• Published 16th Mar 2020
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Of Plumbers and Ponies: Kingdom Quest - pokerninja2

Bowser's newest plan to kidnap Peach goes haywire, and it merges the Mushroom Kingdom with Equestria. Stuff happens because of it.

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Mario Tries to Guess Applejack's Name, DK Attacks AJ, and Yoshi and Pinkie Spy on Bowser

"My MY!" Rarity said. "I can't believe you used to be a Glitz Pit champion too!"

"I had to leave the ring of course, but it was fun while it lasted," Mario said.

Rarity joining the ongoing search for everyone's friends brought the team up to seven. They had explained the situation to the white unicorn in full detail, what with everyone being missing and needing to find the source of what caused this whole mess and stop it. Rarity offered to do everything in her power to help find her friends, and Mario and Luigi's as well. Right now though, she and Mario were reminiscing about their days at the Glitz Pit.

"I also see Rawk Hawk is as easy as ever," Mario laughed.

"Oh, that ruffian?" Rarity said. "I don't know how he became champion. He was no trouble whatsoever! But... how did you know I fought him?"

"We were all cheering you on during the match," Spike said. "You were a MONSTER out there!"

"It looked really dangerous, but I'm glad you came out safe and sound," Fluttershy said.

"Why thank you, darlings," Rarity said. "Perhaps when we get back to Equestria I can take up a career in wrestling. The fights gave me such an adrenaline rush!"

"So we found Rarity," Luigi said. "Whose next?"

"No idea," Mario said. "Though I'd appreciate if all these apple trees weren't obscuring our view."

"Yeah, I was just about to go up in the air and- wait... apple trees?" Twilight asked before looking around.

The group had been so distracted amongst themselves that they didn't realize they had walked right into a giant apple orchard. Giant trees of apples covered the landscape, the forest never seeming to end. The ponies and Spike quickly recognized the place.

"We're in Sweet Apple Acres!" Twilight cheered.

"So this giant apple orchard is from your world?" Luigi asked.

"It is," Fluttershy answered. "The Apple family harvests apples to sell them. It's one of the most efficient agricultural services in Equestria, and one of our friends is here. At least... I hope..."

"Apple family?" Mario questioned. "So between Twilight Sparkle whose purple like a sunset... Fluttershy whose really shy... and Rarity who likes to find rare jewels... is every name in your world a pun based on your personality or occupation?"

"Precisely," Rarity answered.

"Yes," Fluttershy nodded.

"Pretty much," Twilight said, rubbing the back of her head.

"Well, at least we know where to find this friend... wherever he or she is," Luigi said.

"Her name is-" Twilight said just before an apple flew through the air and landed square on her horn. She used her alicorn magic to clean herself off.

"Are... flying apples a thing in the Mushroom Kingdom?" Twilight asked. Just then, Mario got hit in the back of the head with another apple.

"I was about to ask you that," Mario said, trying to clean himself off.

"Uhh... guys?" Spike said, pointing ahead. Everyone turned to where he was looking at, and saw a giant volley of apples heading right towards them. And they were coming in fast.

"RUN FOR IT!" Mario cried before diving behind a tree. Twilight created a magic force field around herself which Luigi and Spike dove into, Rarity tried to hide behind another tree, and Fluttershy carried Piranha Plant into the leaves above. The apples came raining down, just narrowly missing everyone. Once it cleared up, everyone wandered out of their hiding spots.

"Well, that was weir-" Luigi tried to say before an orange mare flew into him. The two were knocked down, and everyone else looked at them in shock. The pony quickly got up.

"Sorry 'bout that, partner," she said before adjusting her stetson. "Ah've been tryin' to... hold up, Twilight? Flutters? Rares? Is that you guys?"

"Darling, we've been worried sick about you!" Rarity said.

"Yeah," Luigi said as he got up and dusted himself off. "We just found ourselves in a giant apple orchard and the girls thought you'd be here."

"We're so happy to have found you App-" Fluttershy started before being interrupted.

"Wait!" Mario called out. "So far all these names have been puns, so lemme take a guess. Apple Pie."

The mare nodded no.

"Apple Slice?"

She nodded again.

"Apple Tree?"

Another nod.

"Don't mess with me here," Mario said. "I can get this!"

"Do you see me messin' with ya?" she said with a chuckle.

Everyone else couldn't help but giggle at Mario's futile attempts to guess Applejack's name. He was on the right track of it being an apple pun... but what he didn't know was that there were so many Apple family members and, by extension, Apple family names.

"He's gonna be here for awhile," Twilight said.

"Should we tell him?" Spike asked. Piranha Plant snapped, taking an apple and biting into it.

"Mr. Piranha Plant says no," Fluttershy translated.

"Well... this IS pretty entertaining," Rarity said with a giggle.

