• Member Since 1st Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Some Dickhead


Comments ( 35 )

Not bad. Not bad.

Surprisingly accurate

I've never been there myself, but this is strangely exactly how I imagine Australia.

A bogan funnel web.. Haha love it! And yeah no one here drinks fosters.

Next month, Anon meets The Snake.

lol, too real.

“Kick the ba-a-all.
yeeah, kick the bloody ball”

For real the only thing i could think about when Bruce came up

How do you download story hear I have ritan one on ones giving me clear enough help I'm new at this

Princess-Lander version: Toohey’s/ 4X and a meat pie

Mistah Prime Ministah! ANDY!

Could be worse.

Could be emus.

We don't drink it, we export it

I think I remember seeing a few cans of the stuff once years ago at a local footy game when I was a kid, late 90s. Haven't seen any since. like you said, we export it.

I’m almost upset at myself for not seeing the Bruce bit coming.

"Calm down, ya bloody sook. If ya don't want my ankle biters ta eat you whole, you'll head over to that 7-Eleven I saw over by the Hungry Jack's and get me some ciggies and Victoria, none of that Foster's garbage."

Anon slowly unraveled.

"Just that?"

"Yeah. Those cunts at Centrelink don't know how bad I've got it. I can barely afford my TV bill, so I might as well just get my shit from you lot."

As he makes his way through the crowd and towards the convenience store, Anon wonders how exactly his life got to this point.

1 - Servos don't carry beer. They don't carry alcohol, period.

2 - VB is what we call Victoria Bitters, not Victoria.

3 - I've never heard smokes called 'ciggies'.

4 - TV is free unless you have Foxtel or a Streaming service. You get about 20-ish channels, but will most likely only watch about 10. It's called Free-to-Air for a reason.

5 - Going with a Funnel-web rather than a Redback or Huntsman dissociates the fic from anywhere other than New South Wales or Victoria.

6 - Cadbury was English, but is currently owned by an American company. Darrell Lea is the Australian brand of chocolate.

7 th, last, and most importantly, - QUEENSLANDER!

1.) I know, but it certainly sounds better than "the liquor store" or something. 7/11, hell all convenience stores, have a reputation for being cheapo garbage, which better fits the tone of the story. Been in the America for too long lol.

2.) I've heard it called Victoria more than VB - suppose this is a personal experience thing.

3.) Same applies, I guess.

4.) I know like 3 people who don't have Foxtel, more or less mandatory for actually watching TV at this point.

5.) Queensland is the objective best state, can't convince me otherwise.

6.) Personal experience I suppose - grew up with Cadbury. Lea has always just sort of existed in my mind, never actually stood out all that much.

7.) My point stands.


Liquor Store is a Bottle-O.

I'll let the possible regional differences go, but no true Queenslander goes for VB over XXXX or Bundy Rum.

I and almost everyone I know still use Free-to-Air. The only reason not to is for shows that you want to watch that aren't on, and even then, I can just buy them, in either physical copies or on Xbox or PSN.

All the more reason to go with a Huntsman.

My point still stands.


A good solid majority of the country uses Foxtel, more likely that someone has it than doesn't.

Yeah, but people on Centrelink don't.
At least not without a questionable alternative means of income.

A horrible bogan that goes around extorting people certainly would.

I've never been to 'Straya, but this seems pretty close to what I've heard of it.

Isn't Foster's Australian for wombat piss? :pinkiesick:

Hosstrailia. :pinkiehappy:

That's because you've probably only heard things from tourists most animals here tend to want to stay AWAY from humans and will only hurt you if they think they are in danger unlike bears which will try to kill you if you are just close enough to them the snakes and spiders here will run from you as their first choice heck the only animal that will want to kill you is the Australian magpie and that is only in spring time

As an Australian...

I heard Bruce's voice deep in my soul. Bloody hell...

Story made me kek at least, cheers man.

Kek literally translates to lol on World of Warcraft. When someone from the Horde side types 'lol'. Members of the alliance side see 'kek' instead. Not specific to Orcs.

Thestralia, not actually Australia. If you were going to nit pick that hard you probably should also mention that we don't have sentient ponies or spiders (as far as I know). Also every mate I have that smokes calls them ciggies.

Might be just a QLD thing to not call them ciggies.

Odd story. Still amusing.

VB and darts? good choice

Banish all the unwanted people to Australia (check)
they turn out pretty alright (check)
Spiders run the government (checkerookie)

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