• Member Since 9th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


A frustrated writer who just wants people to like their stories.


The legion was lost and under constant attack by barbaric Germanic tribes. Under the temporary command of Tribunus Laticlavius Marcus Maximus, the 50th “Imber” Legion cautiously made their way out of the death trap they were in, reaching the edge of the forest of death. But instead of the welcoming sight of Roman territory, they find themselves in an unfamiliar and cold barren land, where ponies talk and warfare just as brutal as the one they had tried to escape.

Roman legions were known for their flexibility and ability to adapt, but will they be able to do so in this strange land far from home?

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 24 )

This is ancient times, before Luna become corrupted to Nightmare Moon?

Yup! :twilightsmile: During the war against King Sombra.

Dark Hoof Cavalry

I mean, technically all Equestrian units are cavalry. So.

It's a really cool concept, my dude. I'm into it so far.

Yeaa, I thought about that too :twilightsheepish: So I decided to turn such titles into their roles in the battlefield instead. That means, cavalry would be fast units in charge of scouting, harassing, and maneuvering to hit the enemy's flanks, while infantry would be the slower moving units whose job is to hold the main line and engage and occupy the main force, while the cavalry swings in on the flanks. Essentially, Equestrian style of warfare here would be similar to the Macedonian tactics.

That's an elegant solution. :coolphoto: I'm looking forward to following chapters, my man. It's awesome to see fics with historical foci. My only criticism at this point would be to tone down on the exposition (with Luna's detailed background here), but other than that, I'm all for it.

Thanks, man! :twilightsmile: And yea, I may have went a bit overboard with the exposition. :twilightblush: But hey, chapter two is half way done and would probably come out in a day or two. :pinkiehappy:

Wild! I'll be expecting it with bated breath. Rock on, my man.

Soon the Romans will arrive on the field of battle.

>mfw Luna pulls a Total War: Warhammer

Cool chapter! Really looking forward to how the legion will react to meeting the ponies. I assume they'll side with Luna, but it looks like the Crystal Empire will take the field in the end. Guess we'll see! :coolphoto:

Oh yeah its all coming together now

Next chapter is where the fun begins.

Next up, first contact.

Did the ancient Romans really know Germany existed?

Yup, the Romans referred to the lands beyond the Rhine River as Germania, and they had contact with the Germanic tribes there.

Well I'm very excited to see how the Romans will react to meeting Princess Luna. Keep up the good work.

Great chapter! That said, I have a little nitpick about the Latin declension - at times you use English plural forms and at times Latin - stick to either, and if you choose Latin, I do believe the correct forms would be (in approximate order of appearance) plural accusative forms given the context:

Pilum - Pila
Scutum - Scuta
Gladius - Gladiƍs

I only studied Latin in passing but it still kinda rubs me the wrong way anyway :twilightsheepish:
I'm using Wikipedia as a reference, so anyone more knowledgeable is free to correct me if I'm mistaken on any of these :unsuresweetie:
That being out of the way, I'm looking forward for more!

Is this story dead?

Fear not, I have come out of the debts of hiatus and have began writing Chapter 5! Just a little heads up though, Equestria Legio is currently second on my list of stories to update, so it might still take a while for the nect chapter to come. Also, I got a ton of school work pilling up, so I won't have much time to write to begin with...but hey, its still progress!


it's nice to know this story is not dead yet, there are few roman stories and incomplete and i hope to see the end, however take your time and good luck

Comment posted by joelicus deleted Mar 10th, 2022

When will the next chapter come out?

I just read the first four chapters and I like it a lot so far. Here's hoping you find the inspiration and time to write more!

Came back to check and my previous comment is still the most recent. Well, I hope things rattle loose and we get some more of this story. Romans in Equestria (or really any humans that aren't of the modern world) is an interesting idea that I'd love to see more of.
How will they react, what mythology can they draw on to make sense of things, how do they view the inhabitants of this new world? I hope we'll get some more of this before long.

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