• Published 23rd May 2019
  • 6,069 Views, 389 Comments

Reincarnation - Silver Butcher

After meeting the end of his life span, Spike awakens in a new Body, Reincarnated as a Kirin he has one single goal, Figure out how to tell his friends without making them think he/she is crazy

  • ...

A Flurry of Emotions

Leaf yawned as she got out of her bed, her new bedroom was full of boxes yet to be opened. Instead of unpacking, she chose to ignore it and deal with it later as she grabbed a single box and dragged it behind her with her magic, making her way to her bathroom and opening it up, tossing her bath supplies into the tub, and retrieving her toothbrush and toothpaste. After a quick brush she skipped the bath, mostly because she had no idea where her towels were and instead made a B-line to her office.

Upon opening the door she found the gravity off and her desk and chair floating with a mug, a straw, a fair amount of coffee, an empty box, and about a dozen donuts. "Zero-G Breakfast," she gave another yawn before covering herself in her magic and walking into the room, plucking the straw out of the air she sucked into it as she filled the loss liquid towards her and drank her coffee from the air as she set to work tying her chair and desk together before taking a seat and finding that the chair had a built-in seat belt, she buckled herself in and snagged a Donut out of the air before picking up the single piece of paper on her desk and reading it.

"Greetings from your chief of staff Discord, your tasks of the day are as followed, go to the kitchen, retrieve a Banana Cream Pie, and throw it into the wall Tuba at 12:13. The rest of the workday is to be spent reading the books that are now outside your office to catch up on the years you missed while you were either Senile or dead, I know you'll probably know about some of it, what with being nearly a legal adult in age, but it never hurts to catch up on what you missed, Also this Letter is now a Chicken," just as Leaf got to the last part the Paper exploded and she found that there was now a chicken floating around her office space. Leaf watched as the chicken stole one of her Donut's and decided to unbuckle herself and headed out of her office, leaving the chicken to partake of the donut's and coffee as she inspected the box that was now outside her door.

Leaf storm opened the box and was hit in the face by confetti as a pink book leaking confetti and tied up with balloons floated out of the box. Leaf grabbed it with her magic to stop it from flying away and found an upside-down picture of Pinkie's Cutie mark upon the cover. Leaf turned her attention to the box and began emptying it, the next book was scratched up with ruffled pages and a few cyan feathers poking out, this one bore Rainbow Dash's Cutie Mark. Following it was a brown book with Animal stickers on it, this one had Fluttershy's Cutie Mark on it. Following after was a dirty book with mud stains on it, it had Applejack's Cutie mark, although one of the apples had been partially scraped off. The next book in the bunch was Tied up neatly with a nice bit of Ribbon and had Rarity's Cutie Mark on it. knowing what was next Leaf looked into the box and found the least decorated of the books with Twilight's Cutie mark on it, Unable to resist she lifted it out of the box and opened it.

The book instantly began flipping through blank pages and opened in the dead middle where Twilight's Cutie Mark lit up in a fashion similar to that of the old Cutie map, and then Leaf heard Twilight sobbing from within the book.

"Rainbow was right," She sobbed from the pages "I shouldn't have left for the dragon lands, I...I thought I could find something to help him. I thought I could save him, but when I got back he...he was on the front lawn with Rarity," Leaf stood in silence as Twilight's anguished wails came out of the book, "I'm so sorry...Spike, please...I'm sorry," Leaf stood in silence as Twilight's sobbing echoed from the pages before softly closing its pages and levitating the books to her kitchen counter, having to tie Pinkie's book down.

"I am going to slap the shit out of that Draquanaquess when I see him again," Leaf said shakily, still unnerved after Hearing Twilight's Despair. Leaf walked away from the books and headed out of her home and into the halls of the castle, planning to go get the Banana Cream Pie, shove it down the Tuba, then write Discord a strongly worded letter. Leaf's plan was cut off as she ran into two creatures talking about her outside her home.

"And here she is!" Mortamire cheered as he presented Leaf to a face she already knew.

"You must be Leaf storm," Princess Flurry Heart said in greeting as she shook Leaf's hand, Leaf storm simply stared at her in shock and said the only thing she could think to say.

"Your tall," she noted, as she had always been taller than Flurry it felt weird to stand over a head below the shortest of the Princesses.

"Can't say I've been called that before," Flurry said with a chuckle "I'm actually kind of short compared to most princesses. But that's another conversation altogether, I was just dying to meet Discord's Assistant," Flurry gave Leaf a once over and nodded "I see you're a little young,"

"I'm 17," Leaf replied.

