• Published 4th Nov 2020
  • 3,815 Views, 215 Comments

Another Side of Friendship: Pony Tails - The Great Twixie

The continued adventures of Twilight and her new friends.

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Sunset Shimmer reared up her hind legs and bucked the ball as hard as she could. Spitfire jumped and tried to block, but the ball slipped through the gap between her hooves, landing securely in the net behind her. Sunset let out a loud whoop and did a two-legged dance, chanting, “I’m awesome! I’m awesome! Way better than Spitfire! I’m awesome!”

“Okay, okay, you get that one,” Spitfire chuckled amusingly. “Not bad for a nerd who spends all day with her head in the books. But the score is tied at twelve a-piece. Next goal wins.”

“And that’s going to be me!” Sunset declared determinedly. “I’m finally gonna knock you off your pedestal!”

“Dream on, baby sis,” Spitfire challenged.

It was very rare that the Sunfire Sisters (That's what we're calling them now) got to spend time together between Sunset’s lessons and Spitfire’s Wonderbolt duties. But on the occasion they had the same day off, they liked to spend it at the hoofball field near Canterlot’s middle-class residential district where they grew up. They’ve been playing ever since they were foals and not once has Sunset ever beaten her sister in a game. But that was going to change today.

They lined up on opposite sides of the centerfield line, the ball in Spitfire’s hoof. Sunset crouched low to the ground while her flank was in the air, ready to pounce at any moment. Spitfire snickered.

“There’s still time to back out before you suffer another humiliating defeat,” Spitfire offered taunting.

“You wouldn’t happen to be stalling because you know I’m gonna kick your sorry flank, would you?” Sunset retorted smugly.

“Okay, don’t say I didn’t warn you,” said Spitfire, rolling her eyes.

“Just toss the ball already,” Sunset demanded impatiently.

Spitfire shrugged her shoulders and threw the ball high into the air, then shifted into a crouched position herself. The Sunfire Sisters watched, unblinkingly, as the ball reached its peak, paused, then fell back down. Neither pony made a move until the ball touched the ground. At that instant, both sisters lunged for the ball, but Spitfire’s superior speed got to it first. She expertly dribbled the ball around her sister, leaving Sunset momentarily stupefied before charging the net. Sunset quickly lit her horn and teleported away.

Sunset reappeared in front of the goalpost just as Spitfire was making a break away. The princess’s student lit up her horn and fabricated a transparent orange barrier to block her sister off. Spitfire smirked at the challenge.

The Wonderbolts captain grounded her hooves to stop herself, spun around, and bucked the ball high into the air. Sunset tilted her head back, following the ball, that she didn’t notice Spitfire spreading her wings and shooting into the sky. The older sister reached the ball quick as lightning and bucked it back to the ground like a meteor strike. The ball flew over Sunset’s barrier, bounced off the ground next to the unicorn, and shot into the goal, nearly tearing out the net.

“YA-HOO!” Spitfire cheered, landing on the ground next to her sister and pumping her hoof. “That’s how we do things Wonderbolts style!” She rose up on her hindlegs, mimicking Sunset’s dance. “Uh-huh! I’m awesome! I’m awesome! Always better than Sunset! I’m awesome!”

“Ugh! I lost!” Sunset grunted, kicking the dirt in frustration.

“Aw, don’t feel bad, baby sis,” said Spitfire kindly, pulling into a side embrace. “It’s all in good fun.”

“I’m just sick of losing to you,” Sunset grumbled.

“Well, what do you expect,” said Spitfire, shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly. “You’re a nerd and I’m an athlete. I’m always gonna be better than you at the physical stuff. No shame in that.”

“Ugh, you think you’re sooo great, don’t you?” Sunset grimaced, throwing off her sister’s hoof.

“That’s because I am,” said Spitfire smugly.

“All right, let’s prove it,” Sunset challenged.

“Prove what?” asked Spitfire interestingly.

I challenge you to an Iron Pony competition,” Sunset declared. “A series of athletic contests to decide who's the best, once and for all.”

“A chance to show off and put my baby sis in her place?” Spitfire grinned. She held out her hoof and Sunset reached out with hers, shaking in agreement. “You – are – on!

The royal palace didn’t officially have a playing field, but when you have a bunch of unicorns that can break the laws of physics on a whim, it’s easy to renovate.

Like the Summer Solstice Festival, the castle courtyard had been completely transformed to accommodate for the Sunfire Sisters’ competition. Everything from an obstacle course, to a sprinting track, to barrel weaving, to…a mud pit (Yeah, I don’t get it either.) Rows of bleachers were erected on the sidelines where the Mane 6, Princess Luna and Celestia, and all of their friends were stomping their hooves and cheering; Minuette was waving a giant flag of herself for some reason.

“Welcome, everypony, to the first annual Iron Pony Competition!” Spike announced from his little commentary table nearby. “I’m Spike – “

“And I’m Grubber!” Grubber announced cheerfully next to him.

“Today is a momentous day in Equestrian history, wouldn’t you agree, Grubber?” asked Spike.

“You betcha, Spike!” said Grubber enthusiastically. “Today, we have a mega competition between two of Canterlot’s brightest stars. On one side is the personal student of Princess Luna, Sunset Shimmer! She’ll be facing off against her big sister and captain of the Wonderbolts, Spitfire!”

“Both ponies will be competing in a series of twenty athletic competitions to see who is the ultimate pony!” said Spike. “I would just like to take a moment to – “

“Get on with it already!” Tempest shouted impatiently.

“Er…let the games begin?” Spike declared nervously, wiping the sweat from his brow as their audience cheered.

