• Member Since 29th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


I am but a humble servant to my dreams.


Long ago, the Chaos gods were five, and Malal who sought chaos in the destruction of chaos, the heirarch of Anarchy and Terror, was banished. Isolated to an area of space in which it could do no harm to it's former family.

Millions of years later, Princess Celestia observes as the chaos gods, the Imperium, and many other factions begin to arrive in her distant corner of the universe, and reinforces an eons-old quarantine. Ships that attempt to invade go missing or are "reformed" and she has reluctantly let Twilight build up a well prepared planetary defense force.

But when that defense force is put to the test, Celestia decides to call upon the family that once banished her, rather than risk more lives in the conflict.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 59 )

Noblebright 40k? But with Celestia as Malal? What about the Sons of Malice?

Why not Order?

In order of questions asked:
Not sure what Noblebright is, I'll Google it and read up later.
Yes, Celestia as one of three remnants of Malal.
Sons of Malice exist and have been feeding Discord unintentionally for all of history.
This is more entertaining than having Celestia be a Scion of order throughout all history, development is neato!

So i think that Noblebright is a way to describe the MLP universe which the 40k universe here is colliding with. By no means am I intending to blunt 40k from it's grimdark nature (I put those red tags for a reason) but I am going to be letting the MLP's Noblebright heritage do combat with it, philosophically. I'm equalizing them, when most would put one or the other on top.

Wow, for a guy who was technically never a part of Warhammer Malal sure is popular. Also, before I read this, I must know: How exactly do these guys get reformed and still not want to fight against the forces that want to destroy them? I mean, becoming a good person doesn't mean you don't want protect yourself and those you care about.

This is my first foray into the 40k universe, but I imagine a "lost God" makes for an easy plot entry point lol.
Celestia, formerly Malal, has very little concern about confronting the old gods directly, that's not her style anymore.

I think the absolute irony that the Chaos gods with out meaning to create Order is just too delecious. That creating anything at all, is in fact imposition of order and that left alone the universe that cycle of chaos making order and order making chaos happens if the Gods are there or not fits pretty well. Warhammer shows us a universe where it's and endless struggle against the very nature of existence and the idea even God's are in the end powerless fits in and is hopeful In a twisted way. Neither of or Chaos can ever succeed in destroying the other, so they never have to worry about what thier purpose is after achieving the goal, you can't reach the goal so you always have your purpose.

You get it! We've boiled chaos down to it's essentials!
Now Discord is in our heads! Lol


This looks good!
Will there be any chance of Cadance training Twilight in combat?

There could be! Celestia has been grooming Twilight for minimal exposure to the dangers of the world outside of Equestria, not to mention the more dangerous universe beyond. As Twilight takes on more of the leadership of Equestria, that tutoring may become a priority, to prevent assassination or other direct attacks.
A certain level of innocence is required in Twilight for Celestia to feel that she truly has none of the chaos and negative influence Celestia has been fighting to avoid.

I am now tracking this as you definitely have my attention.

I sure would like to see a scene about this.

Ok this seems like a really cool concept

Thank you so very much!

Hah, this is certainly a twist on ponies + 40k, good for you. Let's see where this goes.

Malal? Sons of Malice? Care to explain those to me anyone?

Malal/Malice = A "lost" chaos god who explicitly opposed the other chaos gods, it's not made clear in canon why, and he barely exists in canon. Was banished by the other chaos gods for, y'know, opposing them.
Sons of Malice = Technically *teeeeeechnically* canon, a chapter of space marines who worship Malice, who are cannibals and fight in complete silence. Emo bois basically.
This has been your "Hope knows more about 40k than she ever intended to, and most of that knowledge comes form Wikis and arguing with 40k fans" segment.

Uh! My head hurts!

Awwww, don't try to understand the contradictions of self-consuming chaos! That's the worst thing to do!

Wish arch could see this.

Comment posted by geomease deleted Mar 22nd, 2020

I absolutely love this story

Thank you very much, I'm so glad!

Gosh that's an awesome and fascinating story concept, and off to a very nice start; can't wait to see how things will progress!

Thank you very much! I'll try to get a chapter out tomorrow!

Interesting chapter here.

Showing more of Celestia's flaws and how she might have dealt with her siblings in the past, her bravado will not last forever, but it keeps her strong against mind games.

Um... That doesn't really answer my question. Or do I just need to read the story?

I bet... although she doesn't have bio yet I have another OC who's the daughter of a TFP Unicron that isn't evil nor Primus' enemy and a long time after her original purpose was complete as her universe was being destroyed her "father" gave her his power and I've imagined her in the 40K universe and she does not who she calls the "False Ones and their servants" (which you can guess who they are and why they're called that) and should any of them step foot upon the world where her material form slumbers they're not leaving at all and of course if she was in this story (using an avatar) she'd take interest in Celestia and her shards.

