• Published 1st Nov 2019
  • 2,936 Views, 30 Comments

Equestria Girls Under The Red Hood - BROLY MUI

Red Hood gets sent after an unknown blast from Grodd to another universe which isn’t the past nor the future

  • ...

Sunset’s new plan

It was 9 pm, Jason was going for a walk down the roofs with his Red Hood costume.

“There’s nothing exciting happening here, just car noises! No robbery, no car chase, no nothing!” said Jason as he was very bored, as he decided to put some music.

(Hearing this music)

“Well, that’s my cue.” said Jason as he stops the music and jumps from the roof.

I was a 4 door black car with a lot of thugs inside it.

“This is the police, stand down!” screamed one of the officers as one of the passengers showed them the middle finger.

“Keep driving! Mr Rullock will be really pleased with these 100 million dollars!” said the leader who was in the back seat.

“Yeah! Let’s just hope that the crazy Red Hood maniac doesn’t come, he killed a lot of our mens, we cannot fail Rullock!” said the driver as the rest nodded.

“I think we lost the police!” said the leader.

“You sure?” asked the driver as they heard someone step in the roof of their car.

“What the hell?” asked the thug in the front seat, as the someone steps in the front of the car, as it was Red Hood in the front.

“Hi guys!” said Red Hood as he takes the thug in the front passenger seat and throws him to wall, breaking the wall and his skull.

“Shoot him!!!” screamed the leader as the driver and the other passenger start to shoot at Red Hood, as Red Hood’s suit is bulletproof.

“Guys, my suit is bulletproof! You can’t kill me with those pathetic guns.” said Jason as he shoots the driver in the head and the car loses control, as Red Hood jumps from the car to a roof.

“OHHHHHHH SHIIIIIIIIIIT!!!” screamed the leader as the car hits the wall, launching the drivers death corpse and the other thug through the window, as the other thug dies as he break his neck. Luckily the leader is alive but with his face filled with his own blood, as the car was on fire, but luckily he walks out of the car with broken bones.

“Ru-Ru-Rullock! We need help!” said the leader as he called him, as Red Hood was walking to him.

“HELP HEEEEEEELP SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEAAAAAAAASE!!!” screamed crying the leader as Red Hood grabs him as Red Hood grapples to a roof with the leader.

“Where is Peter Rullock!?” asked Red Hood as he was in a 80 feet tall building grabbing the leader by the neck.

“I’ll... never... tell... you!” said the leader as Red Rood takes out a gun.

“Tell me or that bullet will leave a cute scar right in your head.” said Red Hood as he puts his gun right in the leader’s head.

“Ok...ok... I don’t know where he is, I know where he was!” said the leader scared.

“Keep going!” said Red Hood.

“He told the gang that they were going to move from our own base, which is near the Crystal Prep School, underground right below that crappy toy store!” said the leader.

“Anything else!?” asked Red Hood.

“Yeah, there is more! Our next target, we almost had Filthy Rich but now we have a new target.” said the leader scared.

“Which is?” asked Red Hood.

“A scholar from Canterlot High School, Jason Todd! He took one of our mens like a complete joke, just to save his girlfriend.” said the leader as Jason removes his helmet.

“You mean me?” asked Jason on purpose.

“You are the Red Hood!” said the leader scared.

“Yeah and second thing, she’s not my girlfriend, not even close!” said Jason as he drops the leader from the roof without guns, equipment or money.

“HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!” screamed the leader as he falls to the ground becoming a human with technically no body, only blood.

“Bastard.” said Jason as he went home.

"Well, I got myself a new Crime Boss/Gangster, tomorrow is going to be a fun night, including the Fall Formal, and my first meeting/massacre with Peter Rullock." said Jason in his mind as he enters through the window, to his apartment.

"I should get my own secret base later on." said Jason as he takes his helmet and chest armor and goes to the bed to sleep.

Tomorrow morning

Jason was getting ready for school, as he takes his bag, lunch and secretly one of his M1911 in his jacket underneath, so nobody can see it.

"Time to go." said Jason as he gets in his motorcycle and drives off.

Jason got to the school in time, as he takes his classes very normal, but he was more focused at Peter Rullock, as he doesn't know who he is yet, but he needs a plan if Rullock is not just a crime boss but something worse like a mutant like Waylon Jones aka Killer Croc, a bounty hunter/ninja/mercenary like Slade Wilson aka Deathstroke or just an evil group like The Courts of Owl with a leader like Talon. The possibilities are infinite, so he must be ready.

