• Published 28th Mar 2020
  • 3,836 Views, 56 Comments

Dreams Don't Always Come as you Expected - Mister E-Nonymous

An orphan boy who has been living in an orphanage his whole life has been given a chance to have a home, but things get a little edgy when he wakes up, not just as a pony, but of a pony in the opposite gender.

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Chapter 5: Alex Goes Feminine Minded

Chapter 5: Alex Goes Feminine Minded

(Alex's Point of View)

My first week of school went good, but I had to get used to going to public school before I was home schooled at the orphanage I used to live in. And last night, Mr. and Mrs. Cake were going to see some family, and Pinkie Pie went back home to help take care of her family. So, she allowed me to stay with Rarity and Sweetie Belle, and Pinkie Pie wouldn't be back until today.

We didn't have school today because two ponies, Snips and Snails, came in with an ant farm full of termites, thinking they were cockroaches for show and tell. So, I stayed the night with Sweetie Belle on a roll away bed that Rarity installed for me if I was going to sleep over.

"Oh, Alex," said Rarity. I looked over at Rarity, and she was smiling at me. "I know you don't like doing anything feminine, but I was wondering if you would allow me to design some clothing in your size? I rarely get to work with a filly your size and coat color."

I was a little nervous about this, but for some reason, I didn't want to turn her down. I then looked up and said, "I guess it'll be alright. But I don't want to be caught doing girly things."

"I understand," said Rarity. "It'll by our little secret." She then looked towards her sister and asked, "Right, Sweetie Belle?"

"My lips are sealed," said Sweetie Belle.

I was put into being a manikin position for ponies, and Rarity was designing a dress for a pony that was like me. I was really upset about this, but I'll get over it, as long as something doesn't go wrong.

"Alright, Alex," Rarity said, getting my attention. "It's all done. Take a look."

I then looked at my reflection in the mirror and saw... me... in a beautiful dress. I smiled.

"I... I love it," I said. Then I looked up at Rarity, and she was giving me a confused look.

"You... love it?" asked Rarity. "But... I thought you weren't into girly things."

Then I went wide eyed and remembered what I just said. Then I asked, "What? Why did I say that? I shouldn't be able to be thinking such words."

"Are you okay, Alex?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Is something going on?"

"I... I don't know," I said. "Why am I thinking such girly things?"

"Wait a minute," said Rarity. "Let me try something. Alex, what do you think about wearing makeup?"

"Well, I guess it's good for some special occasions like dances or fancy balls," I said. "I feel pretty wearing it." Then I just went wide eyed, again. Then I shook my head and I turned my head towards Rarity, and asked loudly, "What's happening to me?! My mind is being messed up!"

"We must tell Twilight about this," said Rarity. She then took the dress I was wearing off. For some reason, I blushed, having to be undressed like that. Then got shocked and shook my head again.

"Why am I thinking these things?" I asked. "I'm scared, Rarity. What am I going to do?"

"Let's get you to Twilight, immediately," said Rarity. Then the door opened and in came Pinkie Pie.

"I'M BACK!!" Pinkie Pie shouted.

"Pinkie Pie!" I ran over to her. I grabbed her and started crying.

"Alex?" Pinkie asked. "What's wrong?"

"Pinkie, dearie," said Rarity. "It would seem that... Alex's body might not have been only thing that has changed. Her mind is changing. She's becoming mentally female as well."

"WHAT?!" asked Pinkie Pie. She then grabbed me, and held me up to her face. I was showing Pinkie Pie how scared I was. I didn't know what to do. She then hugged me, and then said, "We need to get to Twilight, now!"

She then put me on her back, and then she, Rarity and Sweetie Belle ran towards the library. I just hope that Twilight would be able to help me.

(Pinkie Pie's Point of View)

After hearing that Alex's mind was changing, I knew immediately that Twilight was the only pony to help Alex in this way. With Rarity and Sweetie Belle behind me, I bashed the door to the Golden Oaks Library, and saw Twilight and Spike there.

"TWILIGHT!" I shouted. "Something's wrong with Alex!"

"What?!" Twilight asked. "What's wrong with her?!"

Rarity came up to Twilight and said, "Well, I wanted to ask Alex if she wanted to help me with a dress. But then when I finished that dress, she actually 'loved' it. I was confused, but then I tested her mentally, and... she's becoming female mentally."

"What?!" Twilight asked. "I didn't know something like this could happen." I set Alex down on the table, and then Twilight used her magic to see what was going on. She then frowned worriedly and said, "Her... her mind is part female's now. And... the feminine side is expanding. I'm not sure if I can stop it."

"NOO!" shouted Alex. "I don't wanna think girl thoughts!" She then grabbed Twilight and said, "You gotta fix this! I don't wanna think girl thoughts! Please, help me!"

Twilight looked towards Spike and said, "Spike, take a note."

"On it," said Spike. He then pulled out a quill and a piece of parchment, and then started writing what Twilight wanted him to write.

Dear Princess Celestia,

We got a problem that concerns our new human turned pony, Alex. It would seem that her mind is starting to transform from male into female. She is really scared of what happening. She doesn't want to feel this way, and we must figure out a way to stop this before she thinks nothing but girl thoughts.

I hope you have the answer that'll help Alex out of this. She is really freaking out about this.

