• Published 8th Mar 2020
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After Death, Creation - TheOnlySaneDraconequus

After dying one night, I find myself elevated to semi-Divine status and given a tiny universe to do what I want with. I decide to create a version of Equestria, among other worlds. Not sure how it'll all end, but I'm enjoying myself!

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"That must have been one heck of a year..."

Content Warning: Teenage Discord gets "The Talk," but nothing explicit is discussed. Also, all cannon characters are horrifically OOC. :facehoof:

“Can we go somewhere today?” Discord pleaded.

You just have to stay a few more days, and then we can go anywhere, you pick! I replied, writing as I spoke.

“But why can’t I leave the house?”

You can leave the house, just not the dimension. You can shape the dimension in any way you want, so, you could create an outside to tide you over. The reason you need to stay here is that you were created here, and you need to absorb the energy from this place. This is the most chaotic place in the universe, you need to soak up the chaos so you can use it. You’ll also have to return here periodically when you grow older, about once every 50-100 years, just for a day.

“But why?”

You’re mostly made of magic, if you don’t soak up chaos magic on a regular long-term basis, you’ll fade away. I know it doesn’t seem fair now, but once we’re outside, you’ll see.

Discord had formed as a young adult, with a full vocabulary, but he still had a very childlike way of seeing the world. That’s dangerous when you look like a kid, if you look grown, and if you look like a monster…. I was worried that’s what ponies would see him as. He had so much potential, for good or for ill.

He looked slightly different than on the show. His mane and eyebrows were black, and his eyebrows were less bushy. He was missing his goatee; it hadn’t grown in yet. If I had to guess, I’d say he looked about eighteen.

A demigod (I didn’t know what other term to use) who had unspeakable power at his fingertips and didn’t understand the basics of the world around him was a time bomb. I was hoping I could prepare him for whatever came. I knew that on the show Discord was a bit of a raging narcissist, but I think it was because he was really very insecure. I’d be damned if my son hated himself. Although it would also be better if he saw “mortals” as more than playthings. It was going to be an interesting road ahead.

“I’m bored!” Discord whined pitifully.

I sighed and closed my journal. What do you want to do?

“Anything but just float around!”

I nodded and pulled a piano out of thin air. Right! I’m going to teach you how to play piano!

“Why piano?”

I shrugged. Because once you master the basics, you can then recombine them into ever new and exciting forms. You can play the same song thousands of different ways, and even turn pure chaos into music. … Not that I’ve gotten that far. I can play, but I’m not exactly a concert pianist or a composer. I have a feeling you’re going to quickly outpace me, I deadpanned. I grinned wickedly. We can start with that, or with knitting

“Piano’s fine!” Discord said.

I chuckled. Someday I’ll teach you the stallionly art of knitting! And it will be glorious! But … for now…

I was only half surprised when Discord picked up the piano supernaturally quickly. By the end of a lengthy afternoon he was plunking out basic pieces, although I’d never heard “Hot Cross Buns” played on the piano sound so metal.

Discord sighed. “That was amusing, but it’s so … orderly. It’s all math,” he said glumly.

Math can be … satisfying…

Discord snorted. “But it can never be chaotic. Not unless somehow things change enough for two plus two to equal fish,” he said, fish raining down in the room before disappearing.

Nicely done! I complimented.

He grinned eagerly, drinking up the praise.

Does something have to be chaotic to be worthy of your attention?

He stared at me in confusion. “I am chaos, you said so yourself!”

Yes, you are. But that doesn’t have to be all that you are.

“I don’t understand,” he said, looking at me in confusion.

No. One day, I hope. You’re still young, I forget that. I hummed quietly as I thought. Would you like to watch a movie?

“Can it be about humans?” Discord asked with a grin.

I don’t have any other kind. Well … I do, but… I chuckled. Yes.

True to my word, Discord was soon able to leave the house in the Chaos Realm. He glanced back at it. Like I said, that place is yours to do with what you will. Maybe if you redesign it, you could even live there.

“Maybe,” Discord replied. “Could I live with you while I figure things out?”

I beamed. I’d be flattered! I’ll make up a room for you to decorate any way you want. I’ve got a lot I’ll think you’ll enjoy. When or if you come back here, you could always make your very own Chaosville, I said with a grin. It could be amazing. Keep in mind that if you reach 2,500 and you’re still living in my basement, I’m kicking you out into the harsh, unforgiving world…

Joke, I said, noticing Discord’s expression. I’ll explain it.

I’d never really considered what I’d be like as a parent before. Discord didn’t change much physically, but his mind grew sharper and more cunning every month. He had a fascination with humans, I’m not sure why. Perhaps because I used to be one, or just the novelty of another universe.

Having someone else hanging around my castle was nice, and Discord certainly made things never dull…

“What are you writing?” he asked, peering over my shoulder.

