• Published 19th Mar 2020
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Tracy needed somewhere to stay, how was he supposed to know that it was in another universe? Now he'll somehow have to hold down a job on Earth while living as a pony in Equestria. It's either that, or say goodbye to being human.

  • ...

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Chapter 53

Tracy kept well behind Janet as she walked into the house. She had the benefit of transformed clothing that provided practical modesty—his didn't. He didn't get to see her face as she stopped in the doorway, staring across the room at the open windows to main street.

Brilliant orange light shone in from outside, reflecting off the windows and filling the room with painful glare. Rose emerged from upstairs, still damp and smelling like shower. Also completely naked, though that would be less immediately apparently to his human guest from the front. "Janet, right? Tracy didn't tell me you were a hippogriff!"

"I'm a... what?" she finally stammered, glancing over her shoulder at him. She lifted one claw up towards her face, flexing the strange hybrid-talon fingers one at a time. "I guess I'm Buckbeak now. How many franchises do you have in here, Tracy?"

He shrugged, twisting to slide the doughnuts up onto the table. "If we're quick, we can make it to Sugarcube Corner. I figured we could get something local to go with the doughnuts you brought. A thoroughly unhealthy breakfast."

"Doesn't look like breakfast over here." Janet walked past them both, touching one claw to the window. She looked back at the shut door, then outside again. "How is this... this town can't be here. I missed your turn the first time. I've seen the next street over."

"It's called a Worldgate," Tracy said, opening the front door beside her. "Come on. Bakery is just around the corner."

"Sure." But she didn't move at first, instead removing the necklace from over her shoulders. Unlike the rest of her clothes, it hadn't changed at all, meaning the chain was a little long, the cross a little too big. She held it towards Rose. "Could you touch this for me, please? You too, Tracy. Indulge me."

He managed to do it without rolling his eyes, reaching out and touching the edge with a hoof. "Happy?"

"Her too," she continued. "I know where you're from. But she's from this side, right?"

Rose stopped within reach, looking increasingly concerned. "What kind of custom is this, Tracy?"

Paranoia. But how could he explain that without offending Janet? "She's searching for evil," he said. "The same way you did when I moved in, remember? Different tool, same goal."

Janet nodded once, apparently satisfied with that explanation. "I admit, I'm feeling a little disarmed already. But pink glass and heart decorations outside aren't going to trick me."

Roseluck lifted a hoof, running it along the cross. There was no visible effect—no demonic screams or spontaneous flames, anyway.

But it was enough to make Janet relax, settling the necklace back under her collar. "Alright. That's... that's something. Where did you say we were going?"

"It's called Sugarcube Corner," he said. "It was one of the first places I fell in love with, since they make recognizable food. It should give you a feel for what Ponyville is like. That's... the name of this town, by the way."

Janet stifled a laugh. "Ponyville? As in... what, Personville? Humanplace?"

Roseluck chuckled. "You say that, but it makes more sense than 'Ely'. I'm still trying to figure out what kind of place that would be."

They didn't all go—ostensibly, Janet would use the time to catch him up on what he'd missed over the last week, and some of it would be NDAed company stuff. Practically speaking, she spent almost the entire trip staring open-mouthed at everything and everyone they passed.

Sometimes she managed a feeble question or two, but nothing more complex than, "They don't wear a lot here, do they? I'm seeing a lot of..."

"Junk," he answered quietly. "Yeah, it takes some getting used to. But at least they don't mind if you want to wear more."

"Whether that makes it satanic or Edenic, I reserve judgement," Janet muttered. She sounded different here, more than any of his friends had. It must be something about having a beak, though he couldn't quite place the change. Higher, more clipped somehow. "I don't know what I expected when I accepted your internship application, Tracy. But it wasn't this."

They stopped seconds later, with Sugarcube Corner directly ahead of them.

Even for Equestria, the structure was one of the more absurd things he'd ever seen, like something modeled for a Disney theme-park. But unlike the theme parks, he couldn't quite shake the impression that the gingerbread and frosting on the roof might be real. The candle-shape lights on the roof were already on, though mercifully the interior was still bright. They'd made it.

"You're kidding me," Janet said. "I am not seeing this right now. I'm not... surrounded by thatched roofs and pink windows, and naked horses. Now there's a cupcake house."

If you had any idea. He didn't want to walk past her, or else risk her seeing more than she probably bargained for. "You can wait out here while I grab some muffins, if you want. Probably won't be super fresh at the end of the day, but... that's just something you have to get used to. Time on this side is the opposite of Earth."

"I'm not waiting outside," she insisted, hurrying past him towards the still-open entrance. "Might as well see the inside for myself."

Nothing particularly remarkable happened inside, which was exactly what he'd been hoping for. They exchanged polite words with Mrs. Cake, and Janet even managed not to laugh at her name. They bought some nearly-stale muffins for half price, at least three different ponies wished Janet welcome to Ponyville, and they were back out the door heading home.

She didn't say a single word during the walk back, barely even looked at him. Only when they'd finally shut his front door behind them did she turn. Whatever her new species was, it didn't have quite the same emotional tells as a pony. But the scent was recognizable enough for him to guess.

