• Member Since 25th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen May 19th


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Part of the Cozy Hero continuity.

Cozy Glow awakens from her stone prison to find herself in the care of a strange, taciturn stallion. She soon discovers that the world has changed significantly from what she remembered, and not for the better.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 145 )

This is certainly intrigueing. I wonder if the outside danger is due to Twilight and co. messing up or something that came after they died of old age.

As I stood up and rubbed my rump, I opened my eyes and saw a grey-coated unicorn stallion with a black mane and a dark red cloak looking down at me. He looked... bored?


Only issue is Twilight would still be alive

Cozy would recognize Sombra, and he had red eyes. Plus a lot of other distinguishing features. Also, a cape, not a cloak.

woah did not see this coming

better throw some mystery on those tags cause I'm wondering wtf happened.

I mean it would've been powerful to take out alicorns and if that stallion freed cozy_glow what about tirek and chrysalis who were in the statue state with her.

The basic guess on them is that this stallion killed them, but that would mean he's more powerful than he appears.

... the fuck.

I just... excuse my in ineloquence as I have just awoken and am using my phone, but everything is ominous as shit. Like, the whole thing is weird and creepy. Home dude might actually be a decent person, just kind of detached and a poor speaker, but right now this whole scenario is at least mildly creepy.

And this is why they should have just let Cozy take over. Obviously none of this would have happenned under her rule.

... I think I need to lay down.

Oof. Just fucking oof, laddie.

So everyone is a jerk with a bit of a Cozy mentality. I wouldn't be surprised if this was some sort of magical simulation made to teach Cozy the error of her ways or something.

at first i was wondering how is the detail so good yet have a fast pace and update rate, and i see that it's cause you are also the one behind "the hero cozy glow"

what if it was the destruction/development of the everfree that did this?

Once I'd shaken off my fatigue enough to remember passing out, and vaguely remember being carried back and tucked in, I set back out. I was determined to understand this freaky future I'd found myself in and do something with it , and that meant finding ponies who didn't know who I was, that I could manipulate and spoke without shrugging for five whole apple-picking minutes!


Seriously, who's in charge of this wreck?! This is completely unprofessional!

Is it bad that the villain has higher standards than most civic governments in the US? Are we living in the darkest timeline?

Why doesn't anypony... care?

Oh no, is Equestria in the darkest timeline?

I rubbed my head to work down the growing headache, and decided to just leave it for tomorrow (presuming it was even 'night' right now). The last thing I thought as I fell to sleep was how lonely everything here felt.

Wow. I mean, I get the dark irony that Cozy is partially just frustrated that ponies are wise to her shit... but shit, I feel for how shitty things are here in general.

not really cozy mentality, just selfish. if they were like cozy they would do a way better job hiding their true emotions and intents.

Oof, jeez Louise that was a painful convo to witness. (In a good way)

Cozy sure isn't going to handle living here well if that panic attack is any indication.

Does she still have the ability to fly? (I might've missed a casual "she flew ____” sentence in the past because I wasn't thinking about it until now)

Looking forward to seeing where this thought experiment goes next!

Comment posted by SoloBrony deleted Jan 8th, 2020

You know, I really appreciate this compliment. I basically just write out first drafts and post them up here, and it's always nice to hear my work comes out well on first pass like that. I'm glad people like it.

I love how Cozy simultaniously acts like a little brat and an angry philosopher at the same time. That panick attack was also very intense, it wouldn't surprise me if her defeat left her somewhat traumatized. Either that or she isn't as free from stone as it may seem.

She does indeed fly several times. The caretaker also says 'another pegasus that can fly' for this reason.

Glad to hear you're interested. This chapter is, I think, where we'll see who gets this story and who doesn't, really, so I was concerned as to how it would come across. Though I felt like I really nailed the tone I was going for.

"A little brat and an angry philosopher at the same time", oh my god, what a perfect description of what I was going for.

The panic attack was based off of one I had, though I actually toned it down for the story a bit. Mine was likely tied into medical issues I had at that time (living conditions, nutrition), as well as trauma.

Magic that died... who did that happen? Could it be that the endless peace in Equestria that killed the magic? I mean they're lived in peace for so long, danger and disasters died and they lost they're reason to survive. Friendship cost the future of Equestria. Perhaps that scene in the season 7 finale is the reason, not the lack of Twilight and her friends.

