• Member Since 12th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Kris Overstreet

Convention vendor, compulsive writer. I have a Patreon for monthly bills and a KoFi for tips.


Shining Armor gets the bestest anniversary gift from Cadance- a weekend pass to a Daring Do convention in Baltimare! But when he finally meets famous author A. K. Yearling in person, something seems a bit... off... about her. Can Shining Armor save her from a hundred-foot-long desert serpent in search of revenge?

SECOND PLACE winner in the Season 10 Bingo challenge!

Part of the Remember Fort Libris print anthology, thanks to our Kickstarter supporters!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 26 )

Well that was pretty alright! Best of luck in the contest!

This was a very creative use of the (challenging) prompt given. Everything fits in well.

I enjoyed the build-up to when it's revealed that A.K. Yearling is from the human world, like the little detail where she misspeaks and uses the word "woman". It feels quite light-hearted even when the characters are in a lot of danger. Not sure how I feel about the OC monster (I was kind of expecting a canon character like Steven Magnet or Ahuizotl), but I guess you're a...fan of Egyptian mythology?

I enjoyed this bingo story. :pinkiehappy: Best of luck in the judging.

10106745 I'm not particularly a fan of Eygptian myth, no, but I wanted a mythical monster or god that hadn't yet been used in the show. I also wanted to tie the sun in somehow, referring to Twilight being the new ruler of Equestria. Ahuizotl and the tatzlwurm, for example, surprised me when I learned they were based on pre-existing myth and not made up for the show. Apep is a continuation in that vein... although the actual legendary Apophis was, I repeat, NOT childlike or polite. (One writeup I saw describes Apophis as "more evil than Satan". But that wouldn't fit in for the tone of a hypothetical S10 episode.)

"And now you tell me I've got to throw it out and start again so I can wedge in Apep as a surplus baddie! With this tragic twist ending about how Apep just wants to meet his old foe in battle one last time? Do you know how hackneyed that is?"

Welp, looks like even Daring Do sometimes has to contend with the fact that her adventures are real. :rainbowlaugh:

Cool story. Feels like it could easily be an actual episode!

I do question the pic of Shining Armour that was used in the prompt, though. Why's the dude an alicorn? :rainbowhuh:

10106777 I didn't make the prompt, I only followed it. (And not in that particular detail.)

Oh yes, I'm aware that the prompt's not made by the authors.

Sorry, I should've been clearer in wondering why that pic was selected by the contest to represent Shining.

Excellent. :D

"With my teeth??"
"Well, what else? We're not unicorns, you know."

... Oh my goodness. Daring called in her human analogue, didn't she?

This is Con-Venture's first year as a four-day event, so it'll probably be lightly attended.

As long as it's not also the last Con-Venture. And they didn't book half as much space as last year.

I do love the idea of Twilight Velvet's adrenaline junkie habits developing from editing Daring Do novels.

:rainbowlaugh: I will never get tired of humans struggling to horse, or vice versa.

"If you're going to continue to participate in the convention," the staffer pony continued, voice cracking midway through the sentence, "I have to ask that you go to registration and get a badge. It's not fair to the other attendees otherwise."

Okay, that guy is not getting paid enough. And if he's a volunteer, he deserves a freaking medal.



"I outsold you by that much, did I?" Martingale purred, teeth gleaming through his beard.

:rainbowlaugh: Actually making human Caballeron George R. R. Martin is fantastic as is, but that reaction is the cherry on top.

"Now, where was I... oh yes. SURRENDER, DARING DO!"
"Never!" Shining shouted.
"I'm not talking to you," the snake said petulantly.

"Sorry, I couldn't tell if there was a comma."

The single biggest problem he'd had when he was captain of the royal guard was getting the guard to perceive a threat as still being a threat if it went more than five minutes without actually hurting somepony.

This is far too believable.

It really says something that freaking Apep, serpent of chaos and darkness, is more believable as a sympathetic character than Ahuizotl. In any case, fantastic work from start to finish, working in one of my favorite narrative devices. Thank you for a great read, and best of luck in the judging.

10107500 Well, with Apep I wasn't working against prior appearances demonstrating clear destructive and malevolent intent. (Besides, Season 9 made Ahuizotl emphatically non-available for the heavy here.)

This is good. This is very good. Any well-done mythology reference is okay in my book.


You've read Spectrum of Lightning, right?

I've always thought Twilight Velvet could have had a young-mare's history that would probably stun Rainbow Dash with sheer awesome, if they wrote it in. Daring's sidekick. An Agent of S.M.I.L.E. or any ol' Canterlotian Kindness Cabal you could imagine.

Hah, that was a nice little read.

Okay, bronies, start the chant!

"See-QUEL! See-QUEL!" :derpytongue2:

Weird story but that’s story bingo for you.

That said, I’ve never been to Bronycon but I have been to Otakon in Baltimore so those references in a MLP story always get me.

I enjoyed this very much! This was a lot of fun. I need to read more fics like this.
Yes, you really did capture the feeling of the show - this feels very much like an actual epiosde in a hypothetical season 10.

Damn, for a random plot generator, this was a fantastically fun story!

Sequel! :yay:

This was great! Apep seems less like a force of evil than of chaos and darkness, from what I've read of Egyptian mythologies (plural because things changed a lot in the very long history of ancient Egypt). A ponyverse Apep could well be as you've described him here, or perhaps something like a more serpentine and gothic version of Discord.

Kris you have wrote another great story. I wish this was an episode. Apep as a person who only wanted to find his friend and battle again. Such a clever character. I do hope you put some thought into a sequel to this.
Thanks for a great story I can read to my daughter.
I hope you win the contest.

Great story, I love it. Captured the feel of the show, very true to the characters, and a fun story in every respect. And dang I wish Apep was canon.

Take all my upvotes for this great entry.
Best of luck to you =^_^=

This was epic and funny as fuck my bro

This was a hella fun romp! Thanks for writing it!

This was delightful! Many thanks! I particularly like the arc of Apep: some nonspecific mention of Apep, then the ferocious snake appearing, more about Apep, the snake responds in a really funny way to the convention-goers, the snake is revealed to be Apep, the snake gets treated thoroughly hilariously by kids, the snake grabs a cosplay accessory and gets thoroughly told off for it... Really funny :twilightsmile:

That was excellent!

Grewt story. The taking proof serious was a nice build up

This really had the feel of a legit episode. I honestly thought it was RDin disguise at first , then the woman comment popped up and I had to laugh. Apep was a great villain. You could always write a Daring Do novel with him as the villain and I would read it.

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