• Member Since 18th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen 12 hours ago


Tiki Enthusiast, Bat fan, writer



Could you imagine living forever, living out a life that you thought would never end, only to learn that indeed there is an end? Maybe it'd be a curse... or a paradise? To me it's been a mix of both, though I like to think it's all been good. After living so long it's hard to imagine what kind of things would you regret when you reach the end of the line. Would you be satisfied with a life well lived, or would you think back to the things you've taken for granted-- your life's solitary regrets?

I personally never thought I'd have to answer that question, but here I stand at the brink of that final breath... My thoughts filling with the many memories I've made over the years.

So, would you care to join me around the fire? Maybe listen to a tale or two from an old thestral? The fire'll be dying out soon and I'd hate to leave you in the dark all alone.

This is just a smaller disconnected one shot that touches on a character in an important moment in their life, with hints of stories that might be told in the future.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

Many insightful comments in this piece from a wise adventurer whose experiences are undoubtedly invaluable. It is a fantastic read, with small language errors, and the content still lingers in my reflecting mind. Hmm...I wonder whether that fire would rekindle again...

Thank you! He’s lived a very long life with many adventures, only time will tell if we’ll hear more of those...

A haunting and beautiful tale.

I’m glad you enjoyed it, this story was a labor of love in a time when I didn’t feel confident as a writer and it really makes me happy to hear that you liked it.

Have a review, I hope you find it helpful!

Can’t say it my usual style of fiction but it was heartwarming nonetheless. Could really feel the bittersweet of it.

Glad you enjoyed it, it was a lot of fun to write, and definitely different from my usual stuff

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