Welp, my expectation were certainly subverted, in a good way, of course. I didn't expect the queen to actually be kinda likeable and it's interesting how Cozy's slowly seeing the error of her own ways by being around so many others like her. Can't wait to see how dinner goes, hopefully the caretaker won't get worried.

I must say it's a very interesting setup and timeline. Can't wait for more!

Oh hey, fancy seeing you here from my other Cozy story! I'm glad to see you're reading both.

Cozy trying to reform herself... At least she already has two friends who could help her.

my theory for how this happened:

Fluttershy died of old age, discord bailed on equestria so the balance between order and chaos went out of sync which recoiled hard onto the land. A magical artifact bond itself to Cozy glow for some reason which I'm guessing takes the place of a stallion.

Making a griffon plushie was quite fitting considering how these ponies act like typical griffons before the Griffonstone episode.

vito #26 · Jan 8th, 2020 · · · Poison ·

Damn, poor Cozy, poor queen and the whole timeline. Somehow it reminds me of an episode "Speed Demon" from PPG.

I find it funny because I read this chapter and I immediately sped off to find a pithy Ayn Rand quote to tag onto this argument because her ideas seemed thematically on point for this debate, but alas, I could not find one on the nose enough to warrant it. Honestly, both sides have shades of her positions, with Cozy up-taking her thesis that rampant exploitation of others degrades society and renders any gains null ultimately provoking a kind of materialistic karma, whereas the caretaker has shades of her position that the tyrant who rules to maintain his own power is as much as slave as his victims, forced into a Sisyphean effort of maintaining his power against the inexorable reality that he is just a very gaudy bandit.

Angry philosophers indeed, as asdtroi put it.

Aside from that bit of intellectual pattern matching, I found it interesting that Cozy struggles so deeply with trying to differentiate her desires with what's before her. She clearly feels a difference but cannot articulate it, and I find that surprising. She had to know she would cause chaos and misery, but perhaps she didn't realize it would or could get this bad and is now trying to intellectually outrun the inevitable self-hatred.

Heh, it's almost like she's been forced to look into a mirror.

This chapter makes me realize Cozy Glow is kind of like an anti-version of Machiavelli. Both cynical and pragmatic at times, but Cozy believes one must do whatever it takes to be loved, rather than feared.

Even the villains suck in this era.

Oof. I feel this one.

"D-don't tell anypony, but I tried to make things better. What's the point otherwise, right? Everything else gets boring. Parties get boring. B-but ponies take advantage when you're nice to them. It's just another opening. A weakness."

I realized I did this gag already on another story of yours, but:

And honestly, maybe it was just the fact that it could have easily been me up there, but the whole idea of her situation just hurt me.

See previous pithy reaction.

God this sucks.

Ah, to feel safe and known at the same time. A wonderful drug, that.

This chapter was surprisingly uplifting.

I think it’s similar. I think friendship destroyed Equestria. It would make an awesome twist.

I can't be the only one who suspects that this is Some kind of elaborate dream that Luna or Discord has put into Cozy's mind while she's in statue form, right?

I just stared at her, partially lidded, bored. It wasn't because I didn't care; it was just that I was watching everything I cared about and I had managed to build fall apart in front of me, and I couldn't muster the energy to fight it.

... sigh.

Man. This is real triggered hours here.

What was there to care about?

I admit, you had me going in the first half, not gonna lie.

I really didn't expect things to blow apart so dramatically and so quickly. I do feel for Queen Meanie here; she's a scared child who stole power as a means of protecting her family, and for the first time since then she had someone to just live with and be a kid. Then she dumped it all away in a fit of paranoia.

Maybe she can fix things with Cozy... but god, something in me doubts it. Jesus christ.

... sigh. Look, I'm just gonna be honest and straight up say this reads like stuff that goes through my head more often than I care to admit. Almost every sub-point calls back to something I've thought or felt in the last few months. I'm not upset or triggered, having it all laid out in plain text is much less troubling than letting the implication hang. Nothing much for it, but here we are.

I am interested to see where this is going, though. We've hit a turning point, I think. So, let us see what path we've landed on.


I've considered this, especially since such magic is explicitly existent in Equestria (see: Sombra), but... I don't know, I worry it would cheapen this for it to be true. There is something to be said for all of our experience of existence being a simulation of reality, so what's a hypothetical one to the actual one... but, there's a inherent gut feeling that the real is the real, and I worry the debate over that would take energy away from the main point the story is driving for.

On the other hand Solo has sold me on dumber concepts, so.

