• Published 16th Jul 2020
  • 3,018 Views, 33 Comments

Twilight's own Facade - Ranakastrasz

Help! Somepony just stole my body, and I can't do anything!

  • ...

Friendship is Obligatory: Part 2, or Unhappily Ever After.

<Okay, Seriously, What the buck is going on here? I am not being controlled by Nightmare Moon. I am not being controlled by an ally of Nightmare Moon. So I am back to square one, and I really wish I could take notes to organize my thoughts here. For the sake of clarity, I will refer to, uhm, her... as "Spark". By Celestia I wish I could take notes...>

Spark ran, with Spike, all the way back to the library, dropping him off on the bed. I honestly couldn't blame her, given that he was delirious.

After that, Spark quickly located The Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide. I don't know why the library was organized alphabetically. It is a truly awful system, given that the first letter of the title has little to do with the book, whereas the Dewdrop Decimal system organizes books by content.

She dropped the book on the table. Apparently, the last known location of the Elements of Harmony were in the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters, in the Everfree Forest. The elements were clearly based on several virtues, Kindness...

Then the door slammed open, with a rainbow blur speeding up to me. Rainbow Dash got in my face, glaring. "What’s your deal?" She demanded. "First you're being all brave, then you just run off like a coward!" <Gah! Its bad enough trying to read with Spark controlling my eyes, but interruptions were even more disorienting.>

"In case you didn't notice, Rainbow, Nightmare Moon is far too strong for anyone to handle alone. This was a tactical withdrawal."

"Tactical, my flank!" Rainbow accused, waving her hoof around.

Spark started to respond, but was interrupted by Applejack, who had just entered the room along with the other ponies Spark had interacted with. "Settle down there, Rainbow. Nopony's blamin' her for runnin' off." She turned to me with a frown that demanded answers. "But you know something we don't, don't ya Twilight?"

Spark nodded, responding "Right. Nightmare Moon is an angry goddess who was imprisoned on the moon for a thousand years. Now that she's free, she will bring eternal night, which will inevitably kill all life on the planet." <What? Eternal night wouldn't kill all life on the planet. Where did she even get that idea from?> "-The Elements of Harmony" <And I should have been paying attention.>

Spark elucidated on the research she had done. The Elements of Harmony, Five virtues known, but six elements. The Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters, which sounded like the kind of places I should have heard more about.

She trailed off for a moment, until Applejack spoke up "Uh, Twi? You all right, sugarcube?"

The resulting headshake was unpleasant, but I was getting used to it. "Yeah, I'm fine. Anyway, the castle is in the middle of the Everfree Forest. I'm sure we can get in there and get out before Nightmare figures us out, no problem."

Everypony else looked nervous, except Flutter, who started shaking. "D-did you say the Everfree F-forest?"

"Yeah. Is that bad?"

"Bad?" Scoffed Rarity. "It's terrible! The Everfree Forest is the most dangerous place in Equestria!" <It is? Why haven't I seen a book about it before then?>

"Pfft! I'm not scared!" Rainbow boasted. She shifted uneasily in place. <Very convincing>

"Good, because we need to get going pretty soon. Anyone want to come with me?" Spark offered. I suppose she wanted the help, and it would be nice to at least have company during this disaster.

"Heck yeah! I'm not letting some obnoxious moon pony win!"

"Ah'm with ya, sugarcube."

"I'm coming, too. We must stick together, after all."

"I'll follow you, if you don't mind..."

Pinkie was jumping around with excitement. "Woohoo! We're an adventuring party!" She stopped in place. "Whoa. I could throw an Adventure Party!" <Ha. She must play Ogres and Oubliettes. Or at least have read the rulebooks, like me...>

I smiled confidently. "Then I'm glad to have you all along. With all six of us, I'm sure we'll succeed." <Technically that should be seven.>


The moon was shining brightly overhead, but that just made the woods creepier. If you are going to explore a forest, you do it during the daytime. And, you know, of your own free will.
Nopony was particularly comfortable with the situation, except Pinkie Pie, who was pronking alongside the party, painfully unaware, or uncaring of the perilous forest.

The vines hanging down were quite annoying, brushing through my hair again and again, but at least there was a dirt path to follow.

Spark tried to start up conversation "So, have any of you been in here, before?"

"Heavens, no! Just look at it, it's dreadful!" Rarity complained.

"Yeah, I noticed that this place was a crap-heap."
Rarity winced at me. "Is there a need for such language?" <Ugh. I know, right?>

Spark sighed. "Sorry, I'm just surprised none of you have ever been here before. I lived near a cave back home, and kids would always wander off in there. They had to block it off, after a while." <That seems rather reckless>

Applejack raised an eyebrow at me. "You had caves in Fillydelphia?" <Good point. Fillydelphia is a rather dense city. I suppose there are likely caves outside the city.>

Spark stared at Applejack for a moment "If you know where to look." She replied cryptically, and unhelpfully.

