• Member Since 21st Jan, 2017
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Every Day is a Brand New Chapter in our Lives.


*Rated T just in case of sensitive subject matter*

The bubbly and over-enthusiastic Pinkie Pie has always had difficulty understanding social cues and graces, but her and her friends have always perceived it as simply being Pinkie's fun-loving personality.

However, after a recent evaluation from a doctor reveals Pinkie has high-functioning Autism, she fears the worst from her friends. What would happen if they didn't like her anymore because of her mental disability?

Thankfully, those fears are put to rest after discovering all of her friends love and support her for who she is... except for one problem - she hasn't told Fluttershy yet!

Seeing as the shy and quiet mare is already super sensitive, Pinkie fears that her admittance to the disability will cause her to think she is weird or stupid; though when Fluttershy worriedly checks up on the pink party pony after a strange and unusual absence from her hyperactive friend, she knows she must spill.

How will her pegasus pal react to the shocking news?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 52 )

Not saying something bad will happen, but please make sure you keep any and all comments respectful. If your comments are mean or hurtful, you will make Pinkie sad. Pinkie does not like being sad. :pinkiesad2:

Thank you and enjoy!


I've been looking for some FlutterPie friendshipping so I'll be checking this out.

I enjoyed reading this one. Thank you for writing it!

As a diagnosed neurodivergent myself, this story made me really happy and I related to Pinkie's struggle on a very personal level. It would be an insult to my favorites list if I left this fic off.


For some reason, Fluttershy/Pinkie Pie shipping and/or friendshipping is super rare and I'm not sure why. Honestly, besides the fact these two are probably my favorites, I feel like they could've had a fun chemistry in the show - though it was never really thought of in the show or even the fandom.

What I'm saying is there's a reason I've done multiple stories involving these two. Fills the void in what I've always wanted to see. Makes my softie heart smile.

Thank you so much! :pinkiesmile:

If you watch s1, they have a lot of moments, but it gets rare as time went by. Buckball Season is my favorite for later seasons.

Agreed. Buckball Season was a great episode in general.

Applejack, practically being like family to her, was quick to embrace her (possibly) related brethren with open hooves. Aside from the standard "ah'm here whenever ya'll need me", she reassured her by going over the family tree - showing her that many apples have had Autism or some similar mental disability. It relieved a tense Pinkie Pie knowing that she wasn't and would never be alone through such endeavors.

Interesting. Could be genetic. More proof the Pies and Apples are related?

This was lovely and heartwarming. Pinkie's insecurities were painful to read, poor thing. Well done.

Wait, I thought Twilight was the one with high-functioning Autism, with Pinkie being Bi-Polar.

...eh, one of the oldest debates has been which of the Mane Six matches up with which flavor of Neural Divergent. Given that there is no right answer beyond all of them having something, I look forward to reading this fic.

Comment posted by Maud of Sterner Stuff deleted Jul 2nd, 2021

Since I myself have high-functioning autism, I decided to read this as soon as it entered my sight. You have earned my respect, a favor, an upvote, and a follow.

Comment posted by ScorchingFlamesInc deleted Aug 21st, 2020

Holy shit. You just put like all my anxieties into one story and then proceeded to blast them out of the water like that. But at least this had a happier ending than my own personal stories, with all her friends being accepting of her. I've definitely had to burn a few bridges and cut ties before because of how people treated me differently after learning of my issues. Some of them definitely had a hand in me becoming a recluse with extreme social anxieties.

Pinkie has high-functioning Autism

I don't view this as a "mental disability"; just a different way to see the world. I would know; I've been diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome since late primary school, and thus don't act like most others. I've always loved reading, for example, and Nintendo/Sony gaming consoles (except for the dysfunctional Wii with its dysfunctional, garbage motion gimmick and lack of Classic Controller backup for most of its games); during recess and lunch in primary school, I'd be reading Horrible Histories/Science/Geography, etc., whereas in high school that changed to Harry Potter.
These days, when I used to actually travel to university (remember doing that, folks? Back when dinosaurs roamed the almost-spherical Earth?), I'd spend my free time in the Sydney city reading fanfiction on my phone. Mostly Harry Potter stuff, yes, but also a bit of Danny Phantom, My Hero Academia, and Star Wars.

Low-functioning autism, yes, that's a disability; but high-functioning? Just a different filter, with a tendency to develop obsessions on a handful of things.

