• Member Since 22nd Jan, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday



One year has passed since the defeat of the Terrible Trio. All of Equestria thought that they had finally achieved peace, prosperity, harmony, justice and unity. Or so they thought....

An ancient evil has came back (the real one this time) after many years, and he seeks the ultimate vengeance. As he recruits the most vilest of the vile, the most vicious of all vicious and the most violent that even beasts cower in fear, is Equestria ready to take it on one final time?

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 52 )

This should be interesting. I wonder how long till' they notice the statues absence.

I can’t wait for the real ending of the end.

when s the next chapter ?

Don't know, when I'm done then it'll be here.

I wonder how would Luna and Celestia be handled in this huge scenario?
How things went for them in the finale was rather.. greatly disappointing..(certainly a bad sendoff for them. Hurts more for Luna's case)
Sombra's line about Spike sure stung a lot. It practically touched a old wound from that premiere and how it solidified that no matter what, Spike is always in the girls' shadows in the end. And got wasted big time. And the fact it was Discord's fault on what happened to Spike there made me want to just punch that chaos spirit in the face.

So since Cosmos is here then that means well.. that wretched arc where there was a "retcon" due to a memory wipe(that Discord did, the whole thing is another thing he caused to Luna and Celestia) which ends up messing up one of the Royal Sisters' achievements badly and the whole smudge on their image with the humiliation of getting possessed/absorbed by Cosmos(hurts more for Luna's case due to she already got "possessed" in the comics, making it just insulting to her character to be possessed by someone again) is canon here?
Sorry.. I just hated that arc so much. Just makes me want to say I just hate that arc so much.

So um.. wondering on how things go next.
Sorry if this comment is just.. bleh..

Adding villains from both show and comic, this I can't wait to read

Guess the tree of harmony still needs some learning to do if it fell for that easily. As in despite all of the slip ups Chrysalis had there.
Probably also guessing why it choose Twilight's form due to how she's basically the "chosen one" with how the writers handling things. Bleh..

Was my previous comment um.. too much?

But wait, there's more!

No, no, it's fine, I just created this fic because I wasn't happy that Grogar wasn't real. And this fic gives him the glory he deserves. And yeah, you do have your points too.

I wonder if um.. would my points affect anything or something..

The finale sure well.. goofed things up. Like you mentioned about Grogar and what I mentioned for Celestia and (especially) Luna.

No. I've set my sights on what I want to make so it shouldn't. I make up things as I go along but the overarching plot over the long term remains the same. It's just a matter of how it should be done I'm indecisive about.

Well thats.. disappointing..
Guessing the Royal Sisters would most likely get shafted then or something..
I don't know, after what that finale had done I wished my feedback on stuff would have more affect or something.
EDIT: Well.. feeling nervous on the reply now. Felt like I goofted something up.

Discord is as stupid as always, it seams.

Looks like Discord done goofted yet again.

Um.. my previous comment was just bleh, wasn't it..
Sorry about that..

So Radient's a thing? Is she immortal? Is the tree gonna try and get revenge on Sombra?

Radiant! She’s included! I wonder if this will lead to a redemption for Sombra.

Of many replies I can give, I'll say this, stick around to find out.

Due to the curse, it seems that it froze time around the Crystal Empire, so pretty much until it was lifted, no one really ages there. Think of it like cryogenic hibernation, or to simplify it, what Captain America went through. For the other question, who knows?

Reading this, and i think Princess Eris will not be someone so submissive to Grogar or any of the villains since she already knew everyone before, being a casino manager that could take advantage of her knowledge about the villains in her favor. She being someone more arrogant than her nor does she fear Chrysalis.

And she impresses me that she didn't react at all to the presence of the Pony of Shadows.

Meanwhile, I think Cosmos would have tortured the trio after finding out what they did to Discord since she is the only one who can treat him as a toy, no one else.

I think you're missing the Storm King

Hey, where's the new chapter?

I accidentally published it but it wasn't ready so I unpublished it. Sorry for the mixup.

"But don't you want to be taken seriously? If anything, this 'Grogar' sound like a wuss," Longhorn scoffed, folding his forelegs.

I thought Longhorn was something of a Trickster. Not necessarily a good one, but smart enough to understand that not every fight is best fought with a headbutt.

"Raaaaagghhh!!!" Crunch roared, "The ponies are gonna regret this!"

Probably not as much as Eris will once you figured out she lied to you. Ditto for Charlatan.

"Sorry, but I already have someone for that. Two actually,"

The more the merrier. Besides it sounds like she would be more in line with your designs, than the two you have working for you currently.

"Besides, you don't look menacing enough. Even a filly would have you beat."

Depends on the filly. The muted palette would definitely be preferable to Cozy Glow's cotton candy color scheme. And while the wall of hair style isn't typical, it both frames and hides expressions really well, if you are the type of villain that likes to emote a lot.

"Just to let you guys know, I think Autofilly is a way better name than Decepticolt,"

"Fetch me the remains of the Storm King."

