• Member Since 7th Jan, 2019
  • offline last seen Nov 1st, 2023


Hello, Leon Davies here, also known as TheLeondude or just Leondude. Animator, voice actor, writer, autistic British egomaniac, Dark Lord of the Sith etc.



Hey there, stranger. Ever wondered what went on in Cozy Glow's little old head? What made her the way she is? And what happened to her parents? We never saw her parents so it would be nice to know what they were like. Well, sit back and I'll tell you.

Shining Facade, well-renowned entrepreneur and actor, was expecting a baby with his darling wife. What he wasn't expecting was for it to be a pegasus. Things just go downhill from here.

Chapters (26)
Comments ( 78 )

Why isn't there a tragedy tag?

Interesting. I wonder where this will go.

Because I'm not sure how tragic it is going to be. I'd probably add it when I continue the story.

Why do I get the feeling Shining Facade's going to die in some horrible karmic fashion?

Wow, I do not like cozy’s dad at all

Yeah, he is not a nice pony. Easy to see how Cozy became the way she is.

Wow. Shining Facade doesn't seem too pleasant.

...I feel disaster on the horizon.

Okay this has definitely begun to capture my interest. It makes me worry though what happens to Brocade to let her foal go to Tartarus, since it looks you're taking this story down a darker path than the usual family drama.

I don’t know, Jim Carrey as the Grinch said “Oh the Whomanity!!” So... yeah I think that acceptable

Oh yeah. That Dark tag isn't for show, I promise you that. Though, you're probably going to have to wait a long while until you get some answers. :twilightsmile:

That's fine I am good with waiting.

Oh I love this stuff

I think the term for all ponies would either be "equinity" or "ponykind".

Interesting. There's a huge block of text near the end where you might want to start breaking sentences up according to sequences of events. It'll make the chapter easier to read. It starts when they come home and Cozy Glow starts giggling? Also might be able to apply it to when Facade takes his walk around town; although that's a little easier to read and thus, proberbly wouldn't require as much editing anyway.

That was such a terrifying experience for Cozy's parents. I can't imagine if this story was using a reference from Stephen King's "The Shinning."


Yeah, I did kinda use that bit from The Shining as inspiration

Heh. The Shining. Shining Facade. I crack myself up. :rainbowlaugh:

Facade finally got what he deserved.

Only a small piece of what's coming to him. The rest is going to be quite the doozy.

I only hope Cozy doesn't isn't too messed up by all this...

It IS supposed to be Cozy’s origin story, so she probably will.


She's already desensitized to the abuse her mother had suffered at Facade's hooves so she's probably going to be more messed up as the story goes on.

The fact that Discord indirectly stood up for Cozy Glow, but couldn’t stop what she would become is simultaneously awesome, sad, and slightly annoying all at once.

[BEEP]. He’s gonna corrupt her, isn’t he?!

I’m accepting this as Cozy’s canon origin, this is too good!


Figured it would have been more than an abusive childhood to warp Cozy into the psychopath she became in canon. So I added genetics (courtesy of her father being psychopathic as well) and being there when Discord betrayed everypony to Tirek.

I'm suprised he didn't represent himself XD

Either way, his sentence didn't last very long because he's still hanging out with Fluttershy is season 5.

I am just going to go ahead and guess Celestia had a hand in arranging that.

Nice, but I don’t understand what you mean.

Well, even if Cozy was dissatisfied with how Tirek got defeated the first time around, we all know they're going to team up eventually.

And yes, I do question what Lion Dude is doing in a fic that is more serious than my usual fare. Even if his name is never uttered, readers that are familiar with my work (and my profile pic) can tell that the pony Dr. Headlove caught stalking Twilight was the same pony from Chapter 12 vouching for Discord.

I thought a comedic self-insert OC would be out of place in a fic that's more serious than the stories he appeared in beforehand but I decided to add him in any way. Dunno why, though.

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ESpike's totally not creepy obsession with Fluttercord
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TThat time my OC got turned into a waifu
A drug-abusing, morally ambiguous unicorn stallion gets transported into another world and turned into a very attractive human female. He has mixed feelings about this but would rather go back home.
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EStarlight Does Not Take Criticism Well
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EDash Clash
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"That's it?" Cozy asked in disappointment, "For a guy that teamed up with Discord, I thought he'd put up more of a fight."

Ah we are starting see Cozy's critical side come out now. Brilliant line by the way.

Let me guess: Cozy kills her own parents.

So now we’re shifting more and more to Cozy’s perspective. Awesome!

Might as well since Cozy's about the same age as she is in canon, give or take a few months.

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