• Published 24th Oct 2019
  • 13,073 Views, 227 Comments

Worshiping At The Altar Of Knowledge - TCC56

When Princess Twilight Sparkle hears rumors of a dark cult centered around worship of her, she asks her mentor for advice. The answers are not what she expected.

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Gliding in low over the treetops, Twilight did her best to stay silent. Alerting the crowd below would have grave consequences. A massive bonfire crackled in the middle of them, threatening to ruin her night vision while still casting the cluster of robed figures in flickering shadow.

It had just been rumors originally - quiet comments and the barest of murmurs. Official inquires had only sent them deeper to ground. S.M.I.L.E. assets had eventually teased out enough to find the location of this meeting, but little more. To stop the cult from gaining any more traction, they needed information. They needed to find out details.

This wasn't a Princess' job, the captain of the guard had said.

I need to do something that isn't looking at tax law or I will throw several nobles into the sun, the princess had responded.

I think that would be a good thing, had been his counter-point.

I could make you a Baron first, had been hers.

Which is why she was now coasting on the breeze to spy on a secretive (and likely evil) cult in the wild forest near Foal Mountain. Granted there were two platoons of Royal Guards only a mile away and ready to pounce, but she was the one who was investigating and observing. (And not engaging, the captain had refused to give any ground on that one, the spoilsport.)

A low-flying cloud provided the perfect perch for Twilight, letting her settle down within hearing range as the cultists gathered. Dark purple robes blended in with the shadowy forest around, eerily moving in the twilight before Twilight. She was a bit late to the scene - they had already started.

The one who stood alone at the northernmost point of the circle continued to speak. "--And so it shall be! Nothing and nopony shall impede our quest! Our sacred duty!" He waved a hoof in the air, motioning to the sky. (And coincidentally, towards the hidden Twilight.) "To open the mysteries of the universe itself and find the path to true magic!"

Around the fire, the others in dark purple echoed his words in a refrain. "The path to true magic!"

"The secret knowledge shall not be held back from us, my friends. Those who would selfishly hoard it will bow before us at the Altar of Knowledge after they are shown the error of their ways!"

And the gathering once more echoed the words. "The Altar of Knowledge!"

Twilight's wings twitched. Oh no. They were the worst kind of evil cultists - educated. This was bad. This was really bad. They read books, which meant they had the knowledge to get what they were after. They probably read the wrong books or they wouldn't be an evil cult, but Twilight could appreciate the wisdom of (and danger in) their attempts.

The leader stomped a hoof against the hard ground - a chunk of slate was there, possibly placed for this exact purpose. The crack of hoof on stone echoed in the dark. "Now let us begin tonight's work, my friends. I presume that you are all prepared?"

Above, Twilight braced. Each of the crowd of cultists pulled an object from their robe - books. She could recognize that much in an instant, though the exact titles were a mystery. A part of Twilight screamed in panic that these obviously evil ponies might burn them. Another part screamed that the light was far too poor for proper reading and they would give themselves eyestrain.

There was a firm nod from the leader. "Excellent. You may break into your study groups now. To your places."

And the cult obeyed. The circle of ponies shattered, dissolving into eleven smaller clusters. Six evenly spaced around the inside, five more on the outside in a lopsided manner. Twilight frowned at that. Something about that configuration was familiar.

Before joining the last group, the leader spoke again. "Everyone has a study partner before we begin reading? Yes? Good. None of you should study alone because--"

And as one, the group spoke a chilling refrain. "Friendship Is Magic."

Oh no. Those two words were the entirety of Twilight's thoughts. The rest of her brain was locked up in absolute terror.

To the Princess' credit, it only took her half a minute to pull herself out of it. And into a panicked dead sprint of deduction.

The cult was arranged in eleven groups - a familiar six-pointed star with five smaller ones lopsidedly arranged around it. Deep purple robes. A dedication to knowledge and books.

Twilight's mental gears jammed again as she attempted to process what had to be the truth: this was her cult.

Or at least one dedicated to her, came the quick stream of mental justifications. She didn't start it and didn't control it so she couldn't really say it was hers and--

And Twilight clamped her eyes shut and counted to ten. She had to keep under control. And she needed time to gather her thoughts.

With a quiet burst of wind, the Princess of Friendship lifted away from the cloud and took to the air again. She thankfully wasn't seen, and blessed silence covered her path all the way to the waiting Royal Guards.

The leader of the detachment saluted as she landed. "Ready to move in, Your Highness! Just give the word!"

His response was thoughtful silence that lasted long enough for nervous unease to sink into the entire contingent.

"No," Twilight finally settled on. "Not tonight, Sergeant." She raised her head from her thoughts to meet his eyes. "Have our people continue to keep an eye on the known members of this cult and watch their actions. Before any action is taken, I must consult some important sources of knowledge." A pause - then a quick addition. "To make sure everypony is safe, I mean. I need to research something."

The guards didn't look happy - but they understood orders. And as they turned to head home, Twilight took to the skies herself. Not towards Canterlot, but to Silver Shoals.

Not many ponies in Equestria could give advice when it came to this. Fortunately, Twilight knew just where to find the most knowledgeable there was.

Author's Note:

Because I'm sure someone will bring it up - you will notice that the Dark tag is not on this story. This is for a reason. This isn't a 'sacrifice ponies to our D̢͎̹̹͍̳̞̘͘͘a̷̧̟̙̰̺̮͈̞r̲k̨͖̤͙̖̥͟ ҉̵͉͙̥̥ͅG̘̹̥͡ǫ̰͈̪͖̩̥͓̀̕ͅͅd̥̫̲̰̀͠s̥̰̙͞' sort of cult, cool?