• Published 22nd Oct 2020
  • 2,911 Views, 65 Comments

Realms of Magic: The Realm of the Gryphons - TheEighthDayofNight

An elf, Kathranis Shadowsong, is transported to the realm of Equus by wild magic. This story follows his explorations of the different races and civilizations a new world has to offer.

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Chapter 13

Kathranis sat near the shallower edge of the pool, his legs crossed on the pool floor as he watched white-robed gryphons and ponies alike gather around Scylla, who sat alone and bare in the center of one of the smaller pools. Aquila lounged at Kathranis’ side, her fingers idly running across her wings, occasionally plucking a bent feather. The gryphoness would occasionally look his way before returning her gaze to her wings.

This time was no different.

“You could just ask to be involved if you want,” Aquila muttered. “Mom would probably love to convert you.”

Kathranis snorted, not looking away from the gathering group. The pegasi and gryphons sat around the edge of the pool, chatting quietly with one another. Kathranis couldn’t see so much as a frown among them.

“If you were concerned with the garden earlier, then you would not recommend such a thing. Keep in mind that an accidental display of anger from my Lady could have killed me. Abandoning her would leave me the victim of a smiting so vicious people would flock to her worship by fear alone.”

“That hardly makes Sylvanus sound good Shadowsong,” Aquila teased. “Careful, she might ask me to smack you on her behalf.”

Kathranis smiled.

“That wouldn’t surprise me. If it wouldn’t kill me outright, I imagine she would smack me often. There’s a reason I’m not a priest you know.”

“That brings up an interesting question,” Aquila noted.

She rolled her shoulders, her wings flapping in the water slightly as she reclined next to him, resting her chin on his shoulder. They both watched the practitioners finish settling in as she continued, her voice soft.

“You mentioned not going out into the streets to spread the word of your goddess, but if you don’t mind my asking, why does anyone need to know her at all? Could she not spread her influence herself, rather than through champions like yourself? Would that not be easier, and safer for her followers?”

Kathranis frowned in thought as the practitioners fell into a comfortable silence, their circle closing as they all joined hands.

“I don’t know how things work in this world, but in my world, the gods had to draw their strength from their followers. They existed as powerful beings without prayers and believers, but having those things is what made them truly strong, truly divine. For some, it even brought them into being.”

“What do you mean?”

“A god of thieves cannot exist if there is no theft,” Kathranis replied. “A goddess of elves cannot exist if there are no elves. We all came from somewhere, and even deities can be created. Some, like Lady Sylvanus; the goddess of the wilds, or Mystra; the goddess of magic, existed in the beginning of our realm, when magic and nature ran wild. They gained strength as intelligent races, like my own, came into being, and came into understanding. Our belief brought power, and so they gave some back, drawing more followers, and therefore more power to their hands. It is these natural gods who discovered that worshipers bring power, and I can only assume the rules are the same here.”

He motioned to the practitioners as they began to sing.

“This wouldn’t be necessary if Harmony gathered her own power completely alone. Someone discovered her, and now you have traditions that lend power to her, even as she returns it in the form of gifts. Speaking of; you mentioned Elements of Harmony, what are they?”

Aquila didn’t immediately answer, and when Kathranis looked to her to repeat his question, he found her eyes closed, a slight sway in her body as she whispered along to the song slowly filling the air in the bathhouse. Kathranis couldn’t help but cringe at the thought that he was talking over someone else’s prayers, and he looked over to the other gryphons to see if they too were participating.

Sure enough, Zefuris swayed slightly at his post beside the bathhouse entrance, his eyes open and gazing calmly about, but his beak too was whispering along with the words of the song. A glance to Deyenidal found her in a similar state, but her eyes were focused down, her strong arms cradling a dozing Fordred.

Kathranis turned his eyes back to the prayer circle to find that the pool Scylla was partially submerged in was glowing in a soft white light. The glow brightened as the song rose in intensity, and beams like fingers crept from the pool. They crawled slowly and smoothly across every surface they encountered, drying stone and calming water to the point that it was smooth like a mirror.

Though the beams spread in every direction, three seemed to creep intentionally toward the trio of parties not directly involved in the song. The beam that touched Zefuris seemed to make the soldier-gryphon’s armor glow, and he let out a sigh, leaning against the wall, his eyes momentarily ceasing their constant watch as he let them fall closed.

The second beam fell on Deyenidal and Fordred. Their pool too began to glow, but instead of a solid circle of light, the beam curled into the faint image of a heart. Fordred’s eyes opened, shining as he looked up to Deyenidal with absolute adoration. The gryphoness matched his expression as she gazed down, and Kathranis looked away as the pair slowly embraced.

