• Published 26th Aug 2012
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Beauty and her Spike - FlimFlamBros.

True beauty lies within, can Spike and Rarity realize that before it's too late?

  • ...

The Beauty and her Spike

“This isn’t going to work, this isn’t going to work!” Spike panicked, pacing back and forth in his quarters in the west wing. “I’m going to mess it up, or say something stupid and ruin everything and we’re going to be stuck like this forever!”

His friends watched him scurry across the room. Spike had been in a fit ever since he asked Rarity to dinner that night and she gracefully accepted. He had hoped beyond hope that she would accept, and it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say he was quite overjoyed with the fact that she said yes, but now the pressure was on, his bones shook and his blood felt ice cold in his veins as the seconds ticked away, the ever looming dinner growing closer with every audible tick on the clock.

“Oh goddess, oh goddess… I’m going to screw this up!” the dragon whined, dropping to his knees in mental agony, his arms spread from side to side. “She’s going to hate me! I’m going to burp or fart or both and then she’ll see me as the uncouth miscreant that I truly am!”


A rubber glove whipped across Spike’s face. Twiclock used her magic to levitate a nearby glove to strike the dragon out of his ramblings. “Spike! Get a hold of yourself! You’re not going to screw this up, and you’re not going to say anything stupid. You are going to be fantastic and a gentledrake and she is going to love you so much that we’ll all become ponies again.”

“But what if I…”

“Stop it right there, mister,” hushed Twiclock. “Your negative attitude is not going to help you or any of us.”

“Yeah I know,” mumbled the drake. “You didn’t need to slap me in the face though. That was just uncalled for, Twi. I mean, I can’t help that I’m nervous. In case you haven’t realized, but everything is running on this night going absolutely perfect and off without a hitch and I can’t believe that you’re not panicking right now! You’re usually the one that’s going off the deep end at this point! How are you so calm?!”

Slap! Slap! Slap!

“Ouch! Stop slapping me!”

“Then stop yelling!”

“Both of you!” Flutterbench shrieked, cutting through the shouting match in a surprisingly loud yet still docile. “Please stop fighting… I-I hate it when my friends fight with each other.”

The dragon and the clock looked sheepishly down at their feet. “Sorry, Flutter, I’ve just been a little tightly wounded since we started this plan to get Spike and Rarity together… I’ve tried to be calm for Spike’s sake but that still doesn’t mean I’m not nervous.”

“Don’t worry about it, Twiclock,” smiled Pinkie Stick. “Everything is going to be perfect. Tankardjack’s got a great dinner planned, the dancehall is all polished and clean, and most of all we have great candlelight provided by moi.”

Spike rolled his eyes, but the antics did get him to smile. His friends had really gone all out to make this date work, and he knew that they were doing it for reasons beyond just to become ponies again. They were doing it so that he could be happy with the mare that he loved, the mare that he always loved and would likely always continue on loving. “Thanks, guys. Seriously, there’s no way I can repay you guys after all you’ve done for me, especially after all the abuse I put you through when I started to act like a monster. I am really sorry about that.”

“Don’t worry about it,” said Flutterbench. “We forgive you. What are friends for, anyways?”

“I know, but still, you guys didn’t deserve any of that. When we get back to normal, I’ never going to stop making it up to you guys.”

Twiclock giggled. “Don’t worry, Spike, I have a list three miles long for you do when we get back home on top of a million chores and errands to do as well. Of course, this can all wait until you and Rarity get back from your honeymoon.”

“Twi…” The dragon blushed. He was about to say something else when the door swung open, and a little teacup bounced in… how she was able to open the door would always remain a mystery. Rainbow Cup cleared her throat as she did her best to make motions out the door.

“Hey, Spike, your date’s ready,” she said. “Don’t screw up or I will come at you with the full extent of my wrath.”

“Rainbow, if I screw up, the wrath of a tea cup will be the least of my worries.”

“Just get out there and make her fall in love with you,” mumbled the tea cup. “If I have to be stuck like this forever, I’ll scream.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Spike said, walking past the tea cup and heading down the hallway before his eyes widened. “Oh wait! Almost forgot to ask you something, Twiclock. Do you think you could do me a favour? It’s really important.”

“Sure, what do you need?”

“Do you think you could teleport something that was in the Golden Oats Library over here to the castle? Would you be able to do something like that, or would that be too much?”

The clock thoughtfully scratched her chin. “If you knew exactly what you were looking for and where it was, I think I could manage something. What do you need?”

“Do… do you think you could teleport my bowtie? I kept it in a secret cubby under one of the loose floorboards by the history section,” said the dragon. “It would really mean a lot if I could have it for my first real date with Rarity. It’s something that I’ve always planned to wear on our first date.”

“I think I can do that,” smiled Twiclock. “You said the history section, right? Do you know the exact board?”