Rarity looked at me, confused. "Hold on a moment, I thought you were from Canterlot?" <HA! You already messed up. Spike probably told her while I was upstairs.>

We stopped near a cliff, none of us paying it much mind. That was because the others were all looking at me, expecting me to address the inconsistency. <Thank you Spike, even if it was unknowingly.>

"Well, I was born in Fillydelphia, but then we moved." She smiled, trying to deflect suspicion. <That will fall apart as soon as Spike hears about it.>

Applejack wasn't deterred. "Y'sure? 'Cause ya don't seem like yer too sure about yer answer." <Are they going to figure something out? I mean, Rarity and flutter probably know enough details from Spike to- GAH!>

And then the cliff collapsed, with us standing on it. My stomach jumped into my throat, I tried to flail in panic, but that obviously had no effect. This was how I was going to die, wasn't it. Even If I had control, or magic, I don't think there would be anything I could do. Well, the pegasi completely failed to fall, and sped into action rescuing Rarity and Pinkie, but Applejack and I slid towards the cliff. Applejack managed to grab a conveniently placed root, but my body was just scrambling at the slope, without any luck.

The edge was coming way too close, and Spark turned around. Having only a vague idea of how many seconds until I fell off of the edge to my death was not helping. Still, Applejack did a controlled slide, and managed to grab me just as I went over the edge. My head panned wildly, and I noticed a few outcropping that I could have landed on, had I been a few meters in either direction. I could feel my grip failing, and Applejack was having trouble not sliding further.

She looked at me with determination "Let go." <WHAT? That is a terrible idea. I don't want to die!>

"The fuck I will. That fall will kill me!" Spark protested.

"No it won't." She countered. She looked me dead in the eyes with a sincerity that I could feel. "Ah promise that if you let go, you'll be safe."

Then Spark let go, and we fell to our death. I couldn't scream externally, but Spark wasn't so incapable. "OH SHIIIIIIIIIT!" <AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!>

Somehow, in all of that, I completely forgot that we had two pegasi with us, and we had delayed long enough for them to land the others. So rather than hitting the ground, Rainbow and Flutter caught me, and brought me down at a significantly less terrifying speed. Spark grabbed both of them in a hug. "Thanks, it means a lot to me what you did there." <Oh Celestia. That was terrifying!>

Both made their excuses for breaking the hug, though rescuing Applejack would have been reason enough. However, she clearly had absolutely no trouble, given she leapt down several outcroppings before reaching the bottom. As she walked by and gave me a reassuring pat on the withers, I considered how she valued truth.


It took only a short time to find the path again, and we continued forward. Unfortunately, Rainbow was doing her best to remind me of how close I came to death.

"...and once Pinkie and Rarity were saved, whoosh!... Me and Fluttershy loop-de-loop around and WHAM! Caught you right in the nick of time." She smiled, basking in her own glory while the others were completely straight-faced. <Wait, her name is Fluttershy? I actually forgot that I never clearly heard her introduction.>

"Nice story. I was there, so I might be a bit biased, but I'm sure it would be a nice story to tell your kids someday." Spark said, and changed the subject. "So, Rainbow. I take it you know a lot about those "Wonderbolts", huh?" <Oh thank Celestia. Now she will focus on something else>

Rarity and Applejack groaned behind me, while Pinkie bounced in place saying "Oh boy, story time!"

Rainbow hovered next to me, looking like she was ready to go on some tirade, but a loud growling froze us in our tracks. My head swung around, but there was too much foliage in the way. Everypony stared ahead for a long while, but heard nothing else.

"I guess it's gone now." Spark commented.

"Um, what if it comes back?" Fluttershy asked. <That is assuming it actually left>

Pinkie raised a hoof, like she was hoping the teacher would call on her. "What if it's a big, bad monster?"

"A monster? Don't be ridiculous, it was probably just a wolf." Spark said to alleviate the worry.

"That didn't sound like a wolf." Fluttershy corrected.

"So, what? You think it's some mythical beast, like a manticore? Don't be absurd." Spark sounded sarcastic. <What? Manticores aren't Mythological.>

A fearsome roar from ahead shook us. We faced the creature that roared, and Spark was clearly shocked. "Oh my god, a fucking manticore."

Spark was frozen at the sight of the Mythological creature, but the others prepared for a fight. Rarity charged the beast. She ducked under one of its swings, and kicked him in the face.

The manticore glared at Rarity and roared right in her face. The force of its call pushed back her hair. The sight of her ruined mane was more than she could take, and she ran behind me to fix it.

Applejack tried to wrangle the manticore, but was quickly tossed across the clearing. Rainbow Dash sped into action as Applejack landed next to me.

She looked up at me with slight annoyance. "Is there a reason yer just standin' there, Twilight?"

"What can I do? I'm just a sales clerk!" <WHAT?>

"That ain't no excuse! Rarity's a fashion designer, and she just clobbered the critter!" <No, seriously, a Sales Clerk? WHAT?>

I looked back at the manticore, who just slapped Rainbow away. Rainbow looked dazed, but otherwise fine. That was clearly enough for Spark, who charged at it.

"Hey kitty, up high!" Spark yelled. The manticore swung high at my head to counter. Spark ducked under the swing, and came up behind the manticore. With surprising skill, given her earlier clumsiness, she bucked the manticore.

Right in the private parts. <What the BUCK is wrong with you?>

The manticore screeched, and fell on its side, using a single paw to grasp its pained loins. I saw various reactions from my companions, from Rarity's look of disgust, Applejack's look of disappointment, Pinkie visibly wincing, Rainbow rolling on the ground with laughter, and Fluttershy staring in sheer horror. <That... was effective, but what the actual hay?>

"Quick, get him while he's down!" Spark shouted.

