• Published 22nd Jan 2020
  • 2,568 Views, 349 Comments

Never Alone - SoloBrony

It's time for Cozy Glow to get back out in the real world and figure out where she fits into Equestria. She's tried superheroics, supervillainy, and accidentally destroyed the world; now she has to try being normal. Yeah, probably not.

  • ...

An Empty Heart

I chased after Cozy and Bree as quickly as my hooves would take me, terror working its way through my spine.

Her wingtips, they turned black! I've got to stop her before fear and hatred take her over completely!

I heard shouting up ahead, and put on a burst of speed. I saw Starlight teleport into existence next to Bree just before a roar shook the ground, making me panic for a moment that a monster had found us before I realized what had happened.

That was Cozy?!

The ground erupted into black crystal in a shockwave out from the filly, smacking right into Bree and Starlight and sending them sprawling. I barely caught a glimpse of Cozy before she took off further into the woods.

One of her eyes, now, too?!

"Starlight! Are you okay?!"

I arced my path around Bree, who seemed thoroughly stunned by the impact of the blunt crystal pillar, and found Starlight sitting on the grass, groaning and rubbing her horn.

A horn that had tiny black crystals sprouting out of it, causing me to stop short and gasp.

"Starlight, your horn—!"

"I know, Sunset!" Starlight grunted as she stood up, still rubbing her horn, and she winced. "Ouch! That really stings! Cozy sure doesn't fool around when she's angry."

I grimaced, both out of sympathy and concern. "I don't think she even realized you were there, Starlight. Did you see her right eye?"

Starlight rolled her eyes, still rubbing her horn. "I barely had a second to get my bearings before the spell hit. Why? Was something wrong with it?"

"It had turned black. I don't think it was seeing... anything real. I think she's seeing her worst fears alongside the real world. That's... my best guess, anyway."

Starlight sighed. "Greeeeaaaat. So we've got a miniature Sombra running around who's not even fully aware of what she's doing. Well, I'll go make sure Luna knows what's going on; do you think you can get to Twilight and get the element-bearers together? We can't risk Cozy going on a rampage."

I recoiled in horror. "Starlight, she's not rampaging, she's terrified! We can't just fix this by attacking her, she'd never trust us again!"

Starlight winced, whether from what I said or from her horn I wasn't sure. "I understand that, Sunset, but do you think she'd forgive herself if we let her hurt anypony? We should have everypony here just in case."

I clenched my teeth. What's she saying makes sense on the face of it, but Cozy's not our enemy, she's just scared out of her mind! And who could blame her?

I took a deep breath and tried to remind myself that Starlight hadn't seen even the glimpse I had of Cozy's mind; all she knew was that the filly had a dark past. It was something else to experience it first-hoof.

"Starlight, I understand your thinking. And I do think getting Luna is a good idea. But we can't treat this like a fight, you understand?"

Starlight nodded sheepishly. "I get it, Sunset. The elements are just for a last resort, okay?"

I did my best to rein in the urge to growl at the other mare. "A last resort. Fine. I'm going to find Cozy and try to help her; I'll cast a homing spell so you and Luna can find me."

I suddenly felt a hoof on my haunch. I glanced back to see Bree glaring daggers at me.

"Excuse you, who said you get to decide what's best for my daughter?"

I opened my mouth to reply, but I lit up my horn to remove her hoof, and as soon as I did so I fell into a world of memories.

Snippets, impressions, moments in time flooded past me, too quickly to focus on any one. The harder I tried to slow down the process, the more confused I felt.

Luna described something like this while searching memories. She said... focus on the shape of the stream itself.

I tried to draw my senses back, outward, to understand the general pattern of events rather than any specific memory.

What I saw made me sick.

I snapped back to reality, only to fold my ears from the mare shouting in my face.


I snapped her muzzle shut with my magic, and, drawing on something Starlight had shown me, I conjured up a crystal barrier from under Bree, encasing her in a rock-solid prison up to the hips.