"Steven was on the edge of sanity after seeing you," she said. "Even after a week of counseling, he wouldn't come back to work, for fear that he'd be working with you again."

Tracy slid the second box onto the table beside the first. There was already a few doughnuts. He resisted the urge to take one of his own better than Rose had.

"But now that I'm here for myself..." She slumped onto her haunches. "I almost wanted him to be right, Tracy. There's nothing thrilling about designing parts. But fighting evil, I almost convinced myself there might be some evil here. Probably says something uncharitable about me that I'm disappointed there isn't."

She glanced out the window. Ponies made their cheerful way home, wishing friendly farewells to their neighbors as they did. Tracy knew more of their names than the coworkers he met during their "optional" bar night.

"There doesn't have to be anything evil for it to be thrilling," he supplied, finally daring to take a doughnut for himself. "Equestria, that's the name of the country—it has its own history, its own sports and myths and cultures. Not to mention what you gain by coming here." He spread his wings as he said so, grin widening. "Remember the arm I broke hiking? Actually it was learning how to fly. You have wings too—that means you could learn, if you wanted."

Janet didn't answer for a long time. Finally she turned, rising from the window. "I told you it didn't say anything good about me. You're right, everything about this is better than the alternative. As much as it sucks to lose Steven over something like this. I still... can't quite believe what I'm feeling."

She stopped beside the table, taking a muffin in her claw. She lifted it, then squeezed a little too hard, and it crumbled away in her talons.

Tracy couldn't quite decide if he was jealous of the almost-fingers, or just glad that he didn't have to type with knives on his hands. "It took me a few weeks," he admitted. "Every time I came home from work, I thought I'd find a normal house here. I obviously imagined this. You're going to think that too. In fact... got your phone? No, wait, you might scratch it."

He fiddled with his own, already waiting on the table. He opened the camera, then slid it towards Rose. "Remember how to use the camera?" he asked. "Janet should have a picture to remember this."

"You're kidding me," the hippogriff protested. But she still posed beside him. It was strange to see someone a full head shorter than himself on Earth be about that much taller than he was on this side. If you're that tall, how big are the stallions?

"Right there!" Rose exclaimed. "Err... I think? It made the sound. But there's no bulb, so I can't tell."

"How did you do that with hooves?" Janet asked. "Are there tentacles, or..."

Rose giggled in response. "I don't know what you think we are, but no. Nopony I've ever met had tentacles."

"I don't know how they do it either," Tracy muttered. He had to set the phone back on the kitchen table, using his usual stylus to text the image to her. Only when he heard the vibration from one of her pockets did he put it down again.

"And now you'll have proof. When you leave and think this must've been a dream, you can look for yourself."

Janet nodded, then closed the distance between them in a few quick strides. She rested one claw on his shoulder, though thankfully she didn't squeeze. He could feel the sharpness against his coat without her using any force.

"I'm not going to tell you that living in another world is more important than Apex," she said. "And don't you dare tell anyone in Management I said that, or I'll deny it. But I have to know—how does this end? Engineer by day, horse by night? Or are you not gonna show up to work one day, and only I will ever know where you went?"

From Janet's other side, Rose locked eyes with him. Obviously she wanted that answer too, but for completely different reasons. Could he avoid disappointing both?

"How I ended up here is a story for another day," he said. "But my lease is one year. I can't leave early, and I can't renew. When it ends, it ends. The Worldgate closes, and this house goes back to being normal. Whatever passes for normal in San Jose, anyway."

Janet let go, glancing back out the window again. "I can see why you didn't run screaming from all this. Maybe you never will." She lifted another muffin in her claw, and this time managed to take a bite without crumbling it. "Pretty good. Little too sweet." She turned for the door. "Anything special I should know about leaving this place? I don't have to... recite any incantations or anything?"

Tracy followed her to the exit, leaving the inner door open behind them this time. "No. Just go quick, don't hesitate on the boundary. And I'll have to shut the door quick behind you, so nobody looks in."

They stopped just in front of the door. Despite her complaints, Janet took another few bites of the muffin.

"Can't help but notice we didn't talk about the Emmerson project," he said. "Do you like my design? I tried to keep the complexity down. But the grooves in the mounting mechanism, we need those. It's a fabrication thing, if—"

Janet silenced him with a gesture. Somehow she could grin at him, even with a beak. "If you weren't good at your job, I wouldn't need to work this hard to keep you on my team. Look at where we're standing right now. Part's fine. Make sure you bring the laptop back to work with you on Monday, you can keep the dock here."

She turned, leaning past him. "It was nice meeting you again, Rose! Sorry if I wasn't very friendly. I don't usually visit other worlds before lunchtime."

"No problem," Rose called back, another doughnut in her hooves. "Come back anytime."

"Don't know if I will," Janet muttered. She looked up again, through the doorway towards distant windows. "Feels like someone could get lost in all this. See you Monday, Tracy."

She left, practically jumping out the door, and slamming it closed behind her.

Author's Note:

How does this keep happening? Two in this chapter, because I'm not spoiled enough.

Pridark added this new piece of Janet's arrival.
Second piece is viwrastupr's work. Third one was done by the great klarapl.

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