• Published 16th Apr 2021
  • 314 Views, 5 Comments

8 Realms of Magic - AzuraKeres

A world with 9 interconnected realms, 8 arbiters are chosen by the Cosmic Tree that connects them. They must unite to find harmony and prevent the coming of a prophecized tragedy.

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EP 1: Where Destiny Lies|CH 6

Lune Star bustled through the midnight shimmer of Illuma. She felt freer under the moon, with roads thinned of creatures walking the streets.

However, Star had to be mindful of guards who all were trained by her mother. But that was foal’s play. If it took the keen eye of the mightiest Valkyrie to catch her, what could a normal Sollothean guard hope to accomplish? Especially with the use of her rune-inscribed choker that cloaked her presence.

“I got to ask,” Ratty whispered from atop Star’s back. “That invisibility trick is pretty useful. Why don’t you ever use it?”

“What good is invisibility in a packed crowd?” Star said. “I’d be bumping into so many folks I’d cause a scene. Plus, my magic would stand out like a giant fire.”

Star reached into an open space within an edge of Illuma. A giant wall stood proudly before her, wrapping around Illuma as its impenetrable fortress.

Star knew it possessed runes to fortify its sturdiness against any foes who dared to crush it. But destruction was not in Star’s plan.

And standing idly near the wall were Yuki and Yori. They wore a purse and a checker, no doubt enchanted with runes. After all, they developed the chokers together from a friendly project they shared.

“Thank goodness you two are here,” Star said when she deactivated her choker before them. “I was getting worried Ratty gave you the wrong spot.”

The twins yelped at Star’s sudden appearance. Yori then laughed with a snort. “That’s a good one. That really gave me a scare.”

Yuki clutched her pectoral and glared at Star. “Honestly, did you bring us out here simply to frighten us? I don’t care about your ploys, but I expect to never become one of your victims.”

Star apologized with a hug upon each of them. “No way. Tonight is more important than that. I promise I’ll buy you anything you like at the cafe after this.”

“And I expect so throughout the entire week,” Yuki added.

“I know, I know.”

“So, what devious plan do you have to get out of town?” Yori asked. Her eyes dazzled with curiosity.

“Yori and I could walk through the city gates with no problem,” Yuki said. “However, with Star, I doubt the guards would grant her the same freedom.”

“Which is why we’re not going through the entrance,” Star said.

Star knew the gates of Illuma to repel entrance to all those with ill intentions. A feat developed with the usage of runes.

Unfortunately for the guards, Star was familiar with those runes.

She knew them to switch between a series of seven sets of rune inscriptions weekly. And since Star had spent her entire life in Illuma, she knew exactly which of the seven they would use.

Star harnessed her magic to coat her and Ratty’s body. They became cloaked in darkness that flowed like black flames.

“Wow, Star,” Yori said, skipping about to observe them. “This one looks terrifying.”

“That spell is shadow permeation, right?” Yuki asked.

“That’s right,” Star confirmed. “I’ve fiddled around with it so much that I also learned how to share it with others.”

Yuki gave a painful glance. “You’re gonna slather that stuff on us, aren’t you?”

“Ooh, ooh!” Yori spoke, raising a hoof excitedly. “Me first, me first!”

A portion of Star’s dark flame shot upon Yori, glazing her body in darkness. She skipped about excitedly as if it was a new dress.

Yuki on the other hand, flinched when her turn arrived. Star did not provide her a chance to ready herself.

“I’ve set the potency of this spell to match the runes on the gates,” Star said. “We should be able to phase through with no trouble.”

“Should or can?” Yuki asked.

“Just watch me.” Star and Ratty were first to disappear into the low-light bricks of the gate. Inside, they found bundles of shooting specks of light.

The lights flew through Star. Just as she hoped, the light was incapable of reacting to her spell. They eventually exited the sparkling space and reached the other sides of the gate.

An expansive grassland laid within the outskirts of Illuma. A river flowed out of the city in the distance and stretched into a bright forest on the horizon.

As Star breathed in the air and took a moment to bask in her freedom. She felt certain she had made the right decision that night.