I really like where this is going! :pinkiehappy: Doubly so if we get a more fleshed out Storm King as a result. :yay:

And also, there will be more villains but they won't appear until the next chapter

I'll be honest: I have no idea how you are going to fit all of these villains into the story, and make them all relevant to the plot. Still, it will definitely be interesting to find out.

Clever that you're bringing the classic villians from the 1st gen

Katrina: Okay, i'll join you because i want to destroy the people who ruined my life!
Princess Eris: Great!

Also Princess Eris: I want Storm King's pieces to have a handso... i mean, a powerful ally!!!
Meanwhile Discord: Now i know Capper's civilization was previously the civilization of my cat ex after we defeated King Meowmeow.

He's kinda like Lightning Dust, Flim and Flam, Zesty Gourmand, Gladmane and Iron Will just to name a few. They aren't evil enough to be serious threats.

Also having more villains means more horsepower, I mean if almost the entirety of Equestria can take on the Grogar-empowered trio, they gonna need a bigger army.

We had Grogar (somewhat), so it's a start.


He's kinda like Lightning Dust, Flim and Flam, Zesty Gourmand, Gladmane and Iron Will just to name a few. They aren't evil enough to be serious threats.

And yet they stuck him what sounds like Tartures next to ponies who are. Yep Equestrian justice still sucks. Is it really that hard to staff even one prison?

Regardless evil is just applied selfishness and dishonesty. There's a lot of room for growth.

Cozy Glow was just a minor league manipulator, who grew to threaten all of Equestria. Starlight threatened multiple timelines for her ideals, and Luna mostly started her rebellion with the idea of forcing ponies to pay attention to her.

Plus I'm not really sure how malicious characters like Charlatan, Crunch, and the Gizmonks are, nor would I necessarily count out all those characters you mentioned from being genuine threats.

Gladmane was a pretty smooth operator who specialized in driving ponies apart and (in light of the final) that brings up some really nasty possibilities. Plus he's at least as charismatic as Cozy Glow, and has ample reason to despise the Main Six.

Flim and Flam have proved more then once they'll do anything for a buck, including endanger people and try to outdo a sitting princess of Equestria. And while I doubt you could reasonably get Lighting Dust on board, her talents and cold indifference would make her invaluable, if you could convince her to join.

Also having more villains means more horsepower, I mean if almost the entirety of Equestria can take on the Grogar-empowered trio, they gonna need a bigger army.

That makes sense. I just figured their was some grander purpose behind it, since you were going out of your way to show Eris recruiting some villains, but not others.

Eris formerly owned an interdimensional casino. It makes sense she had the capacity and capability to do it. For all I know, she could recruit the mirror verse mane 6.


It makes sense she had the capacity and capability to do it.

If you're talking about recruiting different villains from all over, then I agree. I'm just trying to figure out why she choses some villains and not others.

Perhaps it's simply on the basis of who she thinks she can tolerate for weeks on end, but in that regard, none of the trio strike me as being the easiest of room mates. Then again, that could just be because Grogar was the one who picked them, as opposed to her.

Grogar's Insidious Eight.

"Sombra, I really am your mother."

Drop the 'really' and this would be a perfect reference to The Empire Strikes Back. :ajsmug:

"Angry?" the shadow king answered.

"And what do you do when someone makes you angry?"

"Start an angry mob?"

To be fair, whiping up a angry mob is a perfectly viable strategy to deal with enemies. Especially if you don't care about collateral damage. :pinkiegasp:

"Oh boy, finally!" Shrock cheered, "No more bathing her, no more doing her hooves and no more berating us!"

Cozy Glow can relate. Ask her about her experiences with Cranky (totally not Svengalop in a Cranky suit). :pinkiecrazy:

"Wait a minute, is that.....Svengallop?"

The sultan of special effects, the duke of demands, Svengalop!!! This could be interesting. :twilightsmile:

Although I'm a little disappointed there's no Gladmane.:raritydespair:

"Tch, well fine, by the way you have a lovely little group here. What's your name little filly?" the Storm King prodded.

Wait, doesn't the Storm King hate cute stuff? Did Grogar alter his brain in someway? :rainbowderp:

"Test two, flight."

Couldn't he just generate enough wind to carry him through the air? :trixieshiftright:

"When you took over the Crystal Empire and cursed it, I let it happen," she continued.

This caused Sombra to snap out of it and look up at her.

"Wait, what?"

"During your hostile takeover, I actually figured out how to defeat you," informed the purple unicorn.

Wide-eyed, Sombra exclaimed, "Then, why didn't you stop me since you have the solution?"

"Like I said," she smirked, "I gave up, why should I? It's not my place being a hero, and therefore not my place saving the empire."

"So you just let the empire sunk because of your negligence?!" Sombra shouted.

"You know what? I've said my piece, I am done with you. Go and do your world conquest shtick, I don't care, just, leave me alone," cried Radiant, as she trotted away from Sombra.

Hope, you are such a pathetic coward and selfish for not caring about the many innocent lives in danger!!!!! :facehoof:

"Aye, I knew they shouldn't have allied themselves with the Princess of Friendship," scowled Diomedes.

