• Published 25th Mar 2020
  • 1,722 Views, 21 Comments

The Storm Dragon Returns - ShowShine

When Spike finally gets his happily ever after, he realizes he isn’t as happy as he thought he was

  • ...

A Sick Day

Author's Note:

Sorry for being gone for so long. I hope this chapter makes up for it! Chapter updates may be slow because I barely remember what I had planned for this.

Spike laid in his bed, wrapped up in a blanket. His leg was elevated on a pillow and there was an ice pack on his ankle. Patches laid next to her owner, sleeping soundly. Spike had taken some medicine and got a full night of sleep. Tempest stood in front of Spike, tapping her hoof on the ground. She had a stern look on her face.

"You're grounded for the next two weeks. That means no leaving the house to help people." Tempest commanded sternly. Spike frowned. "You put too much stress on yourself and got sick from it." She stated. Spike's frown got wider and he crossed his arms. He wasn't stressed at all, he was just working himself extra hard.

"Now I'm going to work. Grubber is going to stay and keep an eye on you. I don't want any funny business from you." Tempest stated firmly with a shake of a hoof. And with that, Tempest left his room.

Spike through his head on his pillow and let out a loud groan. Why couldn't Tempest let him help people? It was unfair to all of the helpless people out there! Spike crossed his arms, sinking deeper into his bed.

"So unfair." He mumbled to himself. He tapped his fingers on his arm. He couldn't leave, even if he wanted to. He was too weak to do anything. Spike closed his eyes. If he couldn't do anything, he might as well sleep.

Spike's eyes opened when there was a knock at his door. Grubber opened the door.

"Hey, you have a friend who's here to see you." He said. Spike cocked an eyebrow. Who could be here to visit this early?

Cozy Glow walked into the room with a smile on her face. Her smile dropped when she saw the condition Spike was in.

"Oh dear, what happened?" She asked.

"It's no big deal. I just have a little cold." Spike explained, dismissively waving his hand. Cozy frowned approaching Spike's bed.

"What about your ankle?"

Spike shrugged. "Just a little sprain. It's a little hard to walk on, but it's not too bad."

"I have something that'll make you feel better," Cozy said, reaching into her saddlebag. She pulled out a canteen with a smile. She shoved it into Spike's arms. The canteen was warm. "It's my mom's old recipe. It knocks the cold right out of ya." She said with a wink.

Well, Spike couldn't refuse it, that would just be impolite. Spike opened the canteen and took a sip. It tasted heavily of lavender, lemon, and a little bit of something he couldn't put his finger on. It tasted a little bit like medicine.

"This is really good!" Spike complimented. He began to chug the tea, enjoying every drop. He licked his lips. "Thanks, Cozy! I'm starting to feel better already." He thanked.

Cozy Glow's smile grew wider. Almost sinister.

"Sooo....what did you do yesterday? I wanna hear every detail." Cozy asked.

"Are you sure?" Spike asked. No one really asked about him anymore. Cozy nodded her head, leaning her head onto his bed.

"Well first, I stayed up all night making a statue for Prince Rutherford. And then...then I..." Spike began to drift off. His eyelids suddenly got very heavy. Why did he suddenly feel so tired? He glanced up at Cozy, who kept her sweet, yet sinister smile. And with that, Spike fell asleep.

Spike stirred awake, slowly opening his eyes. He could hear a distant rustle followed by some angry murmuring. He rubbed his eyes, letting out a yawn. When did he fall asleep?

His vision cleared up, only to see his room was a mess. Books and comics were strewn about, along with some of his items. His eyes landed on Cozy Glow searching his closet. She tossed clothes onto the floor.

"Where is it? Where is it?" She muttered to herself.

"What are you doing?" Spike question. Cozy whipped her head around. For a brief second, Spike saw a look of terror on her face. It was quickly covered up by a kind smile.

"I was just reorganizing your room!" Cozy responded, fluttering her eyelashes. Spike gave her a skeptical look.

"My room was fine." Spike said, looking her up and down. He noticed that her smile looked strained. She let out a laugh, sounding more nervous than genuine.

"Whatever you say!" Cozy Glow responded. Spike furrowed his brows.

"...I think it's time for you to leave." He said. Cozy's ears flattened against her head.

"B-but why? I just want to help you feel better." Cozy said, poking out her bottom lip.

"I'll feel better when you leave," Spike responded harshly. Much too harsh for his liking. He sighed. "...I just think I'll recover better if I'm by myself." He rephrased. Cozy gave a pitiful smile.

"Well if that's how you feel." She stated with a shrug. "I'll see you when you get better." She said as she began to walk out of the room. Spike could've sworn that the second she walked out of the room, her smile turned into a scowl. Spike shook his head. His eyes must have been playing tricks on him.

Spike looked around his messy room. This was going to take forever to clean up in the state that he was in.

"What was she looking for?" Spike asked himself. She seemed pretty distressed and angry. Whatever she was looking for must have been important to her. He'd ask her about it later.

Spike slowly pushed himself off of his bed, landing on his uninjured foot. He picked up a book, sliding it onto the shelf. He hobbled across his room, picking up an old sweater. This was going to take a while.

"You feeling better?" Tempest asked.

"Mhm! I took a long nap today. It really helped." Spike responded cheerfully. Tempest smirked at him.

"See? I told you resting for a bit would help you feel better." She taunted playfully. "I bet you didn't even think about helping people."

His smile faltered. "I was distracted by something else. A friend came over and..." Spike began to trail off. Tempest arched an eyebrow in anticipation. Spike shook his head.

"Nevermind, it's not that important." Spike brushed it off. He would ask Cozy Glow about what happened the next time he saw her. Hopefully, she had a good reason.