The third beam washed over himself and Aquila in a light that he could only describe as blinding. Kathranis squinted against the white light even as the gryphoness beside him let out a satisfied sigh.

“I always love that feeling,” Aquila murmured. “Can you feel it Shadowsong? Can you feel the warmth of Harmony’s love for us?”

Kathranis felt himself relax slightly as Aquila spoke, her words soothing his sudden sense of… he wasn’t quite sure. She was right; the light was comforting, and warm. It wrapped him like the softest of blankets, drawing him alluringly into its embrace. Part of him wanted to merely lean against Aquila and drift away to sleep, to let the light of Harmony wash into his very being as he slept. The words of the song filled his ears, and the elf felt himself slowly understand their meaning, the unfamiliar language they were sung in slowly translated as more light touched him.

Then the warmth grew warmer, more pointed. A spot on his chest began to burn, a sharp pain that jarred him from his hazy-eyed bliss. He looked down to find his leaf charm ablaze with viridescent light. It rested just above his heart, searing into his flesh and further drawing him from the light surrounding him.

All at once, the glowing beam seemed to grow in intensity, weighing down on his limbs. His eye lids threatened to drift closed, but Kathranis no longer felt embraced within a warm blanket, but rather, he felt totally smothered under the power of a goddess not his own. The golden light felt like it was trying to seep into his being, as if it was contesting Sylvanus’ firm hold on his soul. The heat grew to be too much, and Kathranis couldn’t stand it for a moment longer.

With a gasp of pain, Kathranis turned about, pulling himself from the water with one hand, while the other clutched the brand that was his holy symbol. He crawled more than walked for the first few steps, but as soon as he left the golden beam of light, the pressure seemed to vanish, and he began to relax. The charm in his hand cooled, and a glance down at his chest found that the minor burn the symbol had inflicted already healing.

Kathranis’ steps steadied as he walked toward his gear. By the time he was sitting, he was completely calm. Taking a seat, he pressed his back against the wall, the cool stone acting as a final calming force that allowed him to return to a semblance of levelheadedness. His eyes closed as he focused on his breathing, ensuring that his body was fully in its normal state before he did anything else.

“Shadowsong?” Aquila softly called. “Are you alright?”

Kathranis cracked his eyelids to see the gryphon’s gaze glowing with concern. She was bathed in the golden light still, her golden headfeathers shining like coins in a dragon’s hoard. She was visibly unbothered by the light, no doubt a result of the fact that it was the power of her goddess. Kathranis let out a sigh. He had never felt the power of another goddess so strongly, and he sent a mental apology to Sylvanus. Harmony’s embrace had been… intoxicating. It was as if he was a child, swaddled against his mother, not a care or concern in the world. He wasn’t exactly a tormented soul, but by the gods, he had felt completely at peace as Harmony tried to lure him away.

“I’m fine Princess,” Kathranis smiled, his breath still short in the steamy air. “I just felt a touch overwhelmed. I needed to rest somewhere cooler is all.”

Aquila frowned slightly, her eyes showing her doubt of his words. From the corner of his eyes, Kathranis noticed a more severe version of the expression on Scylla’s face. Her eyes burned with suspicion as she stared from her place in the center of the glowing light.

“Are you sure?” Aquila asked. “If you would like to leave…”

“Please, I am fine,” Kathranis reassured as the gryphoness began to pull herself from the pool. “It’s likely just an effect of going from the cold of this morning to the heat in here so quickly. It will pass. Relax as you were. I’m fine.”

Aquila stared at him for a long moment, then her beak shifted to a smile, and she gave him a nod.

“Alright, but tell me if you feel ill Shadowsong. I prefer my friends when they’re not bedridden.”

She slipped back into the water, and once more reclined in the light, again joining the song with a whisper. Kathranis watched her for a few moments, straining his ears to try and determine what words she, and the other gryphons were saying. Whatever magic had been at work while he had been the beam of light, it was gone now. The words meant nothing to him, shared no knowledge as they curled in the air, unfamiliar and foreign.

Kathranis began to towel himself off with a white cloth left by the castle servants. Once he was as dry as he could be in the steam house, he pulled on his trousers. The rest he left off; it would be better to wait until they were leaving the steamy climate to fully dress.

Kathranis dried his hair, then began to tie it back. As he did so, the song grew louder. The elf glanced toward the glowing pool to find Scylla still watching him, even as she and her followers sang. Her gaze made him uncomfortable, so Kathranis turned his head to the side, focusing entirely on getting his hair back into its proper shape. The motion had the side-effect of bringing his attention back toward Fordred, and Kathranis felt himself blink in surprise when he found the young elf singing along softly with everyone else.