Before she could pounce on it, Fluttershy jumped in the way frantically waving her hooves. "Stop! Stop!"

Spark stopped, clearly confused. Fluttershy ignored her, and went to nuzzle the manticore and offer him soothing words.

The manticore whimpered at her, holding up one of its paws to reveal a humongous thorn that I can't believe I didn't notice before. Fluttershy pulled it out, eliciting a pained whimper from the beast, but it quickly showed its gratitude for the friendly pegasus, nuzzling and licking her affectionately. <Ok, seriously, how did I not notice that?>

The others snuck past the heart-warming scene, each making sure they weren't getting any attention from the manticore. Fluttershy eventually said her farewells to the manticore and made to walk past me.

"How'd you know how to pacify the manticore like that?" Spark asked.

"Well, sometimes, we all just need to be shown a little kindness." She replied nervously. She trotted past me at a slightly faster rate. <Kindness? Well, it worked surprisingly well>

Tapping on my back caught my attention, so I turned around, and the manticore grabbed me by the throat with its paw. It growled at me, as my legs kicked uselessly. It roared, and threw me into a tree. I smashed through the tree with my back, hit another tree with my head, and landed on the ground with a thud. I groaned to a seated position, and noticed the manticore blowing a raspberry at me before scampering off into the forest. <OW! Why do I have to feel the pain when it was Spark who attacked it?>

I stood up, stretching my aching back. I scrambled to catch up with the others, who were walking off as if I wasn't just attacked like that. I suppose they think I deserved it.

Despite the pain, I couldn't help but think about Fluttershy's actions. Hopefully Spark would try such an approach in the future, it could only lead to less pain for me.
Rainbow crossed her arms defensively. "Look, all I'm saying is that I thought it was funny."

Applejack gave her a reserved glare. "And ahm sayin' it was dirty!" She looked at me with the full force of her indignation. "Why'd ya use such a rundown, dirty trick like that?" <I would like to know too...>

She was referring to Spark's... approach... to fighting. Rainbow was laughing about it the whole way, which eventually led to them arguing about it.

"I'm the rogue. I always fight dirty." Spark flatly replied. <Dishonest and Unprincipled? Savage or Destructive? Is that an O&O Reference?>

That didn't impress Applejack "Why'd you have to do that? That's no honest way to win!"

She rolled my eyes. "Okay, fine. If it really upsets you, then no more low-blows."

"That'd be great."

I might have believed her if not for the wicked smirk my face twisted into the moment I turned away. Maybe she wouldn't deal any more "low-blows", but that doubtless left many options that Applejack wouldn't appreciate either.

The canopy ahead was dense enough to render the area completely dark. Spark was clearly expecting an ambush, given how my eyes went in all directions.

"I know the Everfree Forest isn't much to look at, but I at least want to see something" I heard Rarity complain.

A soft splat sounded by Applejack. "I think I stepped in somethin'."

Fluttershy shrieked in response. "It's just mud." Was Applejack's deadpan response.

Light returned to the glade, but what I saw sent shivers down my spine and caused everypony else to let out screams. Horrific, twisted red trees, with gaping maws filled with sharp teeth greeted us. Everypony bunched up, my gaze snapping between the abominations. I, obviously, didn't scream. Not even internally. Really!

All of us were quivering in fear, except Pinkie Pie. She was standing up to one of the trees, making silly and demeaning faces at one of them, giggling like a maniac the whole time.

"Pinkie, why are you taunting the tree demons?" Spark asked. <Tree Demons? Why did nopony tell me Tree Demons existed?>

Pinkie wasn't paying my confusion any mind, and she began singing.

When I was a little filly and the sun was going doooowwn...

My confusion was compounding further. "Don't tell me she's going to sing?"

Pinkie, somehow, appeared above us and continued her song.

The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me froooowwn...

Without batting an eye, Rarity called it like it was. "She is."

I'd hide under my pillow

From what I thought I saw

But Granny Pie said that wasn't the way

To deal with fears at all

"You've gotta be kidding me." Spark groaned. I looked at the trees, expecting to see them doing something. Strange, they were standing completely still. Why were they doing nothing?

She said, "Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall

Learn to face your fears

You'll see that they can't hurt you

Just laugh to make them disappear."

Pinkie brazenly laughed at one of the trees, and it poofed into an ordinary not-evil tree. The others gasped, but I stood bewildered. "You've gotta be kidding me." Spark repeated in shock.

So, giggle at the ghostly

Guffaw at the grossly

Crack up at the creepy

Whoop it up with the weepy

Chortle at the kooky

Snortle at the spooky

The others joined in on the singing and the laughing, each laugh transforming the trees. I just stood there watching with amazement. Pinkie halted the song entirely to stand right in my face, slightly glaring as if I was doing something wrong. <Heh. Hahahhaaha!>

And tell that big dumb scary face to take a hike and leave you alone and if he thinks he can scare you then he's got another thing coming and the very idea of such a thing just makes you wanna...

Pinkie erupted into a giggle fit, making even more of the trees normal again.


The music cut out, and everyone fell to the ground with laughter. Not me though, I was still staring at one last tree that hadn't been fixed yet. I was studying it.

"Hey, Twilight, why aren't you laughing?" Pinkie asked. <I, Heh, am... Oh right>

Spark stopped studying the remaining tree and turned to the others. "Couldn't we have just walked past them?"

