• Published 11th Aug 2020
  • 4,772 Views, 341 Comments

Reborn - Pensive

Brother, sister, mother, father... What is a family? Are they just relatives? The people whom take care of you? Or, are they the ones you love most for just being whom they are? What will happen when brother and sister find them alone in Equestria.

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Chapter 5 - Reputation

POV: Starla

One month and a half later

It's been three weeks since Mark and I have been to town and it's as frozen cold as always. Silica said we're in town earlier than normal because she'd probably be taking longer than normal. The reason for being in town was because Silica needed to get some supplies to fix a crack in one of the windows.

Mark had the 'wonderful...' idea to make the crack and 'blame the bird' as he says so that we would have to go to town. It's been a while since we had checked on the town's children and we were getting worried.

Besides being in that hut all day with Mythic and Silica is getting boring even if they are teaching us some general knowledge of the world. 'Guess they realize the odd knowledge gap already eh?...' At least Mark is enjoying the magic books.

We still haven't said anything about where we came from or why we were in that cave.

The town is still as unfriendly and hostile as before. Though it does make it easy to sneak away from the small park area Silica leaves us in before going to the more dangerous part of the town.

Walking down the road, hooves cold and breath saw in the chill air we reach the usual area Silica leaves us while she goes to the town for the shopping.

Waiting on one of the benches as cold as it is my brother and I look around. Still, plenty of zebra's around so unfortunately, it took a while but we soon found an opening. Doing one last check around we slid off the bench. 'Ugh, I think the cloak got a little wet from sitting on the bench' Trying to ignore the cold feeling we continue.

Going to the small hidden alley, we went in looking around. Everything looks alright. There are already some others here playing around. Only a few really but this is their home away from home so they try to enjoy what they can.

Some of them noticed us and waved. Waving back I decided to see what they were doing while Mark, as lazy as he is, just went to a warm spot and laid down. He prefers to be up at night so he's usually tired by day meaning half the time we're there he's asleep. 'Oh, brother of mine, whatever shall I do with you?'

Letting out a small giggle, I went over to the others and saw one of the older ones teaching them multiplication. While watching them I think back. Mark and I had asked how old they were while they were doing some work and we were shocked. At their age, they should be doing the same level of education as me and Mark. Mark and I just chalked it up to the town being in a bad state for so long.

We had thought of boosting their education to as close as we can to what we know, but in the end, we didn't want to mess up whatever their education system of what they were already doing. We do on occasion help the older ones out, who then help out the younger one but that's about all.

Looking at the parchment they were using to do multiplication I went around and pointed out some wrong answers. I always find myself being the one to help others and bringing them together.

Thinking I found myself wanting. Wanting to stay with them. Even though I know that these lands can be quite dangerous. The zebra lands are mostly nomadic with many shamans. A shaman influencing the world magic they live in, more specifically things such as spirits. They are wise and powerful, however, even making one mad would be an impressive feat.

Though these lands seem fine, there are often dangers around such as bandits, monsters, and pirates in the waters that separate Equestria. Though however rare, the most dangerous would be a rogue shaman. A shaman who enslaves sprites

and uses them for self-gain.

Breaking out of thought I'll look around before continuing to help the others. It's about time we tell them of our departure.

Mark and I agreed we'd do it next time we went out, which is right now so there is only about one thing to do now. After helping the last zebra I look for Mark and find him peaceful sleeping. Walking over I can't help but keep thinking of my surroundings.

My coat isn't as itchy as when we first woke up, as long as we didn't think about it but now that I'm thinking about it...

'ugh... I'm thinking about it.'

With an internal groan, I stopped in front of Mark. Oblivious to me. Seriously? With the clopping of my hooves, he doesn't notice me? Really? Well, looks like I need to teach him a lesson.

Leaning down to his ear I began to whisper.

"Oh, Marrrkkyyy" I began, "Wake up? for me?"

With a jolt to his head and a blush glowing brightly, he looks around. A moment later a pout graces his features and he glares at me. If anything, it's rather cute.


"My my, Marky, so serious." I lightly chided, "What's got you so grumpy?"

Giggling at my brothers groan in annoyance I look at him.

"Cmon, it's about time we tell them of our departure soon."