Fordred’s eyes were still locked with Deyenidal’s, and both seemed completely at ease in the glow that surrounded them. Though he couldn’t understand what his fellow elf was saying, Kathranis could very clearly pick out the distinct sound of his kin’s voice. The wizard was singing above a whisper, was the loudest of those not in the prayer circle.

The sight brought a slight frown to Kathranis’ face. He knew the wizard wasn’t a particularly devout follower of Mystra, but to so easily turn away from his goddess…

Kathranis finished tying his hair back and sat up, shaking off his judgment even as he relaxed. If Fordred decided to shift his religious allegiance, then that was his decision. The only thing he could do was offer the wizard a chance to talk the choice out, something that could be done at a later time. What he certainly couldn’t do is be judgmental of the young elf. Kathranis knew that his was a special situation, knew that there was the possibility that only Sylvanus had followed him over to the new world. If the rest of his kin no longer had their goddesses to follow… who was he to prevent them from the embrace of one so welcoming?

Kathranis touched his leaf charm, rubbing it between his thumb and forefinger as he watched and waited, faintly entertaining thoughts about what it would be like to embrace a goddess different from his own. He smiled faintly. Jealous gods would have surely smited him for even considering such a thought, but Sylvanus wasn’t jealous, merely protective, and any thoughts he had about leaving her side were just that; thoughts. Leaving her embrace would be akin to spitting on his mother’s grave, yet with far dearer consequences. The blades he bore would cease their good work, it was his Lady who had helped him earn them in the first place. Secil would be lost to him as well; they were bound in faith after all, and sacrificing his best friend was far out of the question, no matter how enticing Harmony seemed.

No, he was a Sylvanite through and through, and some part of him knew that even Harmony knew that, knew that to change his heart would be to damage it irreparably, and he didn’t figure her for a vengeful goddess. She merely wanted to spread her love to every soul. Unfortunately for her, his heart was well claimed, and he would not shake from the love his goddess.

So Kathranis sat and watched the prayers of another goddess, his mind alight with the many questions he needed to ask Sylvanus on their next meeting.

Remaining quiet and still, Kathranis waited as the practitioners finished their song. Scylla’s eyes finally drifted away from him, and the glow of her pool faded with the music. She rose, a smile on her beak.

“Thank you everyone,” she said, her voice soft, yet carrying to every corner of the room.

The all encompassing warmth faded, and everyone seemed to wake up from their trances. Zefuris straightened at his post, brushing some condensation from his armor, while Aquila stood up straight, stretching tall to the ceiling as she let out a wide yawn.

“Thank you priestess,” the practitioners answered collectively.

Scylla offered them a bow.

“May Harmony light your path. I will see you all at prayer on Fifthday.”

They all bowed in return, and began talking softly amongst themselves as they peeled away in ones and twos. Scylla’s eyes flicked his way for a moment, then her gaze was elsewhere, her beak smiling as she talked with one of the robed gryphons, who passed her a robe of her own.

Kathranis looked to Aquila to find her paddling around the pool, a relaxed, happy look on her face. Disturbing her peaceful state made him feel… uncomfortable. His thoughts drifted to his conversation with Sylvanus, and he remembered her words.

Act on your plan to speak to Harmony’s priestess,” Sylvanus had recommended. Kathranis could think of no better time to talk to her about religion than just after prayer. With a quick whispered prayer to his charm for comfort, Kathranis got to his feet and walked toward the gryphon queen. He heard the sound of armor moving to his rear, but Scylla made a subtle gesture with her hand, waving away Zefuris as Kathranis wove between the departing worshippers.

Her eyes met Kathranis’ for a moment before she looked back to the gryphon she was talking to. Kathranis remained back a few steps, clasping his hands behind his back as he waited with an easy smile. A few of the robed worshipers gave him questioning looks, but most merely gave him polite smiles and slight nods. He returned the gestures easily, completely calm in his waiting.

Scylla put on her robe and gave the gryphon she was speaking with a slight bow.

“Let us speak later Lord Grayfeather. I believe Master Shadowsong wishes to speak with me.”

The gryphon’s eyes didn’t even drift toward Kathranis. He merely bowed.

“Of course my Queen. May Harmony light your path.”

“And yours my friend,” Scylla replied.

The gryphon then moved away, leaving the space free for Kathranis to step forward. The elf did so with a smile and a bow.

“Thank you good Queen,” Kathranis said. “That was quite a beautiful ceremony.”

One of Scylla’s eyebrows rose.

“You didn’t seem overly pleased to be within Harmony’s light.”

Kathranis chuckled and shook his head.

“I wouldn’t say that, but I can’t help but notice what an excellent bridge that is into my askance.”

He paused, waiting to see if he had outright offended her into denial. After a moment, Scylla waved him on, making Kathranis’ smile wider.