I had to suppress a snicker as she gawped at what I'd done and flailed, screaming at me. "WHAT IN EQUESTRIA DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?! LET ME GO THIS INSTANT!"

I turned on my rear hoof and started walking into the woods. Starlight fell in beside me, looking at me like I'd gone crazy.

"Sunset?! What was that all about?!"

I shrugged, still trying to fight down the urge to retch from what I'd seen. "It seemed better than what I wanted to do to her."

Starlight glanced back at Bree, still screaming and flailing behind us, and back to me. "What did you see? I've never seen you so..."

I scoffed. "Callous? Angry? Evil?"

Starlight balked, looking more confused than anything. "No, uh... serious, I guess. I know you wouldn't do something like that without good reason, so... could you clue me in, maybe?"

I snorted. "So you can ignore what I tell you again?"

Starlight winced, and I immediately regretted what I'd said, reaching out and putting a hoof on her shoulder as I spoke. "Sorry. That was uncalled-for. I'm just really freaked out right now, worried about Cozy, and seeing in Bree's head just made it a lot worse."

Starlight nodded grimly. "I understand. Just don't leave me in the dark, okay? I didn't mean to brush off your warning before, but just telling me some filly had a bad childhood is... well, it's kinda vague, and could mean all sorts of things! I mean, not to be a jerk, but Cozy is not your average filly. What she's upset about could have been totally normal behavior."

I sighed, rubbing my head. "If it had been, I'd have mentioned that. Sorry, I've spent so long working closely with Luna and Discord that I've gotten used to them understanding my spell. I guess it's easy to forget not everypony does. What I saw in Bree was... well, it was really different from anything else I've come across."

Starlight seemed nonplussed, but I wasn't sure how to continue. She lifted a hoof and made a 'go on' gesture while saying, "So, did she, like... yell at Cozy all the time, or what?"

I groaned. "It's so much more than that. When she first had kids, she wasn't sure how to deal with them. Her husband was almost never around, and she couldn't handle the stress. It got to the point where, when the kids were misbehaving, she would just... start hitting them."

Starlight winced. "You mean, spanking them, or...?"

"It started off like that. Not great, but not, like, out there. But it became a habit. Eventually she started screaming at them or hitting them whenever they did something that bothered her, whether they were really being bad or not. If they woke her up, or made too much noise..."

Starlight grimaced, looking forward as we walked. "I've heard of parents like that, but would that really lead to all of this?"

I shrugged, trying to suppress the urge to gag. "There's a lot more. She did a lot of other awful stuff. Tying them up, starving them sometimes... but the really bad part isn't even all of that."

Starlight gawped at me. "She did what? What kind of parent does that?"

I shuddered a bit. "That's just it. At first, she hated herself for hurting them. But, over time, as it became a habit... she just stopped caring. About any of them, at all. She still tells herself she loves them, but her heart is just... empty. She thinks of them more like property than people, and she's upset somepony took her property. She's upset she looks incompetent. Feels like she's the victim. But the only pony she actually cares about is herself."

Starlight glanced back at the struggling mare, only barely visible through the trees at this point. "That's... I don't know what to say to that. What do we do with her?"

I shrugged. "I don't care. Keep her here. She can't be allowed anywhere near Cozy again, that much is obvious." I set off a flare with my horn, watching it arc up and over the forest. "There, that ought to serve as a beacon, and I keyed it to Luna's dreams; she'll come running. I want you to fill her in when she gets here."

Starlight nodded hurriedly. "And here I thought I'd have to double-back and run all the way back to her house. Okay... are you sure you'll be okay with Cozy by yourself? You saw yourself, she's kind of... well, snapped."

I gave her a flat look, but she just held her frank stare, and I sighed. "It's a chance I'm willing to take. Somepony did for me, once."

Starlight stopped and watched me make my way further into the woods, tracking the damage Cozy's magic and reckless flight had caused. "She'd be proud to see you now, Sunset."

I guess we'll see if I deserve it when I find Cozy.

Author's Note:

Starlight's bluntness is unconditional.