Getting up, Mark looked around as we went to an area where everyone could hear us.

Tapping my hooves, I look around as they quiet down and look at me. I'm going to miss them...

I begin to hesitate to wonder if we should tell them. I take a deep breath to think. There's no going back. My mouth opens as I announce our departure in a week.

"We have something to tell you all."

One week later.

Mark, Silica, Mythic, and I were chilling around. Mythic had received a message that Princess Luna, Mistress of the Night, blah blah, etc. would be arriving by tonight and they would come to get me and Mark. We had left a letter in the hideout for the others to find when we left.

'Heh, I wonder when they will find it.'

Looking at the clock I see it barely hit midnight. The time they said they'd pick us up. It was a little broad so I thought what it meant is that they'd reach land by midnight and pick us up sometime in the night. At least if we're Silica and Mythic will also be up. As for Mark... he's always up. Usually reading a book on magic, like right now.

My brother is nerdy when it comes to technology and seems like magic too. At least he has something to do and isn't bothering anyone-

As Star was thinking the lights went out. Mark was immediately looking around.

POV: Mark

As the torches went out Mark was already on guard. 'Well, just so happens for me, I learned how to cast a spell to enhance seeing in the darkness which worked amazingly even in a room with zero lights sources.'

Looking around I found it still dark. 'What? The only thing that should prevent it from working is magic.' With a chill going down my spine, I ready my magic and cast a small tiny wave of unseeable magic with normal unseeable due to the small amount of magic in the spell. Basically, a magic radar but with magic, I'm not sure how I got it to work, but it works. After I analyzed the soundwave that came back and mapped the room. Something was behind us that wasn't there before...

Turning around readying a shock spell that I came up with that would, in theory, shut down the nerves in a body system for a while, or at least, I hope it does that because I haven't even thought of how I would combine electrical energy and magic. I highly doubt it will work but hey, something is better than nothing. Unlike the stun spell in the book that is just a blast of concentrated magic that paralyzes the nerves in the area the blast hit with the possibility of giving a concussion, this spell is an electrical shock that can paralyze multiply people close together if there is enough power in the spell for it to jump from body to body.

Much better than just sending out a blast of concentrated magic that paralyzes the area it hit.

By the time I was turned around my horn glowed a chilling blue in the darkness. As I was about to send it forwards to our unknown friend. Unfortunately, I was caught off guard by our mysterious causing feedback into my horn because I didn't channel the energy elsewhere.

"Mark Tempus, I assume?"

'Owo Oucw oucH!' Guess the spell failed, because if it worked, I would have been paralyzed temperately instead of just being shocked.

Barely turning around due to me suddenly turning, Mythic, Silica and Star just saw a pony coming out of a shadow into moonlight from the window, while the shadows, leaching on to the pony hiding them, slowly sliding off as if it was in an ethereal wind.

Opening my eyes after the minor shock to my head 'it still hurts', I looked at the navy blue pony.

"And you are?" I tried to glare.

With a bow, the pony, whom I noted as a thestral from one of the books I read, bowed.

"I am Eclipse Rose under service to Princess Luna of Equestria."

Princess Luna? They're here already?

"I am here to bring you and Starla Tempus back to the ship post haste."

"What's with the secrecy around us?"

With another bow the thestral, Eclipse Rose explained.

"Apologies your Highness, but the protocol for the Intelligent's Service dictates to secure secrecy. I did not expect you to find and have a spell aimed at me so quickly."

What caught Mythic was that Mark and caught a thestral, which specialized in shadow magic, that was a part of an Intelligent's Service which she had never heard of in all the years she had lived in Equestria to finish training. What caught the younger two of the four off guard was when Eclipse Rose had said, called them royalty.

"Y-your highness??" Mark asked sputtering in surprise.

"Yes, your highness, by order of Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, and recently crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle; Starla Tempus and Mark Tempus are royalty with titles of Prince and Princess of Equestria."

Mythic and Silica weren't surprised, being more interested in the actions Mark took. While Mark and Starla stood silent.

The thestral looked at them in silence, face plastered with a smile.

"Your Highnesses, if we may go? The waters are infested with pirates and it would be best to return to Equestria as soon as possible."