It’s my journal, I said as I held it up. I write about my day, my thoughts & feelings, what I hope to accomplish … and you, I said with a grin. I’ve got notes on how much you’re progressing and how proud I am of you.

“Really?” Discord swiped my journal and squinted at it. “What alien language is this?!”

I sighed. It’s cursive, smart mouth. I’d been very surprised. On the show, Ponish looked like either a set of wavy lines, or a strange cross of English and Russian. Here, it was just written as English. A small section of the journal was in Circular Gallopfreyan for practice, but the majority was in English or Ponish, depending on your native language. Do you mind pawing that back? Most of it is private, I said in a growl.

“Sure,” Discord said casually. “If you want to be private, who am I to stop you?”

I sighed.

One afternoon Discord was in a slump. Anything I can do? He shook his head, barely lifting his neck. We could knit. Or watch a movie. Or travel somewhere in the universe!

No,” Discord said.

Well, there’s only one thing for it. I conjured up something thin and rectangular and passed it under Discord’s nose a few times.

He sniffed and licked his lips. “What is that?”

Chocolate. Otherwise known as the food of the gods. They’re barely inventing it in South Mareica, but after a while, it will be this good. I broke off a sizeable chunk. Try it. It’s pretty good for bad moods. It’s also Dementor repellant, so you can’t beat that!

Discord bit into the chocolate bar. Stars literally appeared in his eyes as he broke into a huge grin. “THIS IS AMAZING!” he shouted, his voice echoing through the halls.

I nodded. Chocolate is a wonderful, wonderful thing! You can even have chocolate milk.

“Chocolate milk is a thing?!!” Discord asked in amazement.

Yep! I pulled a glass of chocolate milk out of thin air and passed it to him. He quickly drained it. He then bit down on the glass. I still winced when he did that, even though I knew I wouldn’t have to rush him to the hospital or anything.

WOW!” Discord shouted.

I chuckled. You’re never having milk the regular way again, are you? Discord shook his head. Well, that’s not very healthy … but … you should be fine. You’re not exactly normal.

“Thank chaos,” Discord muttered.


“I’ve been meaning to ask, why is your paw, hand, or hoof always red?”

I chuckled again. It’s from a song back on earth.

“What song?”

I grinned and the song started playing. I sang along, enjoying myself.

Because of that song, there’s a Trope called “Red Right Hand,” where some evil characters have some sort of physical deformity that serves as a “tell” their nature. So … whoever or whatever brought me here back at the beginning of time knew that trope, knew that I knew that trope, and knew that I would find it funny. It’s annoying that there’s nothing I can do about it. Not even glamour spells work, I huffed, scratching at my right paws. Still, it’s probably handy for others to have a way to always recognize me.

“Did you palm that joke out of a second-hand joke book?” Discord said with a sharp-toothed grin.

Well, you nailed that one. If you got my sense of humor, you’ll probably be a knucklehead. Not a lot of people like puns, so they might stay outside a certain radius of you, just to keep a certain distal away from the fallout.

Discord clapped his paw and talons over his ears. “That’s enough puns for now!” he shouted.

Sorry, I always overdo it.

When Discord was 14, he came into the O&O room to find me feeding Chester. “I’ve never known; what’s this room for?”

A game I love that hasn’t been invented yet. It’s going to be very popular with the geeks of the world. I hope, anyway. I snapped my fingers as I remembered something. I have something to show you actually! I think you’ll like it. I took the Dash action and grabbed the exquisitely painted miniature of Discord as Captain Wuzz that had appeared with the room. I held it in my hooves to surprise Discord.

“Forget it!” Discord scoffed. He turned and walked out of the room. “I’m too awesome to play some nerdy pony game.”

I looked at the figurine and felt my heart break a bit. I snarled, and said, Someday, Discord … Someday you and I will be adventuring companions in the greatest game known to geekdom, and when you least expect it … I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!

Around a mouthful of food, Chester said, “You know, you should have more of an audience for these dramatic proclamations of yours.”

I sighed. Shut up and eat your sushi…

One day as I was happily making an afghan, Discord came into my room with a puzzled expression. “Uh, … Dad?”


“Where do babies come from?”



I cleared my throat. Sorry. I haven’t been looking forward to this. Let’s head to the living room. Once Discord was comfortably seated and I was very uncomfortably standing I said, … There are … other … uh, pairings we’ll discuss, but if you specifically want a baby… I squirmed slightly. Sorry, I don’t enjoy talking about this. Anyway, when a mare and a stallion decide they want to have a child…

And that’s the miracle of childbirth, I said, concluding the PowerPoint I’d put together. “Be Prepared,” right?