I can't believe he is this stupid!?

I've made these during my original reign over the lands that shall soon be known as Equestria. I've poured the raw energy and power of the five elements, the red Stone of Wrath grants the user to channel their anger and rage into fire and brimstone. The blue Stone of Acceptance channels your willpower into a fluid liquid state of water. It can also become a solid state of ice as you harden your heart. The yellow Stone of Compliance grants you geomancy, the ability to shape the ground you walk on into a weapon, like bending the earth. The purple Stone of Pride grants you the power of the tempest, the weather will bow at your command, not even the pegasi or the flying creatures can stop it," explained the necromancer.

"Ooh, can I have that?" asked the Storm King as he reached towards the purple jewel that the wizard was holding in his hoof.

"No! Mine!" snapped the greedy wizard as he flicked his hoof away from the yeti king.

"What he said, those are meant for his to use only. Besides you already have the power of the storm. Anyway, and finally the black Stone of Dread, its dark powers will create the most horrifying nightmares one has ever seen. You can become fear itself that way."

So, those five colored stone rings is your own making?

When Eris exited, the two are left alone, now able to carry out a private conversation.

"Is the bell hidden safely, small one?" inquired the changeling queen to the filly.

"Eeyup!" affirmed Cozy Glow, "The bell's hidden in a place where that wily old goat wouldn't even think to check!"

"Excellent," smirked Chrysalis as she licks her lips devilishly, "With the bell in our possession, Equestria will be ours once more! And these fools won't be able to stop us!"

"Correct," nodded Cozy, "besides I hate having to share with more of these guys."

Are they seriously gonna do this a second time!!!!???? I highly doubt that the real Grogar is to be fooled like Discord was. Otherwise, he already knows that they have betrayed before, and EVEN threaten them to literally not to betray him! :facehoof:

P.S. They are also outnumbered by the other villains. So stupid of those two ( And Tirek )!!!

"Silence!" hollered Grogar, "That's enough, all of you! Anyway, those three are right, I do not trust you with any alicorn powers of sort."

Eh. Probably a smart move, although Alicorn Cozy is a pretty useful asset, as Tirek and Chrysalis can attest to.

"Is the bell hidden safely, small one?" inquired the changeling queen to the filly.

"Eeyup!" affirmed Cozy Glow, "The bell's hidden in a place where that wily old goat wouldn't even think to check!"

I feel like I'm missing something. It's been so long, I'm probably going to have to check the other chapters again.

"Noooo..... Cause I'm evil," teased Cozy Glow as she makes her exit.

Huh. Figured she'd be more prissy than that.

Either way pretty good chapter.

Exposition becomes a necessity if you intend to set up upgrades like the Jewel Wizard's stones, or the Pseudocorns becoming Alicorns, and I think you did this part pretty well overall.

I can't wait to see what comes next.

I don't know, feels like I'm reading a script than a story but thanks. And no, aside from the Tirek and Cozy chapter, you missed nothing, the trio are planning to double cross the entire alliance once the battle's over

Making her somewhat a caricature of Sequel Luke Skywalker probably wasn't a good idea. In hindsight when I just realised it now.

Besides my intention was to make Siege relevant to the show, and something else....

They're just stones and jewels. Not attached to a ring or gauntlet whatsoever. But you can imagine he wore those for convenience of carrying.


Well, there is a reason nobody likes that version of Luke!


Okay, but they are your original magic artifacts?


I don't know, feels like I'm reading a script than a story but thanks.

I guess a little, but the intro was a bit like that too. It doesn't put me off all that much.

Plus I feel like you broke it up enough with personal interactions to make it enjoyable.

Some of the physical descriptions could be spiced up perhaps, but the dialogue itself does a great job at conveying character tone.

Cozy Glow is as cute and rambunctious as ever, and I enjoyed the reference to her palette swap.

Even outside of my favorite filly though, your characterization shines through.

From Catrina's brattiness, Svengalop's nerves, The Jewel Wizard's greed, and so on, you paint a pretty vivid picture of the villains and their characters, just by how they talk to each other.*

Not every story does that as well as this one.

*Seriously I had to cut the original list, it was just too long. That's how good your characterzation is.

Wow, you just made my day. As of this comment, I was feeling pretty down after work. I will treasure this comment forever. :twilightsmile:

No problem! Glad I could make your day! :twilightsmile:

Would you like to borrow an OC? (Due to me thinking that the diamond dogs should've had more representation in the show)

"Who told you that?!" demanded the Princess of Friendship.

"Weeeeeell, a little filly told me. She's a pegasus with curls like that statue over there. Only without the freckles and that her mane is blonde and not light blue."

"Hold on," said Fluttershy, "I think I've seen her in the School of Friendship before. I think her name is Cr-"

  1. Looks like Twilight and her friends kept that truth a national secret
  2. I guess Cozy Glow does have a twin.
  3. Tempest should get a legal name change

Also take your time.

No guarantee I'll use it but what does it look like?

You can't tell me that this isn't Cozy Glow

I'm gonna say Darla Dimple or Baby Doll to be honest

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