“The first competition is barrel weaving!” Spike explained. “Ponies have to weave back and forth through the barrels with the fastest time to win. But if they hit one of the barrels, time will be added to their final score. And it looks like Sunset Shimmer is first on the field.”

Sunset crouched low at the starting line while Spitfire and Grubber hanged off to the side – the latter possessing a clipboard and stopwatch. The sunny mare stared down the stretch of dirt that laid in front of her, noting the colorful barrels that were spread out at minimal distances from each other. It was designed to test a pony’s ability to switch courses on the spot.

Easy enough, Sunset thought. She had lots of practice running with her crazy bunch of friends.

“On your mark…get set…go!” shouted Grubber, starting the timer.

Sunset sprinted out the gate and weaved around the first and second barrels with the greatest of ease. This was a game of precision on top of speed, and Sunset excelled at precision thanks to her countless years of magical training. The sunny mare was halfway through the course, and it looked like she was about to make record time. But in a split second where she needed to blink, Sunset unconsciously bumped her flank into one of the barrels. Sunset cursed under her breath, but pressed on through the rest of the course.

Sunset soon cleared the finish line and Grubber stopped the timer.

“What…what’d I get?” Sunset asked, panting as she trotted over.

“Eighteen seconds,” Grubber answered.

“Hey, not bad, sis,” Spitfire complimented.

“But you got a five second penalty for nudging the barrel,” Grubber continued, jotting down a note on his clipboard. “So that puts Sunset’s final time at twenty-three seconds.”

“Luna dang it!” Sunset growled, kicking the ground. “I had it!”

“Now, now, baby sis,” Spitfire patted Sunset on the head in what felt like a condescending way. “Remember, it's all in good fun.”

“Just get over there,” Sunset grumbled.

Spitfire nonchalantly paced over to the line, not even settling into a starting position with how confident she was.

“Ready…set…go!” Grubber shouted as he started the time.

Spitfire took off like a bullet, creating a shockwave that knocked Grubber and Sunset off the ground. Nopony even saw Spitfire; they only watched a yellow blur weave through the barrels without touching a single one. Before anypony knew what happened, Spitfire came to a screeching halt at the finish line, flashing a winning smile without looking the least bit winded.

Spitfire pranced over to Sunset and Grubber, playfully pushing up their hanging jaws.

“So, what was my time?” asked Spitfire, smiling confidently.

Grubber looked down at the stopwatch and his eyes nearly popped out of his skull as he shouted, “Fifteen seconds! That’s an Equestrian record!”

“I’m captain of the Wonderbolts,” Spitfire reminded them proudly. “Speed and precision are what I do best.”

“It looks like Spitfire takes the win in the barrel weave!” Spike announced, flipping the scorecard on the table while the ponies cheered from the bleachers.

“You know,” Spitfire said casually, leaning against her sister’s flank. “If you want to drop out now, nopony will think any less of you.”

“Dream on, showboat,” said Sunset, shoving the pegasi off. “So you won the first match. Don’t go getting used to it. I’m still gonna take you down.”

“Next is the bucking contest!” Spike announced as the ponies in the audience cheered, which now included several of the royal guards. “The game is pretty straightforward. Each pony has to kick the lever and ring the bell at the top. First up, Spitfire!”

Spitfire sized the up the high striker, taking in account the distance between the lever and the bell. With a grunt of effort, she bucked the target and was rewarded with a satisfying DING! Spitfire floated in the air, graciously bowing to the audience as they started throwing flowers (and horseshoes.) She flapped over to Sunset, who seemed shockingly poised after watching Spitfire’s run.

“Not bad, not bad at all,” Sunset spoke with air of confidence. “Now let me show you how it’s really done.”

Spitfire snorted as she watched her younger sister trot up to the lever. The sunny mare turned around and, after shooting a smug smirk in Spitfire’s direction, kicked the target. Dozens of jaws hit the ground as not only did Sunset hit the bell, but shattered it off the wooden beam. Everypony watched dumbfounded as the target bell flew over the palace walls and disappeared on the other side (“MY WING!” Somepony screamed from outside.)

Sunset trotted nonchalantly past her sister, who sputtered incoherently.

“Who – what – when – where – why – HOW?!?!?!?!” Spitfire screeched.

“I've been hitting the gym with Tempest lately," Sunset explained, smirking. "She has a surprisingly strict workout routine.

To demonstrate, Tempest placed a lump of coal in her elbow, crushed it, and watched it turn into a glimmering diamond. Spitfire felt the sweat dripping down the side of her head; her sister had a strange type.

The audience had somehow grown in numbers again, now including background characters like Strawberry Sunrise, who was wearing a cast on her wing for some unexplainable reason. Everypony cheered as Sunset Shimmer stepped into the enclosed pen with Spike straddled on her back, wearing a cowpony hat. The baby dragon was sweating and asking himself, “Why me?”

“Ready?” asked Grubber, who was taking Spike’s place at the announcer’s booth. “GO!

Sunset tossed her flank in the air, nearly throwing the baby dragon off her hindquarters had he not grabbed onto her tail at the last second and pulled himself back. She tried a second time and Spike used the same method to save himself from being thrown off. The third and fourth attempt, Spike just barely managed to stay on Sunset’s flank, but by the fifth buck, Spike was launched over the fence and into the barrels from the first competition.

Grubber, who had been keeping the time, checked the stopwatch and yelled, “Sixteen seconds!”

“Is it over yet?” Spike moaned, leaning over the rim of the barrel.

“Don’t get sick just yet.” Spike yelped as Spitfire magically appeared inside the barrel underneath him, grinning like a madpony. “We’re going for a ride!”

NO!” Spike cried, but was powerless to stop her.