“I would like to ask for some time with one of Harmony’s priests,” Kathranis said. “I would like to learn about her, to see how she and Lady Sylvanus might co-exist, without the conflicts the gods and their followers were so plagued with in my world. I would also ask, if you do not mind, if I could be allowed to set up a shrine to my Lady in the castle gardens. While I can worship her wherever there is greenery, I’d prefer something a touch more formal. She has been very generous to me of late, and I would like to do something nice in return.”

Scylla tied her robe closed and tucked her hands behind her back.

“And this Lady Sylvanus of yours… who is she?”

“Lady Sylvanus is the goddess of the wilds and all that grows your Majesty,” Kathranis said. “She has followed me from Faerun and into your world because she saw the natural beauty your world holds. She thought it best I try to make peace with followers of Harmony for… well, obvious reasons.”

“They are not so obvious to me,” Scylla said evenly.

Kathranis tried to chuckle the comment off, but he found no humor in the queen’s gaze, nor did he find any in the worshipers that had not yet dispersed. Instead, he felt hot gazes on his back, heard sharp, suspicious whispers in his pointed ears. Kathranis didn’t let any of that shake him, decided to keep his smile glowing, and his leaf charm bared.

“I imagine not,” he stated. “From what I have learned already, Harmony has long been the only goddess in your world, and has not had to deal with threats like the gods from my world.” He let out a sigh. “Unfortunately, because the gods were numerous, and their faiths were too different to ever consider reconciliation, war between followers was common.” His smile made a return. “Here though, here that is not necessary. Harmony seems a kind, and welcoming goddess, and if she is half as friendly as everyone I have so far met, then she and Lady Sylvanus should have no difficulties coming together to make this world even more beautiful than it already is.”

“But that is far in the future good Queen,” Kathranis said. “For now, all I ask for is a chance to learn more about Harmony, and for a little place to establish a shrine to Lady Sylvanus. Just a small spot where I can worship in the-”

“Enough,” Scylla interrupted.

Kathranis’ smile fell slightly, and he rubbed the back of his head.

“Of course, that’s probably overstepping to ask so soo-,”

“You will not ask at all,” Scylla hissed. “And I will never hear of this blasphemous talk again.”

Kathranis winced at the word, knew from a look at the gryphon queen that his hope for easy reconciliation of their faiths would not be as easy as he thought.

“Good Queen, I know this may seem foreign, but if you doubt in Lady Sylvanus’ existence, I assure you that I have proof-”

“That can be faked by any demon from Tarterus,” she growled. “I will grant your request for a priest Shadowsong, in fact, Lord Grayfeather will lead your proper education, and hopefully exorcise this demon you falsely call goddess.”

Kathranis couldn’t help but take a step back, his smile vanishing completely. Part of him was furious to hear Sylvanus demeaned in such a way, but he couldn’t well strike out at the gryphon queen. The consequences for his kin would be unimaginable. He’d need to beg, to plead for forgiveness, but Sylvanus would understand. He knew she would.

Scylla let out a sigh, and her angry posture cooled as she took in his alarmed expression.

“Apologies Shadowsong, I know it isn’t your fault. Dark forces come in many forms to guide us away from Harmony’s light, and I’m sure whatever force whispers in your ear has been quite helpful, has convinced you that it has been your friend for your entire life.” She smiled softly and nodded toward Grayfeather, who also offered Kathranis an understanding smile. “Lord Grayfeather is nearly as blessed by Harmony’s gifts as I am, and I assure you, he can guide you back to her light in no time at all.”

“Did this “Sylvanus” make you deform yourself like that Master Shadowsong?” Grayfeather asked, pointing at Kathranis’ tattoos.

The elf glanced down at his well marked chest, then back up at the gryphon. Further fury rose in his mind, and his control on his composure began to waver.

“N-no,” he said softly. “Please, I…”

“Shadowsong will come see you in a few days,” Aquila cut in, appearing suddenly at Kathranis’ side.

He glanced at her to find her fully, but hastily dressed, her clothes already beginning to soak through. She shot him a look that said ‘keep quiet’, then she smiled at Scylla and Grayfeather.

“Shadowsong hasn’t even fully settled in yet, and he hasn’t been to a prayer service! He’s from another world, he probably worshipped Harmony there under a different name, then some demon here took her place when he came over!”

Her hand closed on his shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Scylla blinked in thought, tapping her chin lightly.

“I’ve… never thought of the possibility of how Harmony is viewed in other realms.” Her eyes flicked up to Kathranis, and her smile grew wider as tears filled her eyes. “Shadowsong, I apologize. For demeaning you, and for not seeing if Harmony had been usurped in your heart sooner. Please, let us start the Harmonic Choir again. Exorcising the creature from your heart won’t be painless, but if you can endure, I assure you that Harmony’s light will fill you like never before.”