Sorry, let me try again to answer.
"How exactly do these guys get reformed and still not want to fight against the forces that want to destroy them?"
They do want to fight. Reformation does not mean that you don't fight back against being hurt or attacked, it just means that you no longer obsess over an endless war, over doing harm to others for no reason, or being cruel.

Let me guess you know who she calls the "False Ones and their servants" are right? And speaking of which she'd take any opportunity to spite them or throw a wrench into their plans of course she wouldn't limit herself to them though though for the latter it'd be because she's bored and needs to amuse herself which the conversation with a non servant generally goes like the following.

"Why are doing this?" alt "Why did you do that?" alt "What was that for?"

"Because I'm bored."

"You can't be serious."

*shrug* "Girls gotta entertain and amuse herself somehow especially since it tends to get boring waiting for the universe to enter the final stages of its death."

Yup! I think you'll enjoy my plans for Sombra in this setting, lol

Okay. Did the conversation amuse you though TBH most of the time she's mostly asleep as there's one who'll try and destroy the universe with the optional remake it their image which angers her and she'll deal with whoever it is but when someone decides to blow up a planet or two (makes her job a bit easier) she could care less unless that someone is targeting the planet where her main material form slumbers then she promptly destroys them same with conquering and enslaving the universe.

I make it a policy of mine never to critique people who comment on my stories. It sort of makes it less like they're reading my story, and more like we're trading stories, which isn't good, because then I have to maintain a relationship with each commenter in order to maintain fans or readers on my own story. My general response is that we each need to write our own stories, and over time improve. But that's not a personal response, which is what you're looking for.

Fair enough though you could PM me it to prevent it from taking up space in the comments.

Can't wait to see how Equestria handles Orks.

it lives

The spear melted, and burned, and fell away as magic reformed shattered flash


Celestia's neck

Pretty much the only way to truly deal with Khorne. It would take essentially locking him into permanent stasis to prevent him from fighting in some fashion or other, in terms of directly trying to oppose him. Robbing his fighting of any satisfaction, and making him CHOOSE to stop, is much less resource (magic) intensive, and probably better in the long run..

Good to see you back.
Also, just a heads up:
You misspelt Eldar and Ork, and Necrons don't exactly work that way; Tomb Worlds are just what they call their planets, they don't control the Warriors, and pretty much every Necron aside from the basic Warriors are some level of sentient, with the Lords and Overlords being sapient, if mentally ill, and there's even a galaxy-spanning order of sentient Necrons that double as bodyguards and keeping notably ambitious nobles from rising above the accepted level of infighting called the Triarch Praetorians.

You should read this wiki: https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=Main_Page&mobileaction=toggle_view_desktop.
It would help you with the Warhammer 40k part of the story.

Hey there!
So I will make those typo changes, absolutely, BUT! This is where I reveal just how much I've been reading up on 40k lol.
The Necron army comes from Tomb worlds, and also returns to them. All Necrons are artificial creatures with a sort of recall-device built into their structure. When they die, if they are able to, their tomb world recalls them to be repaired. If they can't be recalled, they explode in a flash of light that looks the same as the transport light.
This means every Necron necessarily must be connected to a tomb world (at least one) that is monitoring them and will try to recall them, and since we have a clear canon history of Necron armies occasionally going insane or opposing other Necrons, it means that we must assume that all necrons have a specific tomb world they are connected to, and it's not a free-form "nearest tomb world" arrangement.
Tomb worlds are specifically outlined in canon as the locations that the Necrons went into hibernation, this means a support infrastructure must be in those locations to sustain them.
So with these explanations, does the plan make sense?

Heyooooo! So I've been reading the fandom.com wiki in depth, does this Lexicanum resource have significant differences from it? Thanks for your help!

Making a second note, here comes the trouble of fandoms. In this resource:
It says "nearest" tomb world, which would result in malfunctioning or rebel tomb worlds being able to seize any necrons nearby.
But here:
It says "associated" tomb world, which makes far more sense.

How would you feel about chatting in PMs about this in more detail? I realize now that the Phaerons would need to be dealt with to prevent them from undoing the plan Twilight lays out.

Maybe? I am not sure if there are differences between them. I would go with the one that makes more sense or maybe a mix of both?

Liking it so far, keep up the good work.

Oh, this is fascinating. As has been noted, you’re working with an outdated form of Necrons, but hey, Celestia may just be using an old codex. :derpytongue2:

I’m more worried about Twilight learning that her magic works on the placebo effect. That could definitely lead to trouble down the line. And glorious golden leaders’ chosen successors being filled with doubt and uncertainty don’t end well in this setting…

(Also, given the possible Warp shenanigans involved, I wouldn’t surprised if Megan were just a late-M2 incarnation of the Emperor traversing time as much as space.)

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