• Published 17th Aug 2019
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Light and Darkness - FandomPlays1234

When two gods come face to face, the war between light and darkness and good and evil begins

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Chapter 36: VS ????

Starlight and her party began heading back to the room where Spike faced off with the Primid spirit. Along the way they explained to Snake everything that had happened after the face off with Galeem. Thanks to the help of Hal, they were able to walk into the corridor that was originally blocked of by the number 2 barrier. They continued to walk down the dark corridor, all the while Starlight's heart was racing.

"Are you alright Starlight?" asked Twilight.

"Yeah just nervous," answered Starlight. "Clearly, this enemy we're about to face is another one of Galeem's strongest minions, we can't expect this battle to go smoothly,"

"All in all that's true, but don't let it bother you too much," said Cadence. "You can always count on us to be there when you need us,"

"Thanks Princess," said Starlight. After several more minutes of walking, they came out into an open room much bigger than any of the other rooms, they've been in.

"Geez so big," said Rainbow.

"So where is this so called boss at?" asked Piranha Plant.

"I think you should look ahead of you," said Spike. They all looked up in front of them to see a large metallic tank in front of them.

"What is that?" asked Ember.

"Wait, no it can't be," said Bowser. Suddenly the two engines on the side extended outwards as two large purple hands appeared on the ends. The tank slowly rose as to it's feet as it began transforming into a large robot. It's eyes flashed as it stood on it's two feet and glared down at the party.

"Oh my Celestia," said Twilight.

"Shit it's this guy again," cursed Snake.

"You know this, uh robot?" asked Sunset.

"His name is Galleom," answered Link. "We've fought him before in the past, but we didn't expect him to return,"

"Galeem, must've revived him," said Olimar.

"Revived or not, he's still a threat," said Starlight. She took a step forward catching Galleom's attention. He pounded his chest as he roared angrily at Starlight. "Come at me!" said Starlight. Galleom raised his arms and slammed them down on the ground creating a shock wave that came at Starlight. Yelping, Starlight quickly teleported out of the way, and reappeared next to his feet. She raised her hoof and hit his feet as hard as she could, only to scream in pain.

"Starlight what's wrong?" asked Rainbow.

"Because he's made of metal, it hurts to just punch him!" Starlight cried out. She looked up as Galleom raised his foot in attempt to crush her. Starlight screamed as she ran out of the way before Galleom stomped his feet. She ran back to her party as she clutched her hoof. She whimpered as tears rolled down her cheek.

"Come on Starlight, it can't hurt that bad," said Rainbow.

"But it does," Starlight whimpered.

"Ugh watch I'll prove it to you," boasted Rainbow. She flew up and pointed a hoof at Galleom. "You may act so tough, but you won't survive this!" She raised her hoof and charged down for a flying kick. As she landed her hit on Galleom's face armor, a loud clang rang out, followed by Rainbow's scream. She crashed onto the ground clutching her hoof whimpering.

"Yeah it definitely can't hurt that bad," Starlight reminded Rainbow.

"Shut up!" whimpered Rainbow Dash.

"Ugh amateurs," said Snake. He ran up and aimed his rocket launcher. Galleom looked at Snake and raised his arms to crush him.

"No you don't," said Mario. "Come on everyone, let's-a go!" Mario ran forward followed by Kirby, Link, Lucario, Eleven, Piranha Plant, Ryu, and Bowser. Steam erupted from Galleom's body as he tried to swat away the fighters but to no avail. Angrily Galleom jumped up as the rockets under his feet allowed him to hover above the ground before dropping down on the fighters. Some of the fighters managed to get out of the way before getting crushed, while others were sent flying in every direction. However they continued to gang up on Galleom in attempts to knock down his HP.

"Come on let's help them out!" said Skystar. She flew over to join the fighters as Ember, Sunset, Cadence, Twilight, and Spike followed from behind. Galleom let out an angry roar as he crouched down before spinning around, pulling anybody too close to him, into his attack. The fighters and creatures that were pulled in, was hit by a barrage of attacks before being launched in every direction.