Kathranis felt sick. His soul ached to deny her words, but the other elves…

“He’ll be at prayer on Fifthsday,” Aquila assured. “I’ll keep an eye out for any suspicious behavior, and let you know immediately if anything gets worse, but look at him! He’s already so pale from a partial exorcisim. Do you really think Harmony wants to hurt him?”

“Of course not!” Scylla said. Her eyes met Kathranis’. “Of course not. Fifthsday. Rest and recover until then. Then we will make all well.”

Kathranis nodded absently, his tongue dry. He couldn’t speak, didn’t want to. He cursed himself for his cowardice. Already he worked to send as many prayers of forgiveness to Sylvanus as he could. Aquila smiled and wrapped him in a wing.

“Excellent. We’re going to get ready for dinner.”

She turned him away, walking quickly to the bench where his gear waited. Aquila stopped for only a bare moment, snatching up his new cloak and throwing it around his shoulders before scooping up the rest of his equipment and walking him out of the bathhouse.

They walked at a clipped pace, with Aquila constantly throwing concerned looks his way. Kathranis barely noticed. He mentally called to Secil, trying to explain as best he could what he would need to plead for forgiveness. He had never had someone so quickly turn against Sylvanus. Even those who hated her could admit that she existed. Queen Scylla, however….

Aquila threw open a door and nudged him inside, then slammed it behind her. Kathranis looked blankly around at the simple bedroom as the gryphoness placed his gear on the bed. She sighed and rubbed her face with a hand.

“Please get dressed Shadowsong. I…”

She stomped over to the door and reared back a fist. Kathranis shuffled toward his gear as she began to wail on the door. The elf took off his cloak and set it on the bed, then got to work, starting with his boots and slowly working his way up. Each piece he put on made him more comfortable, especially the swords on his hips. The enemies that were his cowardice and inability to defend his goddess were slashed apart by those swords as Kathranis felt the hilts, analyzing each nick and weathered crevice with his fingertips. Putting on his cloak was the finishing touch that brought him back into equilibrium, and his thoughts were fully calm, and calculating.

His proposal had gone horribly, he had embarrassed himself in front of the queen of the kingdom he was a guest in, and now said queen thought he was possessed by a demon, as did several of her followers. While he would have the chance to learn more about Harmony, that was only because Scylla was trying to have Sylvanus “exorcised”. It was the definition of a non-ideal situation, but he would adapt. Spending some time in prayer and meditation would certainly help him come up with a better plan, and a mischievous streak encouraged him to establish a small shrine anyway. He toyed with the thought for a moment, then tucked it away. Perhaps his goddess would want such, but he wouldn’t act without her permission. Making another mistake would not earn her favor.

Aquila collapsed against the door and curled her wings around her, tucking her knees to her chest.

“I can’t believe I was so stupid,” she muttered, wiping away the forming tears in her eyes. “Shadowsong, I am so sorry. I should have taken you to the bathes first thing in the morning so that you never would have been put in that situation.”

Kathranis let out a breath and put on his best smile before turning to the gryphoness.

“Princess, I don’t blame you, and in reality, the fault is mine and mine alone. I shouldn’t have been so optimistic. This kind of thing is common in Faerun, and I should have expected a result similar to the one I got.”

“But she spat on your goddess!” Aquila cried. “And so did I! I’ve seen what your Lady Sylvanus can do. If the situation was reversed, my heart would have been crushed to hear someone badmouth Harmony like that!”

Kathranis approached and crouched down next to her.

“Princess, I know you didn’t mean the words you said. You were merely trying to help me escape my own unwillingness to speak out against your mother.”

Aquila sniffled, and her emerald eyes shined out of the dark cover her wings gave her.

“But you shouldn’t have to defend your goddess Shadowsong. Mom should have let you give her proof, and then you two could have talked it out. She should have known better, and you shouldn’t have to hide your feelings because you feel like you owe us.”

Kathranis snorted and sat cross-legged before her.

“Princess, I do owe you.”

Aquila shook her head.

“Not that much. Not enough to forgive what Mom said. That wasn’t right, and I apologize fully on her behalf.”

“Accepted on the term that you don’t offer me a life-debt,” Kathranis said quickly, noting the look in her eyes. “I was hurt, and am still angry at how Queen Scylla spoke of Lady Sylvanus, but I will move on and come up with a new plan. I will also hold no anger in my heart toward you, the one who rescued me from that situation. Alright?”

Aquila sniffled again.

“You being so nice just makes me even more ashamed Shadowsong. You’re as kind as any follower of Harmony, you just offer praise to someone else. It’s… it’s all so stupid.”

