulled through to Celestia knows where," grunted the voice seemingly in some sort of distress.

Twilight puzzled a moment at the odd turn of phrase, but set it aside as she hurried across the hall to where Indigo had tried to crush her pendant. Retrieving her device, she struggled to force the lid back down as the device was still emitting energy. With a burst of effort and a slight grunt, the scientist finally managed to close the locket, noting with some sadness that the majority of the energy she had collected had been released.

Leaving the concern for her admittance to Everton aside for the moment, Twilight let the currently inert pendant drop back to the floor as she rushed to her still hovering puppy. Kneeling down, she scooped him out of the air and carefully took him in her arms, hugging him tightly to her chest.

“Spike, are you okay?” Twilight asked, worry evident in her tone.

“Um, I think so,” the little dog voiced, turning to his owner and gracing her with a puppy smile that Twilight happily reciprocated. Then, after a beat, it seemed to dawn on both what had just happened. The result was a dual pair or screams and Spike airborne once again as Twilight dropped the pup to the ground and quickly bolted down the hall towards her lab.


“Twilight, come on! Wait for me!” Spike shouted as he chased after the plum haired scientist.

Sunset stepped around the corner of the hall as the two disappeared in the opposite direction. Walking over to where Twilight had dropped the device, Sunset picked it up in her red-hued magic. She glanced over her shoulder back the way she had come, toward the door and escape from the school. There was no one to stop her now. She had the magic collecting device, and no one chasing her. Hay, after what just happened she was pretty sure that the human Twilight wouldn’t even come looking for her or magic of any kind now.

Sunset frowned at that though. The fact that the scientist had been looking for magic in the first place, whether or not she knew what it was, was a concern. Not to mention that her version of Spike now seemed to be infused with it as well.

Sunset let out a low growl as she face-hoofed. It seemed that no matter what she did or didn’t do, the mistakes that she had made in the past would forever be there to come back and bite her in the flank. From what Sunset had seen on the conspiracy board when she woke up, Twilight had been researching CHS for a while. And just like the Sirens, the magic had led another to CHS in search of the Equestrian magic that Sunset had brought to this world. Would there ever be a time when she wasn’t forced to deal with the consequences of her past?

Part of her wanted to walk away. Just take the device and with what magic she could manage in her current condition, Sunset was still confident in her ability to cast an invisibility spell. She could make her way back to CHS and hopefully, back through the portal. It was simple enough, though probably an obscene amount of walking for a pony who had spent the last year or so in a lab or classroom, but Sunset was sure she could manage.

But, that was the old Sunset. That was the Sunset that didn’t care about people or ponies and merely used them for her own goals, despite the effects it might have on them. Though she wasn’t interested in friendship anymore, Sunset did not want to become the kind of pony that would leave someone terrified and alone again either.

A voice inside reminded her of her track record of her help only leading to more problems. Tackling Rainbow Dash at the Battle of the Bands had only gotten the Rainbooms and the entirety of the school mad at her. She was pretty sure that helping stop the Sirens and gaining the respect and forgiveness of the school factored into the creation of Anon-A-Miss. Whoever it was behind it likely not wanting to see Sunset as anything but hated by the school. And now Sunset’s latest revelation, her existence and misuse of magic had attracted the attention of even more people who had developed the ability to siphon magic. The potential danger that could cause if raw magic were to be used and exploited by humans was terrifying.

Knowing what she had to do, Sunset followed in the direction Twilight and Spike had run, the magic absorbing device floating alongside her. Sunset was pretty sure she wouldn’t have been able to remember where Twilight’s lab was located had it not been for the purple furred dog pawing desperately at the door.

“Come on, Twilight, let me in,” Spike shouted desperately as he scratched once again on the wooden surface. Hearing the clip-clop of hooves on the tiled floor of the hallway, the pup’s ears perked up and he turned to see the intruder he had chased before. “You again,” he said curtly and then proceeded to bark at the pony. To his surprise, the other creature did not run this time. Instead, she merely rolled her eyes and lit up her horn. From behind him, Spike heard the handle turn and the door open to where Twilight had gone. Casting a suspicious gaze back at the creature, she merely lifted her foreleg in a gesture towards the door indicating he should head inside.


Twilight Sparkle sat hunched over in her desk chair, her head securely in her knees and covered by her arms. As she tried to stave off the impending panic attack, she missed the sound of the door clicking open and the patter of paws on the tile. It wasn’t until a familiar canine face popped into her vision that she was aware of him.

“Twilight, why did you run away like that?” the little dog whined in his new voice causing the scientist to leap out of her chair, causing it to be shot across the room. Quickly backing herself against her worktable the teen resumed her panicked breathing.

“Oh, umm, I don’t know, maybe it has something to do with the atomized woman, or the holes in space, or my talking dog!” Twilight’s speech had steadily increased in volume and terror, though the little pup remained unphased as he was used to her freakouts.

“Yeah, weird right?” Spike responded, as he lazily scratched his ear with his back paw, clearly taking the whole ordeal in stride. The little dog’s calmness regarding his whole experience seemed to rub off on his mistress as she relaxed enough to lower herself from her desk and crouch down to aid Spike in his need for scratchies.

“Are you okay? How do you feel?” the scientist began to probe as she rubbed the underside of his chin. “What happened?” Her voice continued to rise as she took hold of the dog on either side of his face bringing him eye to eye with herself. “Where did you go?!”

This time Spike’s responded in a strictly canine manner and licked the inquisitive teen across her nose, forcing the scientist to let go so she could wipe her face clear of slobber.

“Hey, one question at a time,” the purple pup soothed. “This is pretty new to me, too.”

“Sorry,” was all the teen could offer.

“All I know is went after that lady through the glowy thing and then I was somewhere else. The next thing I knew I was back here, floating in the air and I could talk.” Taking a moment to think about that, the puppy concluded, “I don’t really understand why I couldn’t before. I mean, it’s so easy.” Turning his puzzled look toward the door he continued, “Maybe she has a better idea since she was ranting about magic and portals earlier."

Looking back, the teen saw the little amber unicorn closing the door to her lab, Twilight’s energy collecting device hovering in a red-colored light next to her just as the door had been as it closed.

“Don’t be silly, Spike,” the scientist scoffed, “animals can’t talk.” The response garnered a deadpan look from the pup that was mirrored on the face of the pony.

Taking a deep breath, Sunset steadied herself, “Yeah, actually I can, and we need to talk.”

Over the course of the day, Twilight had been pushed to her mental limits and stood strong. In the face of bullies and violations of the rules of the universe, she had persevered. She had discovered a mythical creature and now a talking dog with some freakouts, but still endured. For whatever reason though, standing in her lab being corrected by a mythical creature and her own puppy was the final straw for Twilight’s sanity.

“Oh ponyfeathers, she’s going down.” Twilight heard a voice say though it sounded far away. The teen barely registered her vision being bathed in a red light just before everything went black.

Author's Note:

Puppy Spike gets his voice, and Twilight's life just got even more complicated. It's really been a rough day for her, and it's not even over yet.