Discord had his hands folded in his lap, and was a bit aroused, but wasn’t acting on it. He looked very thoughtful. “How do two stallions, uh…”

I sighed. Well, the stallions both have a prostate, which is kind of, uh, … sensitive, although there are other… I facepalmed. I did NOT want to do this, but I owed him “The Talk,” in all its completeness. I inhaled deeply. Do you mind if I sit down?

I managed to tell Discord how two stallions had sex, and I answered his questions on how two mares would have sex, although I told him I only knew the basics of that, and he should probably ask someone else for a more complete answer.

I sighed. I glanced at him. Just out of curiosity as your father, who are you attracted to? Mares? Stallions? Both?

Discord thought about it. “Yes…?” he said uncertainly. “Does it even matter if they’re a mare or a stallion? Or both? Or neither? As long as I like them and they like me, and are willing, I don’t really care what bits they’ve got.”

Ah. Well, I can’t force a label on you, but it sounds like you might be Pansexual, you’re attracted to everyone equally, and don’t care about binary gender. I’ve got a book on sexual orientations in the library if you’d like to research what you think you are.

Discord nodded slowly. “That sounds right, but the book would help.” He looked at me. “So, who do you like?”

I said, I don’t like anybody that way, and I’m fine with that. I still got an awesome son! I said as I ruffled his mane. And it was nice to not have to dance the horizontal tango to do so. I’ve been reliably informed that sex is very enjoyable, I just don’t want to find out. You would probably enjoy it. I glanced at him as a thought struck me. I told you to practice safe sex, right?

Discord rolled his eyes. “Just twelve times.”

Well, let’s make it thirteen. I’m honestly not sure if you even can get an STD since you’re not mortal, but your partner can, and I don’t want you getting someone pregnant unless you’re seriously ready for that level of commitment. If you’ll excuse me, I need to go crawl out of my skin. I’ll see you tonight!

When Discord was 18, he came into my room looking thoughtful. What’s up?

“I met two very strange fillies today…”

Really? Strange fillies sound right up your alley. Do you know their names?

“Celestia and Luna.” My pencil snapped in my paw. “Do you … know them?” Discord asked, catching my expression.

Not personally, no. I thought quickly. Do you mind if I tag along the next time you visit them? They won’t even know that I’m there …


I’d like to meet your friends!

Discord scoffed. “What makes you think we’re friends?”

You haven’t exactly gotten to know anypony before. And … you’re smitten… I said with a grin.

“‘Smitten?’” Discord asked in shock. “What do you mean, ‘Smitten?!’”

Just the expression on your face. Do you mind telling me about them?

“Well, they’re both daughters of one of the noble families in Canterlot,” Discord said with an eye roll, “but they’re not stuck up like the rest of those ponies. Luna’s a bit shy, but she’s very sweet.” He laughed. “After talking with you so long, it’s strange to speak to ponies in Thees and Thous.”

I died several centuries after that, we had contractions then.

“I call Celestia ‘Kay-Kay,’” Discord said with an impish grin.


“When she first met me, she was a bit scared of me, so when I asked her her name, she stuttered K-K before she managed to get out Celestia.”


“She’s got a great sense of humor!”

Well, I look forward to meeting her. The next time I see her, this time I just want to observe.

Discord raised an eyebrow. “Are you going to spy on all my friends?”

I chuckled. No, just your first ones.

Discord was gracious enough to humor me and let me follow him the next time the Sisters met with him. I’d always been good at hiding in plain sight, but with the use of magic, not even Discord would have been able to see me if he was looking right at me.

The three were meeting in a garden, and Discord broke into a broad grin upon seeing them. He’d said “fillies,” but I’d forgotten there wasn’t a female equivalent of “colt.” They were only a few years younger than him. Celestia was a white unicorn mare with a light pink mane, while Luna was a dark blue with a lighter blue mane. I noticed that neither of them had their cutie marks yet, which was unusual given their age. I didn’t want to spy on their whole meeting, my son deserved his privacy, but…

I saw the way Discord looked when he snuck glances at Celestia, and the way he went out of his way to make her laugh. I was happy, but …

I sighed, a light breeze stirring the trees. If you break his hearts, I will NEVER forgive you… I left them to it after that.

The next time they met, I joined them in the flesh this time. I was “dressed” in the Draconequus form I’d used when I met with the Lord President of Gallopfrey, a sort of Wemic Bugbear looking thing with horns and eyes that only showed space, my three right paws the usual red. I’d added a blood-red goatee out of nostalgia.

Greetings, I said, shaking both Sister’s hooves at the same time. I am Discord’s father. And thou art?

“We are Luna, and this is our sister Celestia,” Luna replied. “What is they name?”

I mulled it over. As I was thinking, a spider crawled up to me, and I picked it up, turning it over and over in my paws.