"Correct me if I'm wrong," Mortamire said as he scratched his chin "but Kirin's have... an extra stage of schooling compared to ponies right? Like 5 or so extra years I think...so wouldn't you barely be high school age?" Mortamire's question seemed sincere and Leaf assumed he had tried to learn a little about Kirins and the school system had stumped him. not that she'd blame him she herself barely understood how it worked.

"I skipped a few grades," Leaf replied proudly "And I'll be of an Adult age in less than 3 months,"

"Well allow me to welcome you to Ponycity," Flurry smiled and gave a wink before adding "Although the resident's of the castle-like to call these lower area's Ponyville sometimes,"

"After the original town?" Leaf asked, earning a wide smile from Mortamire.

"look who studied ancient pony history!" He said with a grin "most of the native's to the town don't even know that," Mortamire shook his head and rolled his eyes "There mostly noble's so that's just how it is, the rest are part of the Apple family in some way or another so I bet they know,"

"well this has been nice," Leaf said as she made to go down the hall "But I have to go get a Banana cream pie and shove it down the wall Tuba, and I gotta move fast before that chicken finishes all the Zero-G Donuts," Leaf noticed the two staring at her in silence and she raised a brow "What?" She asked.

"Why don't I go get you that pie so Flurry can do her usual thing," Mortamire offered, Leaf shrugged and the dragon headed out for the pie, leaving Flurry and Leaf alone.

"So this usual thing?" Leaf questioned.

"My special talent," She said excitedly "I can sense the connections creatures have with each other, romantic, friendly, familiar, and so many other kinds," Flurry motioned around the floor as Leaf grew mildly concerned about Flurry figuring out she was Spike and spilling the beans, it might make things easier, or make things really weird really fast. "However, everyone in Ponyville, the castle living area not the ancient town, have an odd connection I've never been able to figure out, it's been like that for hundreds of years, " Flurry looked at Leaf excitedly "I have no idea what it could mean," Flurry lit her horn and both she and Leaf could see thin trails sprawling all around the castle, the one that caught Leaf's eye what the bright shining string attached to her chest that was directly in Flurry's, Flurry looked at it in confusion and moved, clearly expecting it to go past her, but instead the line contorted and followed her.

"This good? this bad?" Leaf asked as the light of Flurry's horn dissipated and the world turned back to normal "I dunno how to read magic line's,"

"Have we met before?" Flurry asked in confusion "I don't usually see bonds that deep connecting creatures who aren't related to each other or married,"

"Only Princess I've met before you was Twilight," Leaf said, Flurry stared at Leaf in silence when the door to Leaf's room opened and a Chicken carrying a donut walked into the hall.

"Huh," Leaf said as the Chicken walked to her and presented to her the Donut "Naw it's cool, you can have it, thanks though," The Chicken clucked and walked back into Leaf's home, closing the door with a click behind it. "Did that just happen?" Leaf asked Flurry, only to find the Princess was gone. "Did any of this happen?" She asked in confusion as Mortamire flew back with a Pie in hand.

"What happened to Princess Flurry Heart?" He asked as he handed off the pie.

"The Chicken opened the door, offered me a donut, and she was gone by the time that exchange ended," Leaf replied as she tried to open the door and groaned "Chicken you locked the door," there was a click and the Chicken poked it's head out and clucked at Leaf. "Of course this is for the Tuba," Leaf said to the chicken as she walked into her home, "what else would I use the pie for?" Leaf shut the door and could hear Mortamire laughing on the other side for some reason.

Flurry Heart sat alone in her room on the upper level's over the castle, having moved in the long term over a century ago to investigate the mysterious connections of the lower floor, now however she had her spell up and was staring at the line that now connected her to Leaf. The spell has to be used on both parties to work so there was no way to know how long the line had existed, but for it to exist at all there had to be something between her and Leaf she was missing. She had a theory, one she felt was too cliche to be true, and had called in an expert to help her. As expected the answer was almost instant once she sent the message.

"Is this true!" Cadance demanded as she teleported into her Daughter's room, note in her hoof.

"I dunno," Flurry replied "I just met Leaf today and...I've only seen lines this strong between relatives and married couples," Flurry looked back at her mom with a confused look, "I think I might have just met my future wife,"

The Chicken jumped as Leaf gave a mighty sneeze, having just put the pie in the fridge she wiped her nose and looked around in confusion.

"I just got a horrible chill up my spine," she said as she looked around suspiciously "like something bad is about to happen,"

Author's Note: