• Member Since 6th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

The 24th Pegasus

Author of the Commander Hurricane series (A Song of Storms), co-founder of the Price of Loyalty universe, and overall world building fanatic. Join my discord!


It has been years since the Mayor's rainbow generator overloaded and drained Hope Hollow of its color. Kerfuffle did her best to stay happy and inspired despite the new gray world she found herself in, but even she has her limits. It's hard to make art in a world of gray, and now Kerfuffle's inspiration has finally left her. Struggling to get by and remain upbeat in a hopeless and friendless town, the pegasus soon finds herself feeling as gray and empty as the world she lives in. But perhaps a close encounter with death will show her that maybe there are still ponies in Hope Hollow who care, and maybe she's not as hopeless and empty on the inside as she feels...

Art by SJArt117

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 17 )

Haven’t read the story yet: the fact that Kerfuffle has a prosthetic leg was super distracting. It’s like she’s a test model that got converted into a full character to save money on the budget.

I disagree just based off the fact my mind said 'oh cool she has a prosthetic leg' and then I didn't notice it for the rest of the mini film. I mean, to me it looks like a realistic prosthetic for a pony that wouldn't be say super super expensive.

On the other note, lovely little story overall. Got a smile out of me!

The world needs more Kerfuffle stories! More!

You know, for a while there I thought that Kerfuffle would use her own blood as dye. This ending was good too, but I feel like you missed a great opportunity for psychological drama here.

That probably would have been too dark for the feelgood kind of ending I was going for. Plus, blood turns a ruddy brown color when it dries... probably not what she would be looking for when making her dresses.

...okay? Not sure what that has to do with the story then if you haven't. There are forums to soapbox on if that's how you feel.


...okay? Not sure what that has to do with the story then if you haven't. There are forums to soapbox on if that's how you feel.

I suggest you to ignore it. I have seen other comments from that user on other stories, and none of them is good. They usually complain about things from the stories or the show.

As I said in the author's note for my own Kerfuffle story:

I absolutely loved Kerfuffle, and more specifically I was super proud of the fact that her having a prosthetic leg wasn't some kind of plot point, or indeed even mentioned, just presented as completely unremarkable. That's the show I love, right there.

I didn't find it distracting at all, I found it really inspiring to see such a warm, positive, upbeat portrayal of a character with a prosthetic limb. Like with Scootaloo's aunts, I thought it was entirely the right way to do it - no big speeches or clunky shoehorning or Very Special Episode guff, just an absolutely matter-of-fact presentation: "people like this exist, it's not a big deal or even worth noting, let's get on with the story."

I knew as soon as she appeared that a bunch of fics would happen speculating on what happened with her leg, but that's just the nature of fanfiction when presented with something both intriguing and unexplained - I'm pretty sure neither 24th Pegasus nor me, nor any of the future authors who will surely write great Kerfuffle stories, was looking to fill a gap that didn't need filling with our headcanons here. She's just a great character and I hope there'll be lots more stories with her in the future!

How was it distracting?
It's not like attention was brought to it.

She was just a cute pegasus mare that happened to have a prosthetic leg

Ah, but then the ending would have been her recovering with the help of her friends. I can't speak for everyone, but that would also have made me feel good.

As for the blood drying out, well... Desperation can drive one to do many things that the frontal lobe would otherwise prevent.

(Though I should probably mention that I read this story before I watched Rainbow Roadtrip, so I actually had no idea who these characters were.)

This is just one opinion, but I don't think the color gimmick added to this story. The writing was strong and vivid and evocative by itself; it didn't need the twee text coloring to carry the concept for it, where a lesser text might have. I felt it particularly detracted from the blood--it was altogether too cheerful for that first dramatic scene. Mind you, this is all a forefooted insult, or praising you with faint damns. To lay it out in black and white, this was a fine piece of writing.

Fresh blood still has color, eh? I see an obvious solution: 🔪 Go get some more. 🔪

More seriously, great story.

This was a cute little story. Creative ideas thereof what happened to Kerfuffle and stuff that went on in the town after the incident.

I like your outlook on Kerfuffle. Still I can't deny a certain curiosity on how the show writers came up with her and a certain wish that they would have done so sooner because unique characters deserve to have their stories told.

If they want single episode characters they ought to be just that, just enough to say "oh yeah that one guy from that one episode" nothing more nor less. Kerfuffle had, even beyond her prosthetic a certain spark if you will that made her more than "that one guy".

I just hope that Kerfuffle wasn't designed specifically as a token nod by the corporate executives.

This was a cute little story! Great work! :heart:

Very cute! I like Kerfuffle too. She's darling.

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