“Thou art not afraid?” Luna asked in a puzzled tone.

Hmm? Oh. No. This type of spider is harmless, and I find them rather pleasant to look at. I have many names, so thou may call me what thou wilt, it makes no difference to me, so long as it is not offensive.

“Arachnos,” Luna said with a grin.

I laughed. Very well. To thee I shall be Arachnos. I grinned impishly and shifted into my spiderpony form. A more fitting form for the name, yes? Art thou afraid of me like this?

Luna shook her head. Celestia looked uncertain, before she also shook her head.

Good. Know that I could never harm thee. I think I should leave thee with my son, he enjoys thy company more than mine… I said with a grin. I vanished.

Discord gave a nervous laugh. “He’s … really very nice when you get to know him…”

“Why doth he enjoy spiders?”

“Oh, he’s the Weaver…”

“Thy father created the world?!” Luna asked in shock.

“A bit more than that…” Discord said with a grin.

Discord came into my office one afternoon holding up a mirror and frowning.

What’s wrong, oh vain one? I teased.

Discord ignored that, but pointed at his eyebrows and said, “I’m going grey in my eyebrows!”


Discord nodded. “I’m 24! Who goes grey at 24?!!”

I chuckled. It’s rare, but it happens. It’s only in your eyebrows, your mane still looks fine. Your eyebrows are a bit bushier too. Maybe you should grow a beard.


I shrugged. Well, it’ll make you look more distinguished. Help you get into clubs, if you do it right. I know you’re a party animal. Lord knows you didn’t get that from me…

“You’re my only parent.”

Yes, but you’re your own person. You’re not a carbon copy of me, thank God. You don’t have to, but I always thought goatees were cool. An absurdly long one is pretty you.

Discord scoffed. “Maybe when I’m older.”

If you want to, not if I want you to.

“I’ll think about it.”

I nodded. … Do you … want dinner? We haven’t eaten together in a while.

“Pizza?” Discord asked with an excited grin.

Well, you certainly hold a pizza my heart!

Discord facepawed and groaned. “Dad … your puns stopped being funny when I was 13.”

I sighed. Fair enough. Any particular toppings?

“Chocolate pieces, anchovies, sausage, onions, jalapenos, pineapple, and whipped cream,” Discord rattled off in one breath.

I raised an eyebrow. You do have taste buds, right?

“Yes…?” Discord replied uncertainly.

Just wanted to triple check. I snapped on a chef’s outfit. One Discord special, coming right up!

It didn’t come as much of a surprise to me when Celestia and Luna became Alicorns, after being able to raise the sun and moon on their own. The fact that they were quickly “elected” rulers of Equestria didn’t surprise me, although I knew they would come to be fair rulers. I hoped so, anyway. When I say they were “elected” I mean that the aristocracy elected them, the common pony didn’t have a choice, although the fact that they were now Alicorns and generally beloved helped sway most ponies’ hearts.

The Sisters had invited me to their coronation “after-party” of sorts, a gathering of nobility in Canterlot. I nursed a glass of juice and bitterly glanced around the room. Discord had also been invited as a personal friend of the Sisters, and while he was much more outgoing than I was, he was being not-so-subtly shunned by these brownnosers. I hated seeing him being treated this way. I knew no good would come of it.

A voice interrupted my dark thoughts. “Cheer up, Arachnos, ‘tis a happy day for us. Do you not think so?”

I saw Luna glowing radiantly and laughed. She could always cheer me up. “Aye, I am glad for thee. I am not overly fond of the rest of these leeches, though,” I said, pointing at the ponies around the room. “They treat my son as though he were a monster or a mere beast. … I hope they do not come to regret it, from either of us. I do not treat things as a joke the way my son does. I pity you that you will have to deal with these cultured pirates,” I said with a grin. “Don’t let them dim your light, fair moon.” Luna blushed.

Luna spotted Celestia walking over and called, “Sister! Join us for a moment?”

Celestia nodded. “I’m glad you could be here,” she said.

I nodded. “Thank you for inviting me to such a proud moment.”

“We are friends,” Celestia said warmly.

“I hope so,” I replied. “I have a gift for you two, to mark the occasion.” Seeing their grins made me laugh. “I think you will enjoy this one.” I glanced around to make sure nopony was watching, snapped my fingers, and …

Watch where you step, this forest can be dangerous, but…

Standing in front of us was a small castle. It wasn’t anything big or overly grand, but it was still a castle. You could almost smell the fresh paint, so to speak. Fluttering from the top of a spire was a long flag that read, “Moony and Kay-Kay.”