Yuki and Yori eventually phased through the gate and joined Star. “That was amazing!” Yori cheered. “I want to try that again.”

“No!” Yuki declared. She made a furious attempt to sweep the darkness off from her body. “Star, please get this stuff off of me now. It’s making my skin crawl.”

“Yeesh, Yuki,” Ratty said. “You really don’t like Star’s magic, do ya?”

Star complied with Yuki’s request and lifted her spell, snuffing the flame-like blackness from all parties. Yuki took a breath and rubbed her pale blue coat.

“I’m sorry, Star,” Yuki apologized. “But you know I don’t do well with magic drawn from wicked emotions.”

“It’s alright,” Star said. “You went along with it anyway, despite it bothering you. But how about we save this chat for later? We should leave now before anyone sees us.”

“Too late for that.” Star’s group perked to a voice close by them. Looking above them, they discovered Chipped Flint descending upon them with a wide rock serving as his platform.

The rock laid on the grass and was released from Chip’s magic. He hopped off from the rock and approached her surprised friends.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Star asked.

“Oh wow,” Yori said. “I’m surprised you found us. How did you know we were here?”

“I had a feeling Star would do something like this ever since Yuki shared her tale about the spirit,” Chip explained. “Let me guess, Hild banned you from going near a cosmic root, so you’re going to rebel against her command, right?”

“Did you stalk me and Yuki in order to find Star? I didn’t expect you for a stalker, Chip?”

“I was not stalking,” Chip denied. “It’s called a stakeout.”

“They’re pretty much the same, aren’t they?”

“This topic is pointless.” Chip fixed his sight upon Star. “Star, what are you doing coming out here? I figured you would try sneaking to a root within the city.”

“Don’t get in my way, Chip,” Star warned him. “Just be a good guard and let us through.”

“That would be against my job, Star. You know full well that Hild would not like you out here in the middle of the night.”

“Will you stop bringing up my mom? You’re supposed to be my friend. You should be on my side.”

Star and Chip shared a glare that left others unnerved. All except Ratty, that grew bored with this argument and went to his purse to snack on his nuts.

Yuki clapped her hoof to snap the two from their staredown. “How about we review our plans and then settle what to do next? Would that sound fair to you, Chip?”

“… fine, let’s hear it.” Chip said.

Star paused upon Yuki’s suggestion but relented her rage and began her explanation. “I knew interacting with the cosmic roots would be troublesome with the Sollothean guards surveying the area. It’d be hard to have a conversation with the spirit with too many eyes looming around. That’s why I had Ratty scout for an unsupervised Cosmic root this evening. “

“The Cosmic Tree is always growing new limbs,” Yuki said. “It’s bound to sprout somewhere new in realms.”

“Lucky for you guys,” Ratty said. “I have a canine smell for Cosmic roots.”

“And that’s why we’re here,” Star said.

Ratty pointed at a bright forest on the horizon. “There’s an odd-looking one in that forest. It’ll be a bit of a walk, but it shouldn’t take long for us to get there.”

“We go in and then get out,” Star said. “And if we’re quick enough, we won’t have to worry about any creature catching wind of our midnight trip.”

“Are you certain that’s a good idea?” Chip asked. “It only takes one creature to wonder where one of you went. And if any of your alibis do not check out, you know Hild will ask questions.”

“We’re already past the point of no return, Chip. I don’t care what principle or belief you have, but me and Ratty going there one way or another.”

“I’m only here because you need me,” Ratty mentioned.

Chip raised his hoof to make an argument but gritted his teeth. “Why do you always have to be so stubborn?”

“Oh c’mon, Chip,” Yori said, hopping over to Chip’s side to wrap a hoof around his neck. “Think of it this way, since Star is going to wander in the unknown wilderness of night, she’ll need a strong and confident shining armor to keep her safe. Wouldn’t you agree?”

“Don’t make it sound so weird,” Chip retorted, averting from the pink mare to hide his reddened face. “But since I know there’s no stopping Star, then it’s for the best that ensure none of you are hurt.”

Star clapped her hooves. “Wonderful. Then let’s begin with our exploration.”