Spitfire glided back into the pen with Spike, and before the baby dragon could make a run for it, Grubber shouted, “GO!” As opposed to the traditional bucking style of her sister, Spitfire bounced in place, shooting up and down like a jackhammer. In practically no time at all, Spike was slingshot into the air and Grubber stopped the timer.

“Ten seconds!” Grubber announced, flipping the scoreboard under Spitfire’s name as the audience exploded with cheers. “Spitfire wins the bronco buck!”

By some divine fortune, Spike crash landed in the seat next to Grubber, flopping over the table with a dizzy moan.

“And I lose…,” he groaned.

Spike was apathetic by this point. Here he was, forced to stand in pen while Sunset and Spitfire were twirling lassos. The sunny unicorn showed a surprisingly level of skill and dexterity, casually hopping back and forth through the loop, while Spitfire struggled to spin it in a circle.

All Spike could think was, “Who picked these games?”

The baby dragon let out a surprised yelp as Sunset snared him with her lasso, hogtying his claws and feet with the greatest of ease. The sunny mare took a bow as the audience (which had once again doubled) started throwing roses in the pen…. Then she looked over at Spitfire, who managed to wrangle herself in her own rope.

“This has to count for something, right?” Spitfire asked.

For the purposes of saving time (and because the author was really lazy), we’ll fly through the highlights of the competition.

The next competition was the ball bounce where both ponies had to keep their ball in the air as long as possible. Spitfire casually juggled not one, not two, not three or four, but five balls in the air with her head, hooves, and wings. Sunset, on the other hand, only managed a few bounces before she popped the ball with her horn.

Next came the hay bale toss. Spitfire managed a decent throw that landed on the end line. But as expected from somepony that broke the high striker, Sunset not only threw her hay bale past Spitfire’s, but accidentally crushed Princess Celestia in the audience. The contest was on hold for half-an-hour to make sure she wasn’t dead.

The hoof wrestle contest was next. As you can imagine, Sunset absolutely crushed her older sister, slamming her to the ground and nearly snapping her hoof off.

The hoofball kick was determined by who could buck their ball the farthest. And though Sunset’s strength allowed her to reach a huge distance, Spitfire’s used her Pegasus sense of the weather and waited until the wind current picked up before making her kick. The wind carried her ball to the opposite side of the courtyard, twice the distance of Sunset’s.

“We’re at the halfway point of the Iron Pony Competition and the scores are tied and five a-piece!” Spike announced. “Things are really starting to heat up, wouldn’t you say, Grubber?”

“In more ways than one, Spike,” Grubber agreed. “You can see the tempers flaring up in our competitors faces as the games move forward. Frustration is mounting as the sisters find themselves tied over and over again. I don’t think it’ll be long before one of them cracks.”

“You can definitely feel the pressure as they head into the next contest: push-ups!” said Spike. “Both ponies will do as many as they can until they collapse. Who ever does the most by the end wins!”

The Sunfire Sisters sweated profusely, their breaths coming out in hard spurts, their hooves trembling painfully, but they would not concede. The fiery mares glared at ach other as they pushed themselves up and down in a battle of wills. They didn’t know how long they had been going, which was why Lemon Hearts was there to act as an impartial judge.


But Spitfire had reached her limit, collapsing on the ground with a strangled groan. Sunset could feel hooves starting to give out as well, but at the last second, her horn glowed and she telepathically lifted herself up.

“One hundred! Sunset wins!” Lemon Hearts shouted amidst the wild cheers.

Spitfire, who saw her sisters horn light up, shouted angrily, “You cheated! You used your magic to help!”

“You can’t prove anything,” Sunset said smugly as she walked away with her chin held high.

“So that’s how you wanna play it, huh?” Spitfire growled, her hooves shaking furiously. “Well, two can play that game.”

That incident seemed to open a floodgate of cheating between the sisters, which started off small, but then became more obvious to everypony as the events went on.

During the long jump, Sunset took a great leap and landed a decent twenty yards in the sandpit. But when Spitfire’s turn came around, the pegasus opened her wings at the peak of her jump and glided casually across, beating Sunset’s distance by eight hooves.

The next event was rabbit wrangling. The competition was fairly easy: collect the most rabbits scattered around the courtyard in the allotted time. Under normal circumstances, Spitfire’s hyper speed would have allowed her to catch them before Sunset even made a move. But the sunny unicorn casually levitated all of the rabbits to her without taking a single step.

The Sunfire Sister’s next contest consisted of throwing the most balls in their respective buckets, which were raised ten hooves in the air. Sunset once again collected all the balls with her magic and tossed them toward the bucket one after the other. But Spitfire swooped in their path and kicked all the balls back into her own bucket, earning a landslide victory.

“All right, you two, this is the final event,” said Grubber. He stood halfway between the Sunfire Sisters, both tugging on the end of a length of rope over a mud pit. “The classic tug-o-war. Whoever pulls their opponent into the mud wins.”

“It’s gonna be me,” Sunset declared through the rope.

“Nuh-uh, it’s gonna be me,” Spitfire countered.

“Everypony ready?” said Grubber, raising his hand. He paused for a moment of dramatic tension before swiping it down. “GO!

Both ponies ground their feet into the dirt and pulled back with all their strength. From the get-go, Sunset had the clear advantage and steadily pulled her sister toward the edge. Spitfire stood on her tip-hooves, a notable panic in her eyes as she inched slowly towards the mud.

“Looks like the unicorn might come out ahead in this one!” Spike announced. “Will the little sister finally overcome the big sister?”

Not if Spitfire had anything to say about it.