"Classes were so boring, now where are the girls, they must be in the cafeteria ready to start their plan on helping Twilight win the crown." said Jason in his mind, as when he arrived, everyone was arriving as well. He got food as he decided to sit with the rockers, as they happily let Jason sit.

"So you used to play the guitar?" asked Flash.

"Sort of, I'm sort of a big nerd, but I played the guitar without hesitation." said Jason.

Jason's past

"Young Jason was in the lobby, playing the guitar very high.

"Master Todd, is time for our book club." said Alfred.

"Alright Alfred, coming right now!" said Jason as he finishes the music he composed.

"So, did you like it?" asked Jason.

"Very loud sir, but a very good composed music you did." said Alfred with a smile.

"Thanks Al!" said Jason very happy.

The Present

"Yeah, I stopped using the guitar because of some family issues, but I would be very happy to use it again." said Jason as he looks further in the line as he saw the girls except Twilight as the AJ was in front, then Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Pinkie Pie in the back.

"Well, I'm going to practice a song right now, care to hear it boys?" asked Flash as he sits in the table and puts his feet in a seat, as Jason and some of the group were ready to hear the music as the others were in the line still.

When AJ, Fluttershy, Rarity and Rainbow Dash sit down, they put the pony ears that Rarity gave them as Pinkie puts them as well, but she was in the line, as she starts to make sounds.

(Quick thing, in the scene that Flash start to use his guitar with the band, he gives an extra one to Jason as he uses the guitar and Twilight steps between Jason and Flash.)

The Hallway

After the dance, Jason was walking with the girls in the hallway, as Rarity was so happy that everyone was wearing the ears and tails she had in her bag.

"Doesn't everyone look just fabulous?" asked Rarity very happy.

“They look a little weird and creepy, but if this the way to help Twilight get the crown, then is not such a bad idea.” said Jason as he didn’t wanted to put those things.

”Since when you knew how to play the guitar?” asked Rainbow.

“Since the age of 11.” said Jason lying.

“Actually, it was at the age of 9 as I robbed a guitar for entertainment and I actually robbed some music to practice, before even Bruce saw me rob his Batmovile’s tires.

“So you have experience?” asked Rainbow.

“You can say that.” said Jason as she looks to the front, and sees Sunset with Snips and Snails.

“Look who’s in front of us, smiling.” said Jason as the girls saw Sunset.

"Don't know what she's smilin' about. Twilight's the one that's gonna be Princess of the Fall Formal." said AJ as Sunset and her slaves basically, start to scare the students as Sunset later goes to Vice Principal Luna for help.

“Vice Principal Luna! Something terrible has happened!” said Sunset with a fake sad expression.

Sunset and Luna run to the gym, as Jason and the girls are not stupid and knows this is a prank.

"She just lie to Luna, what a dickhead." said Jason in his mind.

"Girls, I'm going to keep an eye on whatever Sunset is doing, I'll catch up." said Jason as he runs behind them very silently.

Sunset and Luna arrived to the gym, and it was completely destroyed.

"Isn't this just awful? And after Pinkie Pie worked so hard to make things so perfect! Why would Twilight Sparkle do something like this?" asked Sunset with a fake sad voice as Jason peaks a little, as Flash Sentry peaks from the other side as they hear Sunset talk at Luna.

"Why would you think Twilight was responsible for something like this?" asked Luna confused.

“Because I have proof! said Sunset as she shows Luna a folder with proof showing Twilight being responsible, as Jason and Flash look at each other and step back, as they walk to find evidence that Twilight isn’t responsible.

Jason and Flash were going to the lockers of Sunset, Snips and Snails, as Jason saw Snips and Snails laughing about something, as they look back and saw Jason and Flash.

“Flash, be a good man and look in their lockers any evidence, I’ll ask them where is the evidence.

“And how?” asked Flash.

“I just have to become a bad cop.” said Jason as he walks to Snips and Snails as they started to run away, as Jason followed them.

Snips and Snails ran to the hallway, as they look back and Jason wasn’t with them, as they decided to enter an empty class room.

“Do you think we lost him?” asked Snails.

“I think we did!” said Snips as Jason had to enter fast, as there was no time, as he opened the window silently, so they couldn’t hear him enter, as he stepped in and walked behind them.

“From who are we hiding?” asked Jason.

"From Jason Todd, that guy was following-" said Snips as they realize to who they are talking.