Kathranis reached out and gently rubbed her knee.

“Indeed it is Princess, but we’re smart people, and Lady Sylvanus is far above smarter than me. I’m sure she already has a new plan ready, and she is just waiting until I commune with her to impart it.” He laughed. “I’m sure she’ll smack me first for being such a coward!”

Aquila’s eyes blazed with irritation, and she finally peaked out of her wings.

“She’d better not!” the gryphoness squawked. “It’s my fault, I should have stepped in sooner! Maybe… maybe I can pray with you!” she offered. “I can take the blame, so that she doesn’t punish you.”

Kathranis’ smile dropped, and he grabbed her hand, rubbing it softly with his thumb as she met his gaze.

“Aquila, no. You worship Harmony, that much is clear to me. Do not alienate yourself from her on my behalf, and especially do not offer prayer to Lady Sylvanus simply because you wish to divert what will likely be a mild punishment. She is not some vengeful goddess that needs to be worshiped out of fear. If she was, she’d be everything your mother believes she is.”

She tensed up with alarm, but Kathranis kept stroking, and he let his smile return. The soft motion caused her feathers to flatten as he continued to speak.

“Lady Sylvanus is a goddess people find their way to,” Kathranis explained. “She does not horde followers, and she doesn’t try to coerce them to her side, especially not away from other benevolent gods. She merely wants what any of us wants.”

“What’s that?” Aquila asked.

“To be loved,” Kathranis replied with a shrug. “To have someone beside, above, or beneath her who loves her without condition. It is only because she is a goddess that the love of a single elf and his familiar are not enough.” He chuckled. “But for now, she is making do until she can find her place in this world. Harmony has been all here for a long time, but that is no longer so. I wish only that it were easy for each of us to find our place in life, that we might get along with enjoying all of it.”

He smiled at the gryphoness.

“But what would happiness without a touch of suffering? Though disheartening, and…” he chuckled and looked to his boots. “Well, I can’t say that I am excited for my next encounter with members of your faith, but I will adapt, I will move on, as will Lady Sylvanus. She is stronger than I could ever hope to be, and likely sees today as no great upset, as nothing more than the mildest of bumps in the road.”

He clasped his hands before him and met Aquila’s doubtful, still slightly teary eyes with his best smile.

“If you would not mind Princess, I would like to spend the rest of the afternoon in meditation and communion with my goddess. To plan for the future.”

Aquila drooped slightly, and shrank back behind her wings.

“She genuinely hurt you. I am so sorry Shadowsong. I should have done more.”

Her hand still rested in his grasp, and he gave it light pat.

“You cannot be everywhere Princess, and you cannot spend time trying to protect me from every little thing.” He chuckled again. “Besides, I’m old enough to be your great grandfather. It is I who should be offering protection and comfort to you.”

Aquila’s hand turned and grabbed his wrist, yanking him forward into her embrace. Her wings closed behind him as she laid his head to rest against her breast.

“No,” she mumbled. “I should have done more, and I will do more in the future my friend. You have my word.”

Before Kathranis could truly blush at the compromising position, she pulled him to his feet and let him free of the hug. Wiping her eyes, she smiled, looking far more like her normal self.

“Now, while I am sorry that it’s going to have to be extremely secretive, I know a place you could hide a shrine to Sylvanus for now. Would she be offended by something temporary?”

Kathranis chuckled.

“All is temporary in the face of a goddess, but let’s try to at least make the shrine someplace natural. Praying in a broom closet would be, perhaps, a bit offensive.”

Aquila laughed and slugged his shoulder before wrapping him in a one-wing-hug.

“Well, I suppose we’’ll just have to find you a nice place in the servant quarters.”


Kathranis calmly took his seat before his goddess, doing his best not to feel nervous at the approaching conversation. Secil trotted over to the pool and flopped down in a sunny spot, rolling so that his onyx belly could absorb as much warmth as possible.

Sylvanus, for her part, looked to the cat with an amused smile, one which quickly turned toward Kathranis, who did his best to smile back. The goddess giggled and shook her head.

“Never play cards Champion. Your posture when you have bad news is abhorrent. A bat could tell you were bluffing.”

He slumped.

“Apologies my Lady. I’m sure you saw?”

Sylvanus nodded and reached down for her water glass.

“Indeed I did, and while I find your lack of a coherent defense of your faith mildly alarming, it was nothing compared to what Harmony attempted to do to your soul.”

Her gaze darkened for a moment.

“Her priestess is disrespectful and derogatory, but she at least gave you some measure of choice in conversion. Harmony was not so willing, would have taken you by force.”

Her smile returned and she sipped at her water.