“Yeah,” nodded Spike. “It’s the cherry oak board that you spilt orange juice on a few years ago.”

“Oh yeah, I remember.”

Rainbow gave her a strange look. “How the heck do you remember something like that?”

“Photographic memory,” beamed the clock. “Now let me focus on this… if I screw up, I could possibly tear a rift in the space time continuum and destroy all life as we know it.”

“Right…” droned Rainbow Cup. “Because a bowtie is so worth destroying the universe.”

“Hush, Dashie,” said Pinkie Stick. “This is super-duper important! Go ahead and cast the spell, Twiclock.”

There was a flash of purple light as something began to manifest the air around them. Within but a moment, a bright red bowtie adorned with several sparkly gemstones appeared and floated over to Spike.

Twiclock smiled smugly. “See, nothing to worry about. Although you were a little off on your positioning, Spike. I don’t know why, but the bowtie was smooched up to one side of the secret cupboard and I almost missed it and started the apocalypse.” The clock plopped the bowtie right on Spike’s neck and adjusted it to perfection. “There we go. You look good, Spike.”

“You really think so?” Spike asked, spinning in little circles as he tried to get a good look at himself, but finding it hard to do as he almost knocked over all the furniture and things around the room in his spin. “I can’t seem to tell. You wouldn’t send me out there if I wasn’t handsome, right?”

“Well, you’re no Thunderlane…”

“Rainbow, shut it,” Twiclock snapped. “Now why don’t you go and help Tankardjack downstairs with the rest of dinner? I’m sure she’ll appreciate some assistance from her little helper.”

Rainbow Cup sighed heavily as she hopped out of the room, not even bothering to put up a fight with her self-proclaimed motherly figure. “I hate you all so much...” she said, muttering under her breath. “When I’m a pony again, I swear you’re all going to be in a world of pain!”

“You’ll have to speak up, Rainbow Cup,” said Pinkie Stick, laughing and bouncing alongside the cyan teacup. “Now hurry up, Spike! As Rarity would say, it’s not polite to keep a lady waiting.”

The dragon took a deep breath and shook it out, trying to take his anxiety and worries with them. This was it, the impending moment of truth between him and Rarity. Together they would have a pleasant dinner, proceed with the appropriate after dinner activities and, if all went as Twiclock had planned, he would become the very creature of Rarity’s affection, a dashing stallion prince, just as he knew she always wanted… what he knew she wanted. Well, tonight he would become the next best thing, a gentledrake for his beauty.

With edgy perspiration, he took his first few steps out of his room and down the hallway. The castle was really starting to look good, with all the dusting, mopping, and cleaning they’ve managed to do over the past few days the castle’s cleanliness was even beginning to become on par with the Princesses’ castle. He couldn’t wait to see how the dining area looked. As he entered the room the drake was greeted with quite a sight. And it wasn’t from the cleanliness of the grand ballroom.

“Oh… hello, Spike.”

Rarity stood there in front of him, looking absolutely stunning. He had wondered what she was doing in her newly found fashion studio and he was now left speechless by her new dress. It looked like it was made out of pure, untainted gold silk, glimmering with the beauty of sunset, but with the daring of the night. Rarity’s white cheeks were pink with blush and her hair was as beautiful as it ever was. The gold of her dress really made her shine like the perfect jewel with her amethyst shaded mane and snow white fur to complement it.

He wanted to say these thoughts that were running through his mind, to skip steps five through nine and just tell her that she was beautiful and that they should spend the rest of their lives together, or something cheesy like ‘flowers must be ashamed to bloom in your marvelousness’ to her. But as always, when he tried to say something to the beautiful pony he found his mouth filled with garbled words and illegible sentences.

“What do you think, darling?” Rarity asked, doing a few twirls in her gorgeous gown, creating a cascade of glittering gold that sparkled like the night’s sky. “Do you think it’s too much? I’m afraid I was a little rushed and just threw this together at the last minute.”

Spike was speechless, awe-struck by the bedazzling unicorn in front of him.

“Spike, are you okay?” the mare enquired, looking at him with a strange expression on her face. Spike felt he needed to say something quick or he’d look like a bigger idiot than he was already was.

“I want to take you to dinner now!” was the first thing that he managed to say, and immediately face-palmed himself mentally for saying something so stupid.

“Well, that sounds wonderful,” smiled Rarity. “After all, we do have a date tonight.”

Spike’s voice seemed to kick up a few octaves as he squeaked in agreement. “M-m-may I?” The dragon held out his claw, surprised when Rarity actually took it, balancing herself on her hind legs as they walked to their table hoof in claw.

Tankardjack and Pinkie Stick were just finishing the feast that they’ve spent all day preparing. They signaled the couple over to them and pushed one of the chairs up so Rarity could be seated. She thanked them and let go of Spike’s arm to take her seat, much to his displeasure.