"You mean me? asked Jason on purpose with a smile, as he grabs Snips and Snails from their clothes pushing them to a wall.

"Now, what other lie did you just make!?" asked very angry Jason.

"We did nothing." said Snails.

"If you don't tell, I swear that I'll throw you two through that fucking window." said Jason.

"You wouldn't." said Snips as Jason walks to the window, as he pushes Snips and Snails near the window as they are about to fall.

"Ok, we just took some photos of Twilight playing soccer with Rainbow Dash, and we edit them by making Twilight look that she broke the gym, but it was us." said Snips really scared.

"And where are the real evidence!?" asked angry Jason.

"In a trash can in the library." said Snails.

"Thanks!" said Jason as he pulls them again.

"Be lucky that I will not say anything to Celestia, so you two must not say anything to Sunset nor Celestia about what you did right now, if you do, I'll hunt you two down like dogs." said Jason with a menacing voice as Snips and Snails run from the class room.

"Well, time to find Flash right now." said Jason as he runs to find Flash.

When he finds him, he has stopped to find evidence as he couldn't find any evidence and he was a little upset as Jason arrived.

"I know where is the real evidence, follow me!" said Jason as Flash follows him.

When they are in the library, they see Twilight walk to Luna's office.

"We have to hurry Jason!" said Flash.

"Is in the library, in a trash can." said Jason as they arrive in the library.

"The question is.. in which trash can." said Jason as they had 3 trash cans.

As Jason and Flash went to look for the evidence, Jason putted his glasses and activated a vision to see through things like superman, as he saw the evidence.

"Here." said Jason very with very low voice as he takes the evidence and runs to Flash.

"I found it." said Jason as they run to Vice Principal Luna's office.

Vice Principal Luna's office

The office was dark as Luna was basically interrogating Twilight.

"But... but I don't understand!" said Twilight sad and confused.

"This is clearly you in the photographs, is it not?" asked Luna angry as she shows Twilight some photos of her trashing the gym.

"Yes, but..." said Twilight as Luna interrupts her.

"I think it should be fairly obvious that the school cannot let someone who would do something like this compete for the Fall Formal crown." said Luna very angry as she basically becomes bad cop.

As Twilight wanted to respond, but Luna looked at her as she thought that every hope on getting the crown was lost. As someone knocks the door.

"Vice Principal Luna, me and Jason found these in a trash can in the library." said Flash as he handed over the photo to Luna.

"Whoever did this, was pretty clever to fool everyone in the school, including you Luna, the bad thing is that we don't know who did this." said Jason as Luna saw both photos as they both were the same photo.

"I appreciate you two for bringing this to my attention." said Luna as she sits.

"In light of this new evidence, you may of course continue your bid to be crowned the Princess of the Fall Formal." said Luna as Twilight was very happy as she hug both Flash and Jason.

"Thank you! You two have no idea how important this is to me!" said Twilight as Flash and Jason decided to play cool, but Jason was angry as he hate hugs. As Twilight finally blushes of how close she is to the both of them.

"What do you think we were gonna do? Not prove your innocence? Wouldn't be much of a Canterlot Wondercolt, would I?" asked Flash.

"Yeah, still whoever did this is going to pay a lot." said Jason.

"I am afraid enough damage has been done to the gym that we will have to postpone the dance until tomorrow night. If you will excuse me, I need to let my sister know about this latest development." said Luna as she walks away.

"It seems you two want to be alone, I'm going to look for the girls." said Jason as he walks away, leaving Twilight and Flash alone.

"So, uh, I was wondering. If you aren't already going with somebody, wanna go to the Fall Formal with me tomorrow night?" asked Flash as Twilight blushed and showed some puppy eyes.

"That would be..." said Twilight as she leans to Flash as she realizes the situation.

"Tomorrow night!? No, no-no-no-no-no, no no no no no! Nonononono! I can't! The portal! That'll be too late!" said Twilight as she grabs her bag and runs away

"One no would be fine." said Flash as he walks away very upset.

In the hallways, Jason was walking very normal and chilled, with a burrito on his hand, as he sees Twilight run like a lunatic.

"What the hell's wrong with her? asked Jason as he follows her.

As Jason follows Twilight, Twilight enters a boutique, where the girls were preparing for the Fall Formal, as they saw Twilight get in a booth, as Jason enters as well.

“Everything ok in there?” asked Rarity.

“Yes!” said Twilight.