I made this for you. … It’s … a place where you can get away from it all. Though you will have to go back to the real world sooner rather than later sadly. But it is a place where tax forms and nobles and checklists cannot find you, even if it is just for half an hour. I handed them a key, the top of which was shaped like a half moon and half sun. This is enchanted to bring you here as well as unlock the door. I hope you have fun figuring out how to activate it, I said with a grin. I made this forest a long time ago as a place outside of normal pony magic, so ponies are usually afraid to enter it. It unsettles them. I thought it would be a good place to hide a private retreat. I usually come here to visit the monsters and see how they are.

I was startled by the sudden hugs around my waist, letting out a yelp at the unexpected contact. When they were done, I gently pushed them away and brought one of my paws up to scratch at the back of my neck in embarrassment. I know ponies are affectionate, but in future please ask before you touch me, even if it is just a hug. I hate being touched without my permission.

“We apologize,” Celestia said.

You had no way of knowing, it is nothing to worry about. Now why don’t you two go explore, there is much to see. I have already seen it, when I built it, but you two have not.

The two ran off and searched every crack and crevice of the castle. When they were done, I said, Right, I think I should get you back before you are missed too much. A quick snap of my fingers and we were back at the party.

A voice called, “Princess!” A tall grey stallion trotted up to us. His mane was salt-and-pepper, and his beard was well trimmed, but exactly how many unicorns wear that outfit outside of a convention?

“Starswirl!” Celestia cried joyfully, giving him a hug.

“Celestia!” the mage replied, rubbing her mane. “Luna, you look well, as always.”

“Thank you,” Luna said.

“Princess of the Day, and Princess of the Night. I am so proud of you two!”

“We were rather surprised when we managed to raise the moon for the first time,” Luna admitted with a slightly shy grin.

Starswirl spotted me. “I do not believe we have met … Mr.?”


Starswirl raised an eyebrow. “That is an unusual name.”

I grinned. “I have an affinity for spiders, and I have many names. Luna suggested the name, and I liked it enough to adopt it.”

“How do you know their Highnesses?”

“My son is a friend of theirs, and they were kind enough to invite me here tonight.”

“Your son?”

I pointed at Discord, who was busy juggling plates, to either the nobles’ enjoyment or slight horror.

Celestia’s eyes widened. “Excuse us, we should go keep him out of trouble. Come, Luna.” They quickly trotted off.

Discord is your son?!” Starswirl asked with shock.

I sighed. “He is honestly very nice if you take the time to get to know him. He just craves attention, is a bit of a showoff, and unfortunately got my sense of humor. I wish ponies wouldn’t treat him like some sort of freak, they may come to regret that.”

“Who is his mother?”

I grinned. “I take the term ‘single parent’ to another level. I am his only parent, though it was not a traditional birth.” Seeing Starswirl’s confused expression, I said, “I am pony shaped at the moment, but I am not a pony.”

”Ah,” Starswirl said. “You are a Draconequus as well?”

“When it suits me. I have read your work thus far. It is frankly brilliant. You are quite possibly the greatest mage in Equestria.” Starswirl beamed. “You also have the ego to match,” I said in a warning tone. “Just because you are usually the smartest person in the room does not mean you should not listen to the others there. I have seen others go down that road, it only leads to a bitter, lonely life.”

Starswirl slowly nodded, though he seemed confused by my words. “You understand magical theory?”

“Of course,” I said with a grin. “Although lately I have found that I enjoy potion making. For me, there is something satisfying about brewing a potion for hours or even days to create an effect, rather than simply snapping my fingers. I still do that quite a lot, of course,” I said with a shrug. “Some of the ingredients are very hard to come by. I even invent potions in my spare time! … I have a lot of that…” My voice trailed off. I glanced around the room. “I should probably leave. It was nice to meet you.” Starswirl nodded. I walked over to Discord. “I’m going to go, please stay as long as you want.” He nodded.

With that I sighed and disappeared.

I’d gotten the feeling I was supposed to be somewhere again, this time I was in the Frozen North. I wasn’t being pulled towards the Crystal Empire, but the icy waste surrounding it. I liked it cold, so I managed to get used to it quicker than when I’d “borrowed” a TARDIS. I was still grateful for scarves. I finally came to where I had been drawn to and looked around. Nothing but perma-blizzard. I then glanced down. At my hooves was what I thought had been a frozen grey rock. It wasn’t.

Oh, lord! You poor thing! I picked the foal up and looked around. He was nearly dead, but there was a faint heartbeat. Who the buck would leave a foal in this cold?! I snarled. I breathed on the ice and snow encasing him, and it melted away. He started shivering uncontrollably. His form flickered for a second, and I nearly dropped him. What had shown was only vaguely pony shaped. I glanced at the foal closer. Thick dark grey fur, wavy black mane and tail … probably green eyes if he opened them. Oh. I … I thought … Where did you come from, Little Shadow? There haven’t been …

I sighed. Well, I can’t leave you here. Maybe … maybe you’ll be different. Maybe you’ll be better than the rest. I pushed down some of my most hated memories. I wonder how nature and nurture would apply in this case? I … I have to give you a chance. I screwed my eyes shut. Damnit. I know I’ll regret that, but that’s just who I am. They probably knew that. Are you a trap, Little Shadow? For me, or for the ponies?

