• Published 13th Oct 2019
  • 2,380 Views, 24 Comments

The Universal Traveler - Jason Monroe

Sometimes we wish that we could become our characters. Other times our characters wish they were us. What happens when a writer dies and becomes a character that he made? What happens when that character is weak to magic and in Equestria?

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Chapter 13: Let's get out of the past...

Author's Note:

My apologies if this chapter is bad, I just didn't know how to go further. In the end I decided to give the important parts and not focus on anything that wouldn't matter. I also made a blog asking for any questions that you would like Jason to answer so I can do a Q&A chapter. That chapter will involve a little being that I am going to call the messenger demon, who is going to be delivering your questions to Jason. https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/903548/questions-for-the-nephalem

3rd POV

One year after everything went to hell in the Crystal Empire a new threat emerged while Jason was searching for Exitium. This new threat was the Siren Sisters. With Stygian's help the pillars of Equestria fought back against the sirens and just as Starswirl was about to banish the sisters, Jason stepped in as he had been passing by when he sensed a large amount of magical energy gathering in one location.

"Huh. So you three are the sirens. Yeah you look exactly like how I expected you to." Jason said with a smirk as he snapped his fingers, causing the sirens to glow before their bodies changed to become more humanoid and they soon looked like their human forms from Equestria Girls, with their ears, wings and clothes. They fell to the ground, not use to being on two legs with wings on their backs instead of being able to float. While they stumbled around, Jason quickly stole the gems that allowed them to create anarchy before putting them in his pocket universe for experimentation.

"What have you done to us?!" Adagio asked while glaring at Jason, thinking that he was beneath her and her sisters.

"Simple. I made you into a race that is incredibly weak. Just be grateful that I let you keep your inability to die from sickness or old age. Honestly I could've just killed you or locked you away in Hell along with Tirek, but I decided that you could do more good for the beings of this universe if you were alive and reformed. So I turned you into a species that is omnivorous and can do anything, as long as they put their mind to it. Oh and you should be able to use magic, though you will have to relearn it. Now excuse me while I continue to absorb all of the negative energy your little fight created." Jason said while smirking and waiting for something to happen. The pillars and the sirens just stared at Jason before Aria spoke up.

"What are we supposed to do?! You've made it impossible for us to do anything!" Aria shouted causing Jason to laugh at just how wrong she was.

"No I didn't. I just made it impossible for you three to continue being evil, though I guess you do still need to be punished." Jason said while thinking before snapping his fingers and reaching into his pocket universe. He pulled out three cell phones before tossing them to Adagio, Aria and Sonata.

"There. You can use those to keep in touch with me and your punishment can be that you have to work for me. Now if you'll excuse me I have an ex-god of darkness to track down." Jason said before flying away.

Seventeen Years Later

The Crystal Empire is shrouded in darkness as Sombra stands in his castle overlooking his subjects. No. His slaves. He had only recently overthrown that crystal bitch that had put him through so much pain with her damned crystal fair. It was pure bliss for him to see the look on her face before he turned her to crystal and shattered her into small pieces. He had hidden the pieces across Equis so that it would be difficult for the princesses to ever bring Clara Amor back. He chuckled as he watched over his kingdom before noticing a strange object flying towards his castle. He fired a blast of magic at the object, thinking that it was just a boulder or some object that had been launched via a catapult. He didn't expect the object to dodge the magic blast and respond with a blast of what looked like pure concentrated light. Sombra tried to block the blast using his mastery over dark magic to create a shield, only for the blast to punch right through it and hit him in his left eye. Sombra screamed in pain as his left eye was now bleeding profusely.

"Who dares to attack the ruler of the Crystal Empire?!" Sombra shouted in anger as he used his magic to try and stop his eye from bleeding as much. As Sombra stopped the bleeding, Jason landed with a look of pure rage taking over his face.

"How dare you call yourself the ruler you usurper! I made Clara to rule because I could trust her and, as much as I hate that I won't be able to get her back, her death means that I am the new ruler. It's only logical that the being that created the entire kingdom would rule it, even if I expressed my disdain at the thought of ruling. Regardless your claim has done nothing but piss me off! You killed one of my daughters and enslaved the rest of my children! You shall never be king as long as I'm around!" Jason shouted as he shifted into his nephalem form in order to prepare himself for a fight. Sombra seemed to chuckle at Jason's arrival before surrounding himself in a cloak of shadows.

"Exitium told me all about you, Jason. I know your weaknesses and you shall never be able to defeat me by yourself." Sombra taunted as Exitium's voice could be heard just underneath Sombra's voice. All the taunts did was anger Jason, but before he could attack a beam of solar magic slammed into Sombra's left foreleg as Celestia and Luna landed next to Jason.

"Sir Jason is not alone! We are here to help him as allies!" Luna shouted in anger as she charged at Sombra with her scythe in hoof, only for Sombra to hit her with an unusual spell that trapped her in a dome dark magic that prevented anyone from seeing her.

"Sister!" Celestia shouted before turning back to Sombra and launching another blast of solar magic at him. Jason still had a look of rage on his face as he made a sword of angelic energy and charged at Sombra. Sombra simply smiled and levitated a blood red sword in front front of himself, causing the blast of solar magic to be redirected at Jason. Jason's eyes widened as he saw the blast of magic heading towards him. He knew that he wouldn't be fast enough to dodge it so he swung his blade at it in an attempt to send it right back at Sombra.

To Jason's surprise it actually worked and made Sombra's eyes widen as the blast of magic sent him flying into the throne room. Sombra growled as he stood up from the rubble before Luna came back and batted him down. Luna jumped back and looked at her sister, who nodded in confirmation. The two alicorn sisters focused their magic and concentrated before firing a combined beam of magic at Sombra causing him to slowly fade away.

"THIS IS MY EMPIRE AND NO ONE ELSE SHALL HAVE IT!" Sombra shouted in anger before activating his final trump card; a curse that makes the target vanish for around a thousand years. In a matter of seconds the Crystal Empire had vanished before their very eyes.

"NO!" Jason shouted with tears in his eyes as he slammed his fists on the snow that used to be the crystal floor of the throne room. Celestia and Luna gave Jason a look of sympathy before hugging him as he sobbed.

One year later

Jason had been gone for a month as he had been helping out Equestria's neighbouring countries with the siren sisters as a way to teach them to be better. Unfortunately he returned to find the castle a wreck and Celestia sobbing with the Elements of Harmony lying around her. He tried to approach her but she almost instantly fired at him upon noticing his presence.

"What the hell, Tia?! Why are you attacking me?" Jason asked only for Celestia to lift up the elements and start charging them.

"IT'S YOUR FAULT THAT I HAD TO BANISH LUNA SO JUST DIE YOU INSUFFERABLE DEMON!" Celestia shouted before firing the elements one last time. Once the light died down a statue was all that remained as Celestia fell to her knees and continued to cry, not noticing the black and white unicorn stallion that was casually walking away from the castle with three humanoid sirens following him.