This gave their laughter pause. They looked at each other questioningly, then looked at me. Everypony burst out with renewed laughter, once more falling to the ground in their mirth. I would have gladly joined them.

Spark wilted with obvious embarrassment. "That was a legitimate question, guys." She whispered defensively.

As they eventually got up to continue the journey, I thought about how Pinkie's boundless optimism was enough to break us out of our paralyzing fear. It was truly amazing to me how simply thinking on the bright side of things was enough for her to shatter the spell. Maybe things were looking up.

Before the giggling could cease, we left the glade to find a river in our path. The river was a full-fledged rapids, despite the lack of an obvious grade. It looked impossible to swim across.

"How are we going to cross this?" Pinkie asked. A strangely sensible question coming from her.

I looked up and down the river. "Who the hell makes a road going this far in the forest, yet forgets to put a bridge down here?" <Language! And maybe earth pony strength to drop a tree to bridge the river? Or another pegasi airlift??>

"Language." Rarity chided.


We could hear sobbing from upstream. With no further leads, we decided to investigate. I saw a lilac colored sea serpent in the river, thrashing his tail around the river in sorrow. "What a world, what a world!" He wailed.

Spark sighed, clearly irritated, and approached the sea serpent, followed by the rest of the group. "Hey, are you okay?"

"No, I am not okay!" He sobbed, throwing his head back in despair. "This tacky purple cloud whisked by and cut my beloved mustache clean off! And now, I look hideous!" He fell into the water in despair. The resulting deluge instantly soaked the entire group down to the bone.

I was about as irritated as Spark seemed right now.

"Oh, give me a break." Rainbow groaned.

"That's what all the fuss is about?" Applejack asked with indignation.

Rarity looked downright offended by the remarks. "Of course it is! How can you be so insensitive?" She scolded with her head held high.

Rarity approached the sea serpent with a critical eye. "Oh, just look at him. Such lovely luminescent scales!"

Spark pushed my bangs out of the way to stare at Rarity. What was she doing?

"And your expertly coiffed mane!"

Oh, I see. She is trying to convince him that he still has a lot of positive features. I think.

"And your fabulous manicure... all ruined without your beautiful mustache!"

... Or not. And you were doing so well. Just as expected, the sea serpent's wailing renewed, and the water was wild once more with his incessant thrashing.

Rarity glared in determination. "I cannot let such a crime against fabulosity go uncorrected!" She ran up to the serpent and bit off one of his scales, unsurprisingly causing him to yelp in surprise and pain.

His response was interrupted as Rarity sliced off her own tail. Surprising, given how she had reacted while fighting the manticore.

Rarity didn't pause, simply levitating her autotomized tail up to the serpent's face. I was somewhat curious as to what exact spell she used, as it perfectly replaced the missing half. You know, if you ignore that even I could tell it was the wrong shape and color. Imagine my surprise when instead of being upset about his mis-matched facial hair, he was thrilled to have a full mustache. <I will never understand fashion.>

"You look smashing." Rarity complimented with a straight face. I don't know if she was lying or not, and would have been afraid to ask.

"Uh, Rarity? Are you really okay with this?" Spark asked her, motioning to her tail.

Rarity gave it a glance, and her face had a flash of distaste on it. "Oh. Uh, it's fine. Short tails are in this season. Besides, it will grow back."

She was a transparent liar it seems. She was really attached to her tail, yet she readily gave it away to someone else just to make them feel better.

Then Rainbow Dash whispered in my ear. "The mustache would grow back too, you know."

True enough. Though her generosity resolved the situation without any real harm being done.

Spark started wading across the river now that it was calm. The sea serpent lifted me from the water, arranging his body as stepping stones across the river.

"Allow me." He said, granting us access across the water.

It even got us goodwill, and an easy way across the now calm river.

The group followed the road for a little longer, and cleared the tree line. Ahead, I saw the crumbling ruins of, presumably, The Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters. Hopefully with the Elements contained within. We all sped up to a decent canter. "That's it! We've found the castle, girls! Victory is nigh!" Spark's optimism spread to the others, and they picked up the pace as well.

That is, until we reached a chasm. And the bridge was out.

Pinkie sighed. "Now what?"

Rainbow fluttered her wings. "Duh, I'll just fix the bridge! Just gimme ten seconds." She swooped into the chasm.

"Oh yeah." Pinkie giggled to herself. With sudden and tone-killing intensity, Pinkie turned to me. "Say, you never told us where you were really from."

Spark promptly dodged the question. "I don't like talking about it. Can we talk about something else?"

"Okay. When's your birthday?"


After a blank smile from Pinkie, she continued. "What Day?"

"I think it's a Tuesday, this year."

Pinkie's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Is there a reason you're avoiding my questions?" Pinkie gasped dramatically. "Oh no, do you not like birthdays?"

Spark decided to try and avoid the questions by checking on Rainbow, who had been gone for a bit longer than the ten seconds it should have taken. And she was talking to a group of pegasi with flightsuits. Spark leaned forward to try and hear better.

"...It's them or us." Said the lead pegasus.

My eyes widened. "Rainbow! Please, don't listen to them!" Spark yelled.