Obviously, the foal didn’t answer. I carefully placed him on my back and conjured a blanket over him. Well, the closest place to take you is… I snorted in amusement. Let’s go then.

If I galloped through the snow, I would have thrown him off my back, and teleportation can wreak havoc if you’re in poor condition. I didn’t want to know what it would do to someone who had nearly frozen to death. I settled for a brisk trot.

Not knowing what else to do, I spoke to the unconscious foal on my back. Not to cast a shadow on your day, but I think you were starting to crystalize back there. … You know, you could end up being incredibly talented at magic, you might end up being a dark horse in the world of wizardry. Of quartz, there’s more to life than magical academia and crystals. Fate can be a shady thing. Sometimes the difference between a king and pauper is just in the cards. I fear you might be unhappy.

I thought he was waking up by the way his front legs tightened forcibly around my neck, but he was still asleep. For a weakened foal, he had a grip like a vice. I pulled him off. I’m guessing by the fact you just tried to strangle me in your sleep you didn’t enjoy those jokes. It’s a shame, if you had we could have ruled like father and pun. He let out a slight whimper of pain, possibly from the biting cold, possibly from that joke. I sighed. All right, all right, I’ll stop. Everybody’s a critic, I sighed.

Finally, after what felt like four hours of struggling through the snow, my goal was in sight. The Crystal Empire.

I stopped by the barrier and looked at my cargo, unsure if I should continue. Only one way to find out. I stepped through. To my relief he was unharmed. I quickly wound my way through the streets until I found the Crystal Heart Foal Center. I walked in, unsure of what to do next. Luckily a mare quickly spotted me, and more importantly, my passenger.

“Oh, heavens!” She rushed over.

“I found this one in the frozen wastes. He was almost dead. I do not know how he got there, but I do not think he has any family. I am … glad I could bring him somewhere safe. This is a good place for him to have a chance at a life.”

She quickly nodded. “We will take excellent care of him. Thank you, Mr. …?”

“Nos. Arach Nos. It was lucky I was there. I think I should go.”

Her eyes widened. “You do not wish to see him wake?!”

I quickly shook my head. “It is for the best that he not see me. He has not woken yet, and I prefer to leave before he does. Please take the best care of him, he has not had the best start in life.”

She nodded. “I swear.”

I left. The foal’s new guardian and caretaker took him to an empty room and began to warm him up by degrees as she made a soup for when he woke up. Moments later, he stirred. She quickly brought the soup over to him. “Hello, little one. What is your name?”

He was groggy, it took him a minute to form the word. “Sombra. My name is Sombra.”

I stood in the blizzard, unsure of what to feel. I’d just saved Sombra’s life, when I could have snuffed it out like a candle. It would have been easy. Six months before, I had attended a party in honor of the birth of the King of the Centaurs and the Queen of the Gargoyle’s son Scorpan. His older brother Tirek hadn’t spoken to me, he’d just given me a sullen death glare. Starswirl didn’t know it, but during his travels throughout Equestria and beyond, he’d accidentally allowed the Changelings to be born from the tree they sprang from, and they were slowly growing in power. A choir of Sirens had been spotted near the eastern border of Equestria, and within a few years they would be giving birth to daughters. Discord had moved out of my castle and built a small home in the chaos dimension I’d formed him from and formed for him. He was growing distant from me, but Celestia had written me and told me she was worried. His pranks were growing more malicious than funny.

Somewhere in the cosmic clockwork, a timer had begun to slowly count down…

Starswirl the Bearded as he was now known was busy polishing a mirror, eyeing his reflection critically.

“I see you have made some friends,” I said approvingly from behind him.

He jumped in surprise. “WHO ARE YOU?! HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE?!!”

I sighed and shifted forms. I am Arachnos. I walked, I said with a grin.

“Oh.” Starswirl glanced at me, whipped around to look in the mirror, and glanced at me again. “You are not in the mirror,” he said in a slightly accusing tone.

‘Mirrors are never to be trusted,’ I quoted with a grin. I … do not enjoy something that is not me looking at me through a copy of my face. Returning to the reason I came here, you are a protector of Equestria, I said with a warm smile. They call you “The Pillars of Equestria.” I am happy for you, you were alone too often, even in your travels.

Starswirl chuckled. “Perhaps, yes, though it is hard to think with them yammering on. I enjoy their company. I am thinking of perhaps taking on an apprentice someday!” he said proudly. “Surely there must be a foal in Equestria who can live up to my expectations.”

