• Member Since 21st Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen May 12th


aka Mr. Chaos of the "Harry Potter: Pokemon Master Series", "Authors of Our Own Fate", and "A Man of Iron"


Mr. Maple is a quiet syrup-making pony whose never done anything exciting in his life. In fact he's never gone 10 miles from his small family farm (though can it be called a family farm when he's single?) or the town of Quiet Meadows. And he has been satisfied with that... until now. The urge to see some of the wonderful sights in Equestria grows in his heart and Mr. Maple decides to take a vacation!

He'll ride on a train! See the sights! Buy souvenirs!

Topple criminal empires! Save beautiful damsels! Alter history itself!

...not that he'll realize he's doing any of that.

Its a comedy of misunderstandings and miscommunications that will see the most simple of ponies change the destiny of Equestria itself.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 36 )

Okay, this introduction gave me a good chuckle. That poor innocuous phrasing... Ha! :rainbowlaugh:


Prepare for so much more of that. Mr. Maple is just a sweet, innocent pony. And so much of what he says and does is going to be taken the wrong way...

So good story, it's fucking hilarious af. There's only one critique we can give and that's we have no idea what the character looks like other than he has a blue mane. Hell we don't even know what his Cutie Mark looks like, that said this chapter is well done and we look forward to seeing what happens next.

Oh lord.

Alright, looks like I'll have to keep my eye on this one.


I mentioned in the chapter he has a maze-colored coat. That is a deep yellow with tints of orange. So a rather striking fellow for being an average pony.

As for his cutie mark that just a syrup bottle.



A comedy of errors eh? Alright, let's see where this goes.


A comedy of errors, misunderstandings, and how rumors can explode. To compare it to another story there was a Harry potter fic where, in a similar vein, by the end Harry just going on vacation convinced the world that his alias, Mr. Black, was an immortal dark wizard who was the inspiration for Death who kicked Merlin out of Atlantis.


I mentioned in the chapter he has a maze-colored coat.

You mean 'maize,' with an i. Like corn. That's something else I'd suggest— snag yourself an editor. It always helps to have a second pair of eyes look over your work.


No offense but I have NEVER had a good experience with a beta reader/editor. Ever. Every single one has attempted to completely take over the story, become so nitpicking about how I chose to write the stories (arguing on how I have characters talk, how I plot things, so on), or tried to force their ideas upon me.

I do this for fun. This isn't one of my novels. The moment it isn't fun I move on. And having someone send me e-mails where they have completely rewritten my chapters, deleted plot points, and demanded I do things their way instead of simply tell me "you spelled it their instead of there that one time" kills every ounce of joy out of writing.

But thank you for the correction.

And again, no offense to you or any anger in your direction. Thanks for pointing out the error.

Now this is something I can get behind! Got a good laugh with the town's reaction to everything :rainbowlaugh:


And we'll be seeing similar things to that throughout the series!

First off, no offense taken. :twilightsmile:

Is that really the only experience you've had with editors? Sheesh. No, I'm really just talking about getting a proofreader. Yeah, my editor does point out little plot holes or give me suggestions from time to time, but we've known each other for years and both know the other's writing styles (he wrote on the site for a while, too).

If I may: if this story is meant to be something purely silly that you're writing as you go and doesn't really have a long-term outline, then yeah, all you need is a proofreader; it really wouldn't hurt to at least have a second pair of eyes. If you do have certain plot points that are important to the story, specific pieces that are crucial to the plot, a definitive end point, etc, then it may not hurt to have someone that would proofread and look a little deeper. But like you said, if at any point it stops being fun for you to have someone else give you non-constructive criticism or try to take over your story, drop 'em like it's hot and just do you.

:twilightsmile: We're sorry that we missed that, and thank you for pointing it out to us. We missed that since we're used to seeing ponies introduced in a less innocuous way, but still, we appreciate it, and thank you for the making this story. It's looking like it's going to be a rather interesting experience.

Saw your comment to Level Dasher, and we'll ask ahead of time, we usually make grammar corrections in stories we read, but if that'd kill your enjoyment for making the fic and would rather we not. We can respect that and not do that when we read a story, nonetheless, have a wonderful day and we look forward to see what happens next to Mr. Maple.