The lead pegasus glared at me, her eyes flashing with magic. Mist came from out of nowhere, and clouded our view, hiding the events across the way from observation. <Oh no!>

I stomped with fury. "God DAMN you and your goddamn magic!" <What?>

"Twilight, calm down!" Rarity tried consoling Spark.

"No, I'm pissed now! Every time! Magic screws me over every fucking time!" She yelled into the mist, with absolute fury. Her ranting had everypony looking at me, and presumably my horn. <How can you hate magic? Magic is everything!>

Spark glared into the mist, teeth grit, with everypony else worriedly watching me. A moment later, Rainbow burst back through the mist, fully repaired bridge quickly revealed behind her. Spark promptly whooped with joy and rushed over to give Rainbow a quick hug. <Hey, tell me what you have against magic!>

"Oh man, you have no idea how glad I am that you're sticking with us!" Spark said with apparent relief.

Rainbow smirked. "I'd never leave my friends hanging."

Spark smiled back at her as she flew across the chasm, followed by the others crossing the bridge. <How could a Rhabdomisic pony possibly have managed a possession spell?>


The inside of the castle could hardly be considered "inside". There wasn't a roof to speak of, yet there was no debris on the floor to indicate there was a roof in the first place. Columns flanked either side of the room, but they were cracked and had vines growing on them. Nature was slowly creeping in here, as vegetation was all over the place in random segments of the wall and any stone surface. But what really caught the eye was the center. In the center of the room was a statuesque pedestal, on top of which sat five grey orbs surrounding a larger orb. I recognized them from the books. The smaller orbs were the Elements of Harmony.

"There they are. Our key to ending it all." Spark proclaimed. Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Rarity used their particular methods to bring the Elements to our level.

"There's only five." Pinkie observed.

"When the five are present, a spark will cause the sixth Element to be revealed." Spark quoted from the reference guide. "I guess we need to do something with these. But what?" She asked.

"Uh, if I may make a suggestion." Rainbow hovered next to me and flicked my horn. <AGGHHHH!>

It hurt about as much as when the manticore threw me through the tree, if not more so, and made it hard to even pay attention to what was going on. Though the further tapping from Spark didn't help much either.

"... Your horn, dear." Rarity said with a confused look. <Oh Celestia, that hurt>

My mouth dropped. "I'M A UNICORN!?" <What>

Everypony else had their faces twisted in confusion. It was Applejack who asked the obvious. "Ya... didn't know you were a unicorn?" <You weren't a unicorn? How did you cast a possession spell?>

My eyes shifted in either direction. "Yeah, I knew. I just wanted to be sure you knew."

She eyed me uncertainly. "Okay... then you know what yer doin', right?"

"Well, I can think of something." Spark looked at the Elements before me.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Rarity asked to encourage my progress.

Spark just glared at the Elements, and clenched, but nothing happened. She took a breath, and the Elements were being surrounded by a blue cloud.

Which, I realized, was the alternate form Nightmare Moon used to enter the Town Hall. I watched helplessly as it expanded, spinning around the Elements and lifting them up into a vortex. Spark panicked, yelling "The Elements!" and lunged forward into the vortex to try and grab them.

Being dumped out of the teleport was disorienting, and the second faceplant of the day didn't help. Spark rose to my hooves, and quickly surveyed the room. It had an actual roof, a massive window, and some columns in much better shape. Behind me was a staircase, as the only exit.

And standing on a raised dais was Nightmare Moon Herself, the Elements levitating around her, smiling evilly at me. "Well, well, look who's come to visit."

This was it. And I was probably about to die. Spark was a Sales Clerk, not even really a unicorn, and she was trying to fight a goddess.

Spark smiled mischievously. "I've come to end this, once and for all." <You have a plan?>

Nightmare Moon gave me a condescending grin. "And how do you plan to do that? Are you going to distract me with another group of invisible soldiers?"

Spark lowered into a challenging stance. "You never know. I can be wild and unpredictable when I want to be."

Nightmare Moon lowered the Elements onto the platform and walked calmly to face me. "I fail to see how empty threats serve your purpose. More likely, you're going to boast of your false abilities in order to scare me." She lowered her stance, accepting my challenge.

Spark smirked, and started circling her. "It's not my abilities that should scare you. You've been watching us since the cliff collapse, haven't you? You should realize that I have no particular abilities to call my own."

Nightmare started circling me as well, chuckling at Sparks’s admission of incompetence. "So why should I fear you? You've just admitted that you are weak, so what threat could you possibly pose?"

Spark just smiled at her. "You've been in battles before, right? You should know better than anyone that luck is just as important as skill. And lady, I have lots of luck on my side." <Luck?>

Nightmare raised an eyebrow behind her helmet. "Oh? And what good is luck when your opponent has enough power to overcome any lucky breaks you might have? What then?"

Spark stopped my circling, and Nightmare stopped as well. "I don't see how you have that kind of power, because you just made a grave tactical error."<What?>

She glared critically. "And that is?"

Spark smiled victoriously. "You left the Elements undefended right behind me." <WHAT?>

Nightmare Moon looked confused for a moment, and looked past me. She just now noticed that in our circling, we switched sides in the room, where she was now on the opposite side of where she started. Spark yelled "Sucker!" and hauled ass towards the Elements. <Ok, that worked, now you just need to activate the elements. It just takes a spark, so it shouldn't be completely impossible for you to do it.>

This would all be pointless if Spark couldn't figure out how to use my horn in the next couple of seconds. The Elements grew closer with each stride, and Spark grit her teeth, trying to create a spark. Spark came to a stop right on the Elements, and pointed my horn at them.