"OK OK, uh... Apple Seeds!" Mario called.

"Still no," Applejack said.

"Alright, that's it!" Mario said. "Speed round, I'm gonna fire a bunch of names and tell me when I get it right, OK?"

"Can do," Applejack said. She probably would have told him by now, but it was honestly amusing.

"Apple Butter, Apple Bumpkin, Apple Fritter, Apple Cobbler, Fresh Apple, Rotten Apple, Spoiled Apple, Apple Core, Sweet Apple, Tasty Apple, Apple Candy, Caramel Apple, Apple Cake, Cinnamon Apple, Apple Tart, Baked Apple, Apple Blossom, Apple Bloom, Green Apple, Red Apple, Triple Apple... Juicy Apple... Big Apple... APPLE OF MY EYE!"

"None of those were right," Applejack laughed.

"WAIT!" Mario said. "Is it like Fluttershy or Rarity where it's one word?"

"Yes," she answered.

"Now I got you," Mario cackled. "Applesauce, Appleby, Applej-"

"Applejack,'' she answered.

"DANG IT!" Mario cried. In a fit of frustration, he kicked an apple, which bounced off a tree and hit him in the face. The Piranha Plant had a kick out of that and was laughing it up while eating a banana, and everyone else couldn't help but smile at his misfortune. However, Applejack saw a giant, shadowy figure leap into the air behind them, and she ducked for cover. The figure crashed on the ground, and revealed himself to be none other than Donkey Kong.

"Girls, hide!" Applejack called out. "This giant ape has it out for me!"

"Wait, Donkey Kong's here too?" Luigi asked. He tried to approach him, only to be swatted away by the big Kong.

"And he's mad," Mario said, tending to his knocked down brother. "Applejack, what'd you do to make him upset?"

"I dunno!" she cried as she dodged one of Donkey Kong's giant punches. "He just started attackin' me when we got here!"

"Fluttershy, darling," Rarity said. "You can talk to animals, no? Can you reason with this primate?"

"I can try," Fluttershy said. She approached him just as he was about to throw another punch at the country pony. "Um, excuse me, Mr. Donkey Kong?"

DK turned around to see the yellow pegasus behind him... and the Piranha Plant eating on a banana. He angrily beat his chest and jumped at then, snatching Piranha Plant. He climbed up a tree and shook Piranha Plant around, trying to get the banana out of him.

"Mr. Piranha Plant!" Fluttershy yelled. She flew up to him, only to see that he had thrown Piranha Plant off the tree and started eating what was remaining of the banana. Now angered, she used her Stare on him. Donkey Kong instantly cowered in fear, and jumped off the tree to hand the banana back to Piranha Plant. He angrily snatched it back and began eating it again. Fluttershy continued staring at the great ape until he was backed into a tree.

"Now tell me Mr. Donkey Kong," Fluttershy said. "Why were you attacking my friend?"

Donkey Kong started babbling the typical gorilla noises he normally made, which Fluttershy was able to translate.

"You say you saw her steal your little friend?" Fluttershy asked.

"Wait, you mean Diddy Kong?" Luigi asked. Donkey Kong nodded his head yes.

"Ah didn't steal anypony," Applejack said. "Honest!"

"Well if YOU didn't steal him, the who did?" Twilight asked.

Donkey Kong thought about it some more and started making more gorilla growls. Fluttershy gasped at what she heard.

"What'd he say?" Mario asked.

"M... Mr. Donkey Kong said..." Fluttershy said, gulping a bit. "That he... remembered it was a little yellow filly that stole him..."

All the ponies in Spike gasped in shock. Mario and Luigi looked at each other, thinking this couldn't be a good sign.

Waiting was hard, but it had to be done when you were spying on the enemy. Yoshi had landed just outside of Canterlot when the whole situation started, and saw firsthand Bowser conquering it for himself. He knew that he alone wouldn't be enough to stop him, so he just positioned himself outside of town where he wouldn't be seen. Using a green binoculars stand, he looked through the castle walls to see what Bowser and his forces were doing. He was certain the Koopa king was the cause of that blue tornado, he just needed to know what his plan was.

"Can I have a turn!?"

Yoshi bounced off of the binoculars stand in shock, landing on his rear. He glared angrily at the pink pony who surprised him.

"I told you to stop doing that!" Yoshi said.

"But I wanna heeeeeeeeeeeeelp!" Pinkie Pie moaned overdramatically. "You and me could be Canterlot's last hope and I wanna save all the ponies this Bowser guy captured! Pleeeeeeeeease?"

"Ugh, fine," Yoshi said, rolling his eyes. "Just make sure we aren't seen."

