• Member Since 17th Sep, 2019
  • offline last seen April 27th


It's all in fate.


[Spoilers for Season 9 Finale]
The aftermath of the great showdown.

"Don't be like another Cozy Glow."
Every creature who lives in Canterlot has heard the story of the little filly who became a villain through wit and lies alone. She played everyone like a simple game of chess before being tacked on with the rest of the big bad guys and turned to stone at their defeat. From then on younglings were warned that lying would give them the very same fate she endured.

Two troublesome children looked down at Equestrian's history and decided together they should try to alter it. One way or another these two were going to get the power to change everything from the past, present, and future.

Even if it meant making friends with an unlikely character...

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 44 )

Oh god their concious. Damn Discord, that's horrible. Good writing though.

Thanks! And I thought you know, he was conscious and could hear everything in that one episode so why not the other three? Hahah... ah... :unsuresweetie:

The sad part is I also get a pit in my stomach when i first saw what happened to the final 3 villains.

Personally I would take being turned to stone over reformation any time. So, it's much better imao then yet another cringy reformation.

Also thanks and bonus points for using more of a old-style ling in a post-canon story.

You've once again caught my interest eager to see where you take this latest idea.

Brilliant chapter and my heart really went out to Ginseng at the end there.

It's not easy being a changeling who refuses to change. While she does blame herself most of the time Panax definitely isn't helping as much as she should.

Also thanks!

This is what I was waiting for! I watched the finale over a month ago and couldnt wait for people to start shooting out their stories especially those centered around our favorite statues. Looking forward to this.

Why is Twilight & Thorax upsetting about to kids refusing to accept their kind of friendship and reformation. It's like they're... corrupting the next generation to be like them.

I do so love the drama and the more I read the more I think Twilight and others have become a perfect example of corrupted order.

Well it's how they learned and it's how they decided to pass down this kind of friendship. Thorax actually isn't as bad as Panax- trust me. Thorax would probably understand Ginseng's problem a bit more than her caretaker does.
Twilight meanwhile, while calm about the situation, doesn't understand how deep their problems are either. She mostly thinks a trip to Ponyville might solve the problem.

This story is mostly a perspective from those who disagree with Equestrian's way of friendship. ie Ginseng and Gimmick. Of course to them this all looks corrupted but to be honest- how this is all being handled isn't being handled... well.
I'm surprised I got that from you two actually, I wasn't originally going for corrupt order but now I see it

In translation; Focus on the good so much, the bad is born and soon Friendship CAN be used for evil

I suppose it has to do with the fact that them being the way they are, in some way shape or form, do hurt the ones around them. For instance, while it may not seem right forcing Ginseng to transform against her will...as she is, she's essentially a parasite who needs to steal the love of others just to sustain herself. An awful lot of creatures around her are thus constantly damaged by her refusal to change.

It's a tricky moral dilemma, and I'm curious as to how this story will deal with it.

It could be... naaahhh. Forget it, I’ll spoil this story

You know it makes a lot of sense that Discord would pick Ginseng to be his student. Change and Chaos go hand in hand after all.

When I first started to read this fic I no idea why a changling would refuse to reform but the idea of someone taking advantage of your love sounds quite terrifying actually

Ginseng has her own reasons to fear the reformation but that's a big part of it. I really wanted to explore love in this fanfic and, like you said, what would make a changeling not want to reform.
For Chrysalis I'm guessing it was rage or jealousy or something along the lines? Loudly and proudly full of selfish hatred.
Ginseng meanwhile is kinda the opposite. She's more quiet about it. I wanted to figure out a reason why someone would hold onto their love and be reclusive around everyone while still being with them. Not only is it important to her but she's afraid of it too. There's a reason for that but I don't want to get into too much detail rn.

Twilight wasn't conscious when she got petrified by a cockatrice, so Discord being conscious seems to be because he's Discord, and not because petrification does that by default.

Well that was cockatrice magic so it's understandable that it works differently then this case. Maybe if it was just Luna and Celestia that cast the spell I would've made it so they weren't conscious... however, Discord took a part in it.
Chaos magic is definitely more messy than alicorn or monster magic.

They should have, especially Twilight, learned to never change, lie in history, especially in a world with magic and especially if it is Equestria

Comment posted by Starlight Nova deleted Dec 18th, 2019

Well I can see Gimmick sounding more like a younger Moondancer.
As for Ginseng I'm not too sure. I don't think it would sound all bug-like, maybe more-so like Ocellus in a way. Less chipper though and more tired. If I have any other examples I'll let you know but I think Ginseng's voice is whatever anyone wants it to be at this point.

Ginseng remind me of an introvert in some cases

I can't believe I haven't stumbled upon this hidden gem before now! I can't wait to see what happens next!

Lol me too. I’m a bit busy irl but I’ll try and get the next chapter up when I can. I’m glad you like it!

Im very invested in this story still after only four-chapter kudos to your writing!

Great chapter but that was harsh. Ginseng maybe right about not reforming, if reforming is become someone like Panax than its not worth it.

I am so happy you're back!

Hee hee it's back from the dead boys.

Not all who reform are like Panax, but several changelings who reform can share different kinds of love. Platonic, familial, and etc.
For Panax it is mostly romantic love she shares.

However romantic love isn’t bad either, a good changeling can also be more romantic too.

Panax probably wasn't a very good person probably a selfish goal in the first place I bet some lings seen ginseng as a nice little trophy to boost themselves so many fake lings to avoid and to Panax ginseng was probably just a prop to her just to make Panax look good for pr only and nothing else just that Forster you food {she failed that. abuser} and house with nothing else not really family just there and just ah it so sad how fake some "parents" can be honestly how can that not hurt ginseng so much I hope ginseng hurt Panax reputation worse by not lying and owning her emotions

Honestly yeah, Panax was probably thinking
“Wow, imagine if I was the one to reform one of the rare few renegade changelings. I’d be such a good changeling! Maybe even remembered.”

Ginseng is definitely done with all that

Sorry for the comment but any Changelings who become colorful counts as being reform to me, which are still lame and Thorax's talks about sharing and caring are starting to Piss me off. If I was a unreformed Changeling, I refuse to be like them if they hate me and fear me.

Absolutely wonder chapter and good to see this story back.

I can't wait for everything to fall into place! Thank you for updating the story!

The wait was definitely worth it, keep it up!

And thank you for reading it! :twilightsmile:

Of course! Thank you. Hopefully soon I can move on to the Friendship School next!

Not the other way around?
I can't wait when everything mane six, Celestia, Luna, Discord, etc build and lied about will fall alart and crash on them

Discord nervously averted his gaze and nodded, "Yes, I have to confess I was the one that caused all those disasters. King Sombra, Cozy Glow, Chrysalis, and Tirek. I was the one who brought them all back."

"Why is this not covered in our history classes??" Gimmick interrogated as she marched her way up to Discord.

"Well you see- The council decided that after everything it would be best not to make that public. They didn't want to share too much about Grogar and they didn't want Equestria blaming me. It's still my fault of course and over the years I've done my best to make up for it. However I can't keep this a secret for long. You two aren't the first I've told about this after all! So, whatever you both think of me after this I completely understand. I'm sorry for what I did. Even today, I still am."

The corruption of Friendship!!! I know there would be fabrications and corruption!

don't count on her ginseng feel pity later on twilight for her mentors in life was pretty outdated and just old fashion but I wonder if twilight will fall in the same vice and faults as them? good but blind as they were and as a royal even more so probably as the highest order in the land who can't afford to be wrong.

And so, is there any hope for a sequel?

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