• Member Since 19th Oct, 2019
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Creative Paradox


Hiya everyone I'm pinkiewise the dancing clown i wasn't always like this though i use to be human but i can't remember anything from before the Halloween festival but anyways when I got sent here after buying a puffy multicolored wig, glowing yellow eye contact's, and pinkie pie's cutie mark except the 3 balloons were different colors of red, yellow, and white but I was tuned into a pinkie filly version of pennywise and ended up on the rock farm were I was "adopted" and taken care of till I left with my sis pinkie pie the real one you see due to us looking similar they decided to give me a name similar to pinkie so here I am pinkiewise and thanks to me being the same thing as pennywise I have all sorts of crazy powers and I'm the town's most popular clown for all foals and fillies...but at night when everypony is asleep I come out and hunt down the more evil ponies and other creatures and feasts on them it turns out that the whole hibernation thing doesn't apply to me but once I fill up I don't have to feed for 27 years unless I want to

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 20 )

my feelings about this story

Why so many dislikes?

10010791 Because in the already overstuffed sub-genre of Displaced, this story seems to take a particular effort in being as riskless and boring as humanly possible.

This. Bad fics shouldn’t be rewarded with false praise.

Apart from an overdone premise, boring writing and god-awful grammar / spelling?

please do not

Great work keep it up

I don't get it, why ?
When I read it just a minute ago and it was pretty good.
Yea the over inflated displacement sub-genre is overused, but some Are good, some are bad. I put this story in a neutral area, because it wasn't as bad as some of the others. Plus I like the thought of a displasd pennywise. I haven't seen it before.
Sure maybe you read it before it was edited. But i don't think it should be condemned to die here.
To be neutral it has potential to be good even a great displacement story, which this sub-genre definitely needs.

So in light of my last comment, this for the author. Keep righting this story, again I love your concept of pinkiewise, and for a free tip read some of the bad displasd stories. So you can see what to avoid doing in your story. again it has great potential. I'll track this story and favorite it because I want to watch it grow.:pinkiesmile:

Well, this first chapter is nowhere near as bad as the story description, you really should look it over one more time, but I would say the story is off on a good start off on a good start at least for a beginner writer like you. And, despite the rush pacing of story, the second haft of the chapter your writing is remarkably gets better. Other then just keep practicing, the only issue I really see is that you tent to forget punctuation at times with gives a frantic speed to your story. You might want to try out Balabolka, a text to speech program that you can use to help proofread your writing. Good luck.

don't worry I'm trying to finish the 2nd chapter but I have writers block so I'm currently working on my other story

Hehe... Time To Float!

Hiya everyone I'm pinkiewise the dancing clown i wasn't always like this though i use to be human but i can't remember anything from before the Halloween festival but anyways when I got sent here after buying a puffy multicolored wig, glowing yellow eye contact's, and pinkie pie's cutie mark except the 3 balloons were different colors of red, yellow, and white but I was tuned into a pinkie filly version of pennywise and ended up on the rock farm were I was "adopted" and taken care of till I left with my sis pinkie pie the real one you see due to us looking similar they decided to give me a name similar to pinkie so here I am pinkiewise and thanks to me being the same thing as pennywise I have all sorts of crazy powers and I'm the town's most popular clown for all foals and fillies...but at night when everypony is asleep I come out and hunt down the more evil ponies and other creatures and feasts on them it turns out that the whole hibernation thing doesn't apply to me but once I fill up I don't have to feed for 27 years unless I want to

Author...punctuation is your friend.

Dang this was a good fic after the edit. you did a good job sure it was canceled, but hay hopefully the concept of a pennywise displacement fic won't die. if I wasn't bad at wrighting I would continue this for you but my literature skills lack to my reading skills... hope you do well, and to anyone (or any creature) out there, point me to some other good displacement or rgre fics my hunger to read some good fics is coming up. Any help will be much obliged. Thanks

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