I thought about it. No doubt, but … remember that he will also have a great deal to contribute.

Starswirl waved a hoof airily. “Of, course, of course.” I was not remotely convinced. “I sent a trio of particularly nasty sirens through there,” he said, pointing at the mirror. “I wonder what’s on the other side?”

Hell, in all its hormone-driven agony, I replied coolly. I’m not sure they deserved such a fate. Not that there is much I can do about it now. Perhaps one day they will return, perhaps better than they were, perhaps worse. Time will tell. Good luck finding a young mind to mold, treat it with care, jealousy can do ugly things.

With that, I was gone.

I was surprised when Discord unexpectedly dropped by one day. Not because it was unannounced, but simply because he came to visit, he hadn’t done that in years. I was even more shocked to see that he was crying miserably and seemed like someone had scooped out his soul with an ice-cream spoon.

Before he collapsed onto the flagstone, I rushed over and grabbed him. WHAT HAPPENED?! He mumbled something. What?

“CELESTIA SAYS I’M A MONSTER!!!!” Discord roared. “There! HAPPY?!!! Just because she can’t take a joke?! After everything I’ve done for her, I play one prank too many on her STUPID ponies, and I’m a monster?! I OUGHTA-!” He then collapsed, crying into my fur.

Having six arms is useful if you need to give someone a hug. He simply hung limply in my arms, water trickling down my chest and onto the tile floor. When he was done, I rubbed his mane, and softly said, Want me to kill her? He looked up at me in shock. The corner of my mouth turned up. We can just put a stuffed marionette on the throne and feed it cake all day as it makes boring proclamations in that stupid snooty tone she uses when she’s being official. No one will know the difference.

Discord chuckled. “No … I don’t think so.”

Good, because I wouldn’t do that, I just wanted to make you laugh for a bit. Don’t go plotting revenge just yet, she may come to her senses and apologize. I doubt it, since she’s as stubborn as you are, but it’s a faint possibility.

“Hey!” Discord snapped.
As one of the more stubborn beings in creation, I can get away with calling you stubborn. Just … leave things be for now. Maybe stay away from Equestria for the time being. Discord looked unhappy, but he nodded. Trust me, it’s for the best. Now, why don’t we find some way to cheer ourselves up?

Just because you’re expecting something horrible to happen and have very good details about it, doesn’t make it any less horrible to go through.

The Year of Hell, as I would come to think of it, ran thus:

In the early part of January, the dark mage Sombra swiftly and mercilessly overtook the Crystal Empire. I heard stories of what he’d done to the previous ruler, each more horrible than the last. He’d first turned her to stone in public for all her former subjects to witness, and then he shattered her, before scattering the pieces of her stony corpse as dust, so that it could never be put back together. From late January to early March, he ruled his subjects as a slaver, forcing them to dig deeper into the earth for larger and more powerful crystals to fuel some sort of project. His subjects’ lives were a nightmare whether they were awake or asleep. Finally, word reached the Two Sisters in Canterlot, and they dealt swift and terrible justice to him. He sealed the Empire away with himself in a final moment of spite, not to return for over a thousand years.

I wondered why I’d saved him.

In late March the Changeling Swarm laid siege to the city of Trot, draining all of the citizens of their love, fatally. Celestia and Luna once again intervened, and sealed the Changelings inside a volcano, after weakening them considerably. Even after being freed from their prison, the Changelings would need decades to return to their full strength, and would only act from the shadows…

Ponies praised Celestia and her sun for the light they brought to these dark times, while giving Luna a curt, “Thank you.”

In April, the Centaur Prince Tirek attempted to drain Equestria of its magic, but he was swiftly beaten back by the Two Sisters and sealed inside of Tartarus. The Prince’s brother Scorpan fled from home into the wide deserts surrounding his kingdom, and Tirek’s parents disowned their son for his crimes.

In May, a new threat arose, and many feared the return of Sombra, as an Alicorn of Shadow grew in power to do battle with the Pillars of Equestria. Or, so the legends would say. No one would know who he really had been.

I stood inside the still-smoking stones that made up Ponehenge, and slowly clapped.

Ah, yes. Brilliantly done. You especially, Starswirl. I only told you ten times to listen, but no, you just had to let it get this far out of hand. Hmph. For being a genius, you can be almost as stupid as I can. Hopefully someone will come along and knock some sense into your head the next time you see the sun.

I’m sorry, Stygian. You don’t deserve the way you’ll be remembered.

I sighed. Screw it. I disappeared again.

For the next two months, Equestria breathed a little easier. There hadn’t been a terrifying attack again. Maybe things were getting better! Maybe things were going back to normal! Maybe-

I came home to find Discord in my hall. Discord’s body language became more feral the angrier he got, and right now he would have scared off a pack of wolves just by walking next to the forest.

