• Published 11th Nov 2023
  • 206 Views, 0 Comments

Sunset's Love Life - Holidays Together - Lil Sunny

As college finishes for the holidays, Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle have more time than ever together, by themselves and with their friends.

  • ...

Eve of the Holiday

The two returned to their apartment glad that the walk there allowed them to adjust to being human again stretching their legs and getting used to their different center of gravity.

"So Twi, how was your first experience in Equestria?"

"It was. Eventful. I'm sorry we had that massive fight, I could've died out there. I guess it's a good thing I have someone like you who cares so much for me. If you're worried about not wanting to return then don't. I'll go back with you anytime you want me to. Just maybe come up with a different name, and color scheme. The less I have to be reminded of that demon the better."

"It was your idea to keep the colors, and you came up with the name. I guess it was too much too soon to think that you could handle it. Equestria's natural magic may have amplified her power which is why she was able to influence you. But over here that shouldn't be a problem, I hope."

Smiling hand in hand they entered their apartment and saw that it had been decorated for them. A large Christmas Tree stood in the corner with tinsel, holly and lights all around the walls glowing red and green. A note was left on their small table in the living room.

"Dear Sunset and Twilight. We thought you might want some festive cheer from home once you returned. So we decorated your apartment for you, thanks again for giving Applejack a spare key. Once you come back let me know so we can talk. We have something to discuss with you. Much Love: Rarity"

"To think they did this for us. Its so great to have such good friends." Sunset said smiling all the while.

Twilight took in the decorations and smiled too.

"A little traditional perhaps, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Though I do wonder what they wanted to talk about. Maybe we should call Rarity."

"Great idea Twi, I'll do it now."

Sunset picked up her phone and called Rarity.

"Well, It's about time you two got back. Honestly I was hoping you would be back in time so as to not leave this to the last second."

"Slow down Rarity, what are you talking about?"

"We had a discussion. First off, is Twilight going to her parents for christmas?"

Sunset put the phone on speaker

"You're on speaker Rarity, Twilight are you going home for Christmas?"

"Nope, I was invited for a boxing day dinner but Christmas Day is completely free. Why did you want to know Rarity?"

"None of us are returning home either, and we decided since we're basically one big family anyway that we should spend Christmas Day together. We thought your apartment with its huge living room would be the perfect place, If you'll acommodate 6 friends for a day that is."

Twilight inquired "But what about a Christmas Dinner?"

"Twilight darling from what I hear you're quite the whiz in that kitchen, and with Applejack and Pinkie Pie there I'm sure you can come up with something delectable."

"What do you think Twi? Wanna play host to our pals?"

"Sunny, I think they could be more like family to us than our real family sometimes. Of course I'd be happy to."

"It's settled then, I'll let the others know. We'll be round bright and early, let's say 8 AM? Should give us plenty of time to enjoy the company, open presents and let our chefs prepare their masterpiece."

"We're hardly chefs Rarity, and Applejack won't be with you all the time, there may come a day when she has a meeting, or an extra class and you have to fend for yourself. It could be beneficial to learn to cook something."

"When that time comes I'm sure I'll be fine, anyway I'll see you tomorrow then darlings!"

With that Rarity hung up and the two were left to plan the next day.

"Ok first problem. I got presents for our friends in Equestria but I totally forgot about our friends here. We can't have them for Christmas without something to give them." Sunset said sighing.

"And this is why you should leave organizing things to me. Back left corner of the closet in our room."

Sunset checked the directed location and sure enough found 6 wrapped presents each labelled with the name of one of their friends.

"When did you have time to do this?"

"The time you fell asleep watching that Christmas movie about a week ago. I walked to the mall, got the presents and got a bus back." Twilight finished, winking at Sunset.

"You always have everything planned out Twilight, and that's why I love you."

Sunset placed the presents under the tree and kissed Twilight on the cheek.

"Ok problem number two, we don't have everything for a Christmas Dinner in the house."

As if on cue Sunset recieved a text from Applejack. "I'm bringing a big turkey for us to cook, but you'll need to provide the rest of the dinner sorry."

"We can go shopping once we're done planning here, thankfully the supermarket is still open till the early evening and we just need stuffing, vegetables and potatoes."

"Would be nice to have a vegitarian option too, I don't eat meat as you well know and I'm sure Fluttershy wouldnt mind it either."

"No problem, I can whip up a vegetable casserole for anyone who wants it. Do we have room in the fridge for leftovers? There's probably not going to be much with 8 hungry gals at the table. Especially with Applejack and Rainbow Dash, I swear those two eat like hor-"

Twilight caught herself before she finished her analogy. Sunset just laughed at her.

"It's fine Twilight, I've heard it plenty of times before and I don't take offense to it. The farm horses of this world do tend to eat a lot more than ponies in Equestria do."

The two girls wrapped up warm and went out into the brisk afternoon heading to the supermarket. There weren't many people out and about aside from a few who looked like they left Christmas shopping to the last second and were darting around every store on the street. After buying their supplies they headed back home before the snowfall became to much to handle. They shook off the leftover snow and hung their coats to dry while Sunset turned the heat on.

"It's a shame we can't light a fire Sunny, It would make the perfect Christmas backdrop."

"Yeah. Maybe someday we'll have an actual house of our own, where we can light a fire. hang the decorations and have all the girls round like a big family."

"I don't think your family ever came up in conversation Sunset. Care to explain?"

"Not much to say. Mom passed in childbirth and Dad raised me as best he could. He saw my talents and practically begged Celestia to let me into her school. I aced the entrance exam but of course you know what happened there. I got mad and I thought she was keeping magic secrets from me. Holding on to power she was going to someday entrust to someone and I thought at the time it should've been me. I fled through the portal and never looked back. Princess Celestia said my dad was very sad. But I did see him one more time awhile back. He was suffering from a rare disease and passed away in Canterlot Hospital. I thought I'd be best staying in this world so I wouldn't be constantly reminded that I was alone."

Sunset began to tear up, but a lavender hand on her shoulder made her turn her tear filled eyes upwards and see the smiling face of her girlfriend beside her.

"You aren't alone, and you never will be. You have our friends who won't let you down, and you have me, even if we have some horrific fight and break apart, I'll always be your friend. But I don't think that will ever happen. I love you far too much for that."

Sunset, tears streaming down her face hugged Twilight tight and Twilight in turn held her close, comforting her as best she could.

"Don't be afraid to cry Sunny. Everyone does it now and then. Especially with your empathy being amplified by that geode I'm surprised and proud that you hold yourself together so well. But even tough girls cry."

Sunset giggled through the tears.

"T-thanks Twi, but I'm not a tough girl, not anymore. I'm just happy to be me."

"I still think you're tough Sunset, it's not a bad thing to be resilient sometimes. I'm just glad that we get to see the real you underneath. And that I get to see a side of you even our friends don't know about."

The clock read 10 PM, the two had been cuddling for a long time, longer than either thought. After Twilight quickly put away the groceries she had brought home earlier they changed into pajamas and went to bed.

"Hey Twi?"

"Yeah Sunny, what's up?"

"Do you mind if I'm the little spoon tonight? I'm not feeling great and I'd like to be held."

Smiling with a light chuckle Twilight said "Sure Sunny, I don't mind."

Sunset cuddled her head into Twilight's neck and fell asleep almost immediately with Twilight's slender arms around her. Twilight set an alarm for 7 AM the next morning so they would have enough time to prepare themselves before kissing Sunset's forehead and yawning loudly.

"Goodnight Sweetie."

She fell asleep and both girls dreamed of nothing but sweetness the whole night long.