Sunset gave a hearty tug that pulled her sister over the edge, but Spitfire did not hit the mud as intended. The Pegasus shamelessly flapped her wings, keeping her aloft, then quickly rose to the air. Sunset was powerless to stop herself from being lifted off the ground and was dangling over the pit.

Spitfire smirked down at her younger sister, confident in her victory. Sunset glared and ignited her horn with magic. A pair of ethereal wings sprouted from her back and Sunset flapped higher until she was at the same level as her sister.

Meanwhile, Twilight turned to Starlight and asked, “Did you know she could do that?”

Starlight shrugged mutely.

The Sunfire Sisters pulled until the teeth started to ache and their muzzles turned sore. It seemed like the competitive sisters would go on forever had it not been for divine intervention (or shoddy rope-making skills) that caused the line to snap in the middle. The sisters were launched on opposite ends of the courtyard; Spitfire landed face first in the long jump sandpit, and Sunset fell headlong into a barrel, tipping it over on its side.

A stunned and confused silence fell over the audience. Grubber was the first to snap out of his stupor and nudged Spike in the side. The baby dragon shook his head and rose from his seat.

“It looks like the final event ended in a draw!” he announced. “That means the winner of the Iron Pony Competition is – “

Before he could get the name out, Sunset and Spitfire pulled themselves up, leering across the courtyard, and galloped at one another with gnashing teeth. For one terrifying moment, everypony thought the sisters were suddenly turning violent. But Sunset and Spitfire stopped short of each other, pointing accusing hooves, and shouted in unison, “You cheated!!”

“You cheated first!” Spitfire snarled. “You used magic to help you with those push-ups!”

“You can’t prove anything!” Sunset snapped. “But everypony saw how you flew on that long jump! You’re the cheater!”

“You dirty little liar!” Spitfire shouted. “What happened to being the Element of Honesty?”

“Oh, don’t give me that cud!” Sunset hissed. “What happened to integrity, O’ great Wonderbolt captain?”

“Can’t we just agree you’re both dirty rotten cheaters?” said Octavia exasperatedly.

“NO!” The Sunfire Sisters snapped in perfect synch.

“All right, we need to settle this once and for all in a fair and equal contest,” said Sunset diplomatically.

“Just what I was thinking,” said Spitfire in a dignified manner. “What do you have in mind?”

“The princesses are heading to Ponyville tomorrow to observe the annual Running of the Leaves,” Sunset explained. “I challenge you to race me in it. First one to cross the finish line wins.”

“Hah! Is that all? This is going to be a breeze,” Spitfire proclaimed assuredly.

“Hold on there!” Sunset shouted, stopping her sister by the tail before she could walk away. “There’s one condition: the point is to run, so no wings allowed.”

“Fine!” Spitfire spat. “But only on the condition that you’re not allowed to use magic.”

“Fine!” shouted Sunset.

“Fine!” Spitfire retorted harshly.

The Sunfire Sister’s butted heads against one another, growling through gritted teeth while trying to push the other back.

“…They’re gonna sabotage each other and both come in last place, aren’t they?” said Moon Dancer, sighing exasperatedly.

“It’s a predictable plot,” Starlight commented nonchalantly.

In one rotation of the princesses lowering and raising the celestial bodies in the sky, the next day had arrived.

Ponyville was as picturesque as it had been when the Mane 6 visited during the Summer Harvest Festival (though there had been a recent addition of ban posters for a certain team of heroes since last time.) The green trees that surrounded the town had turned to colorful shades of reds, yellows, and browns, marking the end of summer and the beginning of fall.

Everypony was there to greet Princess Luna and Princess Celestia when they arrived by flying chariot, accompanied by their personal group of friends. Though there was a noticeable lack of the Mane 6…until the ponies heard a chorus of frightened screams and galloped out of the way when Trixie’s wagon landed in the middle of the square. Strawberry Sunrise pumped her hoof, cheering that the wagon had missed her by mere inches…then the door flew open in her face.

“Why do we keep taking the dangerous mountain path to get here?” Twilight asked as she stepped out the wagon with her friends. “Can’t we take the Friendship Express like normal ponies?”

“Exactly what part of us is normal?” Starlight commented. She was the last to exit the wagon and slammed the door shut behind her, never noticing the yellow Pegasus plastered against the wagon wall.

“Come on, you guys, hurry up!” Spike whinnied childishly, bouncing on Twilight flank. “I don’t want to be late for the race!”

“Why are you so excited about the race?” asked Tempest curiously, reluctantly carrying a motion sick hedgehog on her flank. “It’s only for ponies.”

“Yeah, but I'm hoping I can be the announcer again,” said Spike hopefully. “Just listen” – he snatched up a random stick off the the ground and started speaking into it like a microphone – “Fillies and gentlecolts, welcome to the annual Running of the – “

Welcome ta the annual Runnin’ of the Leaves!

Without realizing it, they had arrived at the starting line for the Running of the Leaves on the edge of the Everfree Forest. Floating in a pink hot air balloon above the track was none other than Apple Bloom, the Mane 6’s Ponyville friend. She was shouting into a megaphone that magically amplified her voice. Spike grumbled under his breath, throwing away his microphone-stick; Twilight giggled behind her hoof, but didn’t say anything.

Ah’m Apple Bloom, your official aye-in-the-sky announcer!” Apple Bloom broadcasted as the balloon carried her over the browning trees. “As everypony knows, the Runnin’ of the Leaves is a very important tradition! Every year, ponies all over Equestria run ta make the autumn leaves fall from the trees, signalin’ the change o’ the season! And this year, Ponyville has an extra special surprise: a contest from two of Canterlot’s greatest! The captain of the Wonderbolts acrobatics team, Spitfire, and her little sister and one of mah personal heroes, Sunset Shimmer!

