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Set in RainbowDoubleDash's Lunaverse.

Trixie Lulamoon, Night Court Representative, Element of Magic and...kind of a jerk. But she's getting better. With the help of her friends Trixie is starting to realize what friendship could be. But a little ego never hurt anypony, right? When a filly desperately approaches Trixie to save her village, convinced Trixie is the 'Hero of Oaton', Trixie is caught up in the reputation she may not have earned. With two of her friends, Raindrops and Cheerilee, by her side Trixie returns to Oaton to confront a corrupt Lumber Guild. But how much of Trixie's past reputation with the town is genuine and how much was drunken delusion and ego-driven lies? And does she have what it takes to be a hero for real this time, or will ego and doubt get in the way?

Cover Art drawn by thelivingmachine02. ((The pic is humanized but the story is all pony, but never mind that! Behold the awesomeness!))

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 393 )

Oh this is so very going into the list of canon stories....from the sound of things it takes place after Carrot Top Season. Episodes 17, 18, and 21 are still free; any preference as to which?

Some highlights, and two minor quibbles:

“Fine…I’ll answer the door. Then do whatever stupid thing it is they want me to do. When Equestria is set on fire by Corona and we couldn’t stop her because I wasn’t able to spend time with my friends to boost our harmony levels or however those stupid Elements work I’m going to have it put in my epitaph that it was the fault of this one pony who wouldn’t stop knocking on my day off!”

:rainbowlaugh: I nearly fell off my chair after reading this.

“So did you save the town or something? Like it says in the song?” asked Carrot Top as she stirred a pot of something that smelled good enough to get Trixie’s mouth watering.
“Did you commit arson, like it says in the song?” asked Raindrops with a wry grin.

:rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:
Trixie's follow-up line is great, too, but Raindrops here made my day.

One of those favors was ferrying a package to a small farming hamlet on the edge of the kingdom called Oaton

This is my first minor quibble. Here you refer to Oaton as a kingdom and Trixie is going to some hamlet within it; but earlier, you called the hamlet itself Oaton. Which is it?

My map of the Lunaverse doesn't include a kingdom called Oaton, though I don't mind adding one somewhere. If I did, though, it'd have to be considerably further away from Ponyville than Cheerilee suggests, given that Ponyville is near the center of Equestria.

If you meant to have Oaton to be a hamlet in some tiny province of Equestria, though, that's easily workable. I suggest the South Everfree province.

"It was years ago, my very first year at Night Court actually.”

Trixie wasn't a part of the Night Court at all prior to arriving in Ponyville. However, I can believe that she was trying to put her hoof in the waters (and failing) at this point. I just want to make sure it's clear, though, that she has literally nothing at this point.

However, my bigger problem is the bourbon thing. Trixie's actually quite young; I imagine her as the second-youngest of the L-6 after Raindrops. If this was "years ago," she'd be quite the miniature alcoholic at this point.

...Oh my god....

Not only is this brilliant, but I am very jealous I didn't come up with this concept.

track track track.

Trixie had it on good authority from her friends that fun was indeed worth the time investment required and had even gotten to experience far more of it herself than she’d ever dreamed possible a year ago since making said friends

Um....Are the implications of the sentence that Trixie met her friends roughly a year ago? Cos I'm pretty sure that's...gonna cause problems. Maybe I'm just reading a it too much into it though.

Otherwise A nice introduction to the story. Especially happy to see RD being not close to exploding in rage.

Someone is a Firefly fan I see...Heh we going to have a firearm spell named "Vera" too :pinkiehappy:?

Anyway, this looks like it's going to be a lot of fun. Will be very interesting to see where this goes and how exactly Trixie deals with this sort of situation. Nice work thus far! Added to my favorites and tracked.

"The Trixie you are trying to reach is no longer in service.”


Now, back to reading.

Edit: I agree with RDD. Unless Trixie was the youngest drunk in history, you might want to shorten the time gap between then and now.

And I love the idea that Trixie saved the day while drunk out of her mind.

While I approve of Firefly references, I must admit this doesn't quite match up to the wonder of the original. Then again, very few things match up to Jayne.

Regardless, favorited and thumbed up.


Raindrops - "This is what going mad must feel like."

Cheerilee - "We gotta go to the crappy town where I'm a hero."

