• Member Since 13th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


I'm Sheena. I write mostly angsty teen lesbian romantic dramedy, a few AUs, and sometimes porn.


EDIT 11/7/23: this fic is receiving a high concentration of suspicious and potentially malicious comments that may or may not contain links to some potential virus and/or identity theft hot zones. DO NOT CLICK ON ANY LINKS YOU MAY FIND IN THE COMMENTS, THEY MAY BE UNSAFE. If this pattern continues I will have no choice but to disable comments on this fic.

Twilight wakes up in a strange new world. As a scientist, this fills her with joy! That is, until night falls... That's when the monsters come. Luckily she doesn't turn into zombie food on Night 1, since Rainbow Dash is there to save her. But when the dust settles, one simple fact remains: there is no way out of this endless nightmare. Or is there?


Minecraft crossover with blatantly obvious Resident Evil influences in terms of the zombies. Campy Trad-Horror themes abound. First arc is primarily centered around Twilight and Rainbow, Second arc adds Applejack and Fluttershy, Third arc adds Rarity and Pinkie. No dumb boring romance subplots getting in the way.

Gore tag for zombie guts.
Violence tag for killing zombies.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 15 )

You make it extremely boring by writing in minecraft gameplay mechanics exactly as they are in the game, instead of integrating them in naturally. Reading about Twilight learning to play minecraft for half the chapter while presenting no unique twist on it (like twilight's magic) isn't very fun.

This is a good critique, but it could use a little encouragement. The writing and punctuation itself is very well done, aside from the flaws mentioned above.

Good stuff, wonder if they'll kill the ender dragon to get out.:trixieshiftleft:
Should get armor asap :rainbowdetermined2:
Keep it up

I disagree. I think the mechanics are good.
And magic in minecraft is enchanting and potions, possibly commands.
The only thing I would change would be Twilight playing with them more. Like finding out blocks float, or that items despawn.

Mmm genial, quería hacer un fic de Minecraft x MLP pero no tenía ni idea de como introducir algo que se a algo que no se, pero debería haberlo hecho al revés, meter algo que no se a algo que si se... aunque va a estar complicado las mane six porque realmente nunca vi MLP a pesar de que leo sus fics xd

Cuando comencé a leer y escribir fanfiction, era con cosas que tampoco había visto por completo. fantasía final XII, invasor Zim, el legado precursor, nota de muerte, y avatar, el último maestro del aire. no necesitas saber todo sobre la serie para escribir con éxito. a veces puede ser suficiente conocer los nombres y las personalidades de los personajes. todo lo que necesitas hacer es creer en ti mismo y en tus habilidades de escritura, y simplemente escribir. incluso si crees que no será muy bueno, debes escribir para mejorar tus habilidades y mejorar con cada palabra. este sitio web es solo para historias en inglés, pero hay otros sitios web que aceptarían en español. De cualquier manera, ¡gracias por mostrar interés en este historia! Lamento que no hable español con fluidez, por lo que mis palabras no saldrán perfectamente en su idioma. Aún así, te deseo lo mejor.

Gracias por tu apoyo, lo siento por seguir escribiendo en inglés pero tengo entendido que traducir esto por medio de Traductor Google no siempre es bueno. Solo conozco un sitio Web de Fic's en español y realmente no es tan bueno, prefiero Fanfiction o aquí, Fimfiction (aunque no he probado su método de escritura, intuyo por el formato que pueden tener los comentarios que es bastante bueno) y ya he escrito Fanfic's antes, tengo algo de experiencia, pero me aburrí un poco de escribir sobre la misma serie y quería expandir mis horizontes... los datos que me has dado me ayudarán mucho, puesto que realmente no conozco las personalidades originales de las Mane Six, pero viendo que en la mayoría de los fic tiene algún tipo de patrón, lo seguiré pero cambiando algunas cosas, como por ejemplo "Rainbow Dash golpeando antes de preguntar" a "Rainbow Dash amenazando de muerte antes d3 preguntar"

The concept of a Minecraft and Resident Evil crossover sounds intriguing, and the addition of Twilight Sparkle and the other My Little Pony characters adds a unique twist to the story. The fact that they are trapped in this world with no way out creates a sense of tension and urgency that will keep the reader engaged. The idea of adding characters in arcs also allows for the story to develop and evolve over time, which will keep readers interested. Additionally, the lack of romance subplots allows for the focus to remain on the action and horror elements of the story, which is refreshing. Overall, this sounds like an exciting and entertaining read for fans of both franchises.

Comment posted by devin clark deleted Oct 26th, 2023
Comment posted by emma32 deleted Oct 26th, 2023

there was a bot(/ai???) comment here with a malicious link

it’s gone now


Comment posted by exad3545 deleted Nov 8th, 2023
Comment posted by Cozynest deleted Nov 8th, 2023

“You make it extremely boring by writing in minecraft gameplay mechanics exactly as they are in the game, instead of integrating them in naturally. Reading about Twilight learning to play minecraft for half the chapter while presenting no unique twist on it (like twilight's magic) isn't very fun.”
“The writing becomes rather dull when you rigidly describe Minecraft gameplay mechanics as they exist in the game, without seamlessly integrating them into the narrative. For instance, dedicating half a chapter to Twilight learning to play Minecraft without adding a unique twist, such as incorporating Twilight's magic, doesn't provide an engaging reading experience.”

