• Published 20th Mar 2020
  • 7,165 Views, 99 Comments

Saving a Hopeless Soul - Mister E-Nonymous

A human boy who has been abused by his terrible aunt and uncle has somehow ended up in Equestria as a Pegasus, and taken in by Rainbow Dash.

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Chapter 13: Finally Home

Chapter 13: Finally Home

(Rainbow Dash's Point of View)

We finally got back to the hotel room. When we got there, we started packing up the stuff that we didn't need back in Equestria, so we were giving them to Solar Eclipse. Danny can now finally stay with me in Equestria, and he'll be happy.

Solar Eclipse handed me a file and said, "Inside this file is some of Danny's important information. His birth certificate, his medical reports, and some photos of him and his parents during his true happy human childhood."

"Thanks," I said. I then opened up the file, and I looked at the files from in there. I then noticed the birth certificate. "Birthday, December 4th. Wait a minute. Isn't that tomorrow?"

"It is..." Danny said.

"Which means..." Twilight said.

"IT'S HIS BIRTHDAY TOMORROW!" Pinkie Pie shouted. "This is very exciting, and I have to plan a three in one party, all due to us winning the trial, Dashie officially adopting Danny, and his birthday, and I can't wait to put this all together for Danny because he would need something to forget all about the unhappy memories he had with his former aunt and uncle and we're gonna have so much fun and good food for him and have the best time ever!"

"I'm sure that Danny will have the greatest birthday party ever," I said.

"I'm guessing that you will be coming back with us, Solar Eclipse?" Twilight asked.

"I would love to," said Solar Eclipse, "but I had isolated myself here to help people of this world. But, I will send the kid something that he might enjoy."

"Thank you..." I said to Solar Eclipse. "If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have saved Danny from those nasty people they tried to make his life miserable."

"I'm just happy to help," said Solar Eclipse.

"Indeed," said Princess Luna. "Now, let us return to Equestria." Luna then lit up her horn and we all black out.

I stirred around. I looked at myself. I was a pony again, and I was in my room. I also saw that Danny was a pony as well, laying down next to me. I looked at the clock in my room, seeing that it was 1:30 A.M., and then I laid back down. I held Danny close to me, and I would never let him go back to that awful life. I shut my eyes, going back to sleep.

I woke up later with Danny still asleep in my grip. I looked over at the clock. It was 7 o'clock in the morning. I then shook Danny awake and said, "Alright, Danny. It's time to wake up."

Danny stirred around, and then he woke up. He smiled and said, "Good morning, Mommy."

"Good morning, birthday colt," I told him. "Let's get you some breakfast, and then we'll head out."

"Okay, Mommy," said Danny.

We then got out of bed, and headed towards the kitchen. I had prepared him some cereal, and then we went up to his room, and we saw something that was put on Danny's bed. It was a present. There was a letter attached to the present. It was something from Solar Eclipse.

"A gift from Solar Eclipse?" I asked. "Let me see the letter." Danny handed me the letter, and I read it out loud.

Dear Danny,

I know you have been upset with losing your old mom and dad, so I decided to give you this.

Danny opened the present, and inside was some weird device and some headphones. Danny said, "Oh, cool. An iPod Touch and some wireless headphones." I then continued reading.

I have modified this iPod Touch and the headphones so they will not be able to run out of battery percentage. I've also put in all of your good family memories into the photo apps. I'm sure that you'll get all of the good memories you have the chance to make more happy memories. This iPod will also update it's software automatically.

Happy birthday,

Solar Eclipse

"Wow," said Danny. "That was nice of Solar Eclipse to do so."

"Yeah," I said. "I wonder what he's up to right now."

(Third Person Point of View)

Solar Eclipse went into the prison where Danny's aunt and uncle were. They were put into a room where no one, not even the guards, will be able to see or hear them.

"What are you doing here?" asked Natasha. "You were the one who put is in jail and took away our chance of getting rich."

"I had to," said Solar Eclipse. "You were mentally insane. But now, you got what you truly deserve."

"Why were you helping those freaks!" said Reginald. "They're not even human!"

"I know," said Solar Eclipse. "I'm not human either." He then started glowing, brightening the room in a white light. He then revealed his true form to the two of them.

"You're a pony like them?!" asked Natasha.

"Yes," said Solar Eclipse. "Also, it was me who had put that truth telling spell on you during the trial. And also, you'll won't be able to stop telling the truth, revealing your deepest, darkest secrets, making it impossible for you to leave prison."

"What?!" asked Natasha. "You can't just do that!"

"I just did," said Solar Eclipse.

"We'll tell them that you are a magical pony, and that you have put that spell on us," said Reginald.

