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Uplink Fourteen: Escape III

Connection reestablished




Auto shunt found
Designation: Cassius
Rank: Arch Magos
Location: Byzantium Captains Quarters

Uplink successful

+Sacred Designs+

“Status report.” Cassius ordered.

“The xenos shield domes have so far proven impervious to our blessed ordinance my lord.” The emerald projection of Thrane spoke, his voice coming from the servo skull that held his image.

“So far three have been observed, one in the xeno settlement closest to the landing sight. One around the capital. And one in the northern region. Aside from that all other settlements are seamingly undefended for the most part. Requesting access to use of Terrax assault drill, as well as higher grade ordinance, to deal with the domes.”

“Access Granted.” Cassius said without much thought. “What of the other non equine xenos species present on that world?”

”From what knowledge we have gathered, their was once some kind of empire uniting most of their world with this continent providing the only place free of influence.” Thrane began “However they have now crumbled into several smaller feuding territories seemingly just a short time before our arrival. Currently the Equis empire sits to be the most well organized of them. Though few seamed to have challenged their reign as of yet. Until our arrival of course.”

“Fascinating.” Said Cassius as he mentally added to look up this so recently destroyed empire after they had captured Twilight’s books.”Anything to add to your report?”

”Weeeeeellllll.” Deccius Thrane looked away seaminly unsure of himself. Most peculiar. ”The, fauna has been most... strange in recent days.”

“How strange?”

”Launching attacks. Not well thought out attacks, but several predator and prey species are working together to harass us simultaneously.”

“Most peculiar indeed.” Commented Cassius, try as he might he couldn’t think of a logical reason for the animals of Equis to behave in such a manner, unless...

“A psyker perhaps?”

Thrane nodded.

”Most likely though we have little evidence.”

“Assign Sub Dominus Attalade to the investigation at once.” The arch Magos ordered. “If it truly is a psyker of this capacity, than she is the most capable of handling it. Given her first hand experience with the xenos know as Eldar Exodites.”

Deccius Thrane nodded and Cassius could tell the Dominus was already informing her via their noospheric connection.

”Task completed, will their be anything else?”

“Am I in the right thing?”

Thrane was taken aback by his masters comment. The question almost didn’t even seam directed at him. He almost needed to ask him for clarification.

”I’m... sorry my lord?

“Apologies Dominus Thrane, it was just a slip of the tong.” Even though he didn’t have one.

”Of course my lord, whatever you say.”

The mood thoroughly awkward, Dominus Deccius Thrane cut the connection.


“Wake up.”

Rainbow Dash awoke still in the elevator being shaken by Sugar Dancer. She then noticed they had come to a stop, and the door in front was opened.

“How long was I out?” Dash asked.

The stallion shook his head.

“I have no idea, I awoke just mere moments ago and found our selves located in this abominable place, then roused you shortly hence.”

Dash blinked a few times rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

“At least you seam to be doing well enough to talk now.”


What had he said? Was this guy some kind of egg head? He barely talked earlier, so it was possible. His voice was still very scratchy though. she thought to herself. What is up with the change all of a sudden? At least she didn’t need to carry him.

Ahead of them was a hall way leading up to some spiraling stairs. However in contrast to the grimy red and black, warm iron of the facility. The hallway and stairs before them were made of stone and had lit torches on the walls. If she didn’t know any better, she would think that they were standing in the Castle of the Two Sisters, however their were some differences. For one the torches were far too high for a pony to reach without magic, and their was also the height of the stairs. Their were also stained glass windows lining the wall, much like the throne room in Canterlot.

With no branching paths, the two xenos make their way to the curved stairway. After a few steps they came upon the first stained glass window depicting a group of the hooded figures and giant colorful robot knights looking up to a swirling golden cloud in a red sky.

The next glass mural they saw depicting a figure in golden armor and a black mane standing in front of a golden city with the same hooded figures looking on. The flyer couldn’t help but compare the figure in some way to Celestia, given his obvious likeness to the sun.

Then the next window after that showed the figure shooting one of the giant knights in the leg with a beam of light, a circular x ray showing the inside of the knights knee and the silver circuitry within.

Another window showed them all bowing to the figure, now towering over them and sporting a set of mechanical wings with an even larger halo.