Either way, I am curious for more.

10025391 I just want to believe Cozy can actually live in a decent world, I guess. I feel like if this is real, even if she did really reform and put in decades of effort with the Queen, the place would still be a crap-hole. That and the caretaker has so much knowledge of everything that Cozy has ever done, stuff that seems like it would not be recorded for the history books.

This quote is almost unbearably ironic in retrospect.

Pretty much. Good connection!

I avoided the mystery tag because I didn't really feel like the situation was mysterious or engrossing enough to warrant it, but I'm glad to see it's captured your interest like that.

That is truly sad if that is the reason.


You son of a bitch.

You son of a bitch.

You - argh! Argh!

It was wonderful, the conclusion was touching but I still can't believe you.

Take my fave and go home you ratfuck bastard.

Little Cozy certainly has a way with words, doesn't she? Poor kid.

Merry motherfucking Christmas.

Hm. I'd raise "glory" as a potential point to having power and being loved. "Gaze upon my magnificence, upon the multitudes that thrive by my power and will, and then bow to me and know I am great." Glory may be found through pure martial oppression, but even more in the cheers of one's subjects. It's also not found in purely covert power; subterfuge may be used to build up a base, but glory isn't gained until people know who's ruling them. (Or are convinced. It's also possible to have a bright but thin layer of glory over little actual power, though that is of course fragile.)
A number of versions (not all, of course) of Nightmare Moon can be interpreted as having glory as their objective; if her subjects don't love her/her night, whatever power she has is either a failure or an ongoing means to a not-yet-obtained end.

Then again, even though that's a potential motivation, perhaps it isn't behind Cozy Glow's actions here.

After the first chapter I had a feeling the caretaker was this guy, but I quickly dismissed it, funny how that works. This is also a very interesting way to help Cozy with her problems. Great story all around.

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it. It took a lot out of me.

I suspected something with an alternate or simulated world as part of a reformation attempt was up, but I didn't correctly guess what. :)

re the author's note:
Oh, huh; neat. :D

...Hm. One thing:
"you said this timeline was lost"
Didn't he actually say that the hero timeline was lost?

Ah, sorry it was difficult to write.

"W-well... In this world, Cozy Glow succeeded. She had a backup plan in case she, Tirek, and Chrysalis were defeated; she wiped out all magic from Equestria, except for a scepter she had hidden away, and she used it to take over."

God damn it! I thought the grim future was because of Friendship. Why does everyone want Friendship to be only good? There is evil in friendship, I mean look at Tirek, Chrysalis & Cozy.

That's actually a really complex topic. There is inherent good in friendship and harmony, or justice, but you aren't wrong that friendship doesn't just magically wave away all evil, nor is there some prohibition on malicious folks feeling sincere affection for each other and forming opposing groups.

There's a reason it doesn't come up often, though. For that matter, there's a reason villainous people tend to be irrational in real life. I'm not sure you really want the full philosophical rundown of all that, though. In any case, while friendship as a concept plays an important role in this story, it's not the focus or theme, here. This was more about loneliness, self-hatred, and a sense of hopelessness and lack of purpose. You brought some of your own ideas in that just weren't part of the theme. I hope it didn't ruin your enjoyment of the story.

Both timelines are lost; possibilities that never came to pass. The 'canon' timeline is the one in the show.

Yeah, this story dug into a lot of nastiness for me. That's part of why I never tagged it mystery; while I don't rush to explain why things are the way they are in the story, the mysterious elements aren't the real point of the story. The way Cozy feels about and talks about things is the real point, here.

No, I was interested in it and thought of probabilities of my own. I wanted some that don’t sugarcoat the possibility that friendship can be responsible for a dark future, a future where it cost them their magic because of peace. I mean what if endless peace makes anyone lose their reason to live their life when they have nothing to fight for or their dreams are now worthless? That’s my P.O.V., I want to inspire more possibilities. I could type them but don’t want to write about the Mane 6 or the other cast. I want my OC to be the star.

People in countries at peace find new things to strive for. Once survival is no longer the immediate concern, people are free to put their entire effort into self-actualization; research, invention, theory crafting, gaming, poetry, painting, music, dancing, even literature ;)

The fight for survival is not what gives us meaning in life. Everyone has to find their own purpose. That being said, if you really want a story that digs deep into the idea that complacency breeds corruption, I suggest the Foundation series by Isaac Asimov, which really deep-dives that concept.

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