Ooh, I love it. The humor elements work really well. Thumbs-uped and favorited. This looks likes it going to be quite entertaining.

(And I haven't seen Firefly, so I guess I'm going into this one blind. :-) ).

First chapter in and I'm already liking where this is going :pinkiehappy:

I love the fact that even the song that hails Trixie as a hero still keeps in the fact that she was drunk at the time.

Okay first, the good. This is a delightfully well written story. The dialogue is snappy and the narrative descriptions weave a wonderful visual. Whatever else I may say from here, I want to first make it abundantly clear that I very much enjoyed this story on its own merit.

That said, while the premise for this story is basically sound and amusing, I feel like it's a little misaimed. What made the episode of Firefly you seem to be referencing work so well was that Jayne is such an obvious non-hero. Trixie used to be sort of that way, but more so in the time before LNLD. Granted that's exactly the time frame this whole Oatan incident happened in, but from a reader perspective she's pretty much always been a hero, if a somewhat self-absorbed and overbearingly egotistical one. This means that none of the same tension exists; we've already seen as early as LNLD that when push comes to shove Trixie has what it takes to step up and be the hero everyone in this filly's hometown thinks her to be. She's also presumably quite a bit younger than Jayne, so there really wouldn't seem to have been a sufficient gap of time for the legend to grow to such proportions.

Something fun. Fun, that thing that other ponies who weren’t Representatives of the Night Court got to have. Trixie had it on good authority from her friends that fun was indeed worth the time investment required

This set of lines is giving me mixed impressions. As pure hyperbole to express how boring Trixie finds her job and duties it's great, but the context makes it feel a bit too much like she's being 100% genuine in the sentiment that she rarely, if ever, had fun before coming Ponyville (even somewhat suggesting she never even bothered trying). That just doesn't seem even remotely right. She's hardly a stuffed shirt who only ever had political ambitions or a socially reclusive shut-in like M!Twilight. She doesn't seem like she was lacking "fun" before coming to Ponyville, but rather simply had no friends to share it with.

Years of street performance had engrained something of a dramatic streak into Trixie that could get away from her at times.

L!Trixie has been Luna's apprentice since very shortly after the day she put on her first private show for her grandfather. She never had to perform for a living or any such. Further, as I recall, staging actual public shows is something she's only taken to in earnest recently, at Luna's recommendation after Trixie took to it so well to it during her LNLD scheme. Then again, maybe I'm just mixing up my references as I can't seem to find where it is specifically spelled out in any of RDDs works at this exact moment.

“Are you…are you…Trixie Lulamoon?”

Somehow I feel that should be The Great & Powerful Trixie.

“Why me?” Trixie asked, the gears of her mind turning.

Seems an odd question for Trixie to ask. Ever since LNLD she's become something of a nationwide celebrity, the hero who saved Equestria from the Tyrant Sun. If nothing else, that fact alone should provide reason enough for random strangers from far off towns to be begging her for help. Again this is where things breakdown as compared to the apparent source. Jayne was pretty much a nameless mercenary, while Trixie has stared down an insane god and lived to tell the tale and even before that she was personal portage to the ruler of the entire nation.

Oh yes, I very much enjoyed both those scenes as well. Like I said, this fic is a pure joy to read in and of itself. I'm just having trouble reconciling it with the wider canon.

The timing could be a wee bit better for her save; maybe, say, three or so months before the Ice Palace incident?

Oh you are in for a treat, then.

if a somewhat self-absorbed and overbearingly egotistical one.

Yeah, but the song makes her out to be a fine and upstanding hero in the vein of Robin Hood or some other Lawful Good pony. Bushel also clearly thinks that she's some kind of paragon. So, maybe, not quite as fun as Jayne, but still a hoot in its own way.

Then again, maybe I'm just mixing up my references as I can't seem to find where it is specifically spelled out in any of RDDs works at this exact moment.

Mmn...that is a good point, I missed that...I can see Trixie having put on small shows here and there for any friends she did have at the time (before driving them away), thus allowing her to get practice in, though, so a minor point overal.

Firefly plot reference? I think Trixie fits Mal better than Jayne though.
Ditzy-Shepard Book
Carrot Top-Kaylee
In that case, who are Simon, River, and Mal?

Whoa...many comments. Responding time is now!


Oh this is so very going into the list of canon stories....from the sound of things it takes place after Carrot Top Season. Episodes 17, 18, and 21 are still free; any preference as to which?

Either 17 or 18 would work for me.

This is my first minor quibble. Here you refer to Oaton as a kingdom and Trixie is going to some hamlet within it; but earlier, you called the hamlet itself Oaton. Which is it?

Ah,yeah, that line probably should've had a comma in it or otherwise been made clearer. Oaton is just a small hamlet in Equestira. 'the kingdom' was referring to Equestria as a whole, as in Oaton is on the edge of 'the kingdom'.

Trixie wasn't a part of the Night Court at all prior to arriving in Ponyville. However, I can believe that she was trying to put her hoof in the waters (and failing) at this point. I just want to make sure it's clear, though, that she has literally nothing at this point.

However, my bigger problem is the bourbon thing. Trixie's actually quite young; I imagine her as the second-youngest of the L-6 after Raindrops. If this was "years ago," she'd be quite the miniature alcoholic at this point.

Ah, I'd gotten the impression she'd actually been a part of the system, just in a sort of weird non-titled way, like Luna just sort of tossed Trixie into the mix and said "Go, practice politics, try not to screw up too badly" and Trixie got the first two parts but not the third. Still I can made a few edits to make it clear that Trixie was mostly just screwing around on her own initiative without any actual tie to the Night Court, but was still trying to dig dirt up on nobles to use for future use.

As for the alcohol/age thing, I'll admit I thought Trixie was older than your indicating. I'm not sure what drinking age limits Equestria has, if any, but I'd been operating under the notion Trixie is early twenties (22ish) and that, say, three years ago a 19 year old Trixie could still conceivably be allowed to indulge in drink. If she's younger than that I can adjust time frame of her first trip to Oaton so that it takes place, maybe a year prior? Still don't know what age you want her at, but does that sound closer to an acceptable mark?


Gah, me and my poorly worded sentences. I was mostly just trying to imply that, say, a year ago, Trixie was minus any friends, at least any she could keep around. I can probably just take out the time frame reference to make that sentence make more sense.

Yeah, I figure Raindrops might have anger issues, but it takes very specific or extreme things to really trigger her actual 'rage mode'.


Oh yes, I am indeed a fan of Firefly. Heh, funny you bring up the "Vera" reference, as when the thought struck me to do a send up to one of episodes as a Lunaverse fic it was a close tie between "Jaynestown" and "Our Mrs. Reynolds".


Agreed, Jayne rocks. But then, so does Trixie, just for very different reasons. If I manage to entertain folks to even a fraction of the source material that inspired me I'll consider myself having succeeded in my intent.


Must. Watch. Firefly. Fortunately even if you do watch it and see Jaynestown, the episode this is inspired by, you'll hopfully still be able to enjoy what's to come, since while I'm using the episode as a framework, the details of the plot and the overall themes should be different enough to essentially be its own story.


That said, while the premise for this story is basically sound and amusing, I feel like it's a little misaimed. What made the episode of Firefly you seem to be referencing work so well was that Jayne is such an obvious non-hero. Trixie used to be sort of that way, but more so in the time before LNLD. Granted that's exactly the time frame this whole Oatan incident happened in, but from a reader perspective she's pretty much always been a hero, if a somewhat self-absorbed and overbearingly egotistical one. This means that none of the same tension exists; we've already seen as early as LNLD that when push comes to shove Trixie has what it takes to step up and be the hero everyone in this filly's hometown thinks her to be. She's also presumably quite a bit younger than Jayne, so there really wouldn't seem to have been a sufficient gap of time for the legend to grow to such proportions.

I'll admit I was wondering if the theme of the story might not quite match the same poignancy we get in Jaynestown due to just how different Trixie and Jayne are from each other, but I also figure that's something I can work with. I'm using Jaynestown as a framework, but the meat of the story is essentially different. You're right though, that tension wise the audience might not see the same level of contrast between Trixie being viewed as a hero as the ice-water-to-face slap the Serenity crew get when they first run into that statue of Jayne in Canton. My plan here (and by plan I mean 'loose set of vague notions I have that are connected by still forming plot points') is to make this story focus on the rather wide discrepancy between how the ponyfolk of Oaton view their 'Hero', how Trixie's friends view her, and how Trixie looks at herself, and the conflict that arises between those viewpoints as Trixie tries to take care of Oaton's current problems.

This set of lines is giving me mixed impressions. As pure hyperbole to express how boring Trixie finds her job and duties it's great, but the context makes it feel a bit too much like she's being 100% genuine in the sentiment that she rarely, if ever, had fun before coming Ponyville (even somewhat suggesting she never even bothered trying). That just doesn't seem even remotely right. She's hardly a stuffed shirt who only ever had political ambitions or a socially reclusive shut-in like M!Twilight. She doesn't seem like she was lacking "fun" before coming to Ponyville, but rather simply had no friends to share it with.

I see what you're saying here. I think I tend to view Trixie as being more melodramatic than most, so I tend to give a sarcastic and exaggerated twist to my own view of her inner dialogue. That line was really just her complaining about her work, perhaps going so overboard as to suggest she never gets to enjoy herself. We know that's not true, Trixie knows that's not true, but that won't stop her from blowing things out of proportion to make herself feel better. But I could probably tinker with that line to smooth it out and make it tone it down some. Or at least make it clearer that its just Trixie whingeing because she feels like it.

L!Trixie has been Luna's apprentice since very shortly after the day she put on her first private show for her grandfather. She never had to perform for a living or any such. Further, as I recall, staging actual public shows is something she's only taken to in earnest recently, at Luna's recommendation after Trixie took to it so well to it during her LNLD scheme. Then again, maybe I'm just mixing up my references as I can't seem to find where it is specifically spelled out in any of RDDs works at this exact moment.

Mmn...that is a good point, I missed that...I can see Trixie having put on small shows here and there for any friends she did have at the time (before driving them away), thus allowing her to get practice in, though, so a minor point overal.

Another one of those things that slips through the swiss-cheese nature of my brain. I can tinker with the line some.

Somehow I feel that should be The Great & Powerful Trixie

Hm, you know you're right, given the way I got it in my head how things went down in Oaton the first time a title like that would make a lot more sense.

Seems an odd question for Trixie to ask. Ever since LNLD she's become something of a nationwide celebrity, the hero who saved Equestria from the Tyrant Sun. If nothing else, that fact alone should provide reason enough for random strangers from far off towns to be begging her for help. Again this is where things breakdown as compared to the apparent source. Jayne was pretty much a nameless mercenary, while Trixie has stared down an insane god and lived to tell the tale and even before that she was personal portage to the ruler of the entire nation.

Fair point, but I'm working off of the other Lunaverse fics where, despite having saved the world from a crazy sun goddess Trixie and Co. don't seem to actually have a lot of celebrity. Most ponies seem to recognize that they are the Elements, but don't seem to make much fanfare about it. I'm under the impression that, unlike in M-verse canon, Trixie and the other Elements haven't really gotten the same publicity. Still, the line would be easy enough, and perhaps actually fit the story better, if I changed it to being Trixie assuming Bushel was asking for the help of an Element of Harmony, and the kid brushing aside the whole Elements thing as unimportant, that she's here to get Trixie because she's the Hero of Oaton.


I'm thinking of making a year prior now, given what other folk have said. And has RDD ever explained what that Ice Palace incident was? Other than an incident. With an Ice Palace.


Heh, if I'd decided to do "Our Mrs. Reynolds" as the inspiration for a story, Trixie would've had Mal's spot in that one.

It's kind of like the noodle incident from Calvin and Hobbes. Trixie is supposed to have screwed up big time but we'll never learn quite how.

We know that it was as soon as three weeks before "Longest Night, Longest Day." We know that Amethyst Star, Octavia, Lyra, Moonlight Smiles, Frolicsome Meadowlark, and possibly Vast Volumes were there, as well as Luna. And we know that the ice palace melted, and that it's Trixie's fault, and that she somehow managed to convince Luna from there that it was really Luna's fault since Trixie's bored because she's not getting any real responsibility from Luna.

And that's all we'll ever know.

Glad to see your aware of the differences between Jayne and Trixie, and that you intend to account for such.

I think I tend to view Trixie as being more melodramatic than most, so I tend to give a sarcastic and exaggerated twist to my own view of her inner dialogue.