A little ways on was the largest window, taking up the space of two of the other windows. It showed the golden armored figure sitting on a throne of gold on a bed of wires and cables. To his left was another golden armored figure. Though his was less decorated and he wore a cone helmet with a red tuff of hair sticking out the top. However what was most striking was the golden figures face. Directly in the middle of the window, his head was now one of bone with half of it machine and a gear behind it. Was this the man who’s face was stamped all over this place? Though she didn’t have much context for the figure, not even knowing his name or even what had truly happened, Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but get a feeling of loss looking up at the window. Though as to why she couldn’t say. She hadn’t known this man, this was the first time she had seen him. Yet, those eyes, one black and cold the other red and hot. She turned away, they wouldn’t get anywhere if she just kept starting at a stain glass window.

The last window was strange, it didn’t follow the same pattern as the others, probably added later and felt tacked on by another artist. It showed one of the knights in greater detail, stomping and slashing at a floor made of something purple and black with many eyes and mouths, above him the half mechanical half bone sun radiated down upon the knight. Unlike the other ones message of loss, this one was meant to convey a message of duty and loyalty, even she could tell that it being her element and all.

After staring at the murals they went up the stairs, a few steps up their was a simple wooden door with well worn iron handle. Again Rainbow Dash wondered just what this place was. The stairs kept going up in a spiral, however when you saw a door like this, you just had to peak inside.

Pushing open the door, bright light spilled out into the dim hallway. The room was made of the same stone as the outside, the first thing she noticed was the giant horned skull hanging from the wall opposite her. The thing was probably big enough to eat a minotaur in one bite. The next thing she saw, was the alien in silky white robes sitting at the table at a table holding a gas of something red and smelling of grapes. He wasn’t made of metal like the others. Instead he was bald and pink, with the exception of short black hair coming from the top of his head, along with a goatee and mustache. Next she noticed the golden plugs and tattoos on his flesh. These weren’t the plugs of the stallion next to her though, grey and surrounded by scar irritated tissue. These had long since healed the flesh around them, and allowed the bits of metal to become part of the skin.

For a while the three of them just stared at one another. Not really entirely sure how to react to the site before them.

Then the alien broke the stand still by shrugging and offering the ponies glass of the red liquid. Dash shook her head then slowly backed away closing the door.

“So we’re just going to ignore that?” Asked Sugar Dancer.

Dash nodded.

The two made their way further up the tower. Their weren’t and more stained glass windows or normal windows for that matter. But eventually their was another door at the top. The stairs could take them no further so the to equines exited. In front of them was a sight that made their jaws drop.

The room was indeed the top of the tower as they had intended to reach. However it wasn’t open to the air. Instead a crystal dome surrounded the top of the tower. Inlaid into that dome were various gold and metal rings that criss crossed one another. Along the inside were lines and symbols acting as measuring points. Several magnifying glasses were also present. The craftsman ship in the dome must have taken years to master. Several gem encrusted cogs were also visible in the design, because of course they were. The design was perhaps the most beautiful sight Rainbow Dash has ever seen, seconded only by what lay beyond.

Below was a city, perhaps the largest city Rainbow Dash had ever seen, even Manehatten would look like a small country town by comparison. Even then, it wasn’t just the city it self, but the architecture. Manehatten had tall buildings sure, these were on another level. Instead of concerete and glass blocks, they built this place to resemble both a church and a factory. Sweeping flying buttresses, needle thin towers, mountain sized temples, gothic architecture, and all of it covered in lights and pipes. It was as though sompony took several Castle of the Two Sisters, kept building on top of them, then changed their mind and decided to make a factory instead, but instead of starting over, they just kept on going and going. The city of metal didn’t go on forever, it had a horizon that was closer than normal.

Beyond the edge was a never ending veil of stars. The rings in the dome magnifying certain points to appreciate the space in between. It was sublimely beautiful. The curtain of stars streaked across in waves of light surrounding the dark spiky city. The city was active in the dead of night, even from way up here she could make out silhouettes moving about.

But even that wasn’t the end. For far above them was an all to familiar green and blue ball. They weren’t beneath Equestria as she had originally thought. They were far far above it. The whole world lay in front of her in more detail than any pony made map could possibly replicate, she started to cry. Weather that was from the beauty or the terror would remain a mystery.

As Sugar Dancer chose that exact moment while she was distracted and her back turned on him to knock her out with a well placed hoof blow to the back of the head.

Her vision blurred and her head filled with fog, she blearily turned around, and received a second hoof strike to the face, then the world went sideways.

As darkness creeped around the edges of her vision, she saw the stallion she risked her life to save walk away from her unnoticed, then pressed a hoof to a device on the wall and began speaking into it.

The last thing she noticed was his eye. The one permanently clipped open was now glowing an emerald green....

Transmission Interrupted

Author's Note:

Question: Can Terraxs transport Kastellans?