“Only it's not okay, it’s not okay at all! If I don't get my crown tonight, I won't be able to go back to Equestria for another thirty moons! Oh, what are we gonna do...?" asked Twilight very sad as she falls down on his knees.

"Hmm... Tell them the truth. Let them know what's really at stake if you don't get the crown tonight. They'll help us figure something out." said Spike as he tries to comfort Twilight.

"But what if they won't? What if when they find out how different I really am...?" asked Twilight as she looks to a mirror and saw her pony self.

"Twilight, they rallied around you 'cause they saw what was in your heart. They aren't gonna feel any differently about you when they find out you're a pony princess in Equestria, besides Jason knows that your a pony princess, and he still keeps helping to win the crown, so your best help might be the girls, but Jason is your best shot at winning the crown, but it doesn’t mean this girls won’t help you either.” said Spike as Twilight looks at him happy.

"I'm glad you followed me here, Spike." said Twilight as she pets him.

“Me too. Unless, of course, we get stuck here for another thirty moons." said Spike.

“Since when you had a boutique?” asked Jason.

“I bought it some months ago, isn’t it gorgeous?” asked Rarity happy.

“It actually is.” said Jason.

“So are you going to the Fall Formal?” asked Rainbow.

“Maybe, but I’ll have to leave early as I have to do something later, but I’ll be online when they crown Twilight princess.”

“So that mean you have a date?” asked Rarity.

“Of course not!” said Jason.

“Then you’ll go with me.” said Rarity as she puts her hands in Jason’s shoulder. As Jason played it cool, as in his inside, he shot himself in the head countless of times, Deadpool style.

“I never said-“ said Jason as Twilight comes out of the boutique.

“You ok?” asked AJ.

“The Fall Formal isn’t happening tonight.” said Twilight.

“WHAT!?” asked Pinkie very shocked.

"It had to be postponed because Sunset Shimmer had Snips and Snails ruin all of Pinkie Pie's decorations."

“WHAAT!?” asked Pinkie even more shocked.

“But the Fall Formal has to happen tonight.” said Twilight.

“WHA-“ screamed Pinkie as AJ covers her mouth.

"You see..." said Twilight as she was a little scared.

"You're from an alternate world and you're a pony princess there and the crown actually has a magical element embedded in it that helps power up other magical elements, and without it, they don't work anymore, and you need them to help protect your magical world, and if you don't get the crown tonight, you'll be stuck in this world and you won't be able to get back for, like, a really, really long time!" said Pinkie as she smiles as Twilight, Spike and Jason were absolutely shocked with jaw wide open

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that isn't the reason." said Rainbow.

"Nope. She's pretty much spot on." said Spike and Jason.

"HE CAN TALK!?" asked very shocked Rarity.

"Oh, yeah! And back where I come from, I'm not even a dog! I'm a ferocious, fire breathing dragon!" said Spike as he smiles and Fluttershy pushes Rarity and Pinkie Pie.

"THIS IS SO AMAZING! Tell me, what are you thinking right now?" asked Fluttershy as she gets a lot closer to Spike, but Spike just saw Rarity.

"Sure would love a scratch behind the old ears." said Spike as Rarity couldn't say anything.

"Uh, maybe later." said Spike.

"How did you know all that?" asked Twilight.

"Just a hunch." said Pinkie.

"Wait a minute! Lemme get this straight. You're a pony?" asked AJ,

"You're a princess?" asked Rarity.

"You're from another world?" asked Fluttershy as Twilight blushes and nods.

"That... is... AWESOME!" said Rainbow as the girls go to Twilight.

"Told ya." said Spike making Twilight feel better.

"Wow, I'm so shocked about the situation." said Jason in his mind as he wasn't even a little excited, as he leaves, but the girls heard.

"Where are you goin'?" asked AJ.

"I have something to do." said Jason.

"Don't you want to know more about Twilight?" asked Fluttershy.

"I've heard enough, plus I knew about her secret right when she arrived." said Jason.

"And were you shocked?" asked Rainbow.

"Not really, I knew a princess some months ago called Diana Princess of Themyscira, I've seen also talking animals, like talking sharks, crocodiles, gorillas and more, and finally, I've met aliens from planets far from here like Krypton, or Oa, Apocalipse and more." said Jason.

"You've heard of those planets and met people from there?"asked Twilight very happy.

"Yeah, big time. Now if you excuse me, I have to something, but I'll come to The Fall Formal, even if it is tomorrow, but work on making it today." said Jason as he leaves.