One need only read the first four paragraphs GOtL:Ch3 to know that I fundamentally agree with Trixie being melodramatic. That's why my first presumption was hyperbole, and I only brought up anything else because I thought the context of the scene made it too easily mistaken for fact.

Fair point, but I'm working off of the other Lunaverse fics where, despite having saved the world from a crazy sun goddess Trixie and Co. don't seem to actually have a lot of celebrity. Most ponies seem to recognize that they are the Elements, but don't seem to make much fanfare about it. I'm under the impression that, unlike in M-verse canon, Trixie and the other Elements haven't really gotten the same publicity.

Actually, I've always seen it a bit the other way around. In the show, no one ever really seems to mention anything about the M6 or their connection with the Elements unless there is a pressing need to use them (Discord/Chrysalis). Where as, while it's still not all that big a deal, ponies are constantly bringing up that the L6 are the bearers of the Elements of Harmony.

That said, there is still a bit of a dissonance in how various Lunaverse fics have treated the level of celebrity they possess. They certainly aren't mobbed where ever they go level famous, but most ponies seem to at least know them by name and deed. And even if they don't regularly have folks beating down their doors with such requests, there should probably be little surprise whenever someone come by seemingly seeking the aid EoH.

Alright, a few slight edits made in response to all the helpful comments.

Set the date of Trixie's first time through Oaton at being a little over a year ago, so she's a slightly less young alcoholic. Sound more plausible to folks?

I think I'll just take that as a sign that you really shouldn't make a palace out of ice anyway. Doesn't sound structurally stable.

...Hopefully it was insured.

Sounds more plausible.

I've been avoiding giving any of them exact ages because I'm not sure how magical ponies from a rediculous technicolor world age relative to humans and terrestrial ponies*, but in human terms I've been thinking of them all as: Raindrops, 17-19; Trixie, 20-21; Ditzy Doo, 23-24; Carrot Top, 25; Lyra, 25-26; Cheerilee, 26-27 (and no more than a year older than Lyra).

*The Cakes' twins are 1 month old for most of "Baby Cakes" according to Pinkie's monthiversary song. They're much more developed than human babies would be by that point, able to crawl around when 1-month-old babies can't even roll over; on the other hand, they're much less developed than pony foals would be.

Okay, that song? pure win. And I just finished watching Firefly to boot. :rainbowlaugh:

And yeah, Trixie's got bluster, but even now she'll pony up for her friends.

This is interesting. Trying to balance Bushel's image of her with the depressing reality of the dam simply being a warm-up for the Ice Palace should be a fairly interesting way to spend a long weeked.

I love just how much Trixie is willing to play up the "Hero of Oaten" image just so she won't make a child sad.

Very nice to see that this is going to be a lot more complicated then some fun Firefly references. Lovely work with the characters going and characterization within this piece. Works very well thus far. Also Trixie is very nicely layered here so props all around. Anxious to see where this takes us. Nicely done.

This is interesting. Trying to balance Bushel's image of her with the depressing reality of the dam simply being a warm-up for the Ice Palace should be a fairly interesting way to spend a long weeked.

Lulamoon might have legitimately saved the day! If probably accidentally.

Alright, first off, this is still technically a wonderfully written story. Seriously your skill with prose makes me jealous. That said...

About the time line, I still think ONE year is a bit short for Trixie to have reached such legendary status in Oatan. Even the FOUR years in the Firefly episode was a bit short, but only a single year stretches my suspension of disbelief. For this kind of story to work I think at least SEVEN years is the magic number, as it gives time for children who weren't even born yet to have lived the whole of their short lives hearing exaggerated tales of the event. Obviously that wouldn't work here with how young Trixie herself is, but I still think say THREE years would be better.

About spells, I've always thought that both invisibility and inaudibility were among the oldest spells in Trixie's repertoire. Plus with dogs there would still remain the issue of masking scent, not to mention tricking the magic detecting wards.

About sleeping schedules, Trixie has been Luna protégée since she earned her cutie mark, so she should have had years to adjust her sleeping habits.

About alcohol, not that we should be encouraging such, but when Trixie mentions coming of age, I think a "technically" should be added. She seems to me the sort that very likely snuck drinks beforehand, especially given the somewhat disturbingly close relationship she seems to have with Monsieur Bourbon by modern times. Though I guess there really was that part in LNLD where Trixie mentions never having a hangover before, funny how a character can evolve without really noticing (now I might just have to go back and reread that whole fic).