"YES!" Pinkie cheered as she immediately put her eyes through the binoculars. Fed up with Pinkie's antics, he headed into the nearby cave they used as a makeshift base. He sat on one of the sofas Bowser threw in the trash and rubbed his temples.

"I don't know how you put up with her," he said to a gray pony, who was observing a Chomp Rock. "I mean, how can you live with a sister like that?"

"I don't," Maud Pie said in her typically monotone voice. "Me and Pinkie don't live together."

"And did you have to bring that Chomp Rock in here?" Yoshi asked. "You've been playing with it for at least an hour."

"This rock isn't like any other rocks in Equestria," Maud Pie said. "The face isn't carved and is actually structured that way. And its weight is disproportionate to its size, making it really heavy."

"Brilliant observation there, Einstein," Yoshi said sarcastically. Maud got on his nerves significantly less than Pinkie did, though neither were exactly perfect to have around. He supposed he needed some Equestrian people around so he would know what to expect from this new world, and they did appear with him right outside Canterlot, but if given the choice he would-

"I SEE SOMETHING!" Pinkie screeched from behind Yoshi, causing him to fly forward and hit the wall face first, barely missing Maud.

"This better be good," Yoshi groaned, rubbing his head.

"This Bowser guy is lining a bunch of his troops up and is bringing in somepony from the dungeon!" Pinkie said. Curious, Yoshi went to the binoculars and looked into it, Maud approaching the two as well. Through them, he could see a Koopatrol bringing a blue pegasus with rainbow mane into the throne room, positioning her in front of Bowser.

"And that somepony is my best friend RAINBOW DASH!" Pinkie said, sticking her head in front of the binoculars and causing Yoshi to jump back in shock. "Well, she's not really my BEST best friend, I have four other best friends. But I don't call them best friends because that would make the other 6529 friends I have feel less special and-"

"Slow down," Yoshi said. "So you say you know whoever this pony is?"

"I just said it was Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie Pie said.

"I dunno what they're doing, but I don't like the look of it," Yoshi said. "Maud, Pink, follow me, we're going in for a closer look."

"Oooooh is this a rescue mission?" Pinkie asked. "Because I have a couple one liners prepared just for the occasion, such as-"

"Is 'Don't speak in order to give away our location' one of them?" Yoshi asked.

"No, but that's a pretty good one!" Pinkie said. "I need to write that one down."

A few more arguments between Yoshi and Pinkie Pie later, the three spies managed to sneak past the Koopa Troop's detection and reach one of the windows in the royal castle. They peered inside and were able to see the throne room, being just above Bowser and getting a complete view of the entire scene.

"Rainbow Danger Dash," a Hammer Bro. said as he walked in front of the pegasus. "For violation of Section 92710892364718612, Sub-section B-8307 #4.2 Z, preventing any and all prisoners from inflicting physical harm on the Koopa Troop's royal prince, Bowser Koopa II, you are hereby sentenced to execution. Do you have any last words?"

"Execution?" Rainbow Dash asked before giggling a bit. "The hay are you loons gonna do to 'execute' me? Sit on me like that Bowser moron did?"

"That's exactly what's gonna happen," Bowser said before snapping his fingers. Rainbow Dash say a shadow cast over herself, and looked up to see a giant Thwomp above her. She gulped as her eyes went wide.

"That rock monster seems to be made out of minerals unique to your world," Maud Pie whispered.

"Maud, we can talk about super cool super scary rocks later!" Pinkie whispered back. "They're gonna use that rock to squish Rainbow Dash!"

"Your Grouchiness!" Kamek called from the other room as he ran in with a book. "After more hours of research, we have determined the location of the Crystal Empire! We can go there and kidnap Princess Cadence like we planned!"

"Can't you see I'm busy?" Bowser said, gesturing to Rainbow Dash.

"Wait wait wait, you guys are gonna kidnap Cadence!?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Indeed we are," Kamek cackled. "Once we set course for the Crystal Empire and load all of our most powerful minions on board, we will fly there, kidnap Cadence, and she will marry Bowser, allowing him to become king of this new land once and for all!"

"Well why not just tell her our plan, huh?" Bowser sighed. "No matter, she's gonna pop like a grape anyway. Thwomp, fall at will!"

"This ain't good," Yoshi said.

"What are we gonna do!?" Pinkie whispered in horror. "Maud, you have to know SOMETHING we can do to save her, right!?"

"Yes," Maud said flatly. She fished in her clothes and pulled out a small rock, which she named Boulder, and threw it across the room. Just as the Thwomp started to descend on top of Rainbow Dash, the pebble decked it in the face hard enough to push it backward slightly. It barely missed the pegasus and crushed the Koopatrol holding her chains instead. She was able to wriggle herself free after that, and sighed in relief that she wasn't crushed.

"IDIOTS!" Bowser yelled. "Get her!"

