• Member Since 17th Jan, 2018
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Coyote de La Mancha

YouTuber, with a tip jar and a Patreon!



This story follows A Smashing Good Time, and is a sequel to Cupid Mark Crusaders.

Luna’s nights are long, indeed. Far longer than anypony would ever believe. Such a burden would wear anyone down.

But recently, Luna has gotten a marefriend.

Said marefriend is a lucid dreamer, and has made it clear that Luna is always welcome when she dreams. As a result, Luna’s burden has become just a little lighter.

One night, Luna stops by at the end of her rounds and finds that Sunrise has a surprise waiting for her.

(Content note: I debated long and hard about whether to mark this as ‘Dark.’ I don’t consider it such, really, but have included the marker as a courtesy to those looking purely for fluff.)

(This timeline continues with Reunions and Laments.)

Part of the Sunset Rising continuity.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 15 )

Oh, Sunny-bun...

So, Luna's got depression?

Heh. For quite some time, I thought Sunrise had assumed human form and was introducing Luna to the wonders of a masseuse with fingers. Presumably luckd dreaming includes controlling one's body. Though that body has some nasty memories associated with it.

“Well, if you go to sleep in my dream, and I slip into deeper sleep while you’re here, does anything bad happen to us?”

"Like ending up on a shore full of decrepit skyscrapers and Yakuza?"
"Is such a common occurrence in thy world, love?"
"Thankfully not."

Ouch. That ending. Hopefully Sunrise returns the favor and opens up about her own issues before they consume her. The problem with being a lucid dreamer is that she can hide those worries even from Luna. In any case, on to the next installment in this timeline.

Yes. And, as she also predates any study of psychology on her world, she has spent her life assuming it was just her.


Well that's...depressing.

Well, yeah, I would have to agree,

I tend to think that one of the greatest pains within Luna’s heart before her exile was a profound feeling of isolation. And I think it came from many sources. Though things do look like they’re getting better.

Seriously, this is something about Luna I have been waiting to touch on again since Exiles... especially the part where she has someone she can talk to about it besides Celestia.

Man, but it’s nice to finally be able to finish and post this stuff! :twilightsmile:


Heh. For quite some time... it.

No, as she has become more pony, so has her self-image. She is quite happy to be all pony, all the time. Though it is worth noting that your observation regarding her being quite happy to leave her human form and the painful memories it is associated with behind is also quite correct.

(Although, admittedly, there are times that she misses having opposable digits just a bit...)

...ending up on a shore full of decrepit skyscrapers and Yakuza...

That... sounds like an anime I may need to check out.

Hopefully Sunrise returns the favor and opens up about her own issues before they consume her. The problem with being a lucid dreamer is that she can hide those worries even from Luna.

Indeed. Alas, sometimes it can be far easier to offer aid than to ask for it, even from those we love. We shall see what unfolds over time.


That... sounds like an anime I may need to check out.

It's actually the movie Inception. I swear I'm the only person on Earth who actually followed the plot...

I know nothing about the movie aside from this conversation, so... you may well be right. :raritywink:

Oh yeah, I can definitely see why this has the dark tag now. At first I thought that Sunset/Sunrise wouldn’t be in it since she isn’t tagged, so I was actually surprised to see her in this.

After careful consideration, I decided that Sunrise had deviated enough from revealed Sunset canon that I would classify her as an OC. Sorry about the confusion! :scootangel:

Admittedly it would make it fairly confusing to add this to groups focused on Sunset without her tag. I usually find that the alternate universe tag covers these kinds of stories and divergent characters pretty easily, since it would still let Sunset be a searchable character.

Hmmm. Good point. I think I may alter the tags on these tales.

Saw in your timeline that there is/was a story about OUR TOWN and I was just curious if that is still a thing.

As to this story...I sometimes suspect I might have a mild form of depression, nothing quite as serious as Luna's or Sunrise, but betwixt procrastination and the occasional sleepless night in which I deal with a brain that seemingly wants to focus on the bad things I've done in the past or the bad what-ifs of the future. Many good wishes to the both of them for strength and healing.

It's still a thing. Due to health issues over the last few years my productivity hasn't been what I would like. But I know what happens in it, and why. It's just a matter of writing it out. :twilightsmile:

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