Pinkie also seemed to lack alot

"A lot" is two separate words.

not by an stretch of the imagination


My friends tell me I do that alot

Again, twoseparate words.

Or that I'm not the real Pinkie?

Considering there's at least one mirror pool survivor out there...this is always a possibility.

stalk of broccoli.

I like broccoli, though...:applecry:

Pinkie Pie is not here right now, please leave a message after the beep.... beep?"

Equestria doesn't have phones, though. Odd.

"Girls," Pinkie Pie started, eyes nervously scanning the room and forelegs fidgeting, "I have something super-de-duper importanto to tell you all. I talked to a doctor and they said that I'm high functioning autistic."

There was a tense silence as the other five ponies in the room glanced at each other, each of them unsure who should speak first.

Rainbow Dash decided to break the ice, "Yeah no shit Pinkie, everyone already knows. I mean have you met you?"

Comment posted by Maud of Sterner Stuff deleted Jul 2nd, 2021

As someone with a high-function Autistic sibling, this is me so hard.

I am so sorry to hear about some of your rather unfortunate experiences, but as my good friend the no-named Doctor (for some reason I don’t even know) said, “If they were your real friends, they wouldn’t love you any less.”. Yeah it sucks that you have to cut ties but hopefully the friends who stood by you can make up for some of the pain. There are lots of people out there though - some kind and some not so much - but I know there can always be someone for you.

(Now if only I listened to my own motivational speeches...)

That’s actually a great way of putting it and your hobbies and interests sound awesome to me. :twilightsmile:

*Fluttershy proceeds to wrap Pinkie in an over-affectionate embrace, turning her head away from the rest of her friends.*

Fluttershy: “I’m sure what Rainbow meant to say was that it doesn’t matter to us because we’ve always have and always will be your best friends, RIGHT?!”

*Unbeknownst to Pinkie, Fluttershy is sending a spine-chilling glare at Rainbow, making the others wince as Rainbow lets out a fearful gulp.*

Rainbow: “Y———yeah. Of course that’s what I meant. We all love you, Pinkie.”

*The hug ends as Fluttershy returns to her sweet smile, Pinkie boasting a cheerful grin.*

Pinkie: “Okie Dokie Lokie!”

Fluttershy: “Come on Pinkie, let’s all go get some Ice Cream!”

*Pinkie excitedly squeals as she zips out of the room, her friends soon following. Fluttershy proceeds to happily follow everyone before she catches up near the front of the pack and sends Rainbow one more warning dagger on her way out.*

*The others turn to face a much paler Rainbow Dash as they all walk in silence.*

Rainbow: “I don’t care what anyone says, that pony scares me.”


I had the idea of Pinkie having Autism literally this morning so seeing this come across my feed really made me think that it's meant to be. Fantastic work, and I hope more comes to pass!

Reading the comments makes me think people are weird.

A doctor telling you that you match the signs of a mental illness/malady/whatever-pc-term doesn't... actually mean anything when it refers to something nobody knew you had. Like- take Pinkie here. If everyone's basically just already accepted her mannerisms, then why should sticking a name to them matter? I mean I know why it does (because people put way too much stock in labels, and have a knee-jerk reaction to certain ones) change anything?

If someone accepts who you are and what you're like, then names and labels are less than meaningless when it describes what's already there.

Yeah I know, people aren't rational, but liking someone OK and accepting that they're kind of dorky and maybe a little dense socially, shouldn't change to suddenly disliking them or time around them because of a word that can be applied to them. Like I said, weird.

I don't understand why her friends would change their opinions of her when literally none of her behavior changes, just an external label.

^ Yes, this.

The simple truth is that for some people there really is a stigma against mental health issues like autism, which is not helped by the fact one of the biggest organizations talking about it is more of a hate group that deliberately demonizes the disorder and those who have it.

I have literally been told that there is something wrong with me and that I am lying when I say I am happy with the way I am, autism and all.
And also told that all people with autism are permanently mentally children and incapable of functioning or succeeding.
Though hearing that I am a college student studying for a biology degree shut that one up pretty fast.

You're perfectly... well, healthy for a mare who consumes nothing but sugar."
A gross exaggeration! Pinkie also consumes flour, eggs, cream, butter, nuts, chocolate, strawberries (with chocolate), marshmallows...

Meanwhile, the dragon was equally supportive as he also dished out a hug
"Heck, most of us dragons are at least a little sociopathic!"

it's pinkie being pinkie. Phones don't exist, but she'll somehow know they do in the human world

Okay; never mind. Thank you for correcting me!

