• Published 30th Sep 2019
  • 7,897 Views, 233 Comments

Fallen Knight - DanishDash

The Jedi have fallen. Finding himself on the run from the new Empire, Jedi Knight Revan Blake finds himself in a new dimension. Will he use what he knows to rebuild the order, and so his life in Equestria?

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Chapter 9: A Sudden Mission

Years Before.

Young Revan stood in the hangar of the massive Venator class star destroyer. Revan had never been on a ship this size before, it was kind of overwhelming, the scale, the sounds, the massive number of clones that had been bred for a single purpose in life, to fight.

It was a topic Revan could debate for ages without ever agreeing on one point or the other. The fact was the clones were here, and like it or not, they had to fight and either the Jedi did their duty and defended the Republic alongside them, or they stayed out of it. Another topic, for another day.

The Jedi council had sent him and his master on a mission to the planet Terilia, it was not an impressive system to be send to, most of the planet was farm lands, farming villages and only a handful of cities scattered around the planet. It didn't make it less important however, this planet did not only provide a lot of food, but it was also very well located. If the Republic could build a base there it would mean they could monitor one of the hyperspace lanes. However, the Republic had been told they could only come and settle on their planet and build an outpost IF they helped them with the pirate problem.

Master Luxida hated pirates, and she loved simple and peaceful planets like Terilia, it was just a mission for her and now by extend, him. Not that he minded, he had been afraid that their first mission would take them to the front lines of the war, something he did not feel ready for. So to deal with a few pirate gangs and secure the civilians sounded like an easy enough task, he hoped.

"Are you ready to go, kid?" The voice of his master said from his right.

Revan turned to see his master, smiling at him with that same small smirk he had gotten used to seeing when she was amused, which was quite often. He stood up a bit straighter and nodded. "Yes master."

She gave him an approving look. "Good, but don't make the mistake to think this will be easy young one. Pirates are some of the nastiest people in the galaxy, backstabbing and greedy, don't underestimate them."

"Yes master." Revan simply repeated, giving her a determined nod.

"I know this is your first mission, so let's do it right. Stick to me and you be fine." She planted a hand on his shoulder, looking down on him as her figure towered above the young Revan. "Trust in the Force, and trust in me. We have each others backs, I won't let anything happen to you, but I still want you to stay on alert, because at some point, I wont be able to protect you, do you understand?"

Revan looked her in the eyes, knowing full well she could never promise him that he would never be hurt or that she would always be there. Even though he was just a kid, he knew he was a padawan and with that he needed to be able to act on his own and protect himself if need be. So he gave her one final nod. "I understand master, I won't let you down."


"But isn't that dangerous master?! I can't stay here without you, I mean, I am awesome, but the royal wedding is coming up and I..." Rainbow Dash hesitated. "I'm.."

Revan looked to her, seeing his padawan struggle with her emotions yet again. "Rainbow, you have come far in your training in a very short amount of time, but you still have a long way to go. You don't have to be afraid I will simply throw you into the world without guidance."

His words seemed to calm her down, but only just a little. "Still master, I don't think you should go alone and I don't think you should leave me alone here, not with the royal wedding."

"If everything goes well I shall be back before the wedding." Revan said calmly and took a sip of some tea. "You will have Jester with you."

Rainbow sighed. "Oh joy.."

"Rainbow, I need to go, princess Celestia want's me to see what this feud is about and hopefully solve it." He explained. "There has been rumors of kidnappings, and the villages blame each other, if we don't step in then they could start fighting."

"I know, but then let us both go, or send the guards.." Rainbow Dash protested.

Revan looked her over, sensing there was something else behind this, not just simple fear of being left alone as the sole Jedi when so close to the wedding. No, this was something else, and he had a feeling he knew what it was. Sighing a little, he sat his cup down on the small table in his quarters. "Is this about your friends coming to Canterlot soon, well, is it about Applejack?"