Now that Rainbow Dash wasn't held back by chains and could fly, none of his troops were any match for her. Koopatrols charged at her, but she took to the air and they all bonked each other in the head. Hammer Bros. and Boomerang Bros. began pelting their weapons at Rainbow Dash, but she dodged them easily. She used her wings to reflect the projectiles back at the helmeted turtles, knocking them away. A couple more Thwomps tried to crush her, but she dodged out of the way and they ended up flattening other minions instead.

"Are you morons deaf!?" Bowser said. "I said GET HER!"

"I got it, your Bitterness!" Kamek said. With a wave of his wand, he cast a magic spell on Rainbow Dash, removing her wings and effectively making her an earth pony. She plopped to the ground with a thud.

"Hey, not fair!" she called out. A Koopatrol tackled her and held her in place. She tried to kick him away, but another Koopatrol came and restrained her, and soon a whole mob of Koopatrols dog-piled her.

"We have to save her!" Pinkie said.

"We will," Yoshi said as he pulled out a Power Flower. "Time to break out old reliable!"

He tossed it into the air and grabbed it with his tongue, allowing his cheeks to puff up. He leaped into the battlefield below, catching the troops by surprise, and spewed flames all over the Koopatrols. Rainbow Dash quickly got her footing, and just as another Koopatrol was about to charge at her, she kicked him in the face with her back hoof.

"Why is Yoshi here!?" Bowser yelled.

Yoshi continued spewing streams of fire at oncoming enemies, and Rainbow Dash did what she could to defend herself. Eventually, the green dinosaur's Power Flower ran out of energy, so he pulled out another power-up he was saving, this time a Morph Bubble. But before he could use it, a Boomerang Bro. smacked him in the face, causing it to float in the air. Pinkie eyed it wonderingly.

"Ooooh, I love bubbles!" Pinkie cheered. "And this one has a toy car in it!"

"Go ahead," Maud gestured.

Wasting no time, Pinkie touched the bubble and her body quickly morphed into that of a pink car with her mane on it. Surprised but happy with her newfound powers, she sped around the throne room, running over any enemies unlucky enough to be caught in the way. Rainbow Dash jumped on top of her and used the extra height to kick away some of the airborne troopers.

"Gee, this battle is quite entertaining, wouldn't you agree... your... Grumpy... ness..." Kamek's words trailed off when he saw Bowser's white hot death glare. He decided to retreat out of the throne room before Bowser could launch a fireball at him. The Koopa king sighed.

"GAH! If you want something right, you gotta do it yourself!" He leaped off his throne, but before he could make it two steps forward, a giant boulder crashed through the wall and ran over Bowser, flattening him in a sheet of paper. Yoshi, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie quickly moved out of the way as the boulder crashed into more enemies until it broke, revealing Maud Pie in the center, wearing a hat and shirt seemingly made out of rock.

"I like these Rock Mushrooms," Maud said flatly.

"Hey, Bowser's down for the count!" Rainbow Dash said. "Let's get outta here!"

Maud Pie became a boulder again and cleared a path through the throne room and out of Canterlot. Yoshi hopped on Car Pinkie Pie with Rainbow Dash as they sped through, blasting away any troops in the way. When they were sure they couldn't be caught, Maud broke out of her boulder and Pinkie Pie's car powers expired, turning her back into her pink pony form.

"Wow, that was so fun!" Pinkie cheered. "I love being a giant car! I get to go so fast and run over anything in my way! I was like, NYOOOOOOOOOOOOM, and they were all like-"

As Pinkie continued her ramblings, Yoshi handed Rainbow Dash a Cape Feather.

"Here," he said. "This will allow you to fly until we can get your wings back."

"Thanks," she said. She took the Cape Feather and became Cape Rainbow Dash, gaining a yellow cape around her neck that draped over her back. Testing it out, she found out she could fly just as well as she could before.

"Alright!" she cheered. "THIS is more like it!"

"Bowser said he was going to take over the Crystal Empire," Maud Pie said. "If he's kidnapping Princess Cadence and forcing her into marriage, then we'll need to save her."

"Well, I don't think we'll be hearing from him for awhile," Yoshi said, looking back at Canterlot. "We'll keep spying on them, and we'll sneak with them to this Crystal whatever."

"Does that mean we get to spy some more!?" Pinkie Pie asked. "I love spying! Can we use the binoculars again? Can we can we can we can we can we?"

"Is she always like this," Yoshi asked.

"Yes," Maud answered flatly.

"You have no idea," Rainbow Dash chuckled.

Author's Note:

Rock Mushrooms and Maud Pie mix too perfectly to not write her into the story. I suppose this marks the first pony not in the main cast to be tagging along for the adventure... but what fun would it be if this story didn't feature anyone outside of that :pinkiecrazy: