• Member Since 23rd May, 2017
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


Just a person looking to read and write fanfics


So I bought a new house, it was cheap and a good find with a lot of bedrooms. The only problem is that it is similar to Howl's moving Castle. The front door has a color selector and leads to a lot of different dimensions. The doors in my home lead to different worlds, all of this is because of some jerk named STB. So this is my life after I find out when I open my door to Equestria.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 21 )

Glad you like it.

Interesting so far but is equestria the first door opened or the first interacted with or what?

Well this seems a hoot, I look forward to seeing where this silliness ends up.

That's very nice. Very good showing and not telling. I look forward to seeing more of this.

Thanks, I am glad to hear. Hope you enjoy it all.

Next chapter Trixie gets a gun

That would be silly, but her dad's not Plymouth Valiant this time, no radioactive Spider Trixie.

Very nice chapter, if a bit sporadic, but that's not bad in this case since the main plot is basically "I have a door to anywhere and almost anywhen." I hope we get some wholesome trixie time soon.
I also noticed that auto correct turned manga to managed at the start.

But trixie with a Tommy gun

Thanks for the notice of the spelling mistake. Also I have plans for slice of life with each of the two mares I picked.
While I admit that would be epic this isn't that kind of story. It's more comedy then violence.

A man can dream can't he

You need an edit pass man... Lots of errors to fix

If you could please point them out spell check inly does so much.

I snorted eith lqughter as they sat up, each one glarong at the other before turning their gaze on me. I let put a manly warcry as blast from their horns started firing towards me. In no way, shapr, or from did I let out a girlish scream as I rushed out the door. No, I took it all like a man with grunts and caual walking. Seriously it was the manly version.

hmm yes, nothing wrong with the beginning of this

Finally I calmed down, still wheezing a bit as I stood up and wiped the tear from my eye. "Oh now that was funny. I can see why ponies are great comedians." I stepped forward as I stood above the mob, looking down at them vefore slowly hardening my eyes into a glare. "To counter your points. My house travels through time so I actually did know Trixie sonce she was lityle, even dated her mom for a bit. Heck I evem tried making a herd with a few mares but we all agreed after the kids they had grew up we'd try again. Just need to go find em and start it. So those are the first two lies you covered. Also I'm not a pony so I can't be a good or horrible pony. So you claiming I am a horrible pony is just being speciest."

From "i actually did know trixie" to "i even dated her mom" is where there is an error

not a gnelf, not a gnoblin, but a gah gnome!" Color seemed to fade from her as she turned white as a sheet at the sight of me in my jeans, suspenders, and a flannel shirt.

And she's been gnomed!

Thank you for the comments and fixed those troubled spelling mistakes.

(reads description)
Reminds me of

(I cou;d've posted the first/third one instead, but I like this one more)

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