• Published 25th Sep 2019
  • 3,197 Views, 78 Comments

The Saiyan Prince in Equestria (Being Rewritten) - ShirtMechanic

After Vegeta's sacraficed himself to save earth from Majin Buu, he was sent to another world with a second chance. A new adventure starts now!

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Chapter 13: The Grand Galloping Gala Part 3

Chapter 13: The Grand Galloping Gala!

Rainbow's Crush, disaster strikes!

"You What!" Vegeta yelled, shaking the castle.

"Well... I..." Rainbow stammered, fearing from the fuming Prince. Vegeta starts to slowly hover to the rainbow pony, dissipating the ki blast in his hand.

"What made you think you had the right to look inside my head!" The prince spat, Rainbow back up into a wall, leaving nowhere for her to go. "Answer me!"

"I... I was worried. I knew you... had been hiding something... from the group." Rainbow said, cowering away.

"That doesn't give me the reason not to beat the crap out of you!" Vegeta spat, causing Princess Luna to go on high alert.

"That's too extreme Prince Vegeta, you should be blaming me, not her," Luan explained, preparing for whatever Vegeta might throw at her.

"Please, you wouldn't last a minute if I took the blame on you," Vegeta said in a deep tone, he looked back to the cowering pony, tears start to roll down her muzzle.

"I... I like you..." Rainbow mumbled, but the Prince didn't hear it.

"What was that?" Vegeta commanded.

"I like you..." Rainbow said a little louder, but Vegeta still didn't hear it.

"What did you say!" Vegeta yelled, making the mare flinch.

"I SAID I LIKE YOU!" Rainbow yelled, catching Vegeta off guard.

'Skittles have the same feelings I have for her..." Vegeta thought, he looked down at the crying pony, feeling guilt wash over him. "You're not the only one who has the same feelings.

"W-what?" Rainbow said, confused.

"I have the same feelings for you too Rainbow, but we can't be together," Vegeta explained, making the blue pegasus cry even more.

"Why?" Rainbow sobbed, looking to the sorrowful Prince.

"Because I'm still married if you haven't noticed," Vegeta said, lifting his left hand, showing a ring on his index finger.

"Bulma... am I right?"

"Yes, I've been married to her for a long time, but if she's gone, I can't bring myself to marrying another one," Vegeta said as he fiddled with his wedding ring. It became silent, nopony saying a word, not to miss the silence.


The Prince was shocked at the voice he heard, "Wha... who's there?" Vegeta said, he looked around, but not being able to find anyone.

"Don't bother looking around, I'm King Kai, the one who trained Goku a long time ago." King kai explained. Vegeta simply nodded and continued the conversation in his head.

"What do you want?"

"I have some urgent news, it's Majin Buu, he's trying to get to the dimension you're in!" King kai said frantically, this sent shivers down the Prince's spine.

"Then what I thought of earlier is true, if Kakarot could get here, Buu can as well. Do you know how much longer we have?" Vegeta asked.

"If I'm guessing, you have about 2 days until he arrives in Equestria!" King Kai answered, Vegeta could feel the fear in the kai's tone.

'It looks like I'm going to have to train till then...' Vegeta thought, he was going to ask King kai of something, but he was broken out of thought when a voice pierced his ears.


Vegeta looked to see Princess Celestia with an irritated expression a few feet away from him, behind her is a tearful Rainbow. "Could you explain to me why Rainbow Dash is crying?" Celestia asked.

"It's her fault for invading my privacy, plus we have a bigger problem on our hands... or hooves," Vegeta explained.

"And what could be more important than-"

"Majin Buu is trying to find a way into this dimension."




"You got to be joking... right?" Princess Celestia said fearfully, sadly, Vegeta shook his head.

"Wrong, from what I could gather from king Kai, he would arrive in about 2 days," Vegeta said, he could see the fear in everypony's eyes. He looked to the tearing Rainbow with a sadden look, "I'm sorry for snapping at you Rainbow, but we still can't be together. Now excuse me, I've got 2 days to train, and I'm not going to waste it." Vegeta said, blasting away from the three ponies.

Goku was laying in Twilight's bed, he's been here for about a day now. He lied there, thinking on how to convince Vegeta to fuse with him, he knows Vegeta will be stubborn. Twilight walked into the room with a bowl of soup, wrapped in a purple aura like a blanket, keeping the warm contents sealed.

"How are you feeling Goku?" Twilight asked, she didn't get a response though. She looked to the Saiyan with a worried look, "Goku?"

The Saiyan snapped his head to see Twilight standing there with a bowl of soup in her magic. "Oh, sorry Twilight," Goku said, he then realized Twilight should be at the Gala. "Wait, shouldnt you be at the Gala Twilight?" Goku questioned

"It turns out the Gala is terrible, I was beside Princess Celestia the whole time, but I couldn't talk to her with all the other ponies. So I came home with Spike to check up on you, oh and Spike made you soup." Twilight explained.

Goku smiled at the generosity, "I'll have to thank Spike, but with that aside," Goku turned serious, confusing Twilight. "I have bad news, Majin Buu has found a way into this dimension, the same way I came through," Goku said, putting as much detail in.

Twilight's eyes went wide at Goku's news, her jaw dropped as her eye twitched. "Uh... Twilight?" Goku questioned.

"This is bad, this is so so so bad!" Twilight said as she started to pace back and forth. "If this Majin Buu is as powerful as you say he is, then Equestria is doomed!"

"But I have an idea, but I have to convince Vegeta," Goku explained.

"And what is it?" Twilight said intrigued, finding a chair to sit in.

"I have to perform fusion with Vegeta" Goku explains, confusing the purple unicorn.

"I-is that possible" Twilight stuttered.

"Yea, it's what I taught Goten and Trunks before I came here. It's when two beings fuse together to make an unbeatable being, adding the power of the two and multiplying them." Goku explained, he then sees Twilight writing it all down in a book she got out of nowhere.

"Uh... Twilight" Goku asked in confusion. But she never got the chance to answer, because Vegeta knocked the door down with his foot.

"Kakarot we need to train for Majin Buu!" Vegeta shouted. This shocked Goku as he fell out of the bed.

"Oh hey Vegeta, I'm guessing you know about Buu?"

"You got that right, we have about 2 days to train according to King Kai," Vegeta explained.

"He talked to you?"

"Yea, now come on, we have no time to waste!" Vegeta said walking out.

"Ok..." Goku said, ripping all the bandages off and exited Twilight's room.



"What just happened?" Twilight asked herself.

Author's Note:

Sorry if the Gala parts wernt really part of the Gala, thought I would have Vegeta be the main attention of the chapters. I hoped you enjoyed the chapter and want more. Catch You Later!