He noticed her body stiffen, but it was just for a second as she knew she could not lie to him, not to her teacher. "Yes.. I haven't talked with her for months, not since I decided.. To stay.." Rainbow looked away, closing her eyes as if trying to calm her mind and her emotions. "What if she doesn't want to talk to me? What if she does hate me now?" She asked and then slowly looked up at her master again.

"Do you think your friendship is that weak?" Revan simply asked.

Rainbow's eyes widened a little. "No, but I.."

"Then trust in your friendship. In your world it is a powerful thing, I don't think she hates you, we have talked about this before, and you need to learn to trust in her, to trust she will still be your friend, even if she disagrees with you on your choice." Revan explained calmly, taking his cup again and took a sip. "As for the other reason of your worries, I am trusting you to be on the look out for anything out of the ordinary, even with your friends around." His look became serious.

Rainbow looked at him more now, meeting his stern gaze with her own. "Yes master, I will do my best."

"While i'm away, you will be the only Jedi here, as my padawan you will need to be more vigilant than ever. Do not loose focus." He instructed. "I've felt something move through the Force, shadows.. I can't quite place it, but I fear something is already close and even within the palace itself.."

"What?" Rainbow frowned. "But then shouldn't you stay?"

"I would like to, but I feel like I must go and inspect this feud and investigate these kidnappings. Maybe something will reveal what kind of shadows we are dealing with." He put down his cup and took a deep breath. "I am trusting you to protect the princesses and the future prince. So, trust in your feelings, trust in the Force."

Rainbow nodded. "I'll try..." She stopped herself, knowing her master did not like the word, try. "I will master, I shall protect them and the wedding, just as you have instructed me."

"Good." Revan smiled.

"Even though I still think this plan is Yakshit"



Her master left the palace the next morning, she saw him off and even though she kept a brave face, she hated the fact she was alone. She was here, in Canterlot, the elite of the elite, the capital of Equestria and lived in the palace of the rulers of this entire kingdom. Not only that, but she had to protect these rulers, look out for anything that was wrong and oh yeah, she had to deal with her Applejack situation.. Great...

Then again, maybe this was not going to be so hard, there was a ton of guards, Shining Armor and his shield magic, three princesses and Twilight and their friends, what could go wrong? It was not like they were gonna deal with an army or something. Yes, everything would be just fine.

So she did what she always did whenever she felt a little down, or nervous, fly. Leaping into the air she could get a great view of the city, there was a lot of ponies getting everything ready, the streets looking more and more festive the closer they got to the wedding.

It was nice, hopefully she would be able to go down there after the wedding, maybe get some snacks. Her master was strict, but he never discouraged her going out and mingling with other ponies, in fact, he encouraged it. He had told her the Jedi order he grew up in sometimes felt distant from the common people of the galaxy. It created a gap that should not have been there, it meant less people knew what the Jedi order really did and meant they had less trust in them and was easier persuaded that they were traitors.

It was something he liked to change, and so at times both of them would go out into the city. Simply to enjoy themselves, talk to ponies, learn about them and answer whatever questions ponies might have for Revan.

At first there was many, most of them came from the fact he was not a pony, but a human, which they all either found strange, scary or interesting. By now most ponies had gotten used to him, and the nobles and guards had gotten used to the title Jedi Knight and so showed her master a nice degree of respect. Even at times they would show her respect, the soldiers was not surprise, to them she was a fellow defender and so she related to them more. Even to the point she would go the barracks and play cards with them at times.

It was a bit more strange to get it from all those fancy nobles, calling her a lady, or dear knight, master Jedi and all that. Seriously, she was just a student, not a full fleshed knight like her master. Revan seemed to be much more relaxed and she had to admit it was pretty amazing to see him blend in and charm whoever they were in the company with.

She knew she needed to learn how to negotiate, a Jedi was a defender of peace and so sought to solve problems peacefully rather than with force. It meant, however much she hated it, she had to talk to the nobles as they were the perfect way for her to practice, at least that was what her master told her.