"Not gonna happen," said Solar Eclipse. "I also made it that you will never tell anyone about Equestria, or the ponies that are or from there." Then Solar Eclipse went back to his normal human form and then left the room. He could hear the two screaming in anger about what Solar Eclipse did to them. He then went out of the prison, and headed somewhere.

Ponyville, Equestria...

(Danny's Point of View)

We had just arrived in Ponyville, and...

"SURPRISE!!" shouted everypony in Ponyville. All of Ponyville was set up for a party in front of town hall.

"Happy Birthday, Danny!" said Pinkie Pie. We all saw her come up to us. "You have been having a tough time due to those people who were your aunt and uncle. I just thought that you would enjoy a truly happy party. Now that those cruel aunt and uncle of yours are finally in jail, and you have been given full custody to Rainbow Dash, you can finally be free to do whatever fun thing you can do!"

"I'm just happy that I'm finally free of them," I said.

"Let's have some real fun, Danny," said Mom. "Yo, DJ Pon-3! Turn up the tunes!"

I looked over at the unicorn DJ, and she started playing some music that was fun to dance to. We danced, had fun, and I got a lot of presents from my new friends. Also, Rarity got me some winter gear for when it starts snowing. A snow cap, a scarf, and some snow boots for my hooves.

It then went to later that night. I had a little too much sweets, and I was carried back to my new home. When we got inside, we were surprised to see that somepony was in our home.

"Solar Eclipse?" asked Mom. "What are you doing here?"

"I came here to see how much has changed since I left," said Solar Eclipse. "I see that nearly everything has changed. Except for one thing."

"And that is?" I asked.

"A brighter future," said Solar Eclipse. "I may keep myself isolated on Earth, but I'll make sure that every young innocent soul is given a proper home with a loving family. Hopefully, you will find true happiness here."

"Are you sure you don't mind sticking around here?" asked Mom. "You might want to consider moving back here."

"Sorry, young mare," said Solar Eclipse, "but I would rather do what's best, and stick around Earth. I also gotta make sure that Nightmare Moon is gone for good there. See ya."

Then Solar Eclipse just vanished. I then yawned. I was really tired.

"C'mon, Danny," said Mom. "Let's get you to bed." She then picked me up and then she took me to my room. I was really tired. Mom tucked me into bed and said, "Good night, Danny."

"Good night, Mommy," I said. I then fell to sleep.

(Rainbow Dash's Point of View)

I walked into my room, and I looked at the pictures that showed Danny having fun. He was having fun with his friends, enjoying all the sweets, and playing the games. I smiled at each of the pictures of Danny having fun.

I then looked over at the picture of me and my parents. I then spoke out loud, "Perhaps next weekend, I should probably introduce him to his new grandparents. I'm sure they'll get a little over excited about this, but it might cheer up Danny. He could use a fresh start."

I then put away all of the pictures and headed off to bed. I'm sure that from now on, Danny won't have to worry about any more problems.

The End

Comments ( 14 )

Great chapter and great story!

The End

Or is it?

I'm actually thinking of making a sequel for this one. But it's another human adopted by a pony in the same universe. This time, it would be a human adopted by Pinkie Pie.

Is this a Danny Phantom crossover? Also, why isn't this marked as complete?

Oh, no crossover. And also, I forgot. I'll get right on it.

I loved the story (hated the aunt and uncle) hoping to see a sequel

Guess what? I'm just starting a sequel, but it's in the teen rating, but there's something unexpected that's about to happen.

"I'm just happy to help," said Solar Eclipse.

They were put into a room where they would no one, not even the guards, will be able to see or hear them.

He then started glowing brightening the room in a white light. He then revealed his true form to the two of them.

He could hear the two screaming in anger about what Solar Eclipse did to them.

"Let's have some real fun, Danny," said Mom. "Yo, DJ Pon-3! Turn up the tunes!"


then picked me up and then she took me to my room.

If it's close enough to the sun and in just the right spot, most of the light could be blocked. Light isn't coming at us like a laser beam. It's like a light bulb and spreads out as it goes.

The moon begs to differ

EDIT: Just reread your comment and realized you meant the entire planet, not just a section. Sorry!

Overall, worth a thumbs up.. . . However, this story seemed to be written along Essay rules, i.e.
(1) Tell the reader what you are going to tell them.
(2) Tell the reader what you are going to tell them.
(3) Tell the reader what you just told them.

This is great for getting facts/opinions across, but in a narrative like a story, it REALLY bogs down the flow. I honestly kept checking to see how much longer the story was because of this. There also were some obvious liberties taken with the judicial system, but telling legal events in realistic time could have had Danny with CPS until he was a teenager 🙄, so that is easily excused since most stories/moves/TV shows take the same liberty.

it was a heart felt story three thumbs up great job

Rainbow Dash looks cool with glasses.

By curiosity do you know who is the voice reference of Danny Philips?

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