“Good evening, madam,” said Pinkie, presenting a menu to Rarity. “Tonight’s special is everything! And you don’t even have to pay for it as well. In fact these menus are actually kind of redundant now that I think about it so…” She quickly snatched the menu back from Rarity’s hooves. “Just help yourself buffet style! Because buffets are the best ways to eat things after parties... oh my cupcakes! We should have a buffet party!”

“Pinkie, stay focused,” muttered Tankardjack, turning a nervous smile to Rarity. “Sorry about Pinkie. She’s just really excited, is all. Please, just say the word and we’ll get you whatever your heart desires.”

“And we’ll do it in ten seconds flat!” Pinkie shouted. “Or at least Rainbow Cup will. Speaking of, where is she?”

“I put her to bed, it was right past her bedtime.”

“It’s only eight o’clock,” Rarity said. “Isn’t that a little early, even for a little teacup like her?”

There was a ruckus from the kitchen as Rainbow’s voice snarled and echoed throughout the air. “I’m not little and I hate you all!”

“Go to sleep, little missy!” Tankardjack shouted, before hopping off the table and towards the kitchen. “Now don’t make me have to come on in there. It took me right near twenty minutes to get you tucked in, what with you being fussier than a varmint’.”

“No! I hate this cupboard! It’s cramp and smells like kitchen soap!”

“Well, it wouldn’t smell like soap if you would stay clean for more than five minutes and I didn’t have to run you four baths a day,” retorted the tankard cup.

“And I hate that sink to! It’s scratchy and it smells like the cupboard!” The teacup screamed. “Screw this! I’m getting out of here!”

“What? Hey, Rainbow Cup, be careful! Don’t jump from the shelf!”

There was some scuffling in the kitchen as there was the sound of dishes breaking and yelling. Tankardjack and Rainbow started arguing over something about cupboards and everypony else started to feel really awkward about the whole situation. Luckily, Rarity knew just what to do.

“Perhaps we can eat a bit later,” she said, getting up from the table. “We should probably give those two a little room.”

Spike nodded in agreement. “Y-yeah,” he said, getting up as well. “What do you want to do until then?”

“Oh, you’ll see,” Rarity smiled, giving a suggestive wink as she did so. “Come along, dear. I think I’m in the mood for a little… dancing.”

“D-d-did you say dancing?”

She nodded, taking Spike by the claw and pulling him towards the exit. She led him to the wide open dancehall, whereupon Rarity galloped ahead of the dragon and to the center. “My, it’s a lot bigger than I thought it would be.”

“I know, right?!” laughed the brass candlestick that followed them into the hall. “It’s amazing! And it can also be quite… romantic, if I do say so myself. Twiclock, hit the lights!”

The lights dimmed as music began to play. Spike’s heart jumped a little inside of his chest as he bowed to Rarity, who curtsied in return. He offered his claw, and she took it. As they began to dance, any onlookers would have said it to be a heartbreaking moment.

It was Beauty… and her Spike.

“Once upon a time…

Clear as all to see…

Rivals now turned friends, hearts begin to mend,

Growing like the trees…

Just a little spark…

To set the flames alight!

A heart that they both share, none can quite compare,

Beauty and her Spike...

Like they were before…

Oh so long ago…

Now they’re all grown up,

Falling into love,

Like the winter snow…

Unicorns and drakes,

None could ever think,

They were meant to be,

Love’s not what it seems,

Till their souls both sink…

Rising with the moon,

Lasting till twilight,

Tale as old as time,

Nothing is quite like,

Beauty and her Spike,

Dancing through the night,

Wrong, but oh so right,

Beauty and her Spike,

The two turned gracefully across the show’s floor, swaying gently with the smooth piano music. Spike gulped as he did his best not to step on Rarity’s delicate hooves, while at the same time trying to keep his claws from being too sweaty. The past five minutes seemed like a wonderful eternity. The way they danced seemed to capture the romantic, yet almost bittersweet nature of a relationship between a creature who was inherently greedy and the Element of Generosity.

It was a simple waltz but somehow Rarity fell into a dreamlike trance and like an awakening eye she finally saw it. The gem of her heart, her most longed after possession and the one thing that had been with her for only these past few weeks, yet she felt like she’d known him forever. Was this love?

Perhaps it was. It was that mysterious emotion that had always eluded her, always staying a step ahead of her heart. Now she wondered if she had finally caught up with it. Spike was no pony, he was far from it in fact, but he had shown her that even the most wild of souls could be tamed, and that there was beauty in the beast. A strange feeling coursed through her body and she could barely look into those deep green eyes, the ones that glimmered with care and friendship, loyalty... What would happen if they were to pursue this relationship? She knew there would be struggles they would have to confront eventually. The pain, the suffering, the forbidden love that these two would share as the rest of the world looked down at them.