What’s wrong?

“I read your journal,” he hissed, holding up a slim red volume.

My eyes widened. Oh, buck. Discord, please understand-

He cut me off. “I knew you’d have some excuse! I thought, maybe, just maybe I could be happy. Or find someone to care about me. But…” he opened to a marked page and held it out. “I’m your ‘favorite villain?!!’ I exist so the damn ponies can have a force to balance against?!”

Discord, please, if I can-

“I thought it was bad enough when your precious little ponies treated me like a pariah just for looking different. I thought it was bad enough when Sunbutt declared me a monster. But after all that, to come back here and find that the only reason I exist is because my bucking father wanted me to be a monster… well.” He paused. “I GUESS THAT MEANS I SHOULD BE ONE!!!”

Before I could react, he’d snapped his fingers. He’d used all of his power at once. Which meant if he took me by surprise, even I was screwed.

To my surprise, he hadn’t hurt me, he’d just cast me out of my house and to Equis. I was near the border of Equestria, but …

There was a shimmering barrier that cut off the outside world. My eyes widened. Oh, crap. I slammed into it. It didn’t hurt, but …

I quickly tried teleporting anywhere into Equestria. I couldn’t.

Discord thought I loved Equestrians more than him, so he’d claimed Equestria as his. The huge burst of power he’d used was to seal me outside my creation. Given enough time, I could force my way in, but that would most likely punch a hole in the planet, and he knew that I knew that. I was furious, but I actually laughed. Looks like you’re related to me after all. Maybe I should send you to law school. No, I don’t want to be that cruel…

Whatever you do to them, you’ll pay for. I hope you know that. Not by my hand, but by someone’s.

At that point, all I could do was watch.

Discord’s reign of chaos lasted from late Summer to almost the end of the year. I always thought it had lasted years, but he packed as much nastiness as he could into six months.

When it was over, I visited his statue in the Canterlot Gardens. I stroked his cheek. He honestly looked like he was singing or just laughing at the best joke in the world. That just made it worse.

I’m sorry. This path? The one you read about? That wasn’t what I wanted for you. This isn’t what I want for you. It’s true, I created you to add challenge and variety to the lives of ponies, to keep them on their “toes” and unsure of what could be around the corner. To keep them sharp, and remind them that life, with all its dullness, all its sorrow, all its joy, and all its chaos, is beautiful. I wanted you to be a trickster, not a monster. You chose this path, and you chose where it has led you. I could get you out of there, but not without changing the way Harmony works, or worse, changing who you are at your core. I will not do either of those things. You must hate me. I … can’t blame you. When you get out of there, try thinking about what you could have done differently. I hugged him. I couldn’t feel his fur, only cold unchanging stone, and he couldn’t feel me at all. I love you, I whispered. I then did what I always do. I ran away.

It was almost the end of the year, when the days are shortest, and the nights are at their longest and their coldest.

Celestia was in a room of the Castle, sobbing quietly.

It feels like you can’t go on, doesn’t it? I asked quietly. You didn’t lose someone you love; you lost a part of yourself. And no matter what you do, you will never be whole again.

“What do you know about loss?!” Celestia shouted. “I have buried my parents, watched as my friends and family have grown old without me, and now I have banished my sister to the moon. I will never see her again!”

I lost a son, I said quietly. You broke his heart, but I did not help him as I should have. Celestia, they are lost, not dead. What is lost can be found again, given time. Celestia looked at me. Write this in your history books and take comfort in it: “On the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape, and she will bring about nighttime eternal.” That is my gift to you, a prophecy of her return.

“That … thing is not my sister,” Celestia said. “And Discord deserved what he got.”

He deserved to be punished for his crimes, yes. And he has been. I must live with that, as must you. But you deny you were his friend?

“I could never be friends with something like him.”

I sighed. Celestia, you are a wise and benevolent ruler, and a damn good one, but if you believe that Discord did not consider you a friend, and that Nightmare Moon is not your sister, then, frankly … you are an idiot.

Celestia raised a hoof as if to strike me before she brought it down. Taking a shaky breath, she said, “Answer me two questions.”


“Could you have prevented this year? And could you undo it?”

… Yes. But that does not mean I would have, or that I will. If I could undo every mistake, there would be no point in mistakes, or in free will. What happens to us, happens, that is the way of things.

“It doesn’t have to be,” Celestia said quietly.

Yes, it does. Believe me when I say it is for the best that I leave things as they stand.

"GET OUT!!!" Celestia screamed in the Royal Canterlot Voice.

As you wish. When you want to talk again, call me, and I will come.

After that conversation, I went home and cried myself to sleep. I didn’t wake for a month.