Signed, your former student turned princess,

Princess Twilight Sparkle

Spike finished writing, and then blew his flames on it, making the message get sent to Princess Celestia. Alex was confused about that.

"Why did he write what you say, and then just burn up that paper?" Alex asked. "That's a waste of paper, you know."

"Actually, Spike's breath is magical," said Twilight. "Sometimes, it burns and sometimes, it sends things to who he wants to be sent to."

"Then, how does he get a response?" asked Alex.

"You'll find out soon," said Twilight.

"I hope Princess Celestia finds out how to fix Alex," I said. "I don't her want to think suffer by thinking girl things without realizing it."

"I was afraid this might happen," came a voice. I knew that voice. Discord.

Then a popping sound and a flash of light appeared, and Discord appeared, laying on top of that wooden bust of a pony's head on that table like it was a lounge chair.

"Discord!" said Twilight, Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Spike and I.

"I should've known!" I said. "You're the one who's been messing with Alex's mind!"

"Don't judge to conclusions, Miss Pie," said Discord. "I wasn't responsible for Alex's mind changing to one of a female's, but I did detect her mind changing when I first met her."

"WHAT?!" asked Twilight, Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Alex and I.

"I've been keeping progress of her mind becoming one of a female's mind," said Discord with a line that looks like it's counting down. "This line represent's Alex's mind. The blue part of the line represents his progress of being male. And the pink line represents the female thoughts that's coming in. The pink line is growing over the blue line."

"So, eventually, I'll be thinking nothing but girly thoughts?" Alex asked. She then shed a few tears from her eyes. "I don't wanna be a girl mentally! I have to be thinking boy thoughts!"

"Wait a minute," said Twilight. "Discord once corrupted our minds when we first met."

"I remember that," said Rarity. "I was still upset that he made me greedy for everything around me, and he made me think a boulder was a giant diamond. What are you getting at, Twilight?"

"I might regret this," said Twilight, "but perhaps Discord could... fight the corruption in Alex's mind with another corruption."

"Are you sure about this?" I asked. "What if he can't stop it? Or worse. What if he speeds up the female thoughts?"

"I know you're worried, Pinkie," said Twilight, "but right now, we don't have a choice."

Then Discord got closer to Alex, and then he touched foreheads with her, and then Alex's eyes went spiraling with different colors. But then a small burst of light appeared from between Alex and Discord, sending Discord flying away from Alex.

"My word!" said Rarity. We all then ran over to Discord.

"Are you alright?" Twilight asked.

"I... I'm fine," said Discord. "I don't know what happened, but I think it's done."

Alex shook her head, and looked towards us. She didn't look any different.

"Alex," I said. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," said Alex. "I'm fine."

"Alex," Twilight said, "try thinking of your interests out loud. What do you like to do?"

"Okay," said Alex. "Let's see. Football, wrestling, belching, spitting contests..." We were smiling that he was able to think boy thoughts. But all of that started changing. "...dressing up... makeup... playing with dolls..." She then widened his eyes when she started thinking those thoughts. "NOOO!! Why is this happening?!"

"Oh, dear," said Discord. "I thought I did it correctly, but I guess the corruption in her mind has pushed it out."

Then Spike started hacking. We looked towards him, and then he belched, and out came a scroll from his emerald flames. He grabbed it, and opened it up. He then started reading.

Dear Princess Twilight

I was hoping that you would write to me about this. It turns out this was also a part of the side effect that Solar Eclipse had mentioned to us about. And according to him... there is no known way of undoing this. You should alert this to your friends and Alex's friends. They should all get to know what is happening to her.

I'm sorry for how much Alex is suffering mentally. Help her through this. She's going to need all the help she can get.


Princess Celestia

"Oh my goodness," said Rarity. "So it was a part of that side effect as well."

I looked over at Alex, and she was crying. I then talked up to her.

"Alex?" I asked. "Are you okay?"

"No! I'm not okay!" Alex shouted. "I don't want to be girl minded!" She then ran out of the library, heading off somewhere.

"ALEX!!" I shouted. I then faced the others and said, "We gotta help her! She might not know what she'll get herself into!"

"Pinkie's right," said Twilight. "Search all over Ponyville for Alex. I just hope she'll be okay mentally."

I looked towards where Alex ran off to. I hope she doesn't get too upset about this.

(Alex's Point of View)

I couldn't believe it. Because of that dumb spell, I was not only changed physically, but I was still changing. But this is mental changing. I ran out of the library, upset about what happened. I didn't know where I was going, but right now I didn't care. I just ran away without knowing where I was going. I was passing by different places in Ponyville, still crying about what was happening. I'm pretty sure that I passed Pinkie's friends along with Danny, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.

I didn't want to talk to them because I was still upset. I didn't care about wanting to be talking about this. I ran into the forest without thinking. I tripped on a stone, tumbling down on a slope, and I was sent flying, and I hit a tree, landing on my head.

I was going under, but I could've sworn I saw somepony walking towards me. I couldn't tell what kind of pony it was because of the cloak that pony was wearing. I then blacked out.

Author's Note:

Uh oh!:twilightoops:

Alex is going female minded. What is she going to do? Hopefully she'll find answers before she becomes completely, mentally female.