Nothing. I tried to concentrate, summon even a single spark of magic, but I still couldn't do anything. My horn was still unresponsive.

Spark started rubbing my horn, which just spiked my fear higher, because she CLEARLY didn't know anything about unicorns, and we were about to die, and she was giving herself a Celestia damned hornjob.

Nightmare teleported in front of me, and grabbed me in her magic. She threw me into the ceiling, where I yelled in pain. She tossed me back to where we stared down, with me painfully landing on my side. She laughed triumphantly. "That was a good one! Really, well done! It's too bad your incompetence got in the way of your hard earned victory! Muahahahaha!" her expression turned dark. "Let's not let something like that happen again, shall we?"

She reared up, her horn glowing with power, and she stomped down with great force, the shockwave shattering the Elements at her hooves. Right before my eyes, she destroyed the only artifacts that could defeat her. Mere fragments remained of the artifacts that might have even freed me, perhaps.

We had lost.

I stared at the fragments in horror, like the symbols of my anguish. This was how I would die? As a helpless observer? My eyes lowered to my hooves. I failed. I was going to be stuck here, or die, and I don't think I could even blame Spark for this.


I looked behind me, seeing my friends rushing towards me. Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash. Suddenly, my eyes sparked with understanding. I felt my spirits lifting from their fog, as a euphoric tingling traveled down my spine. This wasn't just about me. It was about them. I wasn't alone. I stood up, and my friends gathered beside me, each making sure I was okay. I suddenly realized the solution. I tried to turn back to Nightmare Moon, before realizing that I had just been in sync with Spark, and still had no control.

Spark turned to Nightmare Moon with a confident smile. "You think you've won? By breaking the physical Elements, you think we're now powerless?" She bared my teeth in a smile of victory. "You're wrong. We don't need those trinkets; we are the Elements of Harmony." <Exactly!>

Nightmare Moon smirked. "Another ploy? Really now, this is getting pathetic."

Spark chuckled at her naiveté. "Think back Nightmare, to all of those trials. Remember the cliff? Applejack spoke to me, and she promised my safety when I had no reason to believe I would survive. For her honorable word, she bears the Element of Honesty."

Some of the shards glowed orange, and flew next to Applejack, hovering around her. She gave them a cursory glance, and looked back at Nightmare with renewed vigor. Nightmare's smile disappeared, replaced by a hint of anxiety.

Spark continued. "Fluttershy, when faced with a creature on the attack, saw its pain and she alone acted to ease its suffering. For her compassion, she bears the Element of Kindness."

Fluttershy was now surrounded by shards glowing pink, but she was a bit frightened by their sudden approach. But Spark continued. "Where horrid imagery shocked and repulsed us, Pinkie laughed away her fears. For her optimism against all odds, she bears the Element of Laughter."

Pinkie was now surrounded by glowing blue shards. "When a serpent lost something precious to him, Rarity gifted him something valuable to herself. For her sacrifice, she bears the Element of Generosity."

Rarity was surrounded by glowing purple shards. "When offered the chance to join a prestigious group and rise to the top, Rainbow Dash chose to stand with those she cared about most. For her unwavering devotion to her friends, she bears the Element of Loyalty."

Rainbow was surrounded by glowing red shards. Nightmare Moon looked very nervous, but she wasn't backing down. "You haven't won, either! You don't have the Sixth Element!"

My face softened into a heartfelt smile as Spark looked over my friends. "No, we do. I understand now that the book didn't refer to a literal spark of magic. There's a spark in us all, just waiting to burst, ready to ignite the flames." Spark glared at the increasingly nervous Nightmare with a smile. "I knew what the Sixth Element was the moment my friends returned my hope to me. For the way I feel about the ones who have saved my life numerous times, and touched me with the actions that exemplified their virtues as my true friends, I have become the bearer of the Sixth Element. I bear the Element of Magic, the one who represents the power that true friendship wields."

From the ceiling, an orb of seemingly pure magic descended over us. It was the Final Element. It bathed us in its divine light, blinding us with its manifesting power. It hovered over my head, but I could feel it transform into a tiara. It alighted onto my head, and I opened my eyes, immune to the now blinding light. I looked to see my friends now floating into the air in magic light, wearing their respective Elements around their necks. I smiled, and faced Nightmare Moon, who was quivering helplessly in fear.

I can't really describe what I did. I don't actually know if I did anything, or if it was Spark. But the calm, and peace, and overwhelming power, channeled through the virtues of friendship manifested as a Rainbow of Light.

The rainbow smashed into the petrified Nightmare, who screamed in terror and anguish at the flood of magic. As one, we amplified our power, and the world soon went white.
It was hard to say how long I was out. It was still dark out, but that meant little given the situation. Also Spark sat up and shook my head. The others were coming to as well, still adorned with their new artifacts.

"Everypony okay?" Applejack asked. <No, Honestly, I had hoped that would have freed me.

"Looks like it." Spark said. I looked over to where I last saw Nightmare Moon, and she was still there. She was unconscious, but she looked very different. I turned my attention back to the others, feeling that we were still safe for the moment.