When it happened with Devin Clark I thought it was amusing. When it happened with Emma32 I thought it was annoying. Now? Three completely different people have DIRECTLY copied Thaums. This time I actually looked at your account. You created it the day you made this comment. You’re either Thaums bored out of his skull- which judging by his posts 2016 indicate this may genuinely be the truth but this is a huge jump to conclusions and thus I’m not going to pursue that without further proof and give Thaums the benefit of the doubt that he’s not literally harassing me. OR. You’re either an ai/robot or a troll. Either way, I’ve bit my tongue long enough. Whatever you are, you’re literally incorrect in your assessment in every conceivable way and does not stand to benefit me in any way.

I ABSOLUTELY 100% organically naturally and seamlessly integrated the systems of minecraft into the narrative. Your boredom is a factor of your own interpretation, skill, and comprehension. Inception wasn't a nonsensical film if you didn’t just turn your brain off any time people were talking just as this fic isn’t a dull tedious exercise if you don’t just glaze your eyes over and skim through anything that isn’t dialogue. Inception makes perfect sense from beginning to end, and is one of the greatest screenplays ever brought from the Ducktales comics to the imax screen. Now this is no Inception. I won’t pretend it is. But you can’t pretend this is nearly the level of garbage as you seem to be claiming it is. Further, the way that the world functions in this fic is a wildly different process to how it actually works in the real game. Minecraft has a Heads Up Display (HUD) and Menus. This fic has essentially holographic technology a la Dead Space combined with the digitized voxel physics harkening to 7 Days To Die (almost like this fic respects zombie GAMES as well as MOVIES) as well as an inventory system that’s basically a bag of holding. It’s almost like I wished to avoid having an immersion-breaking disconnect between not only the people who have never even touched minecraft once and are reading this because they like resident evil and ponies more so than because they play minecraft all the time, but also between the people who play minecraft religiously and wouldn’t be able to shake their own years of experience with the game cross referencing constantly with their own interpretations of the rules of this world. I showed the character the systems, which shows the audience the systems. Obi-Wan explained The Force to Luke and ALSO the audience, that doesn’t mean A New Hope is a pile of garbage just because you played Jedi Dark Souls or Starkiller My Immortal or Mass Effect Precursor and are already intimately familiar of how to shoot lighting out your fingertips and Code Geass level brainwash people. This is one of the most basic literary devices known to man. How many samurai movies were shamelessly ripped off to later become the western sci fi movies we know and love today, and heavily featured long monologues of people sitting there and telling the camera the history of the Tokugawa Shogunate and explaining what a Ronin is? And to be a lot more fair, how about the movie I was specifically honoring as far as style and tone goes, Night of the Living Dead? You know, with Romero literally inventing the zombie genre? The movie that starts off slow and boring and awkward and stilted for the first act before telling the audience that there are zombies all over America. The movie with the most basic act 1 act 2 midpoint rising actions climax act 3 plot structure anyone has ever churned out. The movie that features people running from monsters to a house and then barricading the door. The movie I could not possibly have been ripping off any more than if I didn’t use the magic word “homage”. That movie. And finally, BLOCKS AREN’T ALL AFFECTED BY GRAVITY IN THE GAME LIKE THEY ARE IN THIS FIC. It’s almost like the minecraft-ness of this world is just a surface level superficial interpretation of how minecraft in the real world would function, and the inherent heart of the plot events and locations is rooted fully in Equestria and the world of ponies which is why this fic is featured on fim and not wherever the hell people post minecraft features.

And maybe Twilight didn’t use her magic because there’s no magic in Minecraft. Or it’s because it’s Sci-Twi thinking she’s with human Rainbow and pony Rainbow thinking she’s with pony Twilight. That was the easiest inference I’ve ever put in any of my fics and you not only didn’t get it but insinuated it was a fault of mine in some way.

Also it was not half the chapter. It was the second half of the first quarter of the chapter. You’re quadrupling the amount of stuff you’re composing about. Hyperbole does not effective criticism make. The first quarter of the chapter was about establishing place. Second quarter was about establishing tone and the level of danger. The midpoint was introducing Rainbow Dash and the rest of act 2 was the fight scene culminating in the bridge escape at the climax. The final quarter, the third act, was about establishing the plot. This 4K prologue chapter accomplished everything it was intended to, no more and no less. You took a bite of a mozzarella stick and already wrote your 1-star review on Yelp about how literally all of the food is greasy and fried. You misrepresented the content to anyone who may be reading the comments before giving the fic a read, without even the benefit of informing me on things I can do to get better. Bad form bro.

And you literally just copied Chadbane plus a thesaurus, and made your account the day you made this comment with literally no other activity on your profile.

What is it about this fic in particular drawing all of these blatantly obvious chatGPT trainers like a frickin bug zapper

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