• Member Since 7th Jan, 2018
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Hello, my name's Whooves! I'm just your average brony. I'm a major Appledash shipper/writer, and I like to make stories and other content.


Ponies are disappearing all across Equestria, and it seems that there is strange magic at work so start Celestia sends The Main 6 to go to and investigate, however after a day it seems that they to have disappeared. So now it's up to The Doctor, Derpy, and Zap Apple to find them before Equestria loses its only protectors!!

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 6 )

¨Wherever fate takes us!!¨ The Doctor then ran to the TARDIS control panel and flipped a lever ¨Alonz-y!¨

It's actually Allons-y. Also, mandatory

Twilight smiled at the thought of Pinkie, how even when she was in the worst moods, Pinkie was there for her.


“Scootaloo is a grown mare, I would think she can take care of herself,” Applejack said. “Then again, she is your daughter.”

"What is that supposed to mean?" Rainbow said

Glad I read "Apples, Rainbows and Dreams" before reading this or I wouldn't have understood that, wait... does Applejack know about the fact that Rainbow got "attacked"? Because if she did then that means she's making fun of the fact RD got s***ally assaulted and that in turn means... well, this relationship is probably not healthy

“Wherever fate takes us!!” The Doctor ran to the TARDIS control panel and flipped a lever “Allons-y!”

Heck yeah!!

"Who would want an old, scared, broken-horned, missing-eyed unicorn like me?" Rarity said, touching what was left of her horn.

Ok ok, so this is connected to "Equestria vs Tartarus: Battle of the Century" and "Clash of the Bolts: Battle for the Skies" and also a bit of a hinted connection to "Apples, Rainbows and Dreams"? Unless ARaD is just a non canon side story.

Another day, another Whooves235 story! Despite me not liking AppleDash I truly have fallen in love with your series! Also the grammer and spelling is much better here, in fact, probably perfect because I haven't noticed any mistakes so far.

I would not be writing to you under normal circumstances unless it was important. Enclosed in the following document is an Equestrian Police report. According to the report, ponies have been disappearing across Equestria. From Appaloosa to Ponyville there have been ponies disappearing. Normally I would have the Royal Guard do this job, but things have come up in Canterlot that require my presence. I am sure that you and your friends will have this mystery solved quickly. Included with the previously mentioned document is a map with the locations of disappearances. The fate of Equestria’s citizens lies with you.

Warmest regards,Princess Celestia

Ok, we're missin' a space between "regards" and "Princess", I feel like instead of the word "dissappearing", you should try "From Apaloosa to Ponyville there have been reports of missing ponies."

"Alright the faster I do this, the faster I can get back to Daring Doo" Zap smirked

"Daring Do" only has 1 "o", just like how you spell the actual word "do".

"nspect the apples and applesauce?" Zap said. "Yeah I may be a kid, but I definitely know apple inspectors when I see them. Who are you really?"

Is he trying a country accent or is that a spelling mistake? If it's the former then you should add a ' before the "n"

"Your mother Rainbow Dash has an addiction to orange juice and your mother Applejack hates it."

I can imagine that: 🧃:rainbowkiss::ajbemused:

"A time anomaly, it's sorta like a fragment of time that was misplaced. Other words for it are aberrations, time misplacements,"

I... ok it took me a while to understand that, not your fault though, my brain is kinda half asleep today.

The point is we are stuck in the past and we can't get back, not yet at least. Please tell Flurry Heart and Pinkie that we are safe and we miss them. Applejack and Rainbow also asked me to tell you to tell Zap that they are ok as well.

From Twilight

Wait... they left Pinkie and Flurry?! NOOOOOOO! Twi, how could you leave your friggin wife behind! (I'm not mad, just joking)

Time Anomalies, Zap as one of the main characters, and also DERPY AND SCI-FI? Well color me pleased as punch.

¨ No, not yet ¨ Flurry said ¨ But you can call me Angel Bob ¨

I laughed at that name, also what is an "angel"? Is it a Doctor Who reference?

¨Allright Angel Bob¨ The Doctor said ¨I want to know what your doing here¨

"Alright", not "allright"

¨Bad Wolf¨ The Doctor said ¨How..¨

Referencing... me likes...

¨Its called a Dalek¨ The Doctor said


¨And where is the meating place?¨ The Doctor said

meating place- Ok that brings so many terrible images to mind but I'm sure you meant "meeting place"

The Mysterious pony then let Derpy go with his wing and slowly walked to the light again, looking behind him his face became somewhat visible, he had grey fur with a dark black mane, and blue eyes, and he was wearing a green bowtie.

Professor Snape? :raritystarry: (I know it's not him, he doesn't have a green bowtie or blue eyes)

¨You can call me your new master¨ The Pony said, he then walked out of the room, and as the door closed Derpy was now trapped in a pitch black room.

Cliffhanger! The perfect place to leave off for today 😌👌

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