"Let's head back to the school to see what Sunset Shimmer did." said Twilight as the girls nodded.

Jason was walking down the streets, as he saw an abandoned warehouse, that he decided to walk in.

“This is an ugly place, but maybe...” said Jason as he thought to use this warehouse as his base.

“This could be my secret base, I’m a genius.” said Jason.

(Starts music)

Jason started to make a hole with a sledge hammer, as he had a lot of cables and threw them to the hole. He also made a hole in a wall so he can put his guns in there and another one for his suit.

"Ok, I have... the suit, the guns and the cables for my computer, not a bad start." said Jason.

Jason later bought more guns, like an AK-47, an UZI, a Barrett M82 sniper and a desert eagle. He also bought a lot gun powder, as he also took metal so he can cover his bullets with metal and make it stronger.

"My M1911 uses 45 ACP bullets, I'll make 45 ACP with more gun powder, covered with metal and I'm going to customize my guns to make them shoot faster." said Jason in his mind as he customize his weapons as he makes a test, as with a normal M1911, it cracks the brick wall, but with the customize gun and ammo, it passes through the brick wall.

"Nice!" said Jason very happy.

(Ends music)

"Oh crap, is 5:30, I should get ready for The Fall Formal and later, for my hunt." said Jason as he walks to Rarity's boutique.

Two Hours Earlier

The girls arrived to the gym and it was completely ruined, thanks to Sunset, Snips and Snails.

"I simply cannot believe they did all this!" said Rarity shocked.

"If I only had some kind of party cannon, that could decorate everything super fast!" said Pinkie.

"I know it seems impossible, but, maybe if we all work together?" asked Twilight.

"Now that's the kinda can-do spirit I'm lookin' for in a Fall Formal Princess! Let's do it, y'all!" said AJ as she puts her hand.

“Absolutely!” said Rarity as she puts her hand.

“Rock on!” said Rainbow as she does the same.

“Yes indedily!” said Pinkie as she does the same.

“Yay!” said Fluttershy with a scared voice as she does the same, as the girls looks at Twilight and she puts her hand.

This looks soooooooooo GREAT!” screamed Pinkie out of happiness as she jumps really high, as Celestia claps her hand getting everyones attention.

"All right, everyone! Fall Formal is back on for this evening." said Celestia.

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!" screams everyone very happy.

"So you better get out of here and get ready." said Celestia.

"Oh and don't forget to cast your ballots for Fall Formal Princess." said Celestia as basically everyone voted for Twilight, as Sunset, Snips and Snails saw what they did, and Sunset was pissed off.

"You're lucky she was able to pull this off. Next time I ask you to make a mess of things, try to show a little restraint! I need this Formal to go on tonight just as much as she does." said Sunset with a smile, as they were behind a closet and closed the door.

Rarity's Boutique

Jason arrived in the boutique, as no one was in there, as he decided to go to one of the booths, as he takes out his guns, reloads them and hides them again.

"What now? I have to go to the prom, but I have to take Rullock down, and I still don't have a plan." said Jason disappointed as he walks out of the booth, as Rarity arrives.

"You got early... eeeeeewwww!!! What did you do after you left from here?" asked Rarity covering her nose, as Jason was extremely dirty.

"Ummmmmmmmmmm... clean a chimney." said Jason lying as Rarity luckily had a bath, as he went to get his clothes for The Fall Formal. When he entered to get a shower, the girls arrived to the boutique.

"I still can't believe we pulled that off!" said Fluttershy happy.

"I can, we're awesome!" said Rainbow.

"Enough chatter! We need to get ready, and we need to look fabulous!" said Rarity as she haves a lot of clothes and throws it.

"Jason was wearing some normal clothes.

Some red motorcycle gloves that he had some time ago.

Black boots he bought the same day he bought his bike. Blue jeans, black leather motorcycle jacket, a white shirt and a black tie.

Jason, waited for almost 2 hours as everyone was taking hours to get ready.

"If this is what it means to have a girlfriend or something like that, count me out." said Jason bored. As the girls finally come out from the boutique.

"Finally, you girls did take your time." said Jason as he later looks at them.

"To be honest you girls look great." said Jason

"You mean awesome!" said Rainbow very happy.

"That too." said Jason

"If you girls have a ride, you go together, I'll go in my bike." said Jason as the girls had a limousine, as the girls left in the limousine, Jason left in his motorcycle.