“But tell me about the experience Champion. I trust you because you are not so easily swayed, yet Harmony had you under her spell with minimal effort. A mere channeling spell by a cadre of her cultists and I nearly lost my sole mortal follower. I’d love to know what was so inciting.”

He could hear no judgment in her voice, and he had no wish to hold back from his goddess, so Kathranis spoke honestly, withholding nothing as he sipped at his own glass.

“It was like receiving a blessing from you my Lady,” he said, staring at the table. “Her embrace was warm, welcoming. She is everything one seeks in a goddess, and it was less that she was trying to steal me away from you, as much as welcome me to her side. I do not doubt your senses, but I do not believe she was trying to steal me away from you, but rather, she just thought to offer her love. That love was kind, earnest, and so… personal. It was like she knew my life story, and yet she forgave me for every wrong I have done, or I have yet to do.”

He looked up, meeting her golden gaze.

“I must express my weakness my Lady. Had you not reminded me of my faith… I’m afraid that her call would have been too kind to ignore.”

He bowed his head.

“And I am sorry for that. You have watched over me as a second mother, have been every bit as warm, and protective to me, have bestowed upon me countless gifts, yet I so easily turned traitor. I’m sorry that you had to react to keep me at your side.”

Sylvanus let out a slight sigh.

“Accepted Champion, now straighten up. I don’t like talking to the back of your head.”

Kathranis obeyed her command and sat up. Her eyes still showed no judgment, but he could see a touch of concern as she set down her glass.

“And my reminder, it left you unharmed?”

He nodded and smiled.

“I am fine my Lady,” Kathranis answered. “And Harmony didn’t smite me for rejection, nor did she try to press a claim. I merely left her light, and rested for a moment to recover my strength. I am certain that she has not usurped you in my heart.”

Sylvanus nodded slowly, then, after a moment of thought, smiled.

“That is good, it means we should continue our efforts. Thank you for your thoughts Champion, and for what it may be worth, I would not seek revenge if you did embrace Harmony over me.”

Kathranis blinked in alarm, but Sylvanus raised a hand before he could speak.

“This world is new, and many rules have changed,” Sylvanus continued. “You will see very soon, but do not be afraid of that change. Do not be afraid if you see it in those close to you. Not all are so lucky as to have their goddess follow in their tracks.”

Kathranis blushed.

“I’m fairly certain it’s the other way around.”

Sylvanus’ smile widened.

“Nonsense Champion. Whispers are already spreading of the mysterious goddess of Kathranis Shadowsong, the savior of the royal gryphon family!” She bowed her head, but her eyes never broke away from his, twinkling with amusement as he blushed harder. “All hail Master Shadowsong; first before his goddess.”

The elf caved under the teasing and looked away.

“That’s not intentional,” he mumbled.

“Perhaps not,” Sylvanus giggled. “But it is a beginning. It is the barest of root systems for the forest I will build. It will grow with time, which we both have plenty of to spare. Do not worry, about me, or about your faith in me. I know you follow me and me alone Champion. And as I said, I would not be angry if you began to follow Harmony. I have learned much since we last spoke, and she is a goddess I would make an alliance with.”

“So what have you learned?” Kathranis asked. “Aside from the lack of corruption in this place, what about this world is different from Faerun?”

“Many things,” Sylvanus replied. “To start from the beginning, this world is free of dark magic, of corruption of any sort. As I said before, that is the reason I attached myself to you, to join you in this paradise.” She inclined her head. “What I did not have time to inform you last time was that you should not fret your lost brethren in faith. I made a godsdeal with Correllon; he will absorb my followers, will keep them on the path of purging all the filth of the old world.”

She sighed and rubbed her glass with a thumb.

“I fear that cause lost, however. Szass Tam was more powerful than any realized, and while you did good work to discover and delay, it simply wasn’t enough. His plans would have unraveled the worlds of man and god, and he still may succeed. I cannot see.”

Her eyes flicked up.

“But I do know that we are safe here. This is a new reality. Faerun could be ripped asunder and we would never know. I tell you this to tell you to forget it all. The elves you have with you are all there are, all that will ever be. A generation, perhaps two will survive you, but no more than that Champion. You are not a species that will survive untainted.”

“Being pure-blooded is overrated anyway,” Kathranis said. “Better our children live like those beside them. Life may be shorter, but there is a beauty in that.”

“I agree,” Sylvanus said. “Pass on my message to your kin Champion. Tell them to forget everything in their past. They are here now, and here is all they will ever be. Not a one of us can go back now.”

She looked to the trees around them and smiled.

“It was good fortune that I was able to pull this portion of my grove with us. I will rebuild the rest in time as followers join your worship, but that can wait.” Her eyes flickered back down. “But perhaps not. To continue; three other gods traveled here as well, latching onto their followers to come to this place of freedom and life. I have spoken with each, and they are Mask, Lanthander, and Sune. Note that none are gods of the other elves.”