It always warms my heart to see stories with autistic ponies.

And reminds me to stop procrastinating on my own such story.

You scared me in the first half, not gonna lie. :twilightsheepish:

Do you mind if I turn yor story in a real life head back book when I'm dune I will send you a copy

So, Pinkie's on the spectrum, too? I knew it... Knew there was a reason I didn't like her, she's too like me!
...At least, the part of me that I tied up, chained up, and locked up in the deepest, darkest pit of my mind. Wish it would stay there, but... It's too like Pinkie!

Your comment also scared me in the first half, not gonna lie. :twilightsheepish:

Now we need a Twilight acceptance fic. ^^

Shameless self plug -- been working on one!~

This is super sweet and relatable. As one myself, I really understand where Pinkie is coming from. It can be hard to tell people because your afraid they will think of you differently, or blame you for lying for attention, or making up excuses for odd behavior. I hope you do more stories like this in the future.

After reading just the intro, I imagine it would go something like

"I have autism."

"... okay."

I mean, just because the reason for her being the way she is has a name now, doesn't mean it's something different, right? She's still the same pony - she was born with it, it's not like it developed overnight... Shocking news indeed... ;)

"Um... is this the important thing you wanted to tell me?"

I guess reading the story was redundant to the above. ;]

Still, nice. ;)

To quote probably the best sentiment I've heard about my condtion: "The 'cure' for autism is understanding." Thank you for this.

Also, I can't help but notice... well, I know it's meant entirely platonically, but with how many references there are to Pinkie and Flutters 'loving' each other, I do have to wonder exactly how much this friendshipping has of the 'friend-' part. Not that I'm complaining, mind you.:pinkiehappy:


I've had a similar experience as you've had, people will say some straight up nasty stuff if you're "visibly" autistic in any way. I'm considered lower functioning by label standards (I don't usually use them though), and jeeze the stuff they'll say right in front of someone is kind of appalling.

Word of advice.

If you have not already seen it then never look up the Autism Speaks "I Am Autism" campaign video or anything else from them.


God, yeah, that company shouldn't even be allowed to call itself a charity.

Holy cow, guys! To say this is my most popular story would not be doing itself enough justice!

This story has 91 likes and is still climbing! I... I don't even know what to say. Thank you for enjoying this fic so much - seeing all the positive feedback and the friendly discussions/ stories shared in the comments section... it's awesome to see and I couldn't be happier.

I honestly couldn't ask for anything more. If this ever reaches 100 likes, I'm going to be truly speechless.

Thank you for such a positive community - and just like Pinkie Pie - I know through the many warm sentiments expressed in the comments that no one here will ever truly be alone.

Thank you! - frenettek314

I have autism too

Having Autism myself, this touched my heart and made my day. Thank you.

I haven't read this yet but I want to provide some information. I'm autistic myself.

First of all high functioning and low functioning are labels forced on us by neurotypicals and are highly inaccurate. Better terms are high support needs, moderate support needs, and low support needs. High functioning suggests that the person doesn't need supports when the very well could, and low functioning suggests that the person doesn't deserve self agency and aren't capable of things. People deemed low functioning are treated badly and talked about as though they aren't people deserving of respect. As an autistic person who's support needs vary widely I can assure that they are highly inaccurate. People who where to see me out while I'm nonverbal and overwhelmed would say I'm low functioning, but those who see me at home on a good day would say I'm high functioning. High and low functioning as terms are used by neurotypicals to judge how we as autistic people affect them, not how we are affected by the world.

Second of all autism isn't a mental disorder, it's a neurodivergency. Mental disorders are generally acquired where are you are generally born with neurodivergency. I am of course going to read this.
I just wanted to share some important information.

"Well, others with Autism often seek counseling or therapy if they are having a rough time, though seeing how high-functioning you seem to be, it's totally up to you - I'll just offer you a reference to a counselor should you ever want it. If I were you, I'd let your closest friends know what's going on so they can help you as well."

Functioning labels are harmful and overall as a community we don't use them, not to mention their outdated we use support me, so instead this might say given how few support needs you have instead of using a functioning label which like I said is harmful

"I have Autism!"

Oh also the preferred terminology is the autistic, pinky just found out so at this stage she might prefer to say that she has autism just letting you know that we prefer identity first language, I don't speak for the entire community but most of the community agrees on this

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