"You can do it guys!" cheered Peach. Olimar watched as the fighters desperately attacked Galleom and managed to summon up the courage to run out onto the field.

"Olimar," Starlight called out to him. Olimar ran over next to Snake and began plucking out Pikmins from the ground.

"Go my little friends, we have to help them," said Olimar. He began chucking Pikmins of different colors at Galleom, allowing them to latch on and began attacking. As the fighters continued to barrage Galleom with attacks, he suddenly stood up and angrily began stomping his feet as his entire body began to glow red.

"Uh oh," said Spike.

"What does that mean?" asked Sunset.

"We don't know, he didn't do this before," answered Link.

"He must be overheating," said Mario. Galleom crouched down as he began charging up another attack.

"Oh shit everyone scatter!" said Bowser. But before anyone could run, Galleom began spinning again sucking in everyone around him. Everyone including the Pikmins were knocked back as Galleom turned to face Starlight and the other son the sideline. Galleom jumped up as he transformed into a tank and aimed his rocket launchers at them.

"Oh no," said Starlight. Galleom opened fired as the rockets flew towards them. Starlight quickly jumped in front and summoned a barrier with her magic, protecting the others as the rockets exploded. "Come on guys, don't give up!" said Starlight.

"You heard her, let's get him!" said Mario. He jumped up and charged as the others followed his example. They returned to their attacks as Starlight got to her feet and ran out onto the field. Galleom look on either side before raising both of his arms and slammed them down on either side knocking everyone back. Starlight managed to avoid the impact as she approached the robot. Galleom looked over to her and roared as he extended his arms and grabbed her. Starlight yelped as Galleom lifted her up. He glared at her as he held her in his hands.

"Nice try, but you can't defeat me," said Starlight. Galleom looked at her as she raised her horn. She began charging up an attack as Galleom began crushing her body. Starlight winced as the boss tightened his grip.

"Starlight!" Twilight gasped.

"You think you're so tough?" asked Starlight. "Let's see you handle this!" She blasted Galleom in the face with her magic causing him to drop her.

"Starlight!" Spike called out to her. Skystar quickly flew up and grabbed her as explosions began erupting throughout his body. Galleom let out one final roar before falling on his back. Chunks of metal from his body landed in piles around him as he lay on the ground.

"Did we do it?" asked Starlight.

"I think so said," Skystar. She carried Starlight down to the rest of her party where they greeted her.

"Starlight are you alright?" asked Twilight.

"Yeah I'm fine, thanks," said Starlight. Suddenly there was a flash as light burst out of Galleom's body, followed by a spirit. It hovered over to Starlight and her party as it waited patiently for her to open the album. She opened the leather book and flipped to an empty page where the spirit jumped in without hesitation.

"Well looks like we got another boss spirit," said Peach.

"Yeah," said Starlight breathing heavily.

"Shall we get out of here?" asked Eleven. Starlight nodded. She got up and began leading her party out. Upon exiting the base, they noticed that the sun was beginning to set.

"Well that was interesting," said Ryu. Suddenly, there was a flash of light that came from Galeem's direction. They all looked up at Galeem as the barrier around him turned from orange to red.

"Looks like we've managed to weaken his barrier again," said Twilight.

"Well what now?' asked Olimar.

"Let's find someplace to set up camp, I'm sure you're all exhausted from that battle," said Starlight. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. "Alright then let's go," said Starlight. She began leading her party back to the entrance not realizing that someone was waiting for them.

Author's Note:

Chapter 36 complete. And there goes Galleom. Congrats to Starlight and her party for defeating the second boss. Now that Galeem's barrier has weakened even more, once they defeat the third boss they'll be able to challenge Galeem. but wait who could be waiting for them? And where will Starlight and her party head to next. Maybe the jungle. Who knows, she might meet someone there.

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