Just to reiterate that I am enjoying this fic and prove I'm not all complaints. I absolutely adored the way half-drunk Trixie drives the baddies off when first arriving, merely because she had no use for ponies with no alcohol to offer (Trixie. Great and Powerful. Try to keep up; love it). I also really like how it's not just her ego, but her showmareship that has her not wanting to disappoint Bushel. The part about Bushel having snuck off to get Trixie was fairly obvious a mile off, but I still adored the bit with Ditzy mom-staring a confession out of her.

The bits with talking about the Lulamoon persona were cute. Not sure a conversation would really go down that way or not, but it was still entertaining.

“Not important! Yay Cheerilee has time off and can come with me! This conversation can now move on to other things! More important things that have nothing to do with anything involving me and talking about…that…ever again!”

There are so many quote worth bits in this chapter, it's hard to pic just one, but this might be my favorite.


Oh, and I'm a bit curious if we'll see anything of what Cheerilee asks Bushel overnight or just skip straight to morning. Mostly because I have some very specific ideas of what I think Cheerilee's home should be like. Way back in some brainstorming thread or another it was discussed what kinds of pets the L6 might have, and one of the ideas I REALLY liked is that Cheerilee is something like a crazy cat lady, only with fish. Bowls and tanks all over the place and every fish having its own name.

Still really enjoying this. I can't wait to find out what really happened in Oaten, and to meet the folks working for the Copper Coins. :-)

Hrm. I really hope this turns out to be something other than the standard 'plucky townsfolk vs big bad developers' scenario.

Trixie's pet is Snuffles, the invisible astral honey badger.

More amazing Lunaverse stories!

Also I am very psyched to see a story that will be giving the two most underused characters (Raindrops and Cheer) some attention.

Seriously Raindrops is awesome and needs more stories.

Excellent! Somehow the update snuck beneath my radar... I think I forgot to check the 'email update' box... :trixieshiftright: Wait... it wasn't in my favorites? What?! time to fix that!

Like Emeral I think the timeline is a little bit short, but it's innevitable I guess. Unless Trixie did something VERY impressive of course.

Anyway keep up the good work!

1102947 Don't I agree. We do have a full on group about her now. Raindrops needs more love. Go check the list of fics.

Since moving to Canterlot and becoming Princess Luna’s apprentice her sleep schedule had gotten all out of whack. Luna was a nocturnal being and wasn’t about to change that for Trixie, so Trixie had to get used to sleeping mostly during the day and being active at night. She still wasn’t quite used to it and was more than a little cranky.

As Emeral pointed out, she has been Luna's apprentice since acquiring her cutie mark, so she should be used to the schedule by now.

“Okay, okay, can you just skip to the important part where you did the hero thing?” said Raindrops as Trixie described the way some wind or something was blowing her cape.

That bolded bit seems unnecessary, especially with the preceding doing essentially the same thing.

“We like you just fine Trixie,” Ditzy said, coming over and putting a hoof on the blue unicorn’s shoulder, “I’ve never met this other you either and I’m perfectly fine with there just being the one you. No alcohol required.”
“Thanks…I think,” Trixie said, giving Ditzy a small smile

"Thanks...I think" usually comes after something that was hard for that person to determine was a compliment of insult. I'm not really seeing it from what Ditzy said.

the Lumber Guild set a big mean basilisk loose in the forest-“
“Wait, a basilisk!?” Trixie said, eyes wide, but Bushel just kept right on going.
“- and its already turned Mr. and Mrs. Thresher to stone

Aren't basilisks more known for killing people, not turning them to stone?

Still a wonderful story and...sorry I can't say more about it. I have a terrible time trying to compliment people online besides the generic "This is a*Enter positive adjective here* story". Just know that I'm happy while reading this story.:pinkiesmile:

Not bad, here. I like Trixie stepping up.

Argh, busy workweek keeping me busy. Seriously folks, I appreciate all the comments, even if I'm a sloth in getting the next chapter up.

No worries Emerald, I enjoy critique as much as compliment. Without them I could revise and revise as many times as I liked but would still miss things for lack of other folks perspectives.