The crowds broke out in excited chattered and parted the way to open a path for the Sunfire sisters. The Wonderbolt captain held her chin high with an award-winning smile, prancing like she had already won the contest. Her younger sister followed shortly behind, glaring at Spitfire’s flank.

A little background for all y’all ponies just tunin’ in,” said Apple Bloom. “Spitfire and Sunset are having a contest to see who is the better athlete. Both o’ them will be racin’ in the Runnin’, but with a few conditions.” As the filly narrated the scene, Vinyl and Blossomforth tied down Spitfire’s wings to her flank with a length of rope. “Spitfire ain’t allowed ta use her wings.” Meanwhile, Twilight personally lodged a familiar metal ring on Sunset’s horn. “And Sunset ain’t allowed ta use any magic. They’ll be competin’ like normal Earth Ponies in a good, and hopefully clean, race!

“So, baby sis, are you ready to win second place?” Spitfire taunted.

“Try saying that when you’re staring at my flank the whole way,” Sunset retorted.

“What? You trying to make Tempest jealous?” Spitfire snickered. “Unless she has some sister kink, I don’t think it’s gonna work.”

Sunset sputtered incoherently, turning red in the face, and yelped, “Yeah, well, at least Tempest knows I like her! That’s more than can be said about you and Soarin!”

Now it was Spitfire’s turn to sputter like an idiot, her cheeks turning an interesting shade of red.

Racers! To your positions!” Apple Bloom commanded. As the ponies moved toward the starting line, she pulled out a flash card and read, “This years Runnin’ of the Leaves is sponsored by Hoofensmirtz Villainous Enterprises. Hoofensmirtz – Curse you, Agent Sweetie Drops.” The filly blinked and looked the flashcard over, making sure she read that right. “That’s a weird slogan.

“Uh, Apple Bloom.”

The filly looked to her right, surprised to see Spike climbing up the side of her basket. How he got there was anypony’s guess.

“Hey, Spike, what’s up?” Apple Bloom greeted, covering the megaphone with her hoof.

“Uh, hey, Apple Bloom, I was just wondering,” Spike spoke hesitantly, which was not something you would recommend while dangling from a considerable height. “I know you're doing the announcing today and stuff and... I'm sure you're gonna do a great job and all, but... I was just wondering...”

“Yeees?” said Apple Bloom encouragingly.

“I was just…,” Spike started, but quickly deflated. “You know what, never mind.”

“Spike…,” Apple Bloom smiled teasingly. “Are ya asking if ya wanna be mah co-reporter?”

“…Maybe,” Spike mumbled reservedly.

“Well, why didn’t ya say so?!” Apple Bloom shouted gleefully. “We could comment on the action together!”

“We could?” Spike asked hopefully.

“Git on in here,” Apple Bloom giggled. She grabbed Spike’s claws and pulled him into the basket, causing him to fall flat on his face. But the baby dragon quickly bounced back. Apple Bloom took her hoof off the megaphones and said, “The Runnin’ is about to begin! Everypony ready!

“It’s gonna be so fun wiping that grin off your face,” Sunset muttered to her sister, crouching behind the starting line.

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be seeing you at the finish line…tomorrow,” Spitfire snorted, taking her position beside Sunset.

On your marks…” Apple Bloom started.

Get set…” Spike continued.

They paused for a moment of dramatic suspense, nearly making everypony on the starting line take off early. After two seconds of dead silence, an air horn sounded through the trees and the ponies took off like rockets. Spitfire and Sunset were immediately at the head of the pack, running shoulder-to-shoulder with each other.

Aaand they’re off!” Apple Bloom announced, the balloon somehow managed to keep pace with the herd of speedy ponies, or more specifically, the Sunfire Sisters. “Right out the gate, Sunset Shimmer and Spitfire are evenly matched runnin’ neck and neck!” The filly narrowed her vision on the sisters as she observed one of them slowly starting to take the front. “But what’s this? Spitfire is makin’ her move, she’s now ahead by a nose!

Watching her sister gain a small lead, Sunset pushed herself to move her hooves faster, steadily closing the gap between them, much to Spitfire’s irritation. The sunny unicorn stuck her tongue out childishly as she passed before putting in an extra spurt of energy to steadily widen the distance. Spitfire looked stupefied by the sudden change of events.

Hold on to your horses, Apple Bloom,” said Spike. “Sunset Shimmer has overtaken frontrunner Spitfire and has now gained a massive lead over her big sister.

Ah woulda thought Spitfire was the faster pony,” Apple Bloom commented. “Aren’t the Wonderbolts supposed to be like the fastest ponies in Equestria.

Maybe in terms of flying,” Spike elaborated. “But from the looks of it, Spitfire isn’t accustomed to running on the ground for long distances. Sunset, on the other hoof, has experience running from monsters in the Everfree Forest, angry mobs in Ponyville, and the occasional brony. Sunset Shimmer has the physical advantage, but it’s still anypony’s game.

“Not so easy without wings, is it?” Sunset called back to her sister, taunting.

“Come on, me, show them a little fire,” Spitfire muttered to herself.

Spitfire’s hooves ached in a way she had never known before as she pushed herself harder, but the pain was worth it as she steadily closed the gap. She bumped shoulders with her younger sister, nearly unsteadying her.

Whoa nelly! Spitfire’s gunnin’ fer Sunset Shimmer and fightin’ fer that lead!” announced Apple Bloom.

What an upset!” said Spike dramatically. “Never count out the power of determination – or stubbornness.

“You didn't think I was gonna let you off that easily, did you?” Spitfire said to Sunset through gasping breaths.

“It’s not so impressive when you’re – whoa!” Sunset yelped.