Rarity was hopping for joy, holding her newly regrown tail. "Oh, thank goodness! I'll never part with you again." She spoke lovingly to her tail. Spark rolled my eyes at this.

Fluttershy noticed the design on Rarity's necklace. "Oh, what a lovely necklace. It looks just like your cutie mark."

Spark quickly glanced around comparing them, and indeed, each artifact matched their wielder exactly. Given they were mere stones before, they probably adjust to their wielder.

Spark looked down to see my Element, before remembering that hers (mine?) was a tiara. She lifted it from my head and examined it, and it matched my own cutie mark as well. She seemed a little disappointed, though. "Man, why did I have to get the tiara? I want a bitchin' necklace, too."

Pinkie appeared next to me as if from out of nowhere. "Don't be so sad, Twilight! With that Element, that means we're best friends forever and ever!"

Applejack nodded and stood next to me. "That's right, Twilight! Ah mean, ah thought you were just spoutin' a lot of hooey, but ah reckon we really do represent the elements of friendship."

"Indeed, you do." Spoke a voice I would know anywhere. Blinding light flooded the room from a nearby window as the sun was raised. An orb of light separated from the sun, and entered the room, bursting into the form of <GASP! Princess Celestia! It’s all going to be okay!>

Rather than trotting over, as I wanted to, or bowing, as everypony else was, Spark just stared blankly forward, as though she had no idea who she was looking at.

"Uh, hello there." She said, waving. I and everypony else gasped at her unacceptably informal greeting. <THAT IS NOT HOW YOU TALK TO A PRINCESS.>

Princess Celestia wasn't offended in the least however.
"Twilight Sparkle, my Faithful Student. I knew you could do it."

"Do what?"

Princess Celestia gave me an odd look "...Saving Equestria from Nightmare Moon, of course."

"Oh, right. The Nightmare business. Yeah, we took care of that." Spark replied.

The Princess looked amused at the answer. "So I can see. I knew of Nightmare Moon's return, and I knew you were the one with magic inside to defeat her. But, you could not unleash it without first accepting true friendship into your heart."

<But but but, That isn't me. How could you not notice?>

Princess Celestia looked across the room, her face unreadable. "Now, if only another will, as well." She walked past me, towards the fallen Nightmare Moon. "Princess Luna!"

Nightmare Moon, or rather Princess Luna, gasped in fright. She stared up at the approaching Princess with dread. I'm honestly not sure how I should feel about that, given what she had done.

The Princess lowered herself next to Luna. "It has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this. It's time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together, little sister."

Everypony gasped, though I had theorized as much. Having it confirmed was a nice feeling. <I guess her sister takes priority over helping me, and she wouldn't want to tip Spark off, but still...>

"Will you accept my friendship?" Asked the Princess.

While the others leaned forward in suspense (And Pinkie fell over), Luna rushed up to her sister, nuzzling her apologetically. "I'm so sorry! I missed you so much, big sister!"

Princess Celestia nuzzled her back. "I've missed you, too." They sat together, sharing in their sweet, tearful reunion.

Killing the moment was Pinkie Pie, crying dramatically one moment, then gasping with an overwhelming smile on her face the next. "You know what this calls for?"

Everyone looked at her, wordlessly asking her to answer her question. She didn't do so, instead trotting happily to the exit to our confusion. She turned to us, and waved for us to follow before leaving the room.

"I guess we should just follow her." Spark suggested. Agreeing with that idea, we all walked to follow our bouncy companion.

Pinkie's silent journey took us all the way through the Everfree Forest. Applejack, Rainbow, and Rarity tried on multiple occasions to ask her where we were going and what we were doing, but she quickly shushed them and merrily trotted down the road ahead of us. She didn't explain herself or anything. At least going back the way we came was mercifully uneventful. Though, at some point, Luna and Princess Celestia had vanished without notice.

Eventually, we arrived back in Ponyville, The streets and the main square were deserted, and it was rather worrying. Finally, Pinkie stopped and turned to us. We leaned forward in anticipation of what she was about to announce.

Pinkie threw up her hooves. "A party!" She proclaimed, ponies bursting out of their homes in celebration. Decorations suddenly appeared on buildings and trees, and we found the royal sisters approaching on a large chariot pulled by four armored pegasi. Spark relaxed after the initial shock of the sudden festivity around me, shaking my head in reaction. Pinkie was making a big deal out of celebrating our success, and just being overly dramatic.

Spark looked over to Luna and the other girl, seeing that Luna was still upset over recent events. That changed when two children put a necklace of flowers around her as a sign of goodwill, and managed an optimistic smile. Spike ran up to me from the crowd right then, grabbing me in a grateful hug. Spark pat him on the back and looked around to the cheering and smiling townsfolk.

It should have been a perfect, storybook ending.

Manage a great celebration: Check.

Defeat Nightmare Moon: Check.

Make some friends: Check.

But I wasn't part of it, not really. One of the heroes was an imposter, using black magic. I didn't know exactly who or what she, or maybe he was. Almost certainly not a unicorn. Claimed to be a store clerk. Somehow managed a possession spell regardless. Also hated magic enough to loose his temper over it.

The Princess noticed that I was sagging, and went to console me. "Why so glum, my faithful student? Are you not happy that your quest is complete and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?" <I can't wait Princess! As soon as you get rid of whoever is puppeting my body around, I would very much like to go back to my studies and never leave the library again.>

Spark frowned. "No, I'm not happy. I have great friends in Ponyville, and it breaks my heart that I have to leave them."