That said I do seem to have written myself into something of a corner with the timing for this story. My take on things for the moment is that Trixie's fame may not have had time to build to legendary status as a tale told to young foals growing up and such, but its so recent that she's also still essentially the toast of the town. What she did in Oaten the first time has left such a impression on the ponies there that in the year since they haven't really had anything else more noteworthy to talk about or celebrate. From their perspective the right hoof of their immortal goddess/ruler came to their humble village and saved them from poverty and starvation. A song or two about her isn't out of the question with a year's time for the ponies to spend celebrating the affair. As for why Bushel specifically doesn't seem to know Trixie save by the stories she'd been told...well that'll be explained in the next chapter. Hopefully it'll make as much sense to you guys as it does to me in my head.

About spells, I've always thought that both invisibility and inaudibility were among the oldest spells in Trixie's repertoire. Plus with dogs there would still remain the issue of masking scent, not to mention tricking the magic detecting wards.

About sleeping schedules, Trixie has been Luna protégée since she earned her cutie mark, so she should have had years to adjust her sleeping habits.

Hmm, I probably missed or otherwise forgot where it mentioned Trixie learning those two. I figured invisibility had to be one of her oldest, yes but for some reason I have it in my head that the inaudibility portion was a more recent trick she'd added...can't remember where I got that impression from though. I should probably add a bit about her working on scent and wards though, especially since this ties into something in a later chapter anyway.

And yeah, the sleeping schedule's a good example of how information can fall out of my head as easily as it goes in. Easily fixable as it just means reversing the time of day Trixie goes to Oaten from being evening and close to night to being morning, where if she had a nocturnal sleeping schedule her internal clock would be telling her to go to bed.

Oh, and I'm a bit curious if we'll see anything of what Cheerilee asks Bushel overnight or just skip straight to morning. Mostly because I have some very specific ideas of what I think Cheerilee's home should be like. Way back in some brainstorming thread or another it was discussed what kinds of pets the L6 might have, and one of the ideas I REALLY liked is that Cheerilee is something like a crazy cat lady, only with fish. Bowls and tanks all over the place and every fish having its own name.

Even if I do skip to morning I love the idea of Cheerilee being the owner of a disturbingly copious number of pet fish and with your permission would make use of that.

Let's just say that things are a fair bit more complicated in Oaten than anypony involved realizes.

Trixie's pet is Snuffles, the invisible astral honey badger.

A well known cousin to the miniature giant space hamster.


That bolded bit seems unnecessary, especially with the preceding doing essentially the same thing.

Hm, point. Will consider for revising.

"Thanks...I think" usually comes after something that was hard for that person to determine was a compliment of insult. I'm not really seeing it from what Ditzy said.

The may have shown up there due to Trixie not being entirely sure if Ditzy was suggesting Trixie should avoid drinking or not and that having one Trixie around is preferable to two. ...I think. Some revision may be in order.

Aren't basilisks more known for killing people, not turning them to stone?

Not sure from other sources but since a lot of the Lunaverse has minor reference to DnD style things I'm going off the basilisk from that system, where it has a gaze that can turn creatures to stone.

Given the wonderfully narrative you seem to be spinning her, as with the previous chapter before, I'm quite willing to defer to your judgment on the matter of the time-line and such. My biggest concern is that you be aware of potential issues rather than miss them because no bother pointing them out.

On the spell front, she's more or less been described as being able to cast self-invisibility/inaudibility and weave both together near effortlessly. They are basically her signature spell combo, such as it where.

Even if I do skip to morning I love the idea of Cheerilee being the owner of a disturbingly copious number of pet fish and with your permission would make use of that.

Of course, of course. Please, by all means. I wouldn't have brought it up otherwise. Even if you do skip it. Which might be best for flow and pacing, plus I think there might be better stories to do the full reveal, such as it were in. You're the author here though, so your call.

My ersonal suggestion, for what it's worth, would be to start the next chapter by skipping straight to them boarding the train (or maybe even arriving in Oaton). Bushel could of course mention something about how much fun it was to see all of Miss Cheerilee's different kinds of fish, with the school teacher somewhat embarrassingly trying to get her to just drop the subject ("Oh, there weren't that many dear, now don't go boring everypony")

Errors I found:

“Is that so? Our operation is supported by very important ponies from Canterlot. Do you think, even if you did fight us, that there would be no repercussion from the law? We have ever legal right to be here.”