Looking at Star she looked backed and I just nodded as she began speaking.

"I-of courses, Just give us a moment."

With a nod, Eclipse took a step back. Star and I took out a letter to both Mythic and Silica.

"Thank you, for taking us in when we were lost."

Surprised Mythic and Silica were only able to get the letter before we left out the door with Eclipse.

"If you get on my back, it would be faster to fly back as land is a half-hour flight from here."

"Uh, o-ok." replied a stammering Mark.

Eclipse didn't know but Star knew that Mark was afraid of heights. With a soft nudge and a soft smile from Star, they got on to Eclipse back and they soon took flight. Mark was tightly holding on eyes shut, which Eclipse noticed. She only smiles softly as the flight into the night.

As Star looked back, she made a wish. It just so happened, a star was shining upon them that night. Unfortunately, all things come at a cost.

POV: Luna

One day before

"Princess, lieutenant Eclipse Rose, has orders to collect the two VIP's as soon as we make landfall."

"Good," replied Luna, "Night Wing, tell me, I had been warned against bringing Solar Guards, Lunar Guards, and Royal Guards together on one ship because they don't get along well. Pray tell, how are they doing?"

Night Grimaced a bit at the question but answered anyway.

"Your highness, Princess Celestia's elite Solar guard, your Lunar Guard, and the few Royal Guards here are mostly separate and don't tend to interact. Princess, if I may ask, why were so many Guards from everywhere pulled for this mission? And on such a small ship at that."

Princess Luna only sighed at the state of the silent ship. It's been silent since they set sail. Hopefully, the foals can bring some liveliness to the ship.

After a moment of thought, Luna decided to tell Night wing Wingthe truth.

"The reason is that the VIP's are both confirmed Alicorns."

A surprised look came across Night Wing's face.

"I'm not surprised you didn't know. Only the officers were told the specific details of the mission."




Luna was surprised, back in the day, her Lunar Guards were loyal to the highest degree and would dare not question the one they serve. Thinking about it, she was a little happy that Night Wing doesn't blindly follow her orders. It would be the Lunar rebellion all over again.

"Well, If you ever find the answer, come back and tell me."

Night Wing only sat down starting a thousand yards. Her mind was anyone's guess as Luna calmly sat down on her chair. Soon, Night Wing quickly grabbed the whiskey on Luna's small desk in her small room. Luna had refused to take the captain's room, only to leave it for the captain of the ship.

Luna only smirked as she watches Night Wing chug done a few gulps and soon she stopped, took a breath, and began to cough.

"Would you, per'se, prefer a cup over the whole bottle?" Luna said, still smirking.

As soon as Luna received confirmation in the form of a nod, she pulled out two glasses from a cover and poured both of them a glass giving Night Wing one as well. Thanking Luna Night Wing was taking a small sip. Think is, Luna was waiting for Rose to take a sip.

"Drink because tomorrow, we meet Equestria newest prince and princess,"

Rose's drink quickly found itself on the ground and she coughed in shock.

"Prince?! A male alicorn?" asked a shocked Night Wing, "Truly?"

"What reason would I have to deceive you?" replied a tired princess, "Tis truly another moment to go down in Equestria history. Princess Twilight would- wait... did we ever tell Twilight?"

As Luna silently muttered something about Equestria's most recent princess, Night Wing looked at her glass, then the bottle. Equestria having a new Alicorn, Twilight, was already a big shock for Night Wing, but now...

"I'm gonna need more than this," she said as she grabbed the bottle with her leathery wing and chugged it.

That night was filled with mirth as they made landfall the following day.

Author's Note:

Hello peeps, I created an imagine of Eclipse Rose. First time drawing in this style, nor were there any video I found to help me with this style. I was using references online to create it. Also the first time I created a thestral so just bare with me. Btw, her shading to too light. I'm too tired to recolor but just Imagine Eclipse with a darker color coat.

Oh, you've got to be kidding me. I forgot to add the left hind leg... I'm too lazy to fix it. Just imagine the leg is going behind the other leg(at least in the 5 or 6 sketches I did do both hind legs instead of forgetting them the entire time I made it.)

Well, in the end, I'm still quite happy with how it came out.