The main issue is this isn't even my main story at the moment. I have, in order of popularity: A Shield of Man (GOT/Marvel crossover), Harry Potter and the Order of Moltres (HP/Pokemon crossover), Chaos Effect (Yugioh SI fic), Authors of Our Own Fate (Downton Abbey peggy sue fic), Justice League: The Second Chance (a JLU/high school AU parody), Swap Meets 1 and 2 (A Lucifer reality swap twin fics), and this story. That is on top of writing the first draft of a romance novel (Reincarnation, about a couple who keeps reincarnating but in their modern life the man has no memories of any of this) and editting another novel (Bull Island, a period adventure piece about monster hunters).

EDIT: Oh, and I also have a 22,000 word MLP oneshot I STILL need to finish the first draft of.

Honestly we're lucky I can give each chapter a single glance over and I only missed maize... believe me, I've done MUCH MUCH WORSE! LOL! :D And as I said, editors for fanfics have never worked out for me... at best they are slow as syrup.

So that's why I appreciate people like you pointing out when I make a minor mistake as it is far easier to just go back and make a minor correct.

So no anger, no insult, just thanks.


I have zero problem after the fact a fan pointing out a spelling error. It happens and I have no problem (especially on this site) hearing that and making the correct.

Sheesh, how do you sleep? :rainbowlaugh:

And hey, if working with an editor isn't for you, that's your prerogative. Then you'll just have people like TheGreatEater and me pointing out the mistakes we catch. :raritywink:

Looking forward to reading! :twilightsmile:


Basically I write 2000 words minimum a day, I try to do 3000 words. Most of my stories are on a 3 week cycle so I am only working on two to three a week. The novel is the only one I write every single day.


Pretty much, though i don't know who that actually is. The humor comes from eveyrone else in the world misunderstanding who Mr. Maple is and how innocent things he says, to the wrong ears, come off as threats, advice, or sage wisdom

Comment posted by Arn deleted Sep 26th, 2020
Comment posted by defender2222 deleted Sep 26th, 2020

Oh yes, this story sounds lovely. I have a softspot for these sort of innocently comedic "failing to success" type stories. Here is to Mr. Maple and all his upcoming travels!


Pretty much, though i don't know who that actually is.

That is the cartoon version of Mr. Bean (as played by Rowan Atkinson).

You may have seen him in the opening of the 2012 London Olympic Games


You are writing a story.

I was making a joke.

As a writer, what can you do with a pony condition called "he nerves"?

As one well verse in fairy tails...you should know, correct the mistakes quietly or use them to write a more fun tail.
As Shakespear said you can have your revenge and it can be indelible and eternal.
As for fairy tales...never tell the goblins you made a mistake.


They are a favorite of mine too. Mostly because I enjoy trying to figure out how things will get twisted. And the more nuts they get as time goes by, the better.

Glorious! Love this story so far.

An excellent chapter. I'm ready and willing to wait for more accidental justice and heroics.

That's amazing. I love it. Also:

Inspector Clue-So

That's not my dog. :trollestia:

Inspector clue-so! Haha I love it! I can just imagine him speaking in a Belgian accent!

Inspector Clue-So is quite aptly named, I see. :facehoof:

And so it begins... The small pebbles that Mr Maple unwittingly has dislodged have started tumbling down the mountain. And by the time they hit the bottom, they will be an avalanche! :rainbowlaugh:

Also, "world class infiltrators"? Ha! :moustache:

*Dies laughing* Oh! My! Celestia!!! Just! All the yes!

We couldn't stop laughing as we read this chapter, and I really do hope that the Track Sisters pop up throughout the story.

Still, this chapter was a real gem.


There will be some characters that only appear once, others that are recurring. That is all I can say for those that confuse Mr. Maple for someone else.


Fair 'nough. Looking forward to more epic goodness to come (and seeing Mr. Maple, basically being Johnny English, and Wallace (From the Man Who Knew To Little)) and seeing what awesomely comedic (unknowing) hijix he pulls off next.

Seriously. Thank you for making this story. It's hard to see people pull off this type of humor right, in stories.

But that didn’t mean that Mr. Maple didn’t know how to fight… or was unwilling to.

Martial Pacifist. He isn't going to start a fight, but he's willing to end it should it come to that.

Inspector Clue-So

More like Inspector Clue-Less! I'll, go sit in the corner now.

Maple finally departing for is vacation adventure reminds me of Bilbo Baggins from Hobbit


Was the vibe I was trying to go for, honestly. He's someone that has lived a very cozy, easy life. Yes, he is a maple syrup farmer but he knows how to do it easily enough so it isn't a chore for him. He is giddy now to go on an adventure.

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