• Member Since 28th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen May 20th

Pun System

All things in balance.


It is a time of tension in the galaxy. The ability of the JEDI COUNCIL to see the future is rapidly diminishing, clouded by the DARK SIDE of the Force. As a dark time approaches for the galaxy, places as coreward as Coruscant, as far out as Hutt Space, and every planet in between will soon witness the plan of DARTH SIDEOUS unfold.

The citizens of the planet EQUUS PRIME, their herds governed by the wise and ancient PRINCESS CELESTIA, face an uncertain future as dark and forgotten forces lurk on their own horizon as well. An ancient prophecy foretells the return of the equally ancient NIGHTMARE MOON.

Chapters 1-3 previously published in a colab by The Bricklayer entitled The Equestrian Side of Things.

I expect this to be a fairly slow burn story for when I have time or ideas to dedicate to it. If you have any ideas, I'm open to suggestions! If you don't want your suggestions spoiling other viewers, don't be afraid to PM me! Worst I can do is say no, right?

Cover art by piesarts (Deviantart page taken down)

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 19 )

interesting concept. these are my two favorite fandoms, but i never considered a crossover. it took me a bit longer than i expected to read this chapter, mostly because some of the writing felt a little awkward. but i will read every chapter you write, and i have no doubt this will be a worthwhile read. tracking!

nice 🐢

so far, i like it. i cant wait for more, and im curios, this seems very reminiscint of KOTOR, youve got my interest freind!

I read this and I thought that you should make a self insert story that has a James Bond base (I don't mean the building type of base).

Knights of the old republic, its an old Starwars game

I'd be open to writing a spy arc. :raritywink: And yeah, Knights of the Old Republic (also KOTOR) is an old PC and XBox game from back in the day, but it still holds up even by modern standards for outstanding writing, characters, and gameplay. I highly recommend it for any Star Wars fan. The sequel game is amazing in its own right, but it was rushed through production and feels way more complete with the Restored Content Mod.

Anakin's on the council? Woo, this is very close to the end of the war.

Oohhhhh crap. Yeah, that's not good considering I was writing for an early Clone Wars timeframe. :facehoof: I cleaned this fic up a lot to prepare it for publication and bring it up to my current writing standard. That's going to have to be ret-coned.

Hopefully that'll be both the first and last of these growing pains to slip through to final publication. Glad you said something.

Chapters 1-3 previously published in a colab by The Bricklayer entitled The Equestrian Side of Things.

I couldn't find it. Did something happen to it?

Yeah it was supposed to be an open colab, but got taken down due to lack of interest. I rediscovered my Google Doc lying around gathering metaphorical dust, and decided to polish it up and publish it. Since it started as an open colab (and since this universe is so huge), I'm open to suggestions.

So, if I understand the situation right, this fic right here is that original story. Just a revival. If that’s the case, then I’ll for sure offer up some suggestions after I do some reading.

It would seem Starlight and Nightmare Moon will be active at the same time.

"Let them fight."

An XS Stock Light Freighter descended towards the urban skyline of the crime-ridden city-planet of Nar Shaddaa. Its roughly diamond-shaped durasteel hull was painted with two sky blue stripes running from bow to stern, a series of thinner stripes between them comprising a rainbow. The Rainboom ’s top-mounted turret and side-mounted cannon stood idle as she came to a hover over the landing pad. Her landing gear deployed and she touched down gracefully as the soft blue glow from its engines faded away.

XS Stock Light Freighter
Huh. I wonder what time period this is. Because if this is anywhere close to the movies, then that thing is legitimately ancient. Especially if this is using Legends lore.

*after more reading*

Okay, so this is based on TOR. Awesome!

Rainbow stood close to Night Glider as the two stood before a funeral pyre. Before them, flames lapped at the lifeless form of Jedi Master Qui Gon Jin. Night Glider hugged Rainbow Dash with a wing, and although Rainbow normally wouldn’t allow such a gesture, it felt comforting in this dark and uncertain time. Just weeks ago, the Sith were extinct. Now, a member of the Jedi Council lay lifeless in front of her. It was as heartrending as it was foreboding.

Or this is Prequel Era and that XS Freighter really is ancient...

EDIT AFTER MORE READING: Or this is smack dab in the middle of the Clone Wars. Holy crap...

WELL! That was certainly something! And I may have an idea or two for future storylines; especially now that I know where we sit chronologically.

and here I thought the warehouse setup would be a trap. damn you Ackbar

Cover artist is whitepone/piecee01/piesarts
Deviantart source is gone, but Derpibooru still has it: https://derpibooru.org/images/1028775

Can there be a brick joke at some point where a droid gets sniped by a random clone shot BY ACCIDENT?

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