Celestia gave one of her warm, motherly smiles. "Spike, take a note, please." She dictated. "I, Princess Celestia, hereby decree that the unicorn, Twilight Sparkle, shall take on a new mission for Equestria. She must continue to study the magic of friendship. She must report to me her findings from her new home in Ponyville." <What? No. No no no.>

Spark smiled, "Thank you, Princess." <NO NO NO NO NO NO NO>

The other ponies from the adventure surrounded me in a group hug, and Spark returned it as hard as she could. <CELESTIA! HELP! PLEASE HELP ME! DON'T LEAVE ME LIKE THIS. PLEASE! Whatever I did to deserve this, I'm sorry, I can fix it. Please, don't leave me...>

The celebration lasted for a few more hours, during which Princess Celestia didn't even acknowledge me screaming and begging for help.

Spark and her new friends said their good-nights, and she entered the library with Spike to sleep in Ponyville for the first time.

She closed my eyes on the bed, while I screamed and cried in despair, until drifting off to sleep.

I awoke to the sound of Spike's pattering feet. I tried to sit up, to greet the day, but nothing happened. It took me several seconds to remember yesterday, and the day before, realize it wasn't just a nightmare, or an overactive imagination. That I was trapped, helpless, and Princess Celestia hadn't noticed. She hadn't noticed, or ignored me.

My body, or Spark rather, sat me up, before panning my vision around. It wasn't my bedroom, but the bedroom of Golden Oaks Library.

Spike came through the door. "Hey Twilight, want some breakfast?"
<This... This is my new life, isn't it? I'll never be free...>

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long. I seriously don't feel qualified to write, and this was a struggle. When I reread the first chapter, It makes me feel like someone else wrote it, for how easily it came to me. Here, it was a struggle to keep Twilight's voice right, and I don't actually know if I managed it.

Amusingly, in the original story, Fluttershy never says her name to Spike, but she gets referred to as Fluttershy anyway. So she got called Flutter for a while.

I don't really have a good way to refer to "The Person who is possessing me" so just went with Spark. Also English doesn't manage a third person first person hybrid view where your body does things but you yourself don't.

As for Rhabdomisia, It was going to be Thaumiphobic, but I did some research, and -misia means hate the same way -phobe means fear. And it turns out that Rhabdophobia is a real word.

Comments ( 18 )

good to see this continue but wow that last bit for twilight is some real fridge horror :raritycry:

I really want to see more of this.

I'm really glad to see this isn't dead. This was a great chapter!

IT BACK!! YES!!! :pinkiehappy:

This should be pretty good, though I'm going to assume it'll be hard to write. Having the lead character be unable to do anything will lead to troubles.

More good

Oh man, I feel so bad for Twilight, now. The original story has a... rosier outlook on Twilight's plight, but this interpretation is kind of heartbreaking.

Too bad it's going to get worse. Much worse. :trollestia:

It was so worth the 2 year wait. Can't wait for the next one!:pinkiehappy:

It really couldn't have gone any other way. If we use the premise that Twilight is still conscious, then Celestia, who she practically worships, either failing to recognize the situation or leaving her is going to be a horrifying experience. That was the only part of the chapter that wrote itself.

I haven't actually read the story in at least 2 years, admittedly, but I thought that there was only a single hint as to Twilight's location/status, and that being the scrying spell pointing back at Twiclone when she scryed for herself or for Twilight. Hence the best case is that Twilight is, sort of, in a coma/mind stasis.

That is the main challenge. Also the main thing that makes it easy enough for me to maybe manage it. Just go through the story and think of how Twilight will react. Except I also need to reread the main story repeatedly, make notes, and determine how the magic system works, and what worldbuilding was done, since Twilight knows all of that already. Plus she needs to change over time, just from her experience.

Yea. I had the outline made pretty quickly, but it really just wasn't flowing, and I kinda gave up for a while. But, Occasional pokes made me try a few more times, and finally on Christmas I decided to try and finish it.

We will see. I absolutely want to continue, but I suspect I will have to change the format. Instead of literally going line to line, I am probably going to jump from scene to scene. My first outline of the next chapter has very little happening, so I don't think this format will work.

I'm glad to see this return, and it's worth the wait.

My only major criticism is that sometimes I get a little confused with Twilight's inner thoughts. We're already in her thoughts. There's no need for the arrows. <Otherwise, this will sometimes make the reader think they're reading the author's notes within the story.>

Other than that, Keep on writing! You can do it!

Those are less thoughts, and more her "Thinking out loud" sort of. It is emphasized differently to indicate that. As in those are what she would speak if she were able.

Ah, gotcha. Thank you

Is there is plans to continue?

I am impressed that you got right back and did quite the following research and such. Basically you didn't quit and continue, which thanks for the big effort. Wish you luck with some of the others along with life and junk.

I hope you do choose to continue this story, it's quite interesting to see an idea from another story carried out in this fashion - but I know all too well how writer's block can inhibit even the best ideas -- I have quite a few unfinished stories myself.

Hopefully you can continue it.

this was neat. well done.

If You ever find Yourself plagued with doubts, just remember that High Guardian Spice was official.

Its only up from here.

in other news. Looking forward to next chapter.

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