Kathranis frowned.

“Huron and the Selunites will not take the news well. They have ever been close with the Moonmaiden, with us being moon elves and all.”

Sylvanus nodded.

“I know, but speak with the ones called Riven and Luieustriel. One is envious of your closeness to me, and the other has all the makings of an excellent druid. Both are not so devout in their previous faith, and could serve me well.” She smiled. “I would try the woman first. Riven is infatuated with her, and if she converts, he will follow. He will certainly enjoy knowing that they serve better together.”

“With Riven as her guardian?” Kathranis asked.

“Just so,” Sylvanus answered. “And it is not so uncommon for a maiden to marry her protector. They’ll enjoy such I imagine.”

Kathranis nodded slowly, wondering briefly how the rougher elf would fit together with the much lighter maiden. He then mentally tasked himself to observe them for any flirtatious behaviors before looking back to his goddess.

“The other gods, why did they come? They do not value the balance as you do.”

“Not so directly,” Sylvanus conceded. “But in their own way. Lanthander in particular believed he had seen a champion in one of the creatures called ‘alicorns’ but found her devoted wholly to Harmony. Still, the ‘Dawning Light’ can find much success here, especially without the constant harassment of the undead. I think he and Harmony should get along quite well, once I have forged a bridge of contact with her.

“Mask and Sune,” she continued, “on the other hand, came here out of fear. They learned of Tam’s plans and fled like cowards. Sune cowers behind the light of Lanthander, eager to embrace the beauty of this world, but unwilling to challenge Harmony directly. She is doing the same as I, making treaties and attempting to spread her shattered faith.”

She let out a sigh.

“Mask, however, is being uncharacteristically bold. He attacked Harmony upon arrival, and is the reason I cannot make contact with her. That wretched little sneak thief actually had the gall to stab her, and now she has withdrawn to her fortress. Lanthander and I have both tried to enter, but she rejects our advances. It is that reason that I have tasked you with first contact through her followers. If enough can convince her of my genuine wish to unite our causes, then progress can be made.”

She scowled darkly.

“As it is, I am spending my time trying to hunt that cloth-faced wretch that I might carve out his spine and use it for fertilizer.”

Her fingers tapped in irritation, but no part of the grove grew darker as the goddess mulled. Kathranis said a silent ‘thank you’ for that as she grew calmer and met his gaze again.

“But that is what I have so far learned. We are few and weak, but I have allies if need be. The humans provide power to Lanthander and Sune, while Mask has begun drawing power from darker places. I will know more about him with time.”

“That does bring a question about my Lady,” Kathranis said. “What about the humans? What did they do to so readily earn the ire of the gryphons, and of my kin?”

“I don’t know,” Sylvanus said with a head shake. “The other gods were too focused with divine matters when the event transpired, and their clergy are gone. They still work to speak with their followers, so you will have to figure that out yourself. I task you with trying to discover more, and to find a peaceful way to save the humans. They might be vicious little creatures, but they have their value.”

The grove flickered before Kathranis’ eyes, and Sylvanus let out a sigh.

“Our time is at an end Champion. I will speak with you again once one of us has something to share. Remember the duties I have given you. You have much to get done.”

Kathranis bowed his head.

“Of course my Lady. I will see to every matter. Sweet water and light laughter.”

Until we speak again, Sylvanus whispered in his ear.

Kathranis’ eyes opened to the soil of the royal gardens. He sat up as Secil let out a yawn. The sound of bare feet on stone touched his ears and Kathranis glanced back. Aquila’s arms sat crossed across her chest, and her posture was hunched with nervousness.

“Well?” she asked.

Kathranis smiled and got to his feet. With a grunt and a mental message that he was going to take a nap, Secil departed.

“All is well,” Kathranis said. “Today was merely a… learning experience. For both myself, and my Lady.”

“And that’s good?” Aquila asked hopefully.

Kathranis nodded.

“Indeed. Say, are we expected at dinner this evening?” With a nod from Aquila, Kathranis continued. “Then let’s find some place to relax, and I can tell you all of what we’ve learned.”

Aquila’s beak finally shifted into a true smile, and her eyes twinkled with mischief.

“A bold move Shadowsong, “talking” to a princess in private.”

Kathranis stared at her blankly.

“I’m afraid I have no idea what you’re trying to imply.”

Aquila stared at him with a wide grin for few seconds, then, as it dawned on her that he was telling the truth, she let out a sigh and shook her head.

“I think I’m starting to believe you. Anyway, yes, private. I have a great spot I like to read. Let’s go.”

She darted forward and grabbed his wrist before leading him into the castle.