The word 'ever' should be 'every'.

Will edit with any more I spot.

1131834 The Lunaverse has had Dnd references?

That said I do seem to have written myself into something of a corner with the timing for this story. My take on things for the moment is that Trixie's fame may not have had time to build to legendary status as a tale told to young foals growing up and such, but its so recent that she's also still essentially the toast of the town.

I can get behind this.

"Helping...Hands?" mentions eight schools of magic and explicitly named illusion, conjuration, and transmutation as three of them; these are three of the eight school fo magic in D&D (and to further drive the point home, Lyra even remarks on one of Trixie's illusions that it's "specifcially a figment," a specific kind of illusion in D&D).

There's been other references here and there as well. They say to write what you know, and I know 3rd Edition D&D, so...

Incredibly well done. Inebriated Trixie is entire A-team.

"Trust me", she says. You just know that Raindrops is thinking "I've got a bad feeling about this."

“Trixie, can I talk to you for a second, over there, behind that house, where nopony can see or hear us?”

:trixieshiftright: "I see no potentially negative consequences to this action!"

Poor Raindrops, having to deal with Trixie on a weekly basis for our own personal amusement...

Pokey & Door is best ship.

I don't know how I feel about all the dead fish..........

Though I absolutely love the villagers assessment of Cheerilee(and deep down, I really do think she could kill somepony 5 times in ten seconds flat)

First off, how dare you post this while I'm still trying to focus all my efforts on PAST SINS! I mean what kind of fool posts anything while a fic like that is still in the feature box?

Second off, I am in love with this chapter. You worked the fish angle perfectly, setting up the possibility for it to be awkward, but leaving just how much so to future interpretation (Well, that is depending on how long it would take someone as knowledgeable Cheerilee to run out of names, though could also se her just being systematic enough that she only uses each letter of the alphabet once in her naming conventions). I also like how you let her slip into instructor mode as I've always loved that take on her. The parts with Pokey were just priceless; I can't decide if I like his obliviousness to cheerilee hints or assault on the door more. I'm a little iffy about the enchanted items coming off too tecky, but I'll reserve judgment for now.

Agreed, I also took a similar interpretation to her highly effective strangle hold on Pokey. I bet that if she weren't concerned about hurting him she could have easily extricated him from the door as well. I rather hope we might maybe get a chance in this fic to see some of why she's on the top of Raindrops' short list of ponies never to make angry.

Sounds like a plan to me. Someone get on that right away.

Remains a fun and enjoyable story. The Lulamoon seemingly being a complete magical prodigy, genius, and skilled at almost all magical and physical challenges is a bit over the top though... But still very fun story to read. Looking forward to the next.

I'm proud of Raindrops. Not a single drop of Trixie blood spilled!dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/discord.png

“So, who here has ever played Apples to Apples?”

I have and its a great game, I wonder if it was made up by the apple trust in the Lunaverse?:ajsmug:

Trixie should really think about getting Pokey some kind of key or something.

Also, let's make up secret identities for the other three! Ditzy Doo's family owns Equestria's three largest cloud mines, and she's placed her vast personal fortune at Trixie's disposal!

Another excellent chapter!

The entire Pokey Door scene was hilarious particularly Bushel's "Believe in me who believes in you bit!"
And Trixie having a spell to "call" pokey that's just plain awesome idea.

I have to say I am really looking forward to seeing what you do with the enchanted items, stuff like that should get more attention anyway.

“Trixie, can I talk to you for a second, over there, behind that house, where nopony can see or hear us?”

hahahaha my brain has gone to shipping and no one can stop it!

hmmm is the mayor in on the scheme blackmail or maybe the entire thing actually has a good reason and he's t proud to admit it and whta's going to happen with the Basalisk!
Looking forward dot the next chapter.

I'm thinking there is more to Lulamoon's seeming competence than meets the eye, or less depending on how you choose to look at it. Either way, I don't think we can take any of Townsfolk's claims at face value.

1195309 Lyra could easily be a master assassin, I think. She's the best there is, and sure as hay not the most well-known. She does her job quickly and cleanly, and slips moments later into her assumed role as a musician.
Only Carrot Top is left.

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