Rainbow scowled, she could swing a lightsaber, fly faster than any Pegasus, but she could not maintain a simple conversation with some fancy uptight Canterlot elite?! Buck no! She was going to master this... At some point.. She rather delay that sort of practice for as long as possible, though there would probably be plenty of opportunities during the wedding.... "Buck.."

There was a lot on her mind, but first things first, princess Cadence would arrive later this evening, then she would be spending a few days with them, then her friends would arrive and then the wedding would take place. Well, hopefully everything would just go swimmingly.


Rainbow Dash had never met the princess of love before. Sure, she had heard of her, seen her around a few times from afar, but she had never actually met her. She stood in her Jedi robe, standing tall, wanting to be respectful and show the kind of respect a Jedi would in these kind of situations. She stood to the side of the big room, letting Celestia and Luna stand in the middle, ready to receive their niece.

As soon as the doors opened however, a strange dark feeling hit her. She felt her skin crawl, her wings ruffled slightly, not in a good way like when you were happy to see a friend or when you were excited, but when you saw something dangerous. Princess Cadence walked in beside Shining Armor, smiling slightly, but Rainbow felt a strange aura coming from her, something that made her dislike that smile.

She shook her head, thinking she might just be paranoid, this was the princess of love! An alicorn, surely there was nothing dangerous about her! She spend a few moments talking to Celestia and Luna, Rainbow just letting their voices fade into the background as she tried to clear her mind, reach out with the Force and tried to find the center of this darkness she sensed.

She mentally cursed at herself when she could not uncover it, she was not as strong as her master yet, she could not pinpoint the exact source of these feelings. She could simply not believe they came from Cadence, the princess of love, the future wife of Shining Armor.

Maybe these feelings came from the fact that she was nervous? Being married was a big deal, maybe she had an affair and was trying to hide it? Maybe..? 'Sith spit! Master, why did you have to leave me alone with this..' She thought, using a curse she had overheard her master used when he burned himself with a tiny welding tool.

Suddenly she snapped to attention as Celestia called to her. "Rainbow Dash? Is something the matter?"

"Uhm, no princess, sorry, I guess I was in some... Small Jedi meditation..." She lied.

'Smooth Rainbow, great way to show you and your master is a pair of daydreaming idiots.'

Celestia simply kept smiling, but was obviously not buying it, however she didn't seem upset, simply amused. "Well, as I was saying." She continued and turned to Cadence. "This is Rainbow Dash, padawan to Jedi master Revan Blake."

Rainbow stepped forward and bowed. "Your highness." she said respectfully, but the closer she got, the stronger the feeling became, something was wrong, but quite frankly, she didn't trust these emotions. However, as she stood back up straight and looked into the eyes of Cadence, she knew something was wrong, very very wrong, but what?

"It's an honor to meet you padawan Dash, I've heard about the Jedi from my aunts, but i'm afraid I've not had the pleasure."

No, no, her tone, her demeanor, even that smile and the way she looked her over made all of her alarm bells go off. She could sense something dark within this mare, something that she had never felt before. But what could she do? She had no proof and surely she could not make a scene and confront her or the princesses about it right here? She needed a way to confirm these feelings, if she was up to no good then Rainbow should find out.

For now she gave her best diplomatic smile. "No, but hopefully you will have a chance during your stay to learn more about us. I know I want to learn more about you."

Cadence chuckled. "I'm sure we can learn a lot about each other, I look forward to it young Jedi."

Rainbow felt like a challenge just had been issued, but she needed to stay calm, never giving anything away. So she kept smiling. "I would like that, princess." Seems like things were not going to be as easy as she had hoped... Great..

'I hope you'll come back soon, master.'

Author's Note:

Just wanted to say sorry for the delay. I've had a lot to deal with. Report writing, school work, and just work.

I've also rewritten this chapter several times, I never liked how it turned out so I kept starting over. In the end I decided to keep this chapter simple. There will be more action next week, but I hope you still enjoyed the continuation and this latest chapter.

May the Force be with you, always.