Spike’s palms grew sweaty and his throat tightened. The music began to grow more passionate, and so did its dancers. He swore his heart would burst out of his chest at any given moment, leaving him a limp pile of regret. No matter how hard he tried, the black illusions of his past were gone; he could no longer hate her. How could he ever? She was too perfect for a monster like him. If he had to, he would allow her to marry anypony and he would spend the rest of his life mourning and crying over his lifelong love, if only to see that beautiful mare smile. It would be tragic, but when he stared down at those sapphire eyes of hers, his heart told him it would all be worth it.

He looked at her. Rarity's furry cheeks reddened as she was entrapped in Spike's hypnotic stare. She loved him; she wanted to scream on top of a mountain. 'I love you Spike!' ringed through her mind. 'I love you I love you I love you! Could you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?’

Spike noticed that Rarity was looking sad, he could tell from the way her face changed. Why was she sad? Was it something he did? Was she upset because of him?

"Are you okay, Rarity?" he asked.

"Spike... I..." She took a deep breath; confessing one's feelings could never have been so hard.


“I… I miss my family.” She couldn’t do it. The words of truth just clumped in her throat and she coughed out the first alternatives that came to mind instead. It wasn’t false though, she did miss her family. She missed her mother’s cooking, her little sister, even her mad father with his crazy ideas and theories. “I’d give anything to see them again.”

The dragon looked around the room as he pondered. “Perhaps there’s a way to see them again. Wait here for one moment.” He dashed out of the room, leaving Rarity alone and confused in the hallway. But just as quickly as he left he came back carrying the enchanted mirror. “Here, look into the mirror and you can see anything that you desire.”

“The mirror…” Rarity asked. “Is this the same one you used to spy on me? Because we never talked about that. And all those statues and paintings of me…”

“Let’s just say you remind me of a pony I used to know,” Spike lied. “A beautiful, kind, and generous mare that I loved with all my heart, I just wished she had felt the same way as well.”

“Well, then she was a fool,” smiled the mare. “Perhaps she was me in another life, if we looked so similar.”

Spike chuckled a little. “Yeah… you could say that. But I do want to say that I’m sorry for spying on you like that. I never let myself see anything explicit, just bits and pieces.”

“You’re forgiven, Spike. Now how does this mirror work? I would like to see my father now.”

Suddenly the mirror flashed, the reflective silver of the mirror began to glow with a swirling aura before projecting an image of Rarity’s father. Magnum was wrapped up in several layers of clothing as he trekked through the thick snow of the Everfree forest.

“Rarity!” he called into the cold air.

“Father?” the unicorn said in surprise and worry. “What’s he doing in the snow?”

“Rarity!” Magnum called out again, giving a few coughs afterwards. He had been in the snow for far too long. He wasn’t a young stallion anymore, and his body couldn’t handle this kind of climate for much longer. The only thing driving him was the will to save his daughter from her capture. He was so tired, though. Maybe...maybe he would just take a little rest in the snow…

“Daddy, you fool,” whimpered Rarity. “He’s sick! He’s been out in the cold for too long! I need to go and help him and get him home!”

Anypony could see that Rarity was in distress and who could blame her? Her father was risking his life for her. As much as it pained him, Spike knew what he had to do, even if it would ruin his chance at happiness.

“Then I release you.”

“Pardon me?” Rarity asked, wiping a tear from her eye.

“You are no longer my prisoner… you must go and help your father.”

“But what about you?”

“If he sees me or comes here he’ll only freak out and get worse,” he said. “Only you can help him. Take him home and make him better. Live the life I know you deserve to live.”

“But Spike—“

He gently brushed a claw on her cheek, not only to calm her down but to get one last feel of her fur and to prolong their final moment. “Go, and take this mirror... I have no need for it anymore.”

Rarity didn’t know what to say, she couldn’t say anything in response to his kindness. She gave him one final hug, saying, “Thank you,” and scurrying out of the hall to change and grab her things, leaving Spike alone in the giant room to relish in the consequences of his actions.

He loved her. Perhaps too much. That dragon loved Rarity so much that he was willing to spend the rest of his life as an accursed monster so her father could live.

Pinkie Stick moved over to the sulking dragon. “You know… in the end you did the right thing. I’m sure the others will understand.”

“I know… but I think it would be easier for you to tell them. You have a way with words.”

“Okie dokie lokie…” sighed the candlestick, hopping towards the kitchen to tell her friends that they were going to be stuck as appliances for the rest of their likely unnaturally long lives.

There was the screeching of the gates opening outside, and Spike knew that she had left the castle. He prayed that she could get to her father in time. He hoped that he could at least rest peacefully knowing that he had at least given it his best shot, that he had tried his best to be with Rarity.

But perhaps it just wasn’t meant to be.