The sunny unicorn face planted hard into the dirt, making her see stars. By the time she regained her senses, the other ponies running behind had stampeded past Sunset, showering her in a layer of fallen leaves. Sunset shot up on her hooves, spitting out the few that got in her mouth.

“I don’t believe it,” she hissed.

“Ah know, it’s pretty ain’t it?” Apple Bloom commented. She and Spike lowered the balloon to speaking range of Sunset; the filly taking in the myriad of autumn leaves on the ground. “A lotta ponies say summer or spring are their favorite seasons, but ah like fall best.”

“I’m not talking about the scenery,” said Sunset, stomping her hoof. “Spitfire just tripped me.”

Spike and Apple Bloom exchanged strange looks, then the dragon said, “Uh, no, she didn’t.”

“She did too!” Sunset snapped.

“Nah, she didn’t,” said Apple Bloom. She leaned over the balloon basket and pointed to an almost unnoticeable rock jutting out of the ground. “Y’all tripped over that there rock. If y’all had slowed down and looked where ya was a-going, ya mighta seen it.”

“What?” Sunset babbled dumbfoundedly, looking at the rock like it was something alien. The mare grimaced and looked ahead down the road, noticing the other runners were getting further away. “Mother of Luna! Now I got a lot of ground to make up to catch Spitfire!”

“Y’all be careful now!” Apple Bloom called, watching Sunset gallop away.

Every fiber of Spitfire’s being was screaming at her to STOP RUNNING!!! She’s a Pegasus for Luna’s sake! She’s not supposed to be on the ground like a normal earth pony! Her chest felt like it was being crushed by a boulder, her lungs like they were being squeezed by a python. Her hooves were staring to blister and her eyes were watering from the excruciating pain. But Spitfire’s pride won over her common sense and she refused to slow down.

The fiery Pegasus was wheezing when she looked around behind her. Somehow, she had run so far ahead that she had left everypony behind. Spitfire’s shoulders sagged in relief as she slowed down to a leisurely gait. Finally, she could take a well-deserved br –

“See you at the finish line!” Sunset shouted as she zoomed past Spitfire, cackling.

I don’t believe it!” shouted Spike as he and Apple Bloom soared over the scene. “After a huge setback, Sunset is back at the front of the pack!

But Spitfire ain’t takin’ that lyin’ down!” said Apple Bloom while watching the fiery Pegasus break out into a sprint. “She’s exhausted as all heck, but Spitfire’s not givin’ the win ta her lil’ sister! That’s some real grit right there!

“Not…so…fast…baby sis,” Spitfire huffed in a scratchy voice, her throat unbearably dry from all the running. “This race…isn’t…over….”

“It is for you,” said Sunset smugly.

Watching her younger sister put out an extra burst of speed, Spitfire attempted to follow her example, but ended up falling flat on her face. It was a strange sense of déjà vu for Apple Bloom and Spike as they watched the herd of ponies stampede over Spitfire, covering her in another layer of leaves. the commentators lowered their balloon closer to the ground as Spitfire emerged from the pile, breathing long, gasping wheezes. Sympathetic to her misery, Apple Bloom grabbed a potion bottle in the basket and tossed it to Spitfire.

“Here, drink up,” she offered kindly. Then she spoke quickly into the megaphone, “Fizzy Fruit Potions provided by The Great and Powerful Trixie Incorporated ©.

Spitfire practically ripped the stopper off with her teeth and chugged the entire thing in a handful of gulps. She exhaled in relief, her exhaustion washing away like sand in the tide.

“Thanks,” Spitfire said gratefully…then she smashed the bottle on the ground. “Can you believe that?! Sunset tripped me!”

“Uh, no, she didn’t,” said Spike, sensing a repeat of events. He pointed a claw to an exposed stump in the path and said, “You tripped over that stump, see?”

“Ya know, it’s one thing ta trip over a rock,” said Apple Bloom with a strange look, “but how’d y’all not see that huge stump in the middle o’ the road?”

“All I saw was a big cheater named Sunset Shimmer,” Spitfire sneered.

“Spitfire, nopony cheated,” said Spike, frowning. “It was just an accident.”

“Sure it was,” Spitfire scoffed. “She cheated at the Iron Pony Competition and now she’s cheating here, too. She just can’t stand the thought that her big sister is better than her. Well, it’s time to even the playing field.”

If Spitfire had a mustache right now, she’d be twirling it. The fiery Pegasus cackled under her breath as she galloped after the other racers.

“…She’s gonna do somethin’ stupid, ain’t she?” said Apple Bloom

“Do you have to ask?” Spike replied in a dry tone.

The Running of the Leaves had proven to be a grueling affair and the contest was only reaching the halfway point. Through sheer willpower, Spitfire managed to gallop her way back to the front of the herd going shoulder-to-shoulder with Sunset. They passed through the field near Sweet Apple Acres and crossed the stream headed back to Ponyville.

Wow, them ponies are really goin’ at it, ain’t they, Spike?” Apple Bloom commented as their balloon soared to keep up with the Sunfire Sisters.

You can say that again, Apple Bloom,” said Spike. “Spitfire is doing her best to catch up with Sunset, but Sunset is maintaining a small lead.

Ooh, but not for long!” Apple Bloom shouted enthusiastically, pointing her hoof as Spitfire slowly galloped ahead of Sunset. “Looks like Sunset Shimmer is in some deep manure as Spitfire overtakes her!

“Look, ma, no wing!” Spitfire taunted while casually flipping her tail into Sunset’s snout, doing her best to tick the unicorn off. Sunset would’ve taken a bite out of Spitfire’s tail if the Pegasus hadn’t pulled it back at the last second, startled. Sunset snapped her teeth threateningly and that was Spitfire’s cue to speed up as they entered the next leg of the race.

As the racers enter Whitetail Wood, Spitfire is back in the lead,” announced Spike.

Spitfire was keeping her tail close to her flank, occasionally looking back Sunset, where she and her snapping teeth were starting to gain ground on the Pegasus. Spitfire looked forward when she caught sight of a low-hanging branch just up ahead. With a devious chuckle, Spitfire quickly grabbed the branch in her teeth as she ran past, bending it backwards, and released. The branch snapped back in Sunset’s face, sending the unicorn rolling across the ground.

Sunset growled like a rabid dog, spitting the leaves from her mouth.

“I know you did that on purpose, Spitfire!” yelled Sunset.

“Can’t prove it!” Spitfire called back, laughing.

Sunset shook her hoof violently, imagining all the things she could do to her sister with it…. But then she got a better idea. A conniving smirk crossed her lips as the unicorn looked around the area and spotted the biggest and most gangly branch she could find.

She grabbed hold of the end of the branch with her teeth and pulled it back, fight against the branch’s resistance to snap back. After about six or seven steps, Sunset had pulled the branch as far as it could go without breaking. Then, with no hesitation, she jumped off the ground and allowed the branch to snap back with her still holding on to it, slingshotting her through the air.

Meanwhile, Spitfire was literally patting herself on the back.

“Hah! Nice one, me,” Spitfire told herself.

“See ya!” Sunset yelped as she literally flew by.

Spitfire gapped, unconsciously tripping over her hooves and faceplanting into the ground. The fiery Pegasus growled, jumping back up and sprinting after her.

Sunset was holding a solid lead, but when she looked back, she could see her sister gaining ground. At this rate, she would catch up to Sunset in no time. She needed a way to throw the pegasus off…and she found it in the form of a beehive hanging from the tree up ahead. Sunset cackled deviously as she leapt at the tree with a flying kick, striking it at the base. The tree shook violently and dislodged the bee’s nest just as Sunset planned. Sunset was long gone by the time the bees hit the ground, leaving Spitfire to take the blame.

The sunny unicorn chuckled when she heard Spitfire’s terrified screams. She imagined the older mare would be running her flank off about now…but she didn’t think Spitfire would keep running the course. Sunset was left bewildered as Spitfire zoomed by like a speeding bullet with a swarm of angry bees on her tail. That backfired quickly, Sunset thought.

Spitfire kept running through the woods until she had the sense to dive into one of the hundreds of bushes literally everywhere. The bees showed little in the ways of intelligence as they somehow lost Spitfire, even though they literally just saw her jump in the shrubbery, and moved on without a clue.

Spitfire emerged from the bush, feeling quite proud of herself, when she noticed the signpost standing next to her. It was in the middle of a fork in the road and the sign pointed right to guide the racers. That gave Spitfire a wicked idea.

In a very cartoonish fashion, Spitfire flipped the arrow around to point in the opposite direction (really, the only pony to blame here is the one that made the shoddy sign.) Spitfire ducked back in the bush as Sunset came around the bend. The sunny unicorn took one look at the sign and took a sharp left up down the rocky, tree-less path without a second thought.

Spitfire emerged from the shrub, laughing her flank off at how easily she duped her sister. She slapped the sign in her laughter without thinking, unwittingly switching the arrow back to the correct path. The Wonderbolt captain was too busy laughing herself in hysterics that she didn’t notice all the other racers stampeding past her. She settled down after a few more minute, wiping the tears from her eyes.

“Oh, that was too good,” said Spitfire, jogging down the path at a carefree pace. “I’ve got this race in the bag.”

Meanwhile, Sunset sprinted farther and farther up the craggy pathway, never noticing the lack of foliage until she hit the peak of a steep cliff. The sunny unicorn panted, looking around wildly. She couldn’t understand it. Why did the path suddenly –

“Sunset Shimmer?” The mare looked up as Apple Bloom and Spike’s balloon floated down to her level. “What’re y'all doin’ up 'ere.”

“There aren’t even any trees,” Spike remarked, looking at her strangely.

“Er, no, but the sign's pointed this way...,” Sunset paused, realization slowly washing over her. She let out an angry neigh and stomped her hoof. “Spitfire…. You two mind giving me a lift?”

Spitfire was prancing the entire course brimming with confidence of her inevitable victory, never realizing that everypony else had already passed her.

That was until Apple Bloom and Spike’s balloon floated by with Sunset dangling off a rope, taunting her sister with a friendly wave.

“What the hay?!” shouted Spitfire, flabbergasted. “You said no flying!”

“No, I said no wings,” said Sunset smugly. She let go of the rope and galloped her hooves off; Spitfire immediately matched the pace. “Don’t get mad because your dirty trick didn’t work.”

My dirty trick!” Spitfire snapped. “You’re the one who dropped a bee’s nest at me!”

“Only because you whacked me in the face with a tree branch!” yelled Sunset.

“Only because you tripped me!”

“You tripped me first!”

Ah must say, Spike, this has ta be the most interesting Runnin’ of the Leave in Equestrian history,” Apple Bloom commented as the Sunfire Sisters made their way through the maple syrup farm.

I have to agree with you, Apple Bloom,” said Spike, shaking his head as he watched Sunset kicked one of the maple tree buckets, spreading syrup all over the path. “But it isn’t the running that’s been so interesting. It’s the lack of running. You would think they’d be more focused on winning the race than tripping each other up.

As a lil’ sister mahself, I know a thing or two about siblin’ rivalries,” Apple Bloom remarked as Spitfire got her hooves caught in the syrup trap, but cleverly used a nearby tree branch to pull herself out and launch her back up to Sunset. “Why, me and mah big sis used ta get into all sorts of fights back on the farm. Who gets the last caramel apple pie slice? Who has ta do what chores? Who has ta massage Granny Smith’s bunions? That sorta stuff.

So you’re saying this level of cheating and sabotage is normal for sisters?” Spike asked curiously, watching Spitfire snatch up a hoofful of mud from a passing puddle and threw it in Sunset’s eyes, causing the unicorn to dash off course into a frog pond.

That’s right,” Apple Bloom nodded, giggling as Sunset emerged from the pond with a lilypad and a toad on her head. The unicorn threw them both back into the pond and charged after Spitfire. “Ah can’t tell ya all the times meh an’ Applejack messed with each other ta win. Like this one time ah locked Applejack in the chicken coop after she replaced mah waterin’ can with fish oil, attractin’ all the local cats.

Makes me glad I’m an only dragon…,” Spike muttered.

Well, that’s fer another time, because we’re headin’ into the home stretch!” shouted Apple Bloom, keeping a close eye on the Sunfire Sisters running alongside each other. “Sunset Shimmer and Spitfire are neck and neck, jockeying fer position. Sunset inches ahead, now it's Spitfire, it's Sunset, it's Spitfire, it's Sunset – Ooh, ah think ah’m getting’ motion sick….

The Sunfire Sisters saw the finish line just up ahead. The crowd was roaring, horns were blaring, confetti flying everywhere. Suddenly, Spitfire bumped her flank into Sunset.

Oh no, she di-int!” said Spike.

Sunset glared and bumped back.

Oh yes, she di-id!” Apple Bloom continued.

“Knock it off!” Sunset snapped as Spitfire bumped back.

“No, you knock it off!” Spitfire sneered as Sunset bumped her again.

“You started it!” shouted Sunset.

“And now I’m gonna finish it!” Spitfire claimed, steadily inching ahead of her sister.

“Not while I’m still standing!” Sunset growled.

Sunset had pulled a lot of dirty, underhanded tricks in this race, but grabbed her sister by the tail and pulling her back was about the lowest she could go. Spitfire certainly thought so. The Wonderbolt captain bit into her rope bindings, releasing her wings, and glided off the ground, shouting, “That's it! All bets are off!”

“I couldn’t agree more!” Sunset yelled. She pried the ring from her horn and used her magic to summon her ethereal wings, flying alongside Spitfire.

Everypony was watching in shock and awe. Undoubtedly, they had never seen such unsportspony-like conduct in the history of the Running of the Leaves. The sisters pushed and shoved against one another in the air, vying for even the smallest lead as they approached the finish line.

It’s Sunset! It’s Spitfire! It’s Sunset! It’s Spitfire!” Apple Bloom screamed enthusiastically, punching the balloon basket with each declaration.

Finally – thank Luna, finally – the sisters crossed the finish line, but they came in so fast that they couldn’t stop themselves and crashed into the ground, leaving a pair of trenches in the dirt. Spitfire rose from her mound first, aching all over, followed by Sunset. She took a good look at the scenery before realizing that the finish line was behind them.

“I won!” shouted Spitfire jubilantly.

“No, I won!” Sunset snapped.

I won!” Spitfire countered.

You tied,” Spike reported from the balloon.

“Tied?!” yelped Spitfire, bewildered.

“For first?” asked Sunset.

“For last.” Sunset and Spitfire turned around looking surprised. Princess Luna approached the feuding sisters with their entourage of friends, the Ponyville ponies bowing respectfully as they walked. “Not that anypony is surprised the way you two were acting.”

“What do you mean?” asked Sunset, frowning.

“You two were so busying tripping each other up, you lost track of the race,” Twilight explained.

“And that let all the other racers pass without either of you realizing it,” Twinkleshine continued.

“Yeeeah, I guess that makes sense,” said Spitfire, scratching her mane uncomfortably. “Our behaviors sucked big time.”

“We weren’t very good sports, were we?” Sunset mumbled shamefully.

“No, you weren’t, but I can understand where you’re coming from,” said Luna, sharing a knowing grin with Celestia. “It’s natural for sisters to feud over the pettiest reasons – “

“Our feud almost destroyed all of Equestria – twice,” Celestia reminded them, giggling.

“The important thing to remember,” Luna continued, “is at the end of the day, you still love each other. And sisters should always be more important than petty arguments.”

“Heh, she’s right,” said Spitfire, smiling softly. “You annoy me as all heck with your know-it-all attitude, but I still love ya, baby sis.”

“And I love you, too,” said Sunset. “Even if you are a pompous, muscle-headed jock.”

“Aw, that does it, come’ere, you!” said Spitfire, playfully pulling her sister into a headlock, which Sunset laughed to.

“I’m pleased to see you worked it out,” said Luna. “Now, unfortunately, because the two of you were busy tricking each other instead of shaking down leaves, many of the lovely trees around Ponyville are still covered.”

“Well, between your student and the captain of the Wonderbolts,” said Sunset, grinning, “I bet we could knock those leaves down in no time. Whaddya say, sis?” she asked Spitfire. “Wanna go for another run?”

“I could stretch my legs a little,” said Spitfire, stretching her hoof in emphasis.

Sunset and Spitfire took off down the track again, this time running side-by-side, laughing all the way as the autumn leaves they shook fell around them.

Author's Note:

Strawberry Sunrise has some really bad luck, huh?

Applejack: *Subtly slips envelope under Twixie's desk*

Next chapter: Bon Bon meets the mare of her dreams